The Kingdom That Never Sleeps CH 024 Songqing Party

On the first of October, the Winter Clothes Day was the day when the people burn clothes made of colorful papers in front of graves to their ancestors to keep them warm.

Unlike Jinling, Gusu City was very particular about the Winter Clothes Day. Gusu people didn’t like to celebrate the Winter Clothes Day, but as the weather got cooler and it was also the Winter Clothes Day, they wore an extra autumn layer. However, Suijin Street was very lively that day, as a rich and gorgeous new restaurant stood next to Qianqiu Tower, open for business.

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Sujin Street was bustling with people. Manager Yao stood at the door of Qianqiu Tower, looking at the scene opposite from a distance.

Tang sanyuan, the young boss of Tang’s Logistics, was known to everyone among the merchants in Gusu City for his business methods. Putting aside his strange logistics business, Manager Yao knew that the reason why the Golden Mist from the Tang Family Zhenbao Pavilion sold so well, even better than gold among the ladies of the Gusu City, was because of Tang Shen’s business methods!

However, today was really strange. Tang Shen’s restaurant had just opened, but he didn’t make much sensation. He simply invited a lion dance team at the door and set off firecrackers.

“What is this Tang Shen doing now?” Manager Yao looked carefully, but couldn’t find a clue.

Tang’s Logistics had already spread the news about the restaurant’s opening a month ago. Today, the Tang family’s restaurant was already fully booked, and new customers were coming in an endless stream. Manager Yao watched outside for a while and called a waiter over: “Go to Tang sanyuan‘s restaurant and see what he is doing.”

The waiter said: “Manager, their restaurant specializes in the business of making boxiagong. Should I also order a pot after going over?”

Manager Yao snorted coldly: “You just go, would I make you pay?”


The waiter that Manager Yao called over was the cleverest waiter in Qianqiu Tower, named Zhang Miao’er. Zhang Miao’er received the order from Manager Yao and did not immediately go to the restaurant opposite. Instead, he quietly changed his clothes then left Qianqiu Tower, walked to the restaurant, and looked up.

“Xixia Tower?” Although Zhang Miao’er was literate, he only knew a few charcters and didn’t understand the meaning of these words at all.

A scholar walked by him, looked at the words and said: “The slender hands white as jade, holds the wine cup filled with golden wine! What a fine Xixia Tower, I must see if there really is golden wine.” 

Zhang Miao’er muttered: “Scholars are so pretentious.” Then he followed this man and walked in.

As soon as Zhang Miao’er stepped through the door with his front foot, a waiter hurried over before he could step in with his back foot. “This respected guest, our Xixia Tower is fully booked today.”

Zhang Miao’er: “Ah, then I have no choice but to leave?”

Waiter: “Please stay. Respected guest, you may sit here. If you want, you can wait here for a while. If anyone has finished eating, I will come and call you.”

Zhang Miao’er was shocked: There was such a thing?

Qianqiu Tower was the best and most expensive restaurant in Gusu City, and it was often full. If you want to eat at Qianqiu Tower, you usually have to make a reservation in advance. But Qianqiu Tower never said to the guests, “Sit over here and wait.” Because Qianqiu Tower was not lacking in business, the guests usually couldn’t wait that long. Could it be said that the guests who eat boxiagong eat faster than at ordinary restaurants?

Zhang Miao’er followed the waiter doubtfully and arrived at a small room where guests were waiting. The waiter was so attentive that Zhang Miao’er was a little flustered, thinking maybe that the waiter had seen that he was a worker from Qianqiu Tower. Zhang Miao’er entered the room and was surprised to find that there were seven or eight people in the room. He took a look and found waiters from two other restaurants nearby among them.

The three of them looked at each other awkwardly and said nothing.

Zhang Miao’er was surprised. After he sat down, he heard a knocking sound coming from the high platform in the room. On the high platform, a tall and thin old storyteller knocked on the gavel stump, and the huqin sounded. The storyteller said: “But it was said that in the last years of that dynasty, heroes were fighting for the highest glory, and wars broke out. Meanwhile Jinling City, a certain fishing village, where red light painted the sky and lit it with auspicious clouds, one could only hear the cry of a newly born babe!”

There was another knocking sound, and Zhang Miao’er was immediately attracted. He subconsciously began to listen to the storyteller’s tale.

The tale told by this storyteller was completely different from those in ordinary teahouses.

It was about the end of a certain dynasty, when a child prodigy came out of Jinling City. This child prodigy could read and write a hundred words at the age of three and could recite poetry at the age of five. When he was eight years old, he was already well-spoken. At the age of ten, he scored the sanyuan of Jinling’s tongshi and at twelve he scored the jieyuan, which was even more impressive than Tang Shen. However, at this moment, he was deliberately poisoned by the jealous, causing his hands to be disabled and his voice unable to speak.

Zhang Miao’er was filled with indignation when he heard this. Even if the villain was arrested and taken to the yamen, it made no difference. The child prodigy was already a useless person and had been humiliated in every possible way. Those who once fawned over the child prodigy began to speak mean ridicule. The child prodigy’s father also died of a sudden illness, leaving him alone, mute and disabled. But he studied poetry and books every day and never gave up.

On this day, he was pushed into the river by his vicious stepmother, and as the prodigy was about to drown, an old man passed by, rescued him, and healed his disabled hands.

“I’m just a traveling doctor. I can’t cure your muteness. It’s fate that we meet each other. Take care of yourself from now on!”

The child prodigy used his newly healed hands and endured the pain to write a sentence on the ground: “It doesn’t matter if I am mute, my hands can also speak. If I become the emperor in the future, I will repay my benefactor with hundreds of temples, and the incense will last for thousands of years!”

Zhang Miao’er shouted: “Well said!”

As soon as he uttered the shout, the guests in the room said one after another: “Good! So what if you become mute, let those little villains who step on others take a good look!”

Zhang Miao’er was listening intently when the waiter who had previously waited on him walked in: “Respected guest, your seat has arrived.”

Zhang Miao’er was stunned: “Huh?”

“Please go and sit upstairs, you may eat now.”


Zhang Miao’er reluctantly left and ordered a pot of the cheapest boxiagong. When the pot of boxiagong was served, he was surprised to find that it was different from anything he had ever eaten. Thick bone broth bubbled merrily, and on the side were fresh green vegetables and thinly sliced ​​mutton which can be placed briefly in the broth to be cooked instantly then finally dip it in some of Xixia Tower’s special dipping sauce.

“Amazing! This is actually boxiagong!”

Zhang Miao’er ate so enthusiastically that he had temporarily forgotten the storyteller’s tale. After eating the boxiagong, he felt thirsty. He picked up the cup to drink, but suddenly found that there was no tea in it. He picked up the kettle on the table and was about to pour it for himself, when he saw a waiter running over quickly, picking up the kettle before him and filling his cup with tea.

“Respected guest, this water is a little cold. I’ll get you a different pot.”

“Ah…uh, okay…”

After finishing a plate of dishes, Zhang Miao’er’s chopsticks picked up the last remains, and the plate was taken away by the sharp-eyed waiter. Having become hot from eating, Zhang Miao’er took off his coat, and the waiter immediately helped him put the coat away.

Zhang Miaoer ate heartily. He had never tasted such good boxiagong. The food was comparable to that of Qianqiu Tower!

After finishing the meal, Zhang Miao’er was still craving for some more despite feeling full. The waiter brought a wet cloth and said, “Please wipe your hands, respected guest.”

Zhang Miao’er was startled, and suddenly felt as if he had become a wealthy master. When he returned to Qianqiu Tower, he was still dizzy, feeling like he was stepping on clouds and couldn’t feel the ground.

Manager Yao asked: “What exactly is Tang sanyuan doing?”

Zhang Miao’er was speechless for a moment: “This…”

“En? Is there anything strange about Xixia Tower?”

Zhang Miao’er thought of the tale he had not finished listening to, as well as the delicious pot of boxiagong, and the meticulous service. He was feeling so intoxicated even though he hadn’t drank. “There’s something strange about this Xixia Tower. Manager, I’ll go check it out again tomorrow and be sure to get to the bottom of it soon!”

Manager Yao frowned: “Alright.”

On the first day of opening, the business hours of Xixia Tower began from si shi (9-11am) to shen shi (3-5pm), and even at night, the lights were still bright.

No one understood why so many customers were willing to go in and wait for an hour before eating a pot of boxiagong. When Manager Yao realized something was wrong, Zhang Miao’er had already quietly escaped and started working again at a different shop. Manager Yao couldn’t find the person at all and could only be angry at himself for being too trusting. Zhang Miao’er also wanted to go to Xixia Tower to work as a waiter, but being a waiter at Xixia Tower was not that easy to do, and ordinary people couldn’t even apply.

The business of Xixia Tower was booming. Although it did not steal business from other restaurants, if they could go to Xixia Tower, customers would usually go. They were even willing to wait in the waiting room and hear the storyteller tell the tale of the prodigy who conquered the empire.

At the end of October, Accountant Lin came to report to Tang Shen the good news. Tang Shen was practicing calligraphy.

“…Business is very good.” After reporting the accounts for this month, Accountant Lin said: “Little boss, at first I didn’t understand why you had to take care of those late guests. Now it seems that this move is really brilliant! Many guests come not just to eat the boxiagong, but to listen to stories. It’s simply amazing that in order to listen to the stories, they come to eat boxiagong! Why don’t you let the storyteller set up a stage in our restaurant so guests can eat and listen to stories at the same time?”

Tang Shen stopped writing: “Let them eat and listen to stories at the same time? Heh, then wouldn’t they be able to eat till the end of time and refuse to leave!”

Accountant Lin realized: “Oh! That was dumb of me. Little boss, your story is written so wonderfully that it makes people sit on the edge of their seats.” Accountant Lin said shyly: “To be honest, I also listened to it for two days. I want nothing more than to jump into the story world and kill all the evil people together with that little prodigy!”

“I just wrote an outline of the story. It was the two storytellers you hired who expanded my rough story draft into something extremely brilliant.”

Accountant Lin: “Don’t be humble, little master. But this story is almost over. Does the little master have any new stories?”

Tang Shen was stunned: “The story is almost over?”


“So fast… uh, I don’t have any stories either.” Tang Shen was a student of sciences in his previous life. He had only read a few online novels. Being able to write one ancient version of a slap-in-the-face novel had already burned out all his brain cells. It was more tiring than the imperial examination. He thought for a while and said: “Gusu City is full of talents! So, Accountant Lin, let’s hold a story competition and invite all the scholars in Gusu City to submit stories for our Xixia Tower!”

Accountant Lin was already used to Tang Shen’s whimsical ideas, but he was still surprised when he heard about this story competition. He asked Tang Shen how to do this story competition, and Tang Shen gave him a rough explanation. Accountant Lin said hprovincialappily: “Don’t worry, little boss, just leave it to me.”

As winter arrives, Xixia Tower’s business got even better.

At the beginning of the twelfth lunar month, Tang Shen went to Jinling City and went to Jiangnan Academy to apply for the xiangshi examination the following year.

The xiangshi examination, also called the autumn exam, was held once every three years, usually in August. There was still more than half a year to go, and Tang Shen knew that it was impossible for him to get the title of jieyuan, but he still decided to take the xiangshi examination, otherwise he would have to wait three years for the next one. According to his current level, he was 80% sure of passing and becoming a juren. If he could get the title on the first try next year, he had no intention of continuing to take the imperial exam.

Tang Shen didn’t tell anyone about this, but he felt that Liang Song should have noticed his little thoughts. But still in daily lessons, Liang Song never relaxed his requirements towards him and was strict in everything, which made Tang Shen miserable.

Tang Shen complained endlessly: “Sir, I have to write two eight-legged essays and one test poem every day. There are few scholars in the entire Gusu Prefecture who are so diligent and hard-working!”

Liang Song snorted: “When I was young, I was studying and writing three eight-legged essays every day. I never stopped once. In addition, I would choose one book from the Four Books, Five Classics and Confucian classics, and copy it every day.”

Tang Shen: “…”

“Are you human…”


“It’s nothing, this kid didn’t say anything.”

Liang Song rolled up a book and lightly hit Tang Shen on the head: “You go to Jiangnan Academy to report tomorrow?”


“Then there is no need to write tomorrow’s eight-legged essays and test poems.”

Tang Shen was overjoyed. This was really the best news he had heard during these past days. It was even more exciting than the hot pot restaurant making so much money!

It only took half a day to take a boat from the Grand Canal to Jinling City.

Tang Shen got off the boat and went to Jiangnan Academy with Yao San. He registered his academic status in Jiangnan Academy and got a name card. With this name card, he could come to Jiangnan Academy to register for the xiangshi examination in July next year and then take the examination in August.

Since he came to Jinling City, Tang Shen went to Jinxiu Pavilion to take a look. It was unfortunate that when he arrived, the shopkeeper Fang Da of Jinxiu Pavilion was not there, and the clerks in the shop didn’t recognize Tang Shen. Tang Shen stayed in Jinxiu Pavilion for a quarter of an hour. He found that the best-selling product here was still plain soap, but other than that, the best-selling product was not scented soap, but the Golden Mist!

“What a strange thing. Are the people in Jinling City so rich?”

When a clerk heard what he said, he laughed and said, “This respected guest must not be a local, yes?”

Yao San: “We are from Gusu City.”

“Oh, then you must have seen the Golden Mist? Yes, the sales of the Golden Mist in Gusu City are definitely not as good as ours in Jinling City. After all, you have to know that this Golden Mist in Gusu City received the inscription by Liang daru, “‘The moths are like golden wisps of snow and willows…”, “Suddenly looking back, in the dim light there stands that person”. And in Jinling City, the Golden Mist also got an inscription. Look, “Mist envelops the cold water, and moonlight shrouds the sand”, which exactly describes the Golden Mist which is decorated with white sand and clear water!”

Tang Shen looked in the direction of the clerk’s finger and saw a banner hanging in the center of Jinxiu Pavilion with the words on it——

Mist envelops the cold water, and moonlight shrouds the sand!

This calligraphy had smooth charm and horizontal strokes. With one stroke, it was like a formation of clouds thousands of miles away, which was so wonderful that it made one feel breathless.

Tang Shen looked at the signature below and said in surprise: “It’s actually him?”

The clerk asked: “Respected guest actually knows Wang xianggong?”

Tang Shen shook his head and said, “I don’t know him. I was just lucky enough to see his calligraphy.” It was during the first time Tang Shen visited Liang Song’s house and he had admired a piece of “Chrysanthemums in the East Window”. The person who inscribed and wrote the poem for this painting was Wang Zifeng.

The clerk said with emotion: “Respected guest is also a blessed one. The Golden Mist was bestowed an inscription by Wang xianggong himself. Our madams and ladies of Jinling City admire Wang xianggong very much, so they would naturally buy the Golden Mist, so the sales are better than scented soap!”

At night, Tang Shen and Yao San returned to Gusu City.

The next day, Tang Shen called Accountant Lin and asked him about the sales of scented soap and essential oils. Accountant Lin replied one by one.

Tang Shen said: “Jinling City is really an anomaly! How could essential oils sell more than scented soap? The people in Jinling City either have brain problems or are extremely rich. It seems that we have to find an opportunity to ask the Jinling people to help out the impoverished me!”

Of course Tang Shen was just talking. Currently he was very comfortable in Gusu City. He had no intention of going to Jinling City to work if it was not necessary.

As the New Year approached, on the 18th day of the twelfth lunar month, Ziyang Academy held its last lecture before the holiday.

Tang Shen came to the academy early and saw Fatty Sun running over from a distance. He was wearing a thick cotton coat and a fox fur hat, and he was holding a thermos in his hands, looking a rolling big ball.

Tang Shen laughed and said, “You are no different from last year.”

Sun Yue didn’t react at first, but when he did: “Tang Shen, you! You said last year at this time that fat people are not afraid of the cold, and said that I wore a lot of layers. What, you don’t wear many layers? If you have the guts, take off your cotton-padded clothes!”

Tang Shen: “How could I fall for your provocation?”

Sun Yue snorted.

Before long, many people had arrived at the academy classroom. The lecture hadn’t started yet so everyone was still chatting.

“Last year at this time, refugees blocked the west gate of Gusu City. I was really scared to death. Fortunately, this year is an auspicious year, with good weather and good harvest. I hope it will be like this next year!”

“Next year is the autumn exam that happens every three years. I really hope I can pass the exam this time.”

“Me too”

“By the way, I heard that next year the examiner of the xiangshi examination of our Jiangnan Academy is probably Luo Zhen, Grand Secretary Luo. He was supposed to be the examiner two years ago, but he suddenly contracted a strange disease. The emperor said that the examiner’s spot is reserved for him and will be given to him next time. ” (TN: members of the Grand Secretariat, or the Cabinet, nominally a coordinating agency but de facto the highest institution in the imperial government of the Chinese Ming dynasty)

“Then I have to find out the preferences of Grand Secretary Luo.”

The Jiangnan Academy and Shengjing imperial examinations were seen as the most important by the officials. Every time, even for the xiangshi examinations, the grand secretary which was of the third-rank was always sent as examiner to set the questions and invigilate the examinations.

Sun Yue stretched his ears to listen to these gossips, and whispered: “I also have to find someone to ask about Grand Secretary Luo’s preferences. I have never heard of him before. I wonder if he likes to read “Spring and Autumn” or “Book of Changes”. I have to prepare well.”

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Tang Shen: “I haven’t heard of this person either.”

An old scholar laughed and said: “Isn’t it easy to know the preferences of Grand Secretary Luo? ‘A silvery moon is shining through the pines, the limpid brooks are gurgling o’er the stones’. He is a proper member of the Songqing Party!” (TN: from the poem “Autumn Evening In My Mountain Abode” by Wang Wei. Songqing Party literally translates as Green Pines Party)

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2 thoughts on “The Kingdom That Never Sleeps CH 024 Songqing Party”

  1. thanks for sharing this wonderful story with us! 🙂 it’s been an absolute pleasure to read so far!


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