Category Archives: In-Progress

Translations of Chinese Boy’s Love webnovels. Only the English translation belongs to me everything else belongs to the original author.

The Kingdom That Never Sleeps CH 024 Songqing Party

On the first of October, the Winter Clothes Day was the day when the people burn clothes made of colorful papers in front of graves to their ancestors to keep them warm.

Unlike Jinling, Gusu City was very particular about the Winter Clothes Day. Gusu people didn’t like to celebrate the Winter Clothes Day, but as the weather got cooler and it was also the Winter Clothes Day, they wore an extra autumn layer. However, Suijin Street was very lively that day, as a rich and gorgeous new restaurant stood next to Qianqiu Tower, open for business.

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Sujin Street was bustling with people. Manager Yao stood at the door of Qianqiu Tower, looking at the scene opposite from a distance.

Tang sanyuan, the young boss of Tang’s Logistics, was known to everyone among the merchants in Gusu City for his business methods. Putting aside his strange logistics business, Manager Yao knew that the reason why the Golden Mist from the Tang Family Zhenbao Pavilion sold so well, even better than gold among the ladies of the Gusu City, was because of Tang Shen’s business methods!

However, today was really strange. Tang Shen’s restaurant had just opened, but he didn’t make much sensation. He simply invited a lion dance team at the door and set off firecrackers.

“What is this Tang Shen doing now?” Manager Yao looked carefully, but couldn’t find a clue.

Tang’s Logistics had already spread the news about the restaurant’s opening a month ago. Today, the Tang family’s restaurant was already fully booked, and new customers were coming in an endless stream. Manager Yao watched outside for a while and called a waiter over: “Go to Tang sanyuan‘s restaurant and see what he is doing.”

The waiter said: “Manager, their restaurant specializes in the business of making boxiagong. Should I also order a pot after going over?”

Manager Yao snorted coldly: “You just go, would I make you pay?”


The waiter that Manager Yao called over was the cleverest waiter in Qianqiu Tower, named Zhang Miao’er. Zhang Miao’er received the order from Manager Yao and did not immediately go to the restaurant opposite. Instead, he quietly changed his clothes then left Qianqiu Tower, walked to the restaurant, and looked up.

“Xixia Tower?” Although Zhang Miao’er was literate, he only knew a few charcters and didn’t understand the meaning of these words at all.

A scholar walked by him, looked at the words and said: “The slender hands white as jade, holds the wine cup filled with golden wine! What a fine Xixia Tower, I must see if there really is golden wine.” 

Zhang Miao’er muttered: “Scholars are so pretentious.” Then he followed this man and walked in.

As soon as Zhang Miao’er stepped through the door with his front foot, a waiter hurried over before he could step in with his back foot. “This respected guest, our Xixia Tower is fully booked today.”

Zhang Miao’er: “Ah, then I have no choice but to leave?”

Waiter: “Please stay. Respected guest, you may sit here. If you want, you can wait here for a while. If anyone has finished eating, I will come and call you.”

Zhang Miao’er was shocked: There was such a thing?

Qianqiu Tower was the best and most expensive restaurant in Gusu City, and it was often full. If you want to eat at Qianqiu Tower, you usually have to make a reservation in advance. But Qianqiu Tower never said to the guests, “Sit over here and wait.” Because Qianqiu Tower was not lacking in business, the guests usually couldn’t wait that long. Could it be said that the guests who eat boxiagong eat faster than at ordinary restaurants?

Zhang Miao’er followed the waiter doubtfully and arrived at a small room where guests were waiting. The waiter was so attentive that Zhang Miao’er was a little flustered, thinking maybe that the waiter had seen that he was a worker from Qianqiu Tower. Zhang Miao’er entered the room and was surprised to find that there were seven or eight people in the room. He took a look and found waiters from two other restaurants nearby among them.

The three of them looked at each other awkwardly and said nothing.

Zhang Miao’er was surprised. After he sat down, he heard a knocking sound coming from the high platform in the room. On the high platform, a tall and thin old storyteller knocked on the gavel stump, and the huqin sounded. The storyteller said: “But it was said that in the last years of that dynasty, heroes were fighting for the highest glory, and wars broke out. Meanwhile Jinling City, a certain fishing village, where red light painted the sky and lit it with auspicious clouds, one could only hear the cry of a newly born babe!”

There was another knocking sound, and Zhang Miao’er was immediately attracted. He subconsciously began to listen to the storyteller’s tale.

The tale told by this storyteller was completely different from those in ordinary teahouses.

It was about the end of a certain dynasty, when a child prodigy came out of Jinling City. This child prodigy could read and write a hundred words at the age of three and could recite poetry at the age of five. When he was eight years old, he was already well-spoken. At the age of ten, he scored the sanyuan of Jinling’s tongshi and at twelve he scored the jieyuan, which was even more impressive than Tang Shen. However, at this moment, he was deliberately poisoned by the jealous, causing his hands to be disabled and his voice unable to speak.

Zhang Miao’er was filled with indignation when he heard this. Even if the villain was arrested and taken to the yamen, it made no difference. The child prodigy was already a useless person and had been humiliated in every possible way. Those who once fawned over the child prodigy began to speak mean ridicule. The child prodigy’s father also died of a sudden illness, leaving him alone, mute and disabled. But he studied poetry and books every day and never gave up.

On this day, he was pushed into the river by his vicious stepmother, and as the prodigy was about to drown, an old man passed by, rescued him, and healed his disabled hands.

“I’m just a traveling doctor. I can’t cure your muteness. It’s fate that we meet each other. Take care of yourself from now on!”

The child prodigy used his newly healed hands and endured the pain to write a sentence on the ground: “It doesn’t matter if I am mute, my hands can also speak. If I become the emperor in the future, I will repay my benefactor with hundreds of temples, and the incense will last for thousands of years!”

Zhang Miao’er shouted: “Well said!”

As soon as he uttered the shout, the guests in the room said one after another: “Good! So what if you become mute, let those little villains who step on others take a good look!”

Zhang Miao’er was listening intently when the waiter who had previously waited on him walked in: “Respected guest, your seat has arrived.”

Zhang Miao’er was stunned: “Huh?”

“Please go and sit upstairs, you may eat now.”


Zhang Miao’er reluctantly left and ordered a pot of the cheapest boxiagong. When the pot of boxiagong was served, he was surprised to find that it was different from anything he had ever eaten. Thick bone broth bubbled merrily, and on the side were fresh green vegetables and thinly sliced ​​mutton which can be placed briefly in the broth to be cooked instantly then finally dip it in some of Xixia Tower’s special dipping sauce.

“Amazing! This is actually boxiagong!”

Zhang Miao’er ate so enthusiastically that he had temporarily forgotten the storyteller’s tale. After eating the boxiagong, he felt thirsty. He picked up the cup to drink, but suddenly found that there was no tea in it. He picked up the kettle on the table and was about to pour it for himself, when he saw a waiter running over quickly, picking up the kettle before him and filling his cup with tea.

“Respected guest, this water is a little cold. I’ll get you a different pot.”

“Ah…uh, okay…”

After finishing a plate of dishes, Zhang Miao’er’s chopsticks picked up the last remains, and the plate was taken away by the sharp-eyed waiter. Having become hot from eating, Zhang Miao’er took off his coat, and the waiter immediately helped him put the coat away.

Zhang Miaoer ate heartily. He had never tasted such good boxiagong. The food was comparable to that of Qianqiu Tower!

After finishing the meal, Zhang Miao’er was still craving for some more despite feeling full. The waiter brought a wet cloth and said, “Please wipe your hands, respected guest.”

Zhang Miao’er was startled, and suddenly felt as if he had become a wealthy master. When he returned to Qianqiu Tower, he was still dizzy, feeling like he was stepping on clouds and couldn’t feel the ground.

Manager Yao asked: “What exactly is Tang sanyuan doing?”

Zhang Miao’er was speechless for a moment: “This…”

“En? Is there anything strange about Xixia Tower?”

Zhang Miao’er thought of the tale he had not finished listening to, as well as the delicious pot of boxiagong, and the meticulous service. He was feeling so intoxicated even though he hadn’t drank. “There’s something strange about this Xixia Tower. Manager, I’ll go check it out again tomorrow and be sure to get to the bottom of it soon!”

Manager Yao frowned: “Alright.”

On the first day of opening, the business hours of Xixia Tower began from si shi (9-11am) to shen shi (3-5pm), and even at night, the lights were still bright.

No one understood why so many customers were willing to go in and wait for an hour before eating a pot of boxiagong. When Manager Yao realized something was wrong, Zhang Miao’er had already quietly escaped and started working again at a different shop. Manager Yao couldn’t find the person at all and could only be angry at himself for being too trusting. Zhang Miao’er also wanted to go to Xixia Tower to work as a waiter, but being a waiter at Xixia Tower was not that easy to do, and ordinary people couldn’t even apply.

The business of Xixia Tower was booming. Although it did not steal business from other restaurants, if they could go to Xixia Tower, customers would usually go. They were even willing to wait in the waiting room and hear the storyteller tell the tale of the prodigy who conquered the empire.

At the end of October, Accountant Lin came to report to Tang Shen the good news. Tang Shen was practicing calligraphy.

“…Business is very good.” After reporting the accounts for this month, Accountant Lin said: “Little boss, at first I didn’t understand why you had to take care of those late guests. Now it seems that this move is really brilliant! Many guests come not just to eat the boxiagong, but to listen to stories. It’s simply amazing that in order to listen to the stories, they come to eat boxiagong! Why don’t you let the storyteller set up a stage in our restaurant so guests can eat and listen to stories at the same time?”

Tang Shen stopped writing: “Let them eat and listen to stories at the same time? Heh, then wouldn’t they be able to eat till the end of time and refuse to leave!”

Accountant Lin realized: “Oh! That was dumb of me. Little boss, your story is written so wonderfully that it makes people sit on the edge of their seats.” Accountant Lin said shyly: “To be honest, I also listened to it for two days. I want nothing more than to jump into the story world and kill all the evil people together with that little prodigy!”

“I just wrote an outline of the story. It was the two storytellers you hired who expanded my rough story draft into something extremely brilliant.”

Accountant Lin: “Don’t be humble, little master. But this story is almost over. Does the little master have any new stories?”

Tang Shen was stunned: “The story is almost over?”


“So fast… uh, I don’t have any stories either.” Tang Shen was a student of sciences in his previous life. He had only read a few online novels. Being able to write one ancient version of a slap-in-the-face novel had already burned out all his brain cells. It was more tiring than the imperial examination. He thought for a while and said: “Gusu City is full of talents! So, Accountant Lin, let’s hold a story competition and invite all the scholars in Gusu City to submit stories for our Xixia Tower!”

Accountant Lin was already used to Tang Shen’s whimsical ideas, but he was still surprised when he heard about this story competition. He asked Tang Shen how to do this story competition, and Tang Shen gave him a rough explanation. Accountant Lin said hprovincialappily: “Don’t worry, little boss, just leave it to me.”

As winter arrives, Xixia Tower’s business got even better.

At the beginning of the twelfth lunar month, Tang Shen went to Jinling City and went to Jiangnan Academy to apply for the xiangshi examination the following year.

The xiangshi examination, also called the autumn exam, was held once every three years, usually in August. There was still more than half a year to go, and Tang Shen knew that it was impossible for him to get the title of jieyuan, but he still decided to take the xiangshi examination, otherwise he would have to wait three years for the next one. According to his current level, he was 80% sure of passing and becoming a juren. If he could get the title on the first try next year, he had no intention of continuing to take the imperial exam.

Tang Shen didn’t tell anyone about this, but he felt that Liang Song should have noticed his little thoughts. But still in daily lessons, Liang Song never relaxed his requirements towards him and was strict in everything, which made Tang Shen miserable.

Tang Shen complained endlessly: “Sir, I have to write two eight-legged essays and one test poem every day. There are few scholars in the entire Gusu Prefecture who are so diligent and hard-working!”

Liang Song snorted: “When I was young, I was studying and writing three eight-legged essays every day. I never stopped once. In addition, I would choose one book from the Four Books, Five Classics and Confucian classics, and copy it every day.”

Tang Shen: “…”

“Are you human…”


“It’s nothing, this kid didn’t say anything.”

Liang Song rolled up a book and lightly hit Tang Shen on the head: “You go to Jiangnan Academy to report tomorrow?”


“Then there is no need to write tomorrow’s eight-legged essays and test poems.”

Tang Shen was overjoyed. This was really the best news he had heard during these past days. It was even more exciting than the hot pot restaurant making so much money!

It only took half a day to take a boat from the Grand Canal to Jinling City.

Tang Shen got off the boat and went to Jiangnan Academy with Yao San. He registered his academic status in Jiangnan Academy and got a name card. With this name card, he could come to Jiangnan Academy to register for the xiangshi examination in July next year and then take the examination in August.

Since he came to Jinling City, Tang Shen went to Jinxiu Pavilion to take a look. It was unfortunate that when he arrived, the shopkeeper Fang Da of Jinxiu Pavilion was not there, and the clerks in the shop didn’t recognize Tang Shen. Tang Shen stayed in Jinxiu Pavilion for a quarter of an hour. He found that the best-selling product here was still plain soap, but other than that, the best-selling product was not scented soap, but the Golden Mist!

“What a strange thing. Are the people in Jinling City so rich?”

When a clerk heard what he said, he laughed and said, “This respected guest must not be a local, yes?”

Yao San: “We are from Gusu City.”

“Oh, then you must have seen the Golden Mist? Yes, the sales of the Golden Mist in Gusu City are definitely not as good as ours in Jinling City. After all, you have to know that this Golden Mist in Gusu City received the inscription by Liang daru, “‘The moths are like golden wisps of snow and willows…”, “Suddenly looking back, in the dim light there stands that person”. And in Jinling City, the Golden Mist also got an inscription. Look, “Mist envelops the cold water, and moonlight shrouds the sand”, which exactly describes the Golden Mist which is decorated with white sand and clear water!”

Tang Shen looked in the direction of the clerk’s finger and saw a banner hanging in the center of Jinxiu Pavilion with the words on it——

Mist envelops the cold water, and moonlight shrouds the sand!

This calligraphy had smooth charm and horizontal strokes. With one stroke, it was like a formation of clouds thousands of miles away, which was so wonderful that it made one feel breathless.

Tang Shen looked at the signature below and said in surprise: “It’s actually him?”

The clerk asked: “Respected guest actually knows Wang xianggong?”

Tang Shen shook his head and said, “I don’t know him. I was just lucky enough to see his calligraphy.” It was during the first time Tang Shen visited Liang Song’s house and he had admired a piece of “Chrysanthemums in the East Window”. The person who inscribed and wrote the poem for this painting was Wang Zifeng.

The clerk said with emotion: “Respected guest is also a blessed one. The Golden Mist was bestowed an inscription by Wang xianggong himself. Our madams and ladies of Jinling City admire Wang xianggong very much, so they would naturally buy the Golden Mist, so the sales are better than scented soap!”

At night, Tang Shen and Yao San returned to Gusu City.

The next day, Tang Shen called Accountant Lin and asked him about the sales of scented soap and essential oils. Accountant Lin replied one by one.

Tang Shen said: “Jinling City is really an anomaly! How could essential oils sell more than scented soap? The people in Jinling City either have brain problems or are extremely rich. It seems that we have to find an opportunity to ask the Jinling people to help out the impoverished me!”

Of course Tang Shen was just talking. Currently he was very comfortable in Gusu City. He had no intention of going to Jinling City to work if it was not necessary.

As the New Year approached, on the 18th day of the twelfth lunar month, Ziyang Academy held its last lecture before the holiday.

Tang Shen came to the academy early and saw Fatty Sun running over from a distance. He was wearing a thick cotton coat and a fox fur hat, and he was holding a thermos in his hands, looking a rolling big ball.

Tang Shen laughed and said, “You are no different from last year.”

Sun Yue didn’t react at first, but when he did: “Tang Shen, you! You said last year at this time that fat people are not afraid of the cold, and said that I wore a lot of layers. What, you don’t wear many layers? If you have the guts, take off your cotton-padded clothes!”

Tang Shen: “How could I fall for your provocation?”

Sun Yue snorted.

Before long, many people had arrived at the academy classroom. The lecture hadn’t started yet so everyone was still chatting.

“Last year at this time, refugees blocked the west gate of Gusu City. I was really scared to death. Fortunately, this year is an auspicious year, with good weather and good harvest. I hope it will be like this next year!”

“Next year is the autumn exam that happens every three years. I really hope I can pass the exam this time.”

“Me too”

“By the way, I heard that next year the examiner of the xiangshi examination of our Jiangnan Academy is probably Luo Zhen, Grand Secretary Luo. He was supposed to be the examiner two years ago, but he suddenly contracted a strange disease. The emperor said that the examiner’s spot is reserved for him and will be given to him next time. ” (TN: members of the Grand Secretariat, or the Cabinet, nominally a coordinating agency but de facto the highest institution in the imperial government of the Chinese Ming dynasty)

“Then I have to find out the preferences of Grand Secretary Luo.”

The Jiangnan Academy and Shengjing imperial examinations were seen as the most important by the officials. Every time, even for the xiangshi examinations, the grand secretary which was of the third-rank was always sent as examiner to set the questions and invigilate the examinations.

Sun Yue stretched his ears to listen to these gossips, and whispered: “I also have to find someone to ask about Grand Secretary Luo’s preferences. I have never heard of him before. I wonder if he likes to read “Spring and Autumn” or “Book of Changes”. I have to prepare well.”

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Tang Shen: “I haven’t heard of this person either.”

An old scholar laughed and said: “Isn’t it easy to know the preferences of Grand Secretary Luo? ‘A silvery moon is shining through the pines, the limpid brooks are gurgling o’er the stones’. He is a proper member of the Songqing Party!” (TN: from the poem “Autumn Evening In My Mountain Abode” by Wang Wei. Songqing Party literally translates as Green Pines Party)

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The Kingdom That Never Sleeps CH 023 The Young Will Surpass In Time Part 2

Tang Shen felt regretful that it was difficult for him to eat beef rolls anymore, but mutton rolls were also good. As for pork, it was a choice made due to the situation of the times.

“Aunt Yao, is the bone soup I asked you to make ready?”

“It’s done. It simmered all afternoon. It’s so fragrant!”

You c an fi nd t he la te st cha pte rs at ( th e bl mu se . c o m )

Tang Shen: “Okay, then put this pot of bone soup on the stove, and we can have hot pot.”

Yao San asked: “Hot pot? Is this the boxiagong that little boss was talking about?”

Tang Shen was stunned: “Boxiagong?”

“Yes. Eh, little boss, didn’t you want to eat boxiagong?”

Tang Shen was confused.

After Yao San’s explanation, Tang Shen realized that hot pot had already existed in ancient times! Just not called hot pot, but called boxiagong.

Yao San: “When I heard that you wanted the boiler, I thought little boss might want to eat boxiagong. Seeing that you asked my mother to wash the vegetables, I guessed that you definitely wanted to eat boxiagong. As for hot pot, I’ve never heard of it.”

Accountant Lin stroked his beard: “I know what the little boss meant. Look at the fire in this boiler, and then look at this iron pot. There is fire and pot, isn’t it exactly a hot pot?”

Yao San: “It’s exactly a hot pot! The word hot pot is more vivid.”

Aunt Yao brought all the dishes, and everyone sat in a circle and began to cook the food in the hot pot and eat it.

Tang Shen originally thought that he was going to show everyone something new and eat hot pot like modern people. Unexpectedly, Aunt Yao knew as much as him. She went into the kitchen and brought a dish of prepared sauce for everyone. In it were garlic, green onions, soy sauce and other things in it for everyone to dip in and eat.

Tang Shen was greatly disappointed. At this time, Aunt Yao said: “I didn’t expect that using bone soup to make the boxiagong would be so delicious. San’er and I also had the boxiagong when we were in Shanxi, but our boxiagong used boiled water and then dipped in sauce, which was far less tasty than the bone soup.”

Tang Shen asked: “Just use water to cook?”

“Yes. I never thought that it could be cooked with other ingredients.”

Tang Shen’s eyes lit up. After finishing the hot pot, he called Accountant Lin into the house and said, “I want to open a restaurant specializing in hot pot, Accountant Lin, do you think it’s feasible?”

Accountant Lin was startled: “This… this may not be impossible, but no one has thought of it before.”

Tang Shen paced around the room twice, stopped and asked, “Did you think the hot pot was delicious?”

“It’s delicious. The tastiness of the bone broth was seeped into the ingredients, it’s so wonderful!”


The next day, Tang Shen asked Aunt Yao to prepare the boiler and iron pot. Aunt Yao thought he still wanted to eat the boxiagong, but Tang Shen only asked her to wash a portion of vegetables and slice a portion of mutton, but did not let her prepare any more. Tang Shen put the vegetables and mutton into the pot and patiently calculated their approximate cooking time.

“It’s a bit long!”

The boiler was designed by tea connoisseurs of the previous dynasty as a tool specifically used for making tea. Making tea requires slowness and meticulousness. There were three holes at the bottom of the boiler, which could allow air to ignite the charcoal fire, but it also makes the fire less powerful. Using a boiler to eat hot pot was fine in the short term, but over time the diners would become impatient and the business would not be able to continue.

Tang Shen locked himself in his room, thought for a long time, and counted all the kinds of hot pots he had eaten in his previous life. Then he suddenly had an idea: “Old Beijing hot pot!”

The most famous hot pot in modern times was Sichuan hot pot, which was spicy and refreshing. In addition, there were many other kinds such as Cantonese hot pot, old Beijing hot pot and so on. Although Sichuan hot pot and Cantonese hot pot were spicy and fresh, they both cook the hot pot on a gas stove or an induction cooker.

The same was true for the boxiagong in this era, except that a boiler was used instead of an induction cooker.

But the old Beijing hot pot was different.

Old Beijing hot pot did not use an induction cooker, but used charcoal fire to heat the food! The pot used in old Beijing hot pot was a special copper pot with high legs below and a long cylindrical slot rising high in the center of the pot, in which the charcoal fire was placed. Around the long cylindrical trough was the place where the hot pot was cooked. This method makes the hot pot ingredients heat up very quickly, much faster than using an induction cooker.

In fact, before the invention of induction cookers and gas stoves, people had been using this kind of hot pot. But later on, only the old Beijing hotpot still used this special pot.

The drawing of a hot pot was not difficult to draw, and it was much simpler to make than a distiller. Tang Shen drew a drawing and gave it to Blacksmith Wang at the alley. He said, “I want to make a copper pot and an iron pot. When will it be ready?”

Blacksmith Wang looked at it and said: “This thing is odd looking, but it is also very simple. I can give it to you in three days.”

After getting two hot pots, Tang Shen asked Aunt Yao to cook another pot of bone soup. He carefully poured the bone broth into the hot pot, took three red-hot coals, and put them into the long trough. After the bone soup boiled, Tang Shen picked some vegetables, put them both into the copper pot and the iron pot.

In about half a cup of tea’ time, the vegetables in the copper pot were fully cooked. After a while, the vegetables in the iron pot were cooked.

Tang Shen: “It’s okay. It’s acceptable at this time. It’s fine to use the iron pot as well.”

The specific heat capacity of copper was smaller than that of iron. In the same charcoal fire, the temperature of copper would rise faster than that of iron, and it would take less time to cook. But copper was more expensive than iron. In the previous dynasty, iron was still very expensive, but in this dynasty, iron could be seen everywhere.

After solving the problem of the pot, all that remained was the raw materials.

In the modern times, the three most important aspects of hot pot was the broth base, the dipping sauce, and the best fresh ingredients. Tang Shen was not worried about the first two. On the backs of thousands of years of experience in eating in the Chinese nation. It was only a matter of time before he could prepare delicious broth base and dipping sauce. But as for fresh ingredients, Tang Shen thought about it and then smiled slightly.

He was not worried either!

Tang’s Logistics came in handy at this time.

In the entire Gusu City, no restaurant could claim to be able to deliver fresh ingredients from the west to the east of Gusu City within half an hour. But Tang’s Logistics can! Tang Shen asked Accountant Lin to hire three cooks, requiring each to have come from different places and have different cooking skills and tastes.

Tang Shen and the three cooks experimented for half a month, and finally came up with four delicious broth bases and twelve different flavors of dipping sauces.

Everything was ready, now all that was left was the east wind.

Tang Shen called Yao San over, and the two went to the dormitory compound of Tang’s Logistics. Tang’s Logistics now employed more than 150 employees. Tang Shen set up a supervisor in each district to be in charge of the logistics business in the area. In addition, he established a strict supervision system among logistics employees.

If something happened, the employee and the supervisor would share the responsibility. This top-down regulatory system made Tang’s Logistics’ business safer. Tang’s Logistics earned Tang Shen very little money every month, almost no profit, and Tang Shen even gave the workers a salary increase. But Tang Shen continued in this business because his goal from the beginning was not just logistics.

Tang Shen called all the supervisors together and said: “Next month, I will open a restaurant on Suijin Street. All supervisors, this restaurant is different from other restaurants. I need the freshest ingredients. Naturally, this business is yours, and I’ll leave it to you all. In addition, I hope that from tomorrow onwards, all the supervisors ask the workers under your supervision to do something for me in Gusu City. “

The supervisors said: “Little boss, there is no problem in transporting the ingredients. What else do you want us to do?”

Tang Shen smiled and said: “To spread the word and advertise. I need the guys from Tang’s Logistics to advertise our newly opened restaurant throughout Gusu City!”

There were more than a hundred workers in all the streets in Gusu City, more than a hundred workers who were very familiar with the stall owners and residents in various parts of the city whom they had to deal with on a daily basis. These more than one hundred workers were not only the eyes of Tang Shen in Gusu City but also the best channel he could use to make advertisements!

The news that Tang Shen wanted to start a hot pot business reached Madam Tang’s ears. She was quite surprised and asked Tang Shen: “Do you really want to do this business?”

Tang Shen: “Eldest Aunt also knows?”

Madam Tang: “How could I not know? Although we in the Tang family have servants and do not need to rely on Tang’s Logistics, your workers have spread the news that you are going to open a restaurant specializing in boxiagong throughout the streets and alleys of Gusu. I never thought before that one could specialize in making boxiagong. As far as I know, you are the first. This business of boxiagong is not difficult to do, but the ingredients must be fresh enough, the quantity is also quite large.” Just after finishing speaking, Madam Tang herself paused, she said: “I forgot, Shen’er, your Tang’s Logistics is exactly a ready-made way to transport fresh ingredients!”

Only one day passed, when Tang Shen went to the Liang Manor to find his teacher to hand in his homework, and even Liang Song knew about it.

“I heard that you are going to open a restaurant specializing in boxiagong?”

Even Tang Shen was shocked by the efficiency of his logistics staff.

“Yes, sir.”

The status of merchants in this era was not as high as that of scholars, but it was not as low as Tang Shen remembered. Although not many officials were engaged in commerce, it was not none. Most of the time, officials were busy with official duties and their family members were involved in commerce. Tang Shen was just a xiucai now, and he didn’t even have the official status of a juren. No one thought it was wrong for him to open a restaurant.

Liang Song also said: “I haven’t had boxiagong for a long time since I came to Gusu City. When you mention it like this, I miss it a little.”

Tang Shen: “Sir, why don’t you come to my house today? I have a special copper pot at home, which is very good for eating boxiagong.”

Liang Song: “Okay, then I’ll go to your house and have a look.”

The largest restaurant in Gusu City was Qianqiu Tower, and there were many other restaurants on Suijin Street. Tang Shen asked the logistics guys to advertise, so he couldn’t hide it from these restaurants. It was a coincidence that the restaurant bought by Accountant Lin on his behalf was diagonally opposite to Qianqiu Tower, and the distance between the two locations was only fifty meters.

At noon this day, there was an endless stream of diners in Qianqiu Tower. Manager Yao of Qianqiu Tower looked at the restaurant opposite that was being renovated from a distance and fiddled with the rosary beads in his hand. After a while, he called a waiter over: “Have you heard the name of that restaurant?”

The waiter shook his head: “No. Manager, that Tang sanyuan is also strange. He is a scholar and just passed the tongshi examination. Why doesn’t the sanyuan continue studying? The xiangshi examination is held every three years. The nearest one will be in the coming year! There is only one year left, it’s really strange that he doesn’t prepare for the xiangshi examination, but instead opens a restaurant.”

“He is only fourteen. He is the youngest sanyuan candidate in the history of Gusu City. Even if he fails to pass the juren exam next year, it won’t matter. He will only be fifteen by then. After three years of recuperating, if he passes the exam at eighteen, it will also be a good story!” Shopkeeper Yao thought for a moment and said, “That restaurant only does the business of boxiagong, so it doesn’t have much to do with us.”

The waiter said: “Our Qianqiu Tower is a time-honored brand in Gusu City. He dares to steal our business? Manager, then he will probably be disappointed!”

Manager Yao sneered: “Ignorant thing. Go back to work!”

Manager Yao looked at the workers who were busy in the restaurant opposite, fiddling with the rosary beads in his hands, making a clicking sound. He saw much further than that little waiter of his. When Tang Shen asked the logistics guys to advertise, he specifically said that this restaurant was only engaged in the boxiagong business. Firstly, he wanted the people of Gusu City to know what the restaurant specialized in. Secondly, it was actually a reassurance to these time-honored restaurants in Gusu City.

Tang Shen had only been in Gusu City for a year, and everything he did was surprising.

Ordinary people didn’t know, but Manager Yao had heard from his boss that the soaps, scented soaps, and essential oils sold in the Tang family’s Zhenbao Pavilion were all invented by Tang sanyuan. Putting aside his unprofitable logistics business. Although he didn’t make any profit from it, he actually managed not to lose money either. This surprised many businessmen who were not optimistic about the logistics business at first.

In the past few days, Manager Yao realized that Tang Shen was not simply doing the logistics business, his aspiration was the entire Gusu City!

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Who would have believed a year ago that someone could let hundreds of thousands of people in Gusu City know in one day that his family was going to open a restaurant. As the saying goes, one could pass on to ten, and ten could pass on to a hundred. Tang Shen’s move was too brilliant and his ambition was hidden too deeply.

Manager Yao said with emotion: “The young will surpass us in time!”

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Top Dupe CH 030 Don’t Go Back Until We’re Drunk Part 1

Since Bai Ying came, it must be to deal with him personally.

Yan Ye felt that it was not a loss to die in Bai Ying’s hands, after all, the other man had saved him more than once.

Who knew that Bai Ying bent down and lifted Yan Ye up.

“How many times have I told you to do things cleanly.”

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The momentum of that lift had a bit of the heroic spirit of conquering mountains and rivers.


There were unanimous exclamations at the scene.

Even Gu Xiaowei himself did not expect Luo Yu to have such great strength.

But Luo Yu’s face did not change from Bai Ying’s signature sneer. He did not give Bai Zhongxing’s men a look. Instead, he stepped on the hand of one of them and walked away.

Bai Ying’s aura was lifted to the extreme because of this scene.

The efficiency and completion of the scene were better than anyone imagined.

Coordinator Chen showed off to his colleagues on the scene. His colleagues said that he was very lucky to be able to direct Gu Xiaowei’s action scenes again.

Unexpectedly, Coordinator Chen brought up Luo Yu instead.

“Just wait and see! When “Counterattack” is aired, Luo Yu’s action scenes will dazzle your eyes!”

“Luo Yu? That top star… He Mu’s dupe? Is he even physically strong enough to fight?”

“What the hell is He Mu’s dupe? With that physique of his, don’t mention action scenes, Gu Xiaowei can even be carried on his shoulders like a bag of rice!”

At this time, Coordinator Chen was tapped on the shoulder. When he turned around, he saw Luo Yu looking at him with a smile.

“Hey, Xiao Luo, what’s up?”

“Well, Coordinator Chen, we shouldn’t tell anyone about the fact that Gu Xiaowei was carried away by me like a bag of rice. It will be embarrassing if ‘Gu Xiaowei is like a bag of rice’ becomes a trending search.”

As soon as Luo Yu finished speaking, someone suddenly came behind him and picked him up.

“What the——who?!”

Luo Yu’s face hit the other’s back. Looking at this waistline and these long legs, who else could it be besides Gu Xiaowei.

The crew was preparing the scene, and the other actors were still practicing lines. Gu Xiaowei didn’t say anything, and just stood on the side with Luo Yu on his shoulders.

“Gu Xiaowei, put me down now!”

Gu Xiaowei remained silent.

“Teacher Gu… everyone is watching, please let me down now…” Luo Yu begged.

Gu Xiaowei didn’t react at all. No matter how hard Luo Yu struggled, he didn’t move at all. His arm and waist strength were outrageous.

“Classmate Gu, isn’t it just a scene? I know it makes you feel a little displeased to be temporarily carried! But isn’t this just for the effect of the drama?” Luo Yu said while seeking support.

He tugged at the prop master who was passing by, “Ah Hong, Ah Hong, you think so too right?”

Ah Hong glanced at Luo Yu, then at the expressionless Gu Xiaowei, and replied perfunctorily: “What I think doesn’t count. What Teacher Gu thinks counts.”

“Ah… don’t leave…”

At this time, Gu Xiaowei’s makeup artist, Brother Yan, came over to touch up his makeup.

“Brother Yan… Brother Yan, please tell him to put me down now…”

Brother Yan was stunned for a moment. He had been Gu Xiaowei’s makeup artist for so many years. When had he ever seen him carry someone on his shoulders for such a long time?

Was this punishing the other, or showing off his upper body strength?

Moreover, Gu Xiaowei also had friends in the industry, but he had never seen him be this close to his friends.

“Don’t worry, Xiao Luo. Once I finish touching up our Brother Gu’s makeup, I will touch up your makeup properly.”

After saying that, Brother Yan started working very seriously.

Finally, director Lin Yue passed by with a thermos cup, and Luo Yu grabbed him.

“Director Lin… Director Lin… look at me, I’m about to have a cerebral hemorrhage… Bai Ying didn’t die from a gunshot, Bai Ying died of a cerebral hemorrhage…”

Looking at Luo Yu’s expectant eyes, Lin Yue said calmly, “No matter, this way you will look weak after a while, enter the mood of the scene faster, and have a stronger sense of immersion.”

“Aren’t there any good people in this crew?”

After almost ten minutes like this, Luo Yu was so bored that he wanted to take out his phone to play games, only then did Gu Xiaowei put him down.

It turned out that Brother Yan was going to touch up Luo Yu’s makeup.

Originally, Brother Yan, as Gu Xiaowei’s exclusive makeup artist, did not need to apply makeup to other actors.

But these days, whenever Gu Xiaowei and Luo Yu were in the same scene, Gu Xiaowei would always ask Brother Yan to go over and touch up Luo Yu’s makeup.

Brother Yan didn’t mind Luo Yu’s low celebrity status at all. He trusted Gu Xiaowei’s vision, so every time he touched up Luo Yu’s makeup, Brother Yan would work seriously according to the character’s image. After several times, Gu Xiaowei no longer needed to say anything, Brother Yan would voluntarily come over himself.

Finally, it was Luo Yu’s turn to have his makeup touched up.

Brother Yan smiled and said, “This is the last scene. I must make you look beautiful.”

Luo Yu almost choked on his saliva, “No need… Brother Yan, Bai Ying had been shot at this time, and had been holding on for a while! It doesn’t need to be beautiful, just tragic!”

Brother Yan smiled and said: “I know, I know. But even if it is a tragic look, it can’t be dirty and unkempt. Brother Gu often praises that there is acting in your eyes. Since Bai Ying is at death’s door at this time, those eyes must be even more recognisable. I want the audience to see the acting in your eyes.”

Hearing what the other said, Luo Yu was relieved and followed Brother Yan’s instructions, looking left and right.

“Okay, now let’s see if Bai Ying’s look right now meets the goal?”

Brother Yan held up the mirror and showed it to Luo Yu.

As expected of Gu Xiaowei’s personal makeup artist, Brother Yan’s brushes were not meant to make someone look good, but to highlight the highlights of that person’s facial features and make the makeup infinitely fit the character.

“Your eyes are beautiful, so I deepened the outline of your eyes a little, especially the ends of your eyes, which are actually very soft. Bai Ying was able to arrange everything before he died and help Yan Ye get out of trouble, so I think he can also calmly accept the fact that he is about to die. Under such circumstances, his eyes no longer look sharp, and there is no need to intimidate anyone, but instead…”

“Appear calm and peaceful.” Luo Yu said.

“That’s right. It’s good we agree.”

“Brother Yan, how come you understand the character so deeply?” Luo Yu asked curiously.

“Because when I put makeup on Brother Gu, Brother Gu would analyze the character’s condition with me, so that the makeup I apply will fit more closely.”

“What about my character? Gu… Teacher Gu also told you?”

“Yes. The scenes between Bai Ying and Yan Ye, who are both enemies and friends, is the highlight of the first third of this drama.”

Luo Yu took a deep breath. The best makeup artist, the best director and the best acting partner. He had enjoyed such top-level conditions ten years in advance. How could he not try his best?

Luo Yu walked up to Lin Yue and said, “Director Lin, my makeup is done.”

Lin Yue looked back and his gaze fixed on him, “En… very good. Bai Ying, go ahead.”

The night fell and the lights on the studio came on.

The prop car stopped under the light of the street lamp.

Luo Yu and Gu Xiaowei each stood on one side of the car door. Luo Yu smiled and said, “Teacher Gu, this is the last scene between Bai Ying and Yan Ye.”

Gu Xiaowei’s eyes stayed on Luo Yu’s face for a long time, and he nodded after a long time: “Yes.”

“But what Bai Ying left for Yan Ye, whether it is spiritual or on the way forward, will stay with Yan Ye until the end.”

“So Yan Ye will not be sad, but firm in his will.”

The two set off again in tacit understanding and opened the car door in unison.

Luo Yu sat in the driver’s seat, and Gu Xiaowei sat in the co-passenger’s seat.

In this scene, Bai Zhongxing sent an assassin to kill Yan Ye, and Yan Ye almost died. Bai Ying drove the exhausted Yan Ye all the way in the car, and the assassin pursued them on a motorcycle.

Bai Ying swerved decisively, and Yan Ye took the right opportunity to shoot, killing the assassin.

But Bai Ying was shot. He knew that he had little hope of surviving after being shot in this spot, so he parked the car on the side of the road and asked Yan Ye to go to the convenience store opposite to buy himself chocolate which he would definitely not have usually.

When Yan Ye was looking for chocolate, he received an email notification on his phone. It was Bai Ying who sent him important information so that he could prove to Bai Zhongxing that Ah Lan was deliberately handed over to the police by Bai Ying, so Yan Ye was not the undercover agent.

Moreover, Bai Ying kept a back-up plan for all the transactions that were uncovered by the police because of Yan Ye’s leaks, proving that they were his own doings in order to take revenge on Bai Zhongxing.

Not only that, there was also some important business information in the email. With Yan Ye having these, Bai Zhongxing had no choice but to continue to reuse him.

Yan Ye saw this arrangement and feeling of entrustment like one’s last will, and suddenly realized something. He rushed to the car on the side of the road, opened the door and found that the driver’s seat was covered with blood while Bai Ying was leaning on the seat. His face was turned in the direction where he could watch him leave, as if seeing him off to a bright place, while he stopped breathing.

After they shot a few scenes inside the car, the scene of the motorcycle chasing the sports car on the street had to be completed by professional stunt actors.

As the sound of the clapperboard was heard, Bai Ying’s final scene began.

The car stopped at the door of the convenience store. Bai Ying had a smile on his lips. He punched Yan Ye next to him with his fist. “Get up, go to the convenience store and buy me an espresso-flavored lollipop.”

Yan Ye turned his face sideways and looked at Bai Ying’s profile, and found that this person had a gentle smile on his face, but it seemed that it would be blown away at any time, and he couldn’t fathom or catch it.

“No, lollipops are for children.”

“Who is your boss?” Bai Ying asked.

This question seemed to take them back to the scene when Bai Ying and Yan Ye first met. The speculation, suspicion and mutual testing now no longer existed.

The two of them were like wild beasts that had been chased by hunters, tired and hoping to get warmth from each other.

Yan Ye smiled helplessly, with a hint of indulgence in this smile.

“You are the boss, you have the final say.”

After saying that, Yan Ye, who looked tired, opened the car door and walked to the store opposite them.

Bai Ying, who was sitting in the car, exhaled slightly, as if the hot summer suddenly entered the decline of winter.

His jaw trembled because of the pain, and he unbuckled his seat belt, as if all the weight had been lifted. Instead of pressing on his bleeding wound, he picked up his phone and sent the email he had been preparing for a long time.

Then he turned his face with difficulty and looked persistently at the bright convenience store, where he could vaguely see the figure searching in front of the candy aisle.

Yan Ye was Bai Ying’s weapon, his courage to tear away the shackles of darkness, and the end of his fierce struggle all his life.

Bai Ying’s gaze was so deep and long that even the camera crew leader sitting in front of the camera couldn’t help but be drawn into Bai Ying’s emotions.

That desperate rush for freedom turned into the final fulfillment and farewell to Yan Ye.

Yan Ye ran out of the convenience store. It was some kind of telepathic premonition. He and Bai Ying looked at each other from afar across the road, just like the two sides of the passage between life and death. Even if they had joined hands to resist the frost and snow, in the end it was just the scenery on the other side.

Because their starting points were different and their return journeys were also different.

Yan Ye rushed over. When he found Bai Ying looking at him, he revealed a hopeful and even joyful expression for a moment.

“I’m sorry, boss, I couldn’t find the coffee candy you asked for…”

But gradually, Yan Ye discovered that although those eyes were looking at him, they were dimming rapidly.

He opened the car door suddenly. Bai Ying’s abdomen was stained red, and blood was dripping from the car.

Yan Ye pressed hard on his bleeding wound. His breathing became more and more rapid. There were no tears in his eyes, but the expression on his face was like everything fading after a heavy rain.

He didn’t dare to take another look at Bai Ying’s eyes, but he couldn’t bear to miss the last bit of light in his eyes either.

He held Bai Ying in his arms, without any lines for five minutes.

Yan Ye and Bai Ying were clearly on irreconcilable opposite sides, but at this moment, they finally accepted each other.

“Okay, I promise you.” Yan Ye said.

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Bai Ying once asked Yan Ye if he was an undercover agent. Yan Ye didn’t answer, and Bai Ying didn’t mind. He said to him: “Whether you are a cop or not, I want you to shatter the dark sky and break Bai Zhongxing’s rules into pieces… Let me see what color the sky is.”

At that time, Yan Ye was an undercover agent and could not take the risk of responding or promising anything to Bai Ying.

And now, he could finally give an answer.

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The Kingdom That Never Sleeps CH 023 The Young Will Surpass In Time Part 1

It was impossible for Tang Shen to hide Xu Hui’s matter from his teacher. When Liang Song asked, he hesitated for a bit and then told him.

Tang Shen said: “Yu Zhi said, originally he didn’t want to bother me, but sir, you were in Jinling at the time, and the matter was very important, so he had no choice but to come here to try his luck.”

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Liang Song: “I indeed did not want him to come to you.”

Tang Shen was stunned and looked up at Liang Song.

Liang Song: “Shen’er, since he has told you who that Taoist Hua is and why he wants to get information from the Taoist Hua, you should know what is involved behind this.”

Tang Shen replied in his heart, wasn’t it just the palace coup more than 20 years ago? He said nothing, and lowered his head in silence. But even if he didn’t say it, Liang Song knew that he knew it in his heart.

Liang Song let out a long sigh.

This student of his, though he was young he was very mature when dealing with his own take in dealing with others. Xu Hui told Tang Shen about the matter, naturally Tang Shen would secretly investigate the truth of the matter and find out what he, his teacher, had been busy with in the past few months. Even if Tang Shen didn’t say it, he knew that Tang Shen knew it.

Liang Song said earnestly: “I know that you don’t really want to be an official.”

Tang Shen: “No…” Officialdom was dangerous with many ups and downs like the rolling sea. No one could guarantee that they could safely weather the waves. Tang Shen’s goal was to pass the imperial examination and become a wealthy village gentleman from now on. He would eat well and drink well every day in this beautiful southern land, and live a good and stable life with his sister.

“Alright, as your teacher, how could I not know the thoughts in your heart?”

“…Sir, you understand me.”

“You are not wrong to think so. You once said that the rise and fall of the nation concerns everyone. It is a good thing to have such ambitions, but as your teacher, I have never hoped for you to apply this to yourself. Today’s Song Dynasty seems peaceful, but the Liao people in the north still watches with coveting eyes. If you can spend your life in peace and happiness, this is also my wish.”

The two of them walked to the end of the alley. Liang Song stopped and said seriously: “What Yu Zhi asked you to do has nothing to do with you from today on. Don’t interfere.”

Tang Shen was stunned.

Liang Song smiled and said: “Tang sanyuan, go back. There is a lot of documents waiting for me at the yamen. I have to go back and review them!”

The steward of the Liang Manor had been waiting in the alley for a long time. Liang Song boarded the carriage. Before leaving, Tang Shen quickly stepped forward, stood under the carriage, and shouted: “Sir!” Liang Song opened the curtain and saw the handsome boy standing under the willows. He said seriously: “Sir said that you wish I can be happy and healthy in this life. I also want to say this to sir. I also wish you a happy and long life!”

Liang Song looked at Tang Shen for a long time and said, “Okay!”

Tang Shen watched Liang Song leave at the entrance of the alley.

“Ai, I wonder if sir will listen.”

Tang Shen felt very worried. As a modern person, although he was familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics and memorized Confucius’s sentence “The emperor is the emperor, the minister is the minister, the father is the father, and the son is the son,” but he only memorized and could not fully agree. In the world of his previous life, at the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, Prime Minister Lu Xiufu jumped into the sea and died for his country with his young lord in his arms. One hundred thousand subjects died fervently for their beliefs. He had heard the saying, “No ‘China’ after the Song dynasty, no ‘Chinese’ after the fall of the Ming, no Han after the Qing, no trust after the Cultural Revolution, and no morals after the reforms”. He admired these righteous men, but he could not empathize with them and would not do so.

Even if in the palace coup twenty-five years ago, the crown prince and Zhong daru were framed and did not really want to force a coup. But today in the Song Dynasty, the country was prosperous and the people were at peace. The current emperor was not a good emperor, but he was not an incapable one either. He was addicted to cultivating immortality, but he did not completely use the crafty and fawning. There was still hope for this country.

“What exactly does sir want to do!” Tang Shen looked up to the sky and sighed.

Back home, Tang Shen was just feeling gloomy when after walking in, he found that there were guests in the courtyard.

Tang Shen did not expect to see Tang juren here, and this time it was not only Tang juren, but also Madam Tang, the housekeeper of the Tang Manor, and even Tang Yun.

Looking at this aplomb, he wondered what it was about.

Tang Shen stepped forward and said, “Eldest Uncle, Eldest Aunt, Elder Cousin.”

Tang juren was a little embarrassed.

When Tang Shen first came to Gusu City last year, Tang juren deliberately looked down on Tang Shen and Tang Huang because he was angry with Tang xiucai. Although Tang juren specially held a three-day and three-night flowing banquet for Tang Shen after Tang Shen passed the examination, he still felt quite embarrassed when he saw Tang Shen now.

Tang juren was in a dilemma so Madam Tang said first: “Shen’er, we are here to congratulate you on winning the top spot in the academy examination and the title of sanyuan in the tongshi examination!”

That’s it?

If it was just to congratulate him on gaining the title of sanyuan, there shouldn’t be such grandness. There must be other things. Tang Shen had doubts but didn’t say anything. He smiled and said, “Thank you, Eldest Aunt.”

Tang juren found the opportunity to speak: “Shen’er, I didn’t expect you to be so talented. You are the first child to pass the examination as the sanyuan in our Tang family.”

“Eldest Uncle is joking. It’s just a tongshi examination. I haven’t taken part in the xiangshi examination yet.”

Tang juren didn’t know what to say.

Seeing this, Madam Tang sighed and said: “Shen’er, beating around the bush is not the way. I’ll tell you the truth. Today I came with your uncle and cousin to take you back to the Tang family ancestral hall to worship your ancestors. I know that your father once said that he would never return to the Tang family in this life. But we are a family after all. You have received the title of sanyuan which is such a big happy event. The members of the Tang clan got the news this morning and wanted to celebrate for you.”

Tang Shen: “So that’s what happened.”

In ancient times, when scholars participated in imperial examinations, it was fine if they were scholars from poor families as there were not many rules. But if a scholar from an aristocratic or literati family passed the imperial examinations, he must worship his ancestors in the ancestral hall and inform his ancestors of their descendant’s achievements. For an influential family like the Tang family, becoming a xiucai was not enough to open the hall to worship ancestors. Tang Shen’s xiucai father did not open the hall to worship his ancestors, nor did Tang juren when he became a xiucai. But after Tang juren passed the juren exam, he opened the hall to worship his ancestors.

Now, although Tang Shen was only a xiucai, he was at the Sam Stone a sanyuan of the tongshi and was worthy of opening the hall to worship his ancestors.

Tang juren said: “Nephew, I was wrong before. Ai, just like your eldest aunt said, as an elder, I shouldn’t blame you for the things of the previous generation. You scored the sanyuan for the tongshi examination, it stands to reason that the Tang family shall open the ancestral hall for you, are you willing?”

Tang Shen thought for a moment and asked, “What Eldest Uncle refers to is when the old madam passed away, my father didn’t go back to Gusu City for the funeral?”

Tang juren: “Since you know it, why bother bringing it up anymore? This is already in the past.”

Tang juren‘s father had two sons, one was Tang juren and the other was Tang xiucai. Tang juren believed that his mother was very kind to Tang xiucai. No matter the estrangement between him and Tang xiucai, when his mother passed away, Tang xiucai should not have ignored it! He couldn’t let go of this matter, and now he felt guilty towards Tang Shen because he just realized that he shouldn’t blame the Tang siblings for Tang xiucai’s fault.

Tang Shen said: “I will naturally go to worship my ancestors. There ia just something I want to ask Eldest Uncle and Eldest Aunt to help me with.”

Tang juren asked: “What is it?”

Tang Shen: “Let my sister and I offer a stick of incense to the old madam on behalf of our father.”

Tang juren was stunned and speechless.

The next day, Tang Shen and Tang Huang went to the Tang family’s ancestral hall together and offered incense sticks for the old Madam Tang. Tang Shen felt relieved. He felt that from now on he would not owe anything to the Tang family again.

Tang juren said: “Nephew, I was wrong about what happened before!”

Tang Shen: “Eldest Uncle is too courteous.”

Tang Shen became the sanyuan for the tongshi examination, and all the Tang clan members from the five counties of Gusu City came. Tang juren was in charge of opening the ancestral hall. In front of the ancestors’ tablets, he first told heaven and earth about the deeds of descendant Tang Shen. The clansmen made congratulations one after another, and Tang juren held a flowing banquet for Tang Shen with one hundred tables for three days and three nights in Gusu City.

When this series of events ended, Tang Shen finally returned home. He threw himself on the bed and said, “If I were to take the title of jieyuan in the xiangshi examination, won’t the fuss be even greater. I would probably die from exhaustion while worshiping ancestors!”

Tang Huang happened to hear this when she entered the room. The little girl said happily: “Brother, you will score a jieyuan title?”

Tang Shen: “I didn’t say that. Don’t slander me.”

“If it were anyone else, I wouldn’t believe it. But if it’s my brother, he will definitely take the title!”

Tang Shen didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: You are really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. Those who don’t know are fearless! Taking the title of jieyuan was easy to say, but it was not as easy as scoring the regional number one in the college entrance exam in the previous life. Moreover, the area where Tang Shen was currently located would be regarded as the hellishly difficult Jiangsu province college entrance examination in the future! Taking the jieyuan title was equivalent to getting the top spot in Jiangsu Province, and it was a top spot that only showed once in three years!

Tang Shen: “Alright, why did you come to me?”

Tang Huang remembered: “We have been eating at Eldest Uncle’s home for the past few days, and have not come back once. We finally got home today, and Aunt Yao asked me to ask you what we should eat in the evening. In the past few days, it was Tang juren celebrating for you. And today, brother, our own family is celebrating for you.”

Tang Shen felt warm in his heart: “Okay, ask Yao San to call Accountant Lin and his family, and then go to the Liang Manor to see if Mr. Liang is available.”

“Okay. Then what shall we eat?”

Tang Shen thought about it and suddenly said: “Just eat hot pot!”

Not long, Yao San called Accountant Lin and his family over. Mr. Liang didn’t come. Gusu City government affairs were busy and he hadn’t finished handling them yet. However, he asked Yao San to take back a copybook and give it to Tang Shen, and tell him: “I left in a hurry that day, and I have been busy writing the copybook these days. I’ve yet to congratulate you for getting the title of sanyuan in the tongshi. As your teacher I give you this copybook, and I hope you can practice your calligraphy well and win the first spot in the xiangshi examination as well.”

Tang Shen: “…”

Tang Huang asked strangely: “Brother, didn’t you say that your handwriting is very good and Liang daren praised it?”

Tang Shen hid the copybook behind his back and said shamelessly: “Sir asked me to practice calligraphy. It doesn’t mean that I am not good at writing. You little girl, do you know that there is no end to learning! Learn and live until you are old. My teacher wants me to practice calligraphy only because he wants me to decorate something that is already perfect!”

Tang Huang: “As if I really believe it.”

Tang Shen: “…”

I’m afraid this sister was picked up from the trash!

Before Tang Shen could say anything more, Tang Huang ran to the kitchen: “Aunt Yao, Liang daren said that my brother’s handwriting is not good, so he gave him a copybook to practice calligraphy!”

Tang Shen: “…” Don’t you understand that family scandals should only be kept behind closed doors?!

At night, the Tang siblings, the Yao family mother and son, and Accountant Lin and his family all sat in the courtyard. There was a big mulberry tree planted in the yard, and Aunt Yao placed a table under the big tree. Eating under the tree on summer nights was very lively under the bright moonlight.

Aunt Yao: “Little boss, according to what you said, I brought a boiler and an iron pot, and washed some vegetables and fruits. It’s just that you said I should slice the pork and mutton into thin slices. I don’t know how to do it, so I just cut them as thin as possible. Do you think this is okay?”

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Tang Shen took a look and saw that the pork and mutton were cut very thin. Although they were not nearly transparent like in the modern times, they were still good.

In ancient times, it was forbidden to eat beef. Unless approved by the government, anyone who ate beef would be imprisoned and punished, because cows were ancient production tools. Cows plow the fields, and every cow was a huge asset. Ordinary people would not kill their own cattle. This would be a suicide attempt. The government also did not allow private slaughter of cattle.

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Top Dupe CH 029 Then I’ll Cooperate With Your Performance


As soon as Gu Xiaowei sooke, Luo Yu’s hand suddenly reached over, his thumb touched Gu Xiaowei’s lips, and he suddenly kissed him.

There was no angle change, it was straight forward, but it made one unable to move.

When Gu Xiaowei felt the pressure from Luo Yu, the other’s hand pinched his chin and pulled it upward forcefully. Gu Xiaowei subconsciously raised his head, lost his balance and fell backward.

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Luo Yu also fell down. He quickly let go of Gu Xiaowei, placed his hands on both sides of the other, and steadied himself before they were about to collide.

Gu Xiaowei’s expression was a little flustered, but he quickly focused on Luo Yu’s face.

“You were motionless before, why did you fall this time?”

Luo Yu smiled and was about to get up.

Young man, no matter how similar you pretend to be, you are still no match for me.

Probably because Luo Yu’s teasing was too obvious, Gu Xiaowei became anxious, and the two of them bumped into each other unexpectedly.

Luo Yu covered his mouth and sat back on the bed opposite, “Uh that… it’s your fault! You bumped into me.”

But Gu Xiaowei stood up and slowly approached Luo Yu. His deep eyes kept looking at Luo Yu, as if to ensnare Luo Yu’s mind. He was not allowed to avoid him and could only focus on looking at him.

Luo Yu put his elbows behind him and moved back, but Gu Xiaowei pressed forward slowly.

“All right, are you still acting?” Luo Yu just bit himself, so he was a bit slurring when he spoke.

Gu Xiaowei just looked at him without saying a word.

Luo Yu knew that Gu Xiaowei was not the kind of person to make a big deal over his lips being accidentally touched, not to mention that they were practicing acting with each other just now.

Don’t know if this guy’s drama addiction had overcome him, or if he had a desire to win again.

His performance just now probably stimulated a certain nerve in him, just like a painter whose inspiration suddenly bursted. No matter where it was, just pick up the pen and put the image down even if there was only toilet paper in front.

Okay, then I will cooperate with your performance.

Luo Yu’s shoulders trembled, his elbows lost strength and he fell down.

Sure enough, Gu Xiaowei seized the opportunity. Seeing that the figure over him was about to press down, Luo Yu suddenly raised his hand, hooked it around Gu Xiaowei’s neck, pressed down, and pushed the other man’s face against his own tilted one.

“Still want to act?” Luo Yu asked in amusement, “You and the heroine are already leaning against the wall in this scene, there isn’t much room for you to express yourself.”

After hearing these words, Gu Xiaowei gave up all support and fell on Luo Yu. After a long time, a soft sigh sounded next to Luo Yu’s ear.

“Senior Brother is indeed a master.” Gu Xiaowei said.

“Me? Master…” Luo Yu thought to himself, the master also depended on who was the opponent.

That was because the other was Gu Xiaowei, and he knew that the other man could take on any scene, so he could be so bold.

Before Luo Yu could tap his shoulder, Gu Xiaowei got up and sat next to Luo Yu.

“But it is true, Senior Brother, that the way you just acted was more suitable for Yan Ye and the heroine’s position. Just kiss directly, suddenly and directly, without giving the heroine and the people around him time to react. This kind of surprise attack itself has a certain mischief in it, as if deliberately intending to see the heroine panic, but also without other gestures to making it look slimy. To those who monitor Yan Ye, Yan Ye is ‘bullying’ the heroine, rather than being affectionate with her.”

Listening to Gu Xiaowei’s serious analysis, Luo Yu wanted to laugh a little.

“This is the only kiss scene in this drama, and there’s nothing else, right?” Luo Yu asked.

“Also, in the end, when Yan Ye jumped off the boat to escape and almost drowned in the water. The heroine drove a boat to save him.”

“Really?” Luo Yu flipped through the script, but didn’t see it. It was probably that Hua Xingyun hadn’t completely revised it yet. “Don’t tell me the heroine jumps out of the boat to save Yan Ye, and then do some underwater resuscitation?”

“This is too… cliche. It doesn’t conform to Screenwriter Hua’s aesthetics.”

“Then this kiss does?” Luo Yu flicked his knuckles on that page of the script.

“At least… there is plot tension.”

“That’s true.” Luo Yu returned the script to Gu Xiaowei, and was about to say that there was still time and he could call Fang Qin back.

Who would have thought that Gu Xiaowei fell backwards immediately: “I’m a little tired, why don’t we take a rest.”

Luo Yu recalled how he could lie down and sleep at the table just now. He must be really tired, and he really couldn’t bear to have the other walk back.

“Okay, you go to bed first. I’m going to wash up.”

When Luo Yu came out of the bathroom, he found that Gu Xiaowei was already lying under the quilt, with his back to Luo Yu, and he must have fallen asleep.

The time spent on the crew of “Counterattack” was neither long nor short.

The day had finally come when the role of Bai Ying was about to be finalized.

Luo Yu and Gu Xiaowei stood in front of Lin Yue and listened carefully to his suggestions.

“Have you two practiced lines together?” Lin Yue confirmed with them.

“En.” Gu Xiaowei nodded.

“That’s right.” Luo Yu replied.

“Okay. Luo Yu, your Bai Ying needs to show his complicated but pure feelings for Yan Ye. You know that he is an undercover agent, and you know that he is in a dead end this time. You two are logically mortal enemies, but you don’t hope he dies. You think at worst he just failed in this mission. He can go back and continue to be his little policeman, it’s already good if he could stay alive. Until…”

Luo Yu continued from where the director left off: “Until this time I am going to die. Since I am going to die, it is better to help him get out of this dead end situation. Since I am destined to be unable to leave this sludge, I hope he will have a bright future. Between the two of us, there should be one with a bright future. If one of us can leave, it’s not a loss.”

“Yes, it is this kind of faith that makes you persist until the end.” After Lin Yue finished speaking, he looked at Gu Xiaowei again, “Xiao Gu, your Yan Ye is ready to die. They say you are a mad dog, you think it is not a big deal to remain mad till the end. But you didn’t expect Bai Ying to come and save you——”

Gu Xiaowei continued the emotion described by Lin Yue: “At that moment, I realized that Bai Ying and I are the same type of person to a certain extent. We both want to break away from Bai Zhongxing and break away from the script written by fate. In this case, I will fight with him to the end.”

Lin Yue nodded and said, “Yes, that’s the kind of heroic spirit.”

Today’s scene began with a martial arts scene, that is, a fight scene.

Regarding the specific martial arts moves, Coordinator Chen trained Gu Xiaowei and Luo Yu yesterday.

Coordinator Chen had confidence in Gu Xiaowei because they have worked together in costume dramas before. He knew that Gu Xiaowei had the skills in this area, his limbs were not stiff, and he was willing to learn and use force when doing movements.

Coordinator Chen taught a popular young actor in his previous film. He specially designed a set of low-difficulty and beautiful movements for that actor. Unfortunately, he was unable to learn the movements and even his imitation was perfunctory, so in the end he had to find a martial arts body double to complete it.

Compared with the celebrities he had been in contact with over many years, Coordinator Chen’s favorable impression of Gu Xiaowei was top-notch.

Until this time he met Luo Yu.

Because it was a modern drama, there were no special effects like those in costume dramas. Knocking down opponents was mainly done quickly, accurately and ruthlessly, highlighting the sense of decisiveness.

Coordinator Chen called Ah Bao, who played the assassin, to first break down Luo Yu’s movements and then perform it again in a coherent manner.

Coordinator Chen was prepared to teach Luo Yu for a whole afternoon. After all, Director Lin valued the character Bai Ying’s fighting scenes very much. Coordinator Chen also heard that Lin Yue valued Luo Yu very much, but being well-behaved and sensible in front of the director was one thing, when it comes to fight scenes, one could truly see how much hardship an actor could endure.

Therefore, what Coordinator Chen said at the beginning was very tactful.

“You can give it a try first. If it doesn’t work, I’ll talk to and ask Director Lin to arrange a body double for you.”

“How could that be done? When using a body double, there will only be long shots and partial close-ups. There are no full shots. The audience will know at a glance that it is not me.”

Luo Yu said.

When Coordinator Chen heard this, his favorable impression of Luo Yu increased. When some actors heard that Coordinator Chen said that he would find ways to arrange for a body double, they all thanked him and accepted the ladder he handed over.

As soon as Luo Yu began, Coordinator Chen’s eyes lit up. The first elbow thrust was very powerful, which was in sharp contrast to his appearance.

Then there was another knee strike, the muscles all over his body tensed, and the movements were so beautiful that people couldn’t take their eyes away.

The center of gravity sank quickly and a leg swept outwards. The strength of the muscles and the beauty of the stretched leg lines made Coordinator Chen applaud.

“Not bad!”

“But I forgot the rest, please teach it again.” Luo Yu stood up and touched the back of his head sheepishly.

“I just showed it once so it’s great to be able to do this already! Have you learned martial arts before?”

Coordinator Chen made small talk while he taught the moves again. He suddenly became interested in Luo Yu and wanted to know more about him.

“Oh, I learned it when I was a child. I quite liked it, but after I was admitted to college, my skills fell behind. Just now, when I moved, it was a bit incoherent.”

Coordinator Chen looked puzzled, “Then you can definitely take on action scenes. For example, police and gangster films and dramas, and ancient costume martial arts films and dramas. With your appearance and your skills, many films and dramas requiring action scenes would definitely accept you. You may not be famous enough to play the leading role, but you’re more than enough to play a supporting role!”

“I thought about it when I just graduated… but my will wasn’t strong enough.” Luo Yu said.

In order to eat up all the dividends he had earned as a school idol, Zhuque Media was afraid that he would change his mind and make period films or modern dramas, so they tried desperately to weld the image of the school idol to him. But unfortunately, Zhuque Media’s head was not as strong as Dijun Media’s capital. He Mu came out of nowhere and put the “national school idol” on himself.

“It’s okay, you are still young now. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future. If I encounter a suitable opportunity next time, I will also recommend you to the director I work with! Although good wine is not afraid of deep alleys, there are too many alleys in this circle. You still need others to help advertise!”

With the careful guidance of Coordinator Chen, the last fight scene before the finalization of the role of Bai Ying was so exciting that even other film groups took advantage of the break to come and watch.

Also included was the heroine Xie Shang, who came in her uniform and looked excitedly at the screen in front of the martial arts coordinator.

Lin Yue was also sitting on the side with a thermos cup in his hands with great interest. He glanced at Xie Shang and joked: “Xiao Xie, are you here to see Xiao Gu’s fight scene too?”

“Of course I must watch Brother Gu’s fight scenes! He is my male protagonist!” Xie Chang smiled and whispered, “I’ll also watch Brother Luo’s.”

At this time, Bai Ying, played by Luo Yu, was fighting one against three. First, he struck with an elbow. The impact was such that Ah Bao, his opponent, staggered back several steps before he even touched him.

The coordinator of the martial arts scenes couldn’t help shouting with a loudspeaker: “What are you dodging for! What are you dodging for! You fell down before Bai Ying could hit you! Do you know what this is called——Fake fall! Fake fall! Fake fall!”

Luo Yu stepped forward and pulled Ah Bao up, “Are you okay?”

“I’m good, I’m good! That move of yours looked so powerful! I wasn’t mentally prepared! I’m sorry to have you do it again!”

Luo Yu quickly reassured the other and said, “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you, I can control it.”

After communication and adjustment, shooting started again.

It was still the same elbow strike. Luo Yu’s attack was even more ruthless than before. As he pushed his elbow to the side the expression on his face was as cold as ice. The muscles in his body tensed and then released the force. The actor playing Ah Bao only felt that he had been hit lightly, when clearly the other had used his force so hard, but when it reached him, it was just a tap.

Then Luo Yu delivered another knee strike that used pressure from his whole body. That scene made everyone on the scene hold their breath. He landed on his feet and made another sweep with such strength and speed, one could see the dust being swept up.

The three-hit combo was high-energy throughout, without any fancy moves. Everything was aimed at knocking down the enemy.

Coordinator Chen, who was standing nearby and watching, couldn’t help but applaud. He didn’t expect that the movements he designed could be realized so perfectly.

As Coordinator Chen applauded, other staff around him, including Lin Yue, also applauded.

“Ahhhhhh! Brother Luo Yu, he is so hot!” Xie Shang couldn’t help but clench her fists.

Lin Yue laughed, “Sure enough, every time you come here it’s not for Gu Xiaowei, but for the handsome Brother Luo Yu!”

Xie Shang, whose secret was discovered by the director, smiled shyly, “Director Lin, you have to keep it a secret!”

“Are you a fan of Xiao Luo?”

Xie Shang smiled and said, “Yes.”

“Then which drama of his do you like? “Plum Blossom Rain” or “Green River”?” Lin Yue asked.

There were not many works by which Luo Yu could be named. “Plum Blossom Rain” was his debut film, and in “Green River” Luo Yu played a college student going down to the countryside. Although there were only a few scenes, Lin Yue took the time to watch it and felt that Luo Yu’s performance was very inspiring.

“I am his career fan, and I think he is great in everything he acts in.” Xie Shang said with a smile, although her voice was not loud, but her expression was very proud.

At this time, the sound of the clapped board for the next scene was heard.

Bai Ying, played by Luo Yu, walked up to the camera.

At this time, Yan Ye had been beaten for a long time and was about to be exhausted.

He raised his eyes and closed them again after realizing that the person coming was Bai Ying.

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Based on Yan Ye’s understanding of Bai Ying, he knew how ruthless Bai Ying was against betrayers——sinking Ah Lan into the river was the best example.

Today Yan Ye would be surrounded by the people sent by Bai Zhongxing to kill him because it was exposed that Ah Lan was rescued by the police. Bai Zhongxing believed Yan Ye was an undercover agent and wanted to remove this nail. Naturally this meanr Bai Ying also knew that Yan Ye was an undercover agent.

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The Kingdom That Never Sleeps CH 022 Fall Of Prosperous Times Part 3

In the early morning of the second day, Tang Shen entered the examination hall carrying his exam basket. He sat in front of his desk with a calm expression, as if no one had knocked on the door last night and he had not heard anything about the imperial coup more than twenty years ago. Tang Shen calmly opened the test paper. Jia Liangsheng was sitting in front of him, looking at him expectantly.

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The sanyuan of tongshi examination was an honor to Tang Shen, and it was also a good literary reputation to Jia Liangsheng. It was his first time to be the county magistrate of Gusu City. If under his governance a candidate who received the sanyuan title appeared, it would be an auspicious event. So in order to prevent Tang Shen from going off topic, he specially made three simple questions for this academy examination.

Tang Shen, you won’t go wrong with this, right?

Tang Shen opened the paper, looked at the questions above, and was instantly startled.

The first question: “Is it not delightful to learn with constant perseverance and application.” (TN: from The Analects of Confucius)

Tang Shen was dazed for a while and subconsciously flipped to the second question.

The second question: “It is wise to hold what you know.” (TN: from The Analects of Confucius)

Tang Shen: “…”

Okay, there was no need to look at the third test poem. It was also definitely a frequently heard phrase and impossible to write off-topic answers to!

Tang Shen subtly raised his head and met Jia Liangsheng’s eyes.

Jia Liangsheng’s eyes were earnest: Write well and make no mistakes, you will be the an shou this year!

Tang Shen: “…”

The unspoken rules of ancient examination halls were really harmful! He clearly didn’t want to be the an shou, so why were there people rushing to give him the title? Ai, then he could only accept it reluctantly.

Tang Shen lowered his head and began to answer the question, but his grin secretly stretched to his ears.



At the end of the first exam session, Tang Shen handed in his paper, and Jia Liangsheng eagerly took his paper and read it. He carefully read the two eight-legged essays and one test poem, nodding frequently.

Tang Shen also breathed a sigh of relief. If there were no exceptions, he was probably the an shou in the academy exam this time as well.

“I am indeed a genius!” Tang Shen thought to himself.

When he returned home in the evening, Tang Shen did not hide his joy. He directly said to Yao San: “Invite Accountant Lin and his family, let’s celebrate.”

Yao San: “What is the little boss celebrating?”

Tang Shen laughed and said, “Congratulations on my passing the academy examination.”

Yao San never imagined that Tang Shen would be so sure that he could pass the academy examination in which he had just taken the first test session, and there were still four more. But he trusted Tang Shen very much and happily invited Accountant Lin’s family.

Accountant Lin had experience. He stroked his beard and said, “It seems that the little boss is very confident. He answered very well today.”

Tang Shen smiled and said nothing.

Aunt Yao cooked a table of delicious food, and everyone ate the food to celebrate. Yao San and Accountant Lin even had a few drinks. Accountant Lin drank too much and said that Tang Huang had memorized three more poems recently. The little girl was not shy at all and recited the poems on the spot with great pride.

As the sky got darker, Tang Shen left the crowd and quietly opened the door.

Liu Haozi was seen standing outside the door, and the two looked at each other.

Tang Shen asked: “Have you found out the information that Xu Yuzhi asked you to check?”

Liu Haozi said: “I fod a lot of information, but I don’t know which one he wants. But Xu daren didn’t say it was not good. He should have got what he wanted.”

“Tell me clearly what you and he said.”

Liu Haozi told Tang Shen the news he found out today.

“…That Daoist Hua is called a daoist priest, but he married three wives. He is also from a wealthy family on Tongde Lane. When he came back yesterday, he mentioned to his wife that he wanted to find a way to leave Shengjing and return to Guys City. Because his two senior brothers who were on duty in the palace on the night the meteor fell to the ground half a year ago did not come back from the palace that night.”

Tang Shen: “The night the meteor fell to the ground… eh, was it that night?”

Liu Haozi: “Is there anything else, little boss?”

“No. You can go back. Remember that what I asked you to do today, you must not say a word to anyone else.”


After closing the door, Tang Shen thought about it but still felt it was not enough. He called Yao San: “Give Liu Haozi fifty taels of silver and have him leave Gusu City immediately and never come back from now on.”

Yao San guessed that it was related to what happened last night. He nodded in agreement and went out with the money.

Ten days later, the academy examination results were released.

Sun Yue and Tang Shen came to the entrance of the academy together, and most of the classmates from Ziyang Academy were also present.

It was still dark, and the stars were shining in the sky. Tang Shen was a little sleepy and yawned a few times, but Sun Yue stared at the academy gate with wide eyes.

Tang Shen: “How sure are you about passing the academy examination?”

Sun Yue: “I’m not sure at all, but what if I’m lucky? This time the questions were so simple that it’s hard to write anything stunning, but you won’t make any mistakes either. Look at the old xiucais in our academy. Although their literary talent is better than mine, but they may not be better than me when it comes to answering ‘Is it not delightful to learn with constant perseverance and application’. I can also write an essay on this topic!”

Tang Shen smiled, and said calmly: “I wish you the last place.”

Sun Yue wasn’t angry either: “It’s good to be in the last place, how good it is to place last! The last place is also on the list. If I get on the list, I will be a gongsheng. I can go to Jiangnan Academy to report, and I can take the provincial examination next year!”

“That’s all the ambition you have!”

Tang Shen scolded in amusement, but in his heart he also hoped that Sun Yue could pass the exam. Fatty Sun looked unreliable, but he was actually very serious about his studies. Every day, he carefully completed the homework assigned by his teacher and never slacked off. Among all the wealthy children in Ziyang Academy, he was the most diligent one, such that Tang Shen even felt ashamed–—after all, he still had to manage the business of Zhenbao Pavilion and Tang’s Logistics and did not put as much effort in his studies as he should.

There was actually no difference between the first place and the last place in the academy examination, both were gongsheng and could take the provincial examination. If Tang Shen hadn’t already taken two top spots, he wouldn’t be interested in the third one. The title of an shou was not valuable, there were three of them every year!

Finally, when yin shi (3-5am) arrived, two government workers and an academician official came to the front of the academy with the red list.

The red list slowly opened. Some people cried bitterly, while others were ecstatic. This frenetic dream-like scene had appeared in the land of China for thousands of years, year after year, without interruption. The imperial examination was really pedantic, and the eight-legged writing technique stifled students’ thinking and made them constrained by the Four Books and Five Classics. But was this not the greatest fairness that the ancients could achieve?!

No matter rich or poor, everyone took the exam in the same examination hall.

This was the best way to change one’s life. This was a broad road laid out in front of the people. Even the very old would never give up.

Soon, someone reported the good news to Tang Shen.

“Congratulations, Tang sanyuan!”

“Congratulations, Tang Shen!”

“Tang sanyuan, you have to treat us at Qianqiu Tower.”

Tang Shen smiled and cupped his hands: “Thank you all, my classmates, I will see you all at Qianqiu Tower tomorrow at noon.”

After a while, Tang Shen discovered that Fatty Sun was missing. He searched and found Sun Yue in the crowd.

“What, did you pass Sun Yue?”

Fatty Sun slowly turned around, and Tang Shen was shocked to find that the little fatty was actually crying. Sun Yue excitedly rushed forward and hugged Tang Shen. His beefy embrace almost crushed Tang Shen: “The last place, really the last place! Tang Shen, your words are a blessing, next time you must say that I can pass the juren exam, I will be satisfied with the last spot! Oh, right, you just said that you are going to treat us at Qianqiu Tower at noon tomorrow? No! Dear classmates, I, Sun Yue, will treat you all at Qianqiu Tower at noon tomorrow, I will pay!”

Tang Shen didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

After the academy examination results were released, Tang Shen hung out with his classmates for a while. When he returned home, he unexpectedly saw someone.

Tang Shen was shocked and hurried over: “Why are you here, sir?”

This was the first time Liang Song came to his house.

Liang Song sat on a wooden chair in the center of the yard and said with a smile, “Is this your sister?”

Tang Shen glanced at Tang Huang: “Yes, her name is Tang Huang, she is ten years old this year.”

“Tang Huang, which ‘huang’ is it?”

The little girl immediately said: “The ‘huang’ for yellow.”

Tang Shen: “The ‘huang’ for jade. “Book of Changes: Da Zongbo” says, xuanhuang is used to pay homage to the north. Sir, it is this ‘huang’.”

Tang Huang looked at her brother in astonishment.

Liang Song saw the reaction of the siblings, nodded and said: “’Huang’, beautiful jade, it is a good name.”

Tang Huang stood dazed for a long time, and then she ran to the kitchen excitedly, yelling as she ran: “Aunt Yao, I have a name, Tang Huang, not ‘huang’ for yellow, but ‘huang’ for jade! Even Liang daru said it is a good name…”

Tang Shen covered his face. Wasn’t it just a name? Why couldn’t this girl be more reserved and maintain her dignity in front of sir?

Liang Song stood up and said, “Tang sanyuan?”

“Ah, sir, you already know.”

“En, I knew it one night before you did. Come, Tang sanyuan, let’s go out for a walk.”


The two of them went out and walked through the neighborhood.

The house Tang Shen rented was next to a small river. Small rivers could be seen everywhere in Gusu City. The two of them walked along the river for a while.

Liang Song said: “Yu Zhi came to see you a few days ago?”

Tang Shen was silent then said, “Yes.”

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AN: Little Tang Lang: What the hell, the Wang family hasn’t gone bankrupt yet?!

The young and old of the Wang family: Meow, meow, meow??? Madam, you…???

Next door•Still not showing up today•old Wang: My wife is a spendthrift, please excuse him everyone.

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