Category Archives: These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues CH 040 Dealing With The Aftermath

Lei Jin saw that Moya was silent and didn’t know what he was thinking, but he could guess a little about Moya’s thoughts. After all, although Moya didn’t say anything in particular, he didn’t hide it either. He didn’t know why Moya developed such feelings for him. Although he felt that he was quite a likeable fellow, he didn’t think he reached the point where everyone would fall for him?

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“In my world, if two people are attracted to each other they can sleep together, even if they don’t know each other. It’s nothing. When tonight is over, don’t take it to heart.” Lei Jin said carelessly, seeming very generous. Was there another person like him in this world? He was the one who got f*ked but ended up comforting the other. It was estimated that there would not be a second person as generous as him.

Though he acted like it was nothing, Lei Jin secretly cursed Moya’s ancestors one by one. Although it was one thing to enjoy it just now, he did not forget that it also hurt like a b*tch. But looking at Moya’s appearance, he knew that he had never done it with anyone before. He heard that such a person was likely to develop a special obsession with his first-time partner. Coupled with his original feelings, it was inevitable that the other would try to tie him down. He had a hunch that if things really got to that point, it would definitely not be fun.

“Is it really nothing?” Seeing that he didn’t care at all, still as arrogant as ever, Moya asked back with a half-smile.

“If I say it’s nothing, it’s nothing.” Lei Jin was likely just being stubborn. Even though he grimaced secretly in pain even when trying to turn over or slightly spread his legs, yet he still put up a stubborn front.

Moya turned over and a finger suddenly moved past his long legs and inserted into the back.

Lei Jin gasped in shock, and kicked out. But that movement pulled on his tender entrance, and the pain was so sharp that he could only such in air and the force of his kick could practically be ignored.

“Is it really nothing here as well?” Moya’s arms were propped on either side of his head, and he didn’t dare to really put the weight of his entire body down.

“Haven’t you had enough yet? Moya, I’ve already let you do it twice.” Lei Jin would never admit it but after Moya’s finger moved suggestively inside, he really felt a little bit scared.

The body that had just experienced an intense love-making was too sensitive to stand up to even a little provocation, and Moya seemed to have mastered all his sensitive spots, pressing his fingertip to that pleasure point in his body.

“Didn’t you say it’s nothing?” Moya teased, seeming to be in high spirits, carefully examining his reactions. As his fingertip moved, a thin layer of sweat covered Lei Jin’s forehead, but he bit the corner of his mouth stubbornly. Only those eyes, black and bright as the night sky, glared at him stubbornly.

Moya suddenly felt a wicked urge to tease him, his fingertip pressing down suddenly.

“En…..” Lei Jin couldn’t help but let out a moan from his lips, and his eyes misted over as well.

Seeing this female who had always been arrogant and stubborn showing such an expression in front of him, it was so unbelievably sexy that no male werebeast could stand it. Besides, he was buried in his body just now, and had personally tasted the pleasure to be had.

Lei Jin felt the breaths Moya exhaled on him while leaning on the side of his neck gradually becoming hot, and felt his heart jump. He looked up at Moya and was horrified by the strong burning desire in the other’s eyes, he really was going to be killed this night.

“I’ll be killed by you, Moya.” Lei Jin frowned, resisting the waves of pleasure inside his body that were only becoming stronger.

“I won’t do more.” Moya murmured, but he didn’t leave Lei Jin’s body, he just dropped layers of kisses all over his body reverently, not even letting go of his inner thighs.

This time Lei Jin came in Moya’s hand.

Moya picked up their clothes that were scattered over the grass.

“What are you doing?” Lei Jin only had time to feel his body rise up in the air, and found himself being carried in Moya’s arms in the next second.

“Be good, I’ll take you to the creek deep in the woods to wash.” Moya patted him on the back of his buttocks naturally, his movements appearing extremely elegant.

But where are you patting? Lei Jin screeched silently.

“Put me down.” He was not a woman, and did not want this kind of princess hold.

“Are you sure you can walk by yourself?” Moya’s eyes swept over his lower half meaningfully and frowned, obviously disapproving of his stubbornness at this time.

“I’ll crawl over if I have to, rather than let you carry me.” It was about the dignity of a man, and this kind of thing must not be compromised.

But when doing it just now, you didn’t stick to your integrity in the end.

Seeing him like this, Moya had no choice but to let him down.

As soon as Lei Jin touched the ground, his back throbbed, his legs felt sore and weak, and he almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Moya didn’t dare to really let go, and quickly embraced his shoulders and supported him.

Lei Jin let out a curse. Soon the backs of the two leaning against each other gradually left.

“Now, shouldn’t you let go of this young master?” The little fox struggled under Mingya’s claws, his beautiful big tail was squeezed painfully in the little werebeast’s grasp. If the fur on his tail fell off, he would not forgive this little werebeast.

“Who told you to make a sound just now.” Mingya lazily raised his front paw and released his tail that was pressed underneath.

“Hey, this young master did it for your own good. There is really no reward for kindness. Didn’t you say that the female is yours, and all day long in front of this young master, calling him ‘Mingya’s female’.” The little fox pulled his tail in front of him and began to count his fur, one, two, three, four… many times did he count last time? Four hundred and three or four hundred and four?

“But he doesn’t like Mingya.” Mingya lay on the ground sullenly. Ah Ma said that Lei Jin only regarded Mingya as a little brother, and would not like to be Mingya’s female.

“How do you know he doesn’t like you? I think he treats you well.” Forget it, no more counting, his head hurt, every time he counted, he could never count accurately. He’ll try again later.

“Last time Mingya touched him, he slapped Mingya, but when second brother went in, he didn’t even hit second brother. Even though Lei Jin was clearly discovered by Mingya first, and brought back by Mingya.”

Today after a nap, he went out to find Lei Jin and happened to see him and Chunji going into the woods, so he followed, only to see both Lei Jin and Chunji getting undressed. He was a male werebeast, Ah Ma said he shouldn’t peek at naked females. Although he really wanted to see Lei Jin, he still closed his eyes obediently. Later, when he heard something strange, he opened his eyes and saw Lei Jin and Chunji hugging each other, and then second brother came over, and then second brother and Lei Jin were hugging together. He could only watch from the side, he knew that if Lei Jin found out that he was there, Lei Jin would definitely be angry at him, so he stepped on the little fox to keep him from making a sound.

“What’s wrong with you, Mingya?” The little fox poked him tentatively with a paw.

Mingya held his big head with both paws and lay there motionless.

“I don’t know, Mingya feels very uncomfortable here.” Mingya pointed to the position of his chest.

“Since you know it’s uncomfortable, why didn’t you go over just now?” The little fox looked at him with slanted eyes, these male werebeasts were really troublesome.

“Mingya doesn’t want Lei Jin to be angry with Mingya.” Mingya got up, walked to the place where Lei Jin had lied just now, rubbed his head against it, and said, “It’s Lei Jin’s scent, and Mingya has tasted it, too. He got angry with Mingya last time, but he caught fish for Mingya to eat. But now he doesn’t want Mingya anymore, he only wants second brother.”

Mingya lowered his head, big tears dripping from his big blue eyes and disappearing into the grass.

“Hey, don’t cry, this young master is not good at coaxing people.” The little fox jumped up and down anxiously.

“I’m not crying, I just feel uncomfortable.” Mingya raised his paws and wiped his face.


“Elder brother, why are you here?” Mingya looked at Xiya who suddenly appeared.

“I just arrived.” Xiya came over, looked down at him, bending down and touching his head, “My dear little brother, what’s wrong?”

The little fox was about to say something, but Mingya held him down. He forgot that even if the little fox spoke, Xiya wouldn’t be able to understand anyway.

“I’m looking for Lei Jin.”

“Have you found him then?” Xiya didn’t point it out. In fact, he was also present just now. He was just a little later than Moya. When Lei Jin disappeared, how could he discuss things with his uncle at ease? If Moya could find him by scent, how could he not find him as well? But even if he saw the two entangled with his own eyes, what could he do? He knew that although Lei Jin was reluctant, he still accepted Moya, but if it was him it would be a different situation?

If he even got too close to the other, he would avoid him, let alone something like this.

But it didn’t matter, one day, Lei Jin would also be his, so he would not give up.

“I haven’t found him yet.” Because Mingya lied to his eldest brother, he lowered his head and dared not look at him.

“Let’s go, go back, maybe Lei Jin has already gone back to sleep.” How could Xiya not know what he was thinking.

“En.” Mingya agreed.

“Yeah right, more likely that your second brother and your female are still in the stream.”

Mingya glared at him.

The little fox innocently brushed the tufts of bright red fur on his ears, and consciously jumped onto Mingya’s back. Ha, with someone to carry him, of course he wouldn’t walk by himself.

When they went back, Moya and Lei Jin were indeed not back yet.

Because the two were battling it out again in the stream.

Regardless of the pain below, Lei Jin insisted against letting Moya do it, but he was not as strong as Moya in the first place, and he had drunk alcohol and been f**ked, so the situation was obvious.

In the end, Moya pressed him against the shore, put his fingers in, and cleaned his insides for him.

“Your current body can’t bear this. If you don’t clean it up, you will get sick.” Lei Jin’s body had not been changed yet, and those fluids could not be left in his body.

Moya said it seriously, but Lei Jin was so mad that he nearly wanted to faint to death, lest Moya could anger him some more.

Tonight, his body’s endurance was completely spent, but Lei Jin still used his inhuman stubbornness to maintain the only trace of sobriety.

But in truth, unbeknownst to Lei Jin, those who should know have already known, and those who shouldn’t know would immediately know soon.

Moya helped Lei Jin clean up, and the two got dressed.

Moya then helped Lei Jin back, and when they reached the edge of the forest, Lei Jin waved away Moya’s supporting hand and straightened his back.

But it was really painful, Lei Jin gritted his teeth, and walked forward slowly, seemingly leisurely. Fortunately, the time they spent messing around was long enough, the people in the forest clearing had already dispersed, and even the bonfire had been extinguished, and the soil was buried over it, leaving only a few wisps of smoke, drifting in the wind. The closer he was to the tribe’s tents, the more he could hear the sound of rustling in the woods from time to time.

These familiar sounds made Lei Jin pause, and recalling that he and Moya were up to the same business just now, his face changed slightly. The male werebeasts were too busy during the past few days ago. It was estimated that with the catastrophe being over now, they finally had the mind for such things. Just as Roger said, these werebeasts were indeed sometimes little different from beasts.

Did that mean hr should be grateful to Moya for being able to hold back just now and let him go after two rounds? Lei Jin frowned fiercely, not forgetting to warn Moya next to him to stay away from him.

When they arrived back, no one in the family had gone to bed yet. Even the little guy who had been sleeping at every turn recently was wide awake and huddled by the bonfire.

Seeing Lei Jin coming back, Mingya’s eyes flickered, but he still ran over and threw himself into Lei Jin’s arms.

“Lei Jin, you’re back?”

Lei Jin staggered a step and almost fell to the ground, but fortunately Moya supported him subtly from behind.

Ah, his old waist was about to break, Lei Jin rubbed his waist inadvertently with his left hand, and used his right hand to touch Mingya, who was lying on his lap, and said, “Why haven’t you gone to sleep yet?”

“Mingya was waiting for you to come back and sleep together.” Mingya looked up at him.

“Okay, I’m back, you can go to sleep now.” With his situation tonight, he even had difficulty walking, how could he sleep in a hammock? If people knew, it would be quicker to just kill him.

“Aren’t you going to sleep with Mingya?” As he thought, Lei Jin really didn’t like Mingya anymore.

“I want to sleep under the tree tonight.” With full patience, Lei Jin brought Mingya to Roger’s side, took a deep breath, and slowly sat down by the trunk of the tree.

Roger glanced at him with an indecipherable look.

Lei Jin immediately exploded and asked, “What, Roger? Why are you looking at me like that?” A typical example of a guilty conscience, revealing everything with just his reaction.

Roger looked away, threw the firewood in his hand into the bonfire, and said, “It’s nothing, you drank a lot of wine tonight?”

“I didn’t drink too much.” Lei Jin eased up slightly.

“That’s good, since everyone is back, let’s go to bed separately.” Roger brushed away the soil on his hands and stood up. The tree hole was quite spacious for females, but not for werebeasts, so An Sen and An Luo didn’t follow and remained by the campfire.

As soon as Lei Jin sat down, he felt an overwhelming sense of exhaustion. Leaning against the tree trunk, he fell asleep by the warm bonfire very quickly.

“Papa.” Moya stopped Roger.

Roger took a deep breath, wanted to say something, opened his mouth, but swallowed it back again.

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Turning around and entering the tree hole, he threw out a handful of jade mugwort after a while, but the small white flowers on the top had been removed in advance.

Moya mashed the jade mugwort’s stems and leaves, found a small pottery bowl, and picked up Lei Jin, who was already asleep, carrying him towards the depths of the forest. Mingya followed, grabbed the corner of Moya’s clothes, and probed carefully, “Second brother, let me help too?”

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These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues CH 036 It’s Here

“You have a solution?” Roger raised his eyebrows, expressing his interest, “What is it?”

“A good method passed down from our ancestors in China.” Lei Jin cocked the corners of his mouth and smiled smugly, with a look of honor and pride.

“Okay, already, tell us quickly.” When Xiya heard him say that there was a way, he came over and urged with a smile.

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“Northeast wind, use fire.” Lei Jin compared the direction of the kitchen. In ancient times, Mr. Zhuge set fire to a fleet of enemy boats. Today, Lei Jin planned to roast the herd of animals.

Before everyone could react, Roger chuckled lightly and said, “Sure enough, it’s indeed a good idea.”

“Ai? You’re quite smart, Roger.” Lei Jin blinked, and punched a brotherly fist into Roger’s shoulder.

The two exchanged smiles, without having to say anything out loud.

“However, I still think that our ancestors in China are smarter than you foreign fellows…..Your ancestors are only a little bit smart.” Lei Jin changed his tune temporarily, but he still finished his impertinent sentence.

Seeing his silly prideful appearance, Roger threw him an eyeroll and ignored it, but the method was indeed really good, and Roger couldn’t help but smile.

“Roger, what’s the solution?” An Sen and An Luo had been listening, watching the two exchanging words back and forth, but they were confused and didn’t understand a word.

“Lei Jin, you explain to them.” Roger said as the several people sat down on the stone bench in the yard.

“Basically, isn’t the northeast wind blowing on the grassland now? The weather is dry, and the herds are migrating from the south, so we just dig a semi-circular fire belt outside the tribe, and then ignite the grassland when the herds come. The wind from the northeast encourages the fire to blow to the southwest, and the herd will naturally retreat when it encounters fire.” Most animals were afraid of fire, and it was certain that they would not dare to move forward.

Lei Jin dipped his fingers in water and made a general gesture on the stone table.

“And as they come from the south, they naturally won’t retreat back to the south. If there is fire in the northeast, they could only turn to the northwest. There are plenty of water sources there. Those herds shouldn’t turn around and come back.” Roger supplemented the following.

“Papa, Lei Jin, this is indeed a good solution. I think it’s feasible. Dad, what do you think?” Xiya stood up happily and said.

“It is indeed a good solution. If it could be solved this time, the tribe would no longer have to worry about this problem in the future, and the tribe would not need to be rebuilt every 20 years.” An Luo smiled and nodded in agreement.

“What’s a fire belt?” Moya had been silent the whole time until he finally spoke up to ask the key question.

“To put it simply, it is to remove the flammable things on the ground, so that the fire does not come over. Here, the grass probably needs to be cleaned up.” Lei Jin spoke. In modern times, even forests could catch fire, so it was too easy for the dry grassland to be ignited.

“I think that we need to make a whole ring of fire protection, and we must set fire when the herd has reached a certain range. Lest the fire can’t be controlled and the entire grassland is burned up.” Roger frowned and thought for a while, before saying.

“En, that’s right.” Lei Jin nodded in agreement, after all, this space was too open.

“If that’s the case, then this… belt should be made wider. After all, the wind on the grassland is sometimes quite strong. If it’s not wide enough, fire will inevitably cross that… belt.” Regarding this new term, Xiya was obviously still a little unused to using it.

The several people continued to add their own thoughts to perfect the plan. In the end, An Sen concluded: “The method is a good method, but I think we should implement it as soon as possible, lest the herd suddenly comes and we are caught off guard.”

“Then let’s talk to Uncle An Bu after we eat, and call the werebeasts of the tribe to start preparing.” Xiya said.

For once, Mingya was also quite well-behaved and sensible today, shifting into his human form, and had already prepared everyone’s breakfast and placed it on the table.

Lei Jin couldn’t help pinching Mingya’s cheeks, in a manner of a rogue teasing a good woman, and said with a smile: “Mingya is so good, give this brother a smile.”

Mingya’s face immediately turned red, and after hesitating for a while, seeing that Lei Jin’s mood was good today, he said cautiously, “Lei Jin is not a brother, but Mingya’s female.”

“You dunderhead.” Lei Jin angrily rubbed his head and took two steps away. Seeing that Mingya didn’t move, he turned back and called him: “It’s time to eat, what are you doing?”

“En. I’m coming.” Mingya grinned happily, catching up in a few steps, and tugging at Lei Jin’s sleeve.

“This bowl belongs to Ah Ma, and this bowl belongs to Lei Jin.” Mingya gave full service and brought Roger and Lei Jin’s bowls to them.

“My onion…..” Lei Jin’s heart dripped with blood, actually throwing the whole onion he dug with such effort into the pot to cook.

“Moya. Was. This. Meal. Made. By. You?” Lei Jin asked clearly, enunciating word by word. Anyway, now that the matter of the herd had been basically resolved, it was necessary to discuss the matter of eating.

“Yeah.” Moya nodded expressionlessly. He actually knew in his heart that the meal was probably made wrong. He heard from his elder brother that Lei Jin dug it up yesterday. Guessing that he probably wanted to eat it, he decided to cool it this morning. Looking at its roundness, he estimated that it was similar to the potato, so just removed the skin and threw it into the pot to cook. Thinking about it, he added: “Isn’t that how potatoes are cooked in soup?”

“But this is an onion, an onion.” Lei Jin emphasized again and again.

“How many have you cooked?” Lei Jin thought of the question and asked quickly.

“Two, one for you, and one for Papa.” Moya answered truthfully.

“Fortunately, you didn’t cook it all.” Luckily, he had managed to find a few. Although Roger’s vegetable garden was planted with some vegetables, it was not the time to eat it at all. But eating meat every day would make anyone lose their appetite.

Lei Jin lowered his head and forked the onion and took a bite. Although it was boiled in the broth, it was not delicious at all. Even if the boiled onion was cooked with dragon meat, it would still be unpalatable. Lei Jin spooned it out and placed it in Moya’s bowl next to him, saying, “You can have it instead.”

In fact, Lei Jin really didn’t think further into his actions, he just thought that since it was made by Moya and it was not delicious, so he would naturally give it to him, but this gesture was seen differently in the eyes of everyone else.

Xiya didn’t raise his head however, he just paused slightly with his fork in the air. Mingya pouted in dissatisfaction, Roger hid the complexity in his eyes, though An Sen and An Luo didn’t think much of it. So long as Lei Jin stayed, it didn’t matter who he liked more.

Lei Jin stared at Moya to see how he would eat it. If he could eat it, he decided to worship Moya from today.

Moya glanced at him but didn’t say a word, just raised his hand and forked it unhurriedly, biting down exactly on the place where Lei Jin had bitten. He ate elegantly and naturally, as if he was eating something delicious and exquisite.

“Tch.” Lei Jin muttered to himself: “Go and eat yourself to death.”


Although the tools were outdated, luckily the werebeasts had enough physical strength. After nearly ten days, a huge circular fireproof belt was almost finished being constructed.

But to be on the safe side, the people who went out to live in the caves did not move back, but some daring females would come back to the tribe together to get some things, or go to the grasslands to bring their partners some food.

Because Lei Jin came up with the idea, and Roger also had a share in coming up with the details, the two were often called to the grassland to look it over. Although An Sen and the others were also worried, no one in the tribe had done such a thing before, and everyone really had no idea how to go about it.

Lei Jin didn’t know at this time, because of this matter, the people in the tribe did not simply envy Xiya and his brothers for getting themselves a beautiful female. Although everyone was not yet sure whether this method was really feasible, they still felt that Lei Jin was a smart and strong beautiful female, and he should be respected more.

“Roger, be careful.” This ring-shaped fireproof belt was too big. Roger and Lei Jin have been walking for a long time in the sun without anything to use as a sunshade. They were sweating profusely and their clothes stuck to their bodies with sweat. At this time, Roger stumbled upon the weed roots under his feet. Lei Jin tried to catch him but missed, and as he was about to fall to the ground, he was suddenly supported by a person that appeared next to him.

“Thank you.” Roger said coldly, attempting to withdraw his arm.

Looking at it from Lei Jin’s point of view, the person who came seemed to be holding Roger’s wrist very tightly.

Roger glanced coldly at his hand.

“Roger…..” The person who came seemed to sigh and let go before saying: “Please walk carefully.”

Lei Jin knew this person as he had seen him several times in the past few days. He was the leader of the Leopard Tribe, Xiya and the others’ uncle, An Bu. He had black hair, green eyes that were slightly lighter in color. And as for the look in his eyes at this time? Lei Jin frowned, he couldn’t really describe it, he just felt that the way he looked at Roger didn’t look like one would look at one’s ‘sister-in-law’.

Seeing that Roger didn’t speak, An Bu nodded to Lei Jin, and changed the subject wisely: “I believe this fire belt will be finished by tomorrow. The werebeasts sent by the tribe have already seen the herd moving this way. I hope we can successfully stop it this time. If that is the case, Lei Jin, you and Roger have helped our tribe a lot.”

“Lei Jin came up with the solution, it is not any of my business.” Roger opened his mouth and wiped away his own credit.

“Don’t, Roger, I only came up with the bare bones, and it’s thanks to you for supplementing the finer details.” Lei Jin raised his hand to wipe his sweat.

No matter what was going on between Roger and An Bu, it was not any of his business. Soon, they said goodbye to An Bu and the two walked for another while, before finally finishing with the lap around the ring. This fire belt, Lei Jin estimated that it was nearly 30 meters wide. Lei Jin had only seen fire protection belts of around ten meters in the modern times, so this time there was really no need to worry.

When it was time to go back, Xiya took his beast form and carried them back. If the two of them really walked around back instead, it would be dark by the time they made it back, and it was estimated that the two of them would also directly suffer from heat stroke.

There was no one left in the tribe, and they had also moved out as well.

Because Roger really didn’t like to be crowded with everyone in a bottomless, eerie cave, An Sen and the others found an especially sturdy tree in front of the cave where the tribes people gathered. A meter up the big tree were two tree holes, a simple wooden ladder was made on one side, used when going up, and the other side was made like a slide, if you want to go down, you could just slide down, very convenient indeed. It was very spacious for sleeping inside as well, but if you want to stand it was still not high enough. There were even windows set into the walls, where sunlight could come in during the day, and only needed to be covered with large leaves at night.

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However, Lei Jin preferred to sleep in the hammock outside the tree hole. It was Xiya and the others who made it with a fishing net. No one squeezed him at night, and he could even see the starry sky, which was refreshing, not to mention how beautiful the sight was.

That night, Lei Jin was lying on the hammock with his arms on his side, chatting with Roger, who was sitting at the door of the tree hole, when he heard a huge vibration coming from the ground.

Then someone shouted: “It’s here!”

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These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues CH 037 Victory

Lei Jin reacted and jumped out of the hammock, grabbed a female passing by, and asked, “What’s coming? What’s coming? Is it the herd coming?”

“Ah? Oh, don’t be afraid.” In truth, the female had been scared into letting out a scream at the sudden appearance of Lei Jin. Fortunately, everyone had been living together in the jungle for the past few days and many people knew Lei Jin. After recognizing him he patted his chest and took a breath, calming down. Knowing that Lei Jin had just come to the tribe and that he had never seen the herd before, he did not forget to comfort him and said, “It’s probably not here yet, even if it has arrived in the tribe, the herd will not enter the woods, so don’t worry.”

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Roger also came down from the tree hole, pursed his lips, and asked secretly to himself, just which eye of yours see that Lei Jin is afraid. He stood two steps away from Lei Jin, and still could see that that pair of eyes was full of excitement. As bright as two big light bulbs. He was obviously looking forward to it and could barely wait. If he could, he would probably grow a pair of wings and fly over to witness it personally himself.

“So it hasn’t come yet?” Lei Jin was really a bit disappointed, but the vibrations on the ground was becoming louder and louder, and even the leaves on the trees fell rustling, landing on Lei Jin’s head. The vibration he felt from the ground he was standing on now was especially strong, and it seemed that even if it had yet to come, it should be close.

The female could barely stand steady, swaying twice. Thinking of his child who was still in the cave, he quickly said goodbye to Lei Jin and ran back.

“Roger, do you think our fire belt will work?” Lei Jin waved his hand and patted off the fallen leaves on his body. Looking at this menacing approach, it was indeed a bit scary. He wondered if the fire belt would work now, whether it’s not too late.

Nonsense, of course it’s too late.

“The matter being as it is, we can only wait and see what happens. The worst is just to repeat what happened 20 years ago.” Roger didn’t worry anymore, in any case, he had done what needed to be done, and the rest was up to God’s will.

“Still.” He finally came up with a good idea. Everyone had worked hard for a long time, yet it didn’t work in the end. That was just too embarrassing. Losing face in another world.

Roger seemed to see his thoughts and smiled mildly: “Don’t worry, no matter how much face you have lost here, it won’t spread to that world.”

Lei Jin expressed his contempt and said, “I never do things that will lose me face.”

As the two of them were talking here Xiya and the other werebeasts also returned. Most of the werebeasts still lived in the tribe during the past few days. Being relatively close to the grasslands made it convenient to do their work. Only a few werebeasts remained behind to patrol around the jungle and protect the females and children, so as not to let other werebeast tribes take the opportunity to attack. But it was rare for so many people to come back together like today.

“Why are you all back?” Lei Jin and Roger took out a water jug ​​full of clear water from under the tree and handed it to Xiya and the others when the others passed by one after another.

“The ones who were sent to scout today came back and said that the migration of the herd is quite fast. The fire belt that was planned to be closed tomorrow, everyone rushed to complete it instead tonight. There are still some people left in the tribe, but who knows when the herd may arrive. Everyone agreed that there can be no shortage of werebeasts here, just in case the herd was dispersed by the fire, ran around and really broke into here.” An Sen answered.

“Have you guys had dinner yet?” Roger asked.

“Not yet, Ah Ma, Mingya is very hungry.” Because everyone was busy with the fire belt, Mingya naturally wanted to help. Although he was still young, he was still a werebeast after all. But right now he was rubbing his tummy and whining coquettishly at Roger.

“Then you guys go wash up in the stream in the woods first, and we’ll make barbecue.” Roger saw that they were all sweaty and muddy.

“But Mingya is very tired.” Mingya sat on the ground directy, and his silver-white little leopard form slowly showed its shape. For the werebeasts who did not hold the coming-of-age ceremony, maintaining their human form for a long time itself was a burden on the body. Not to mention that he also had to work under the scorching sun, it was already very good that he managed to keep from shifting until now.

Roger felt distressed and smoothed his fur.

Mingya arched in Roger’s arms and called out weakly, “Ah Ma.”

Lei Jin also looked worried, Mingya saw this, and immediately got a little bit of energy, stretched out a paw, and said, “Lei Jin, hug Mingya too.”

Lei Jin shook his head with a smile, took him from Roger’s arms, stuffed him into his own arms, rubbed him not very gently, and said, “Go take a bath, you smell like sweat, really smelly. I’ll make barbecue for you. I just got some honey in the woods two days ago, and I have been reluctant to eat it yet, lucky for you.”

“En, okay, Lei Jin’s cooking is delicious.” Mingya’s eyes lit up when he heard that there was delicious food.

Roger snorted coldly.

An Luo hurriedly carried his younger son over and said, “Dad will take Mingya for a bath now.”

The smell of smoke gradually filled the jungle, and it was estimated that many families were preparing dinner for the werebeasts who had just returned, just like them.

Lei Jin didn’t sleep in the tree hole, so Roger simply put the prey on the upper floor from where Lei Jin was sleeping. At this moment, he climbed up, stuck his head out of the window and asked, “What are you going to make?” In fact, Roger also admitted that Lei Jin’s cooking was much better than his, and it was Lei Jin who took care of their food these days.

“Isn’t there another black goat? Let’s barbecue lamb chops and make grilled chicken. It’s easy to cook.” So Roger took the black goat and three pheasants down.

Lei Jin set up a pot and filled it with water. Roger prepared the mutton slices and threw them into the pot together with the mutton bones and offal to cook. Lei Jin threw in some seasonings that he had picked with the others.

The belly of the pheasant was stuffed with wild mushrooms growing in the woods, smeared with honey, and roasted on the fire.

The others came back, but there were a few more people. An Bu, Zhu Xi and Mura also came. Where there was Mura, Xia Wei was not far behind so there were four more people at once. Lei Jin saw that this amount of food was not enough and thought about going to get some more. However, An Bu, seemed surprised when he saw Roger stirring the mutton soup, and then asked, “You guys haven’t eaten yet?”

Roger didn’t answer. An Sen smiled: “Not yet, if we don’t clean up first, how can Roger let us eat?”

An Bu responded: “That’s true.”

“Have you guys eaten? Let’s eat together?” An Luo was still holding Mingya, who had already fallen asleep, in his arms.

“We’ve already eaten, Uncle An Luo.” Mura and Roger were very close, and automatically leaned over and said with a smile: “But the food at Uncle Roger’s house smells delicious.”

“You little smart aleck. You can have a taste when it’s done later.” Roger obviously liked him too, and pulled him to sit down beside him.

Lei Jin saw that Mingya had fallen asleep, and that An Sen and the others obviously had something to discuss, so Lei Jin carried Mingya over to the hammock. Mingya turned over in the hammock uncomfortably, and soon fell deeper asleep, completely exhausted.

Xiya came over from the side, covered Mingya with a piece of clothing, and asked Lei Jin, “How were you and Papa today? I noticed that you two sweat a lot this afternoon.”

“What could be wrong?” Lei Jin raised his eyebrows casually, then waved his hand and muttered, “I’ll go see if the meat is cooked? I can’t believe Roger’s cooking, it’s really very bad. Every time I let him watch the fire, it always ends up too mushy to eat every time.”

Keep your distance, keep your distance. He can’t beat Xiya after all.

Xiya’s brows furrowed and smiled bitterly. Really, he had asked for it, unable to control himself from following over. It seemed that Lei Jin knew what happened in the woods that day, because though he didn’t say anything on the surface, since that day he had been avoiding him every time. But then, it’s good that he knew, he didn’t plan to hide his intentions from Lei Jin, it’s better to put it out in the open, this way he didn’t have to hold back. But such a thing always required the process, he was very patient, and didn’t mind waiting a longer time. Although the process of waiting was really hard, especially seeing the different attitudes he showed towards the three of them, trusting Moya and doting on Mingya. At first, he seemed to want to treat him as a brother but now that he saw that he can’t, he decided to avoid him as far as possible.

When the meal was ready, Lei Jin saw that Mingya still hadn’t woken up yet, so he left him a roasted pheasant. Although those few people said they had eaten, they couldn’t just eat by themselves, and just let them watch, Lei Jin also served a bowl of mutton soup to each of them. The several people ate it with relish and praised it as delicious. Xia Wei even wiggled his eyebrows at Moya only for it to cramp up, with one looking smaller than the other. Moya didn’t even spare him an eyeroll.

Now was the critical juncture. As the tribe’s leader, An Bu naturally couldn’t just go to sleep. He had to go back to the tribe tonight. An Sen, An Luo, Xiya and Xia Wei were also going, leaving only Moya, Zhu Xi and Mura here.

Zhu Xi and Mura followed Roger to the tree house, and as Mingya was now sleeping in the hammock, Lei Jin and Moya sat beside the fire, keeping watch.

The first half of the night was fine, Lei Jin could chat a bit with Moya. Although Moya still didn’t talk much, Lei Jin didn’t insist he talk to him either, so long as someone listened, Lei Jin managed to stay awake for a while. But in the second half of the night he couldn’t hold back any longer. With his back against the big tree, he was already in a state of semi-sleep.

He could only blame the daily life here for being too regular. For more than two months, he had formed a stable routine from going to bed early and getting up early. In the past, he had no problem staying up all night, but now he got sleepy when the time came.

Moya moved to his side, pulled his shoulders, and let him lean on him. Lei Jin murmured, “Don’t you take any advantages.” And with a tilt of his head, he quickly fell asleep.

“Alright, sleep.” Moya smiled lightly, and lowered his head to place a kiss on Lei Jin’s lips.

“F**k, you call this not taking advantage.” Lei Jin’s mind was still working, but his eyelids were too heavy to open.

The next day, the shaking on the ground became more and more violent. If he hadn’t known that it was a large herd of beasts, Lei Jin would have thought there was an earthquake. Lying in the hammock was like being on a boat, causing him to retch a few times while leaning on the tree, but nothing came out.

It happened that Suri was just passing by. Seeing Lei Jin like this, he supported him worriedly and asked, “Lei Jin, are you alright? How many months is it?”

Lei Jin didn’t react at first, what months?

He then heard Suri continue: “Ai, no matter how many months, you can’t jump up and down like this, be careful of the baby in your belly.”

Lei Jin had black lines all over his head, so much so that it could even be used to make a sweater.

Suri thought he was embarrassed, so he complained to Roger, who was sitting at the door of the tree house with his legs crossed, “Roger, talk to Lei Jin.”

Roger raised his eyes and glanced at Lei Jin’s stomach. He hooked his mouth and said with a smile: “So soon? Whose is it?”

Lei Jin showed him his middle finger, not bothering to even explain.

In the evening, the clouds were on fire, and the whole sky was dyed a bright red. In the afterglow of the setting sun, the shaking of the earth accompanied by the roars of many beasts traveled on the wind. Lei Jin could see the grassland from the woods. A large cloud of billowing dust could be seen in the distance.

Lei Jin dragged Roger and ran to a big rock on the top of the mountain. Looking far into the distance, the herd of beasts could be seen swarming over, kicking up a large cloud of dust in their wake. The scene was grand, and the loud sound was deafening. Hundreds of thousands or even millions of wild animals traveled together like the tide, with practically no end in sight, causing Lei Jin’s scalp to go numb when he saw it.

When the herd got closer. The fire that was enough to start a prairie fire quickly spread with the northeast wind. Some animals could not dodge and were directly engulfed by the fire. Some also caught fire, rolling on the ground and screaming miserably. During this period, many frailer animals were trampled to death, and soon the grassland was littered with corpses, but most of them turned to the northwest.

“Is this a success?” Lei Jin was also shocked by this scene, and he didn’t speak for a long while. It was not that he was sad or anything, and mourned for the dead animals, but he felt that his mood was a bit complicated, and did not feel the joy of victory at all.

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“Yes, you don’t have to doubt it.” Roger said decisively.

“That’s good.” Lei Jin turned back with a grin and said, “Let’s go back and celebrate the victory.” He could already hear cheers from the grasslands and forests.

Moya had been following behind them, and when he saw them come down, he also smiled silently.

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These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues CH 035 A Solution

“What the hell is going on?” Lei Jin fed the grapes he had rinsed to Mingya, who came over, and finally couldn’t help but ask.

“It’s a long story.” Xiya said.

“Then keep it simple.” He wasn’t interested in listening to stories being told slowly.

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“Okay, I’ll try to keep it simple. It’s like this. The place where our Leopard Tribe is located is very rich in rain and has many water sources. It’s a rare and good place. Although it is the rainy season on the grasslands now, this year’s precipitation is abnormally low.” Xiya gave him a slightly helpless look.

Lei Jin nodded and motioned him to continue. Thinking about it, there was indeed not much rain this year. He had been in this world for nearly two months, and he had only seen it rain once when he was in the cave.

“We are fine here, but the grasslands in the south have begun to dry up in large areas, and many rivers have also begun to dry up. Many animals on the grasslands have begun to migrate north, and must pass through here. In truth, I have not seen this personally, only heard it from the elders in the tribe that there would be herds of wild elephants, rhinos and large antelopes that would rush into the tribe, and it was very difficult to drive them out. Everytime they left, the tribe settlement would be destroyed and it took a long time to rebuild.” Xiya crossed his legs and rubbed his brows, a headache building.

“Every year?” Lei Jin asked.

“No, it would only happen once every twenty years, which is called the cyclical year.” This time Roger replied, he had seen it once before. He happened to come across it the year he came to this world, but the impression it left was very deep. Herds of animals came in like a tide, and the people in the tribe had to move to a few large caves in the jungle to live a cave life until these animals were willing to retreat.

“Once in twenty years?” Lei Jin frowned slightly and repeated, “So regular?”

Mingya licked Lei Jin’s fingers, signaling for more, and the little fox also scooched over, trying to get a share, but Mingya’s paw slapped it into the corner unceremoniously.

“En. But we don’t know what’s the cause.” Xiya agreed, and got up to see that the rain outside seemed to be getting smaller again.

“The sea is on the south side of this continent. Every year during the rainy season, there is more southwesterly wind, and during the dry season, there is a northeasterly wind. In normal years, even in the dry season, animals in the southern grasslands migrate further south across the continent, because there would be an opposite season in the south, but every 20 years, animals in the southern grasslands would migrate northward uncharacteristically. Although a large number of animals would die on the way, those that arrive here should not be underestimated.” Roger explained clearly. Although he didn’t quite understand the reason for this, he always felt that there was an inexplicable connection with the forbidden area in the jungle, because everything was too coincidental, every twenty years without change.

“There’s no way to stop it?” No matter what, he lived here now, and he didn’t want to share a bed with a group of wild elephants and rhinos, so that’s why he also had to figure out a solution for this matter.

“There are just too many. The strength of the werebeasts in the tribe added together is not even strong enough to resist. The tribe also tried to resist back a long time ago, but there were many casualties.” Xiya replied.

Mingya lay down obediently and stopped eating grapes. Lei Jin knew from his look that he must have heard this before as well.

“The rain has stopped.” Roger said calmly.

“It seems that what should come can not be escaped. I originally thought that there would be heavy rain this time, and the drought in the grasslands in the south could be relieved, and they would not migrate to the north.” Xiya’s brows were furrowed in a rare trace of worry.

The dark clouds that seemed so thick quickly dissipated, and the northeast wind blew again.

An Sen asked someone to bring a message back, saying that they would not come back for dinner tonight, so they only made something casually for dinner. After eating, Xiya also went out. Lei Jin threw the little fox and Mingya on the same bed and let them get along with each other while he went to take a bath in the creek. Although the rain was not heavy today, the water in the creek was quite cold, and he washed quickly.

Looking at this situation, Moya and the others might not come back tonight. Lei Jin was used to sleeping naked, so he stripped himself off, wrapped himself in a blanket, and slept on Moya’s bed.

Lei Jin woke up from the heat. One side of the blanket had been lifted. In the darkness, only a shadow could be seen licking the cherry red on his chest. Lei Jin immediately straightened his back.

Reaching out and pushing him away, he asked hoarsely, “Moya?”

Moya’s mouth was quite busy, and only took a brief moment to respond.

“Get up, Moya.” Lei Jin said in a low voice, taking into account the presence of Xiya and Mingya on both sides of this room, and his hand grabbed and pushed at Moya’s shoulders.

But what answered him was the deliberately increased force on his chest and the rough friction he felt on his lower half.

“Damn it, what do you want to do, Moya?”

The rhythm of Moya’s hands was also getting faster and faster, Lei Jin’s forehead prickled with sweat, he arched his neck, closed his mouth tightly, and tried his best to control the moans from slipping out, his vision and thoughts gradually falling into a blurred state. Moya suddenly grabbed the front end, and asked in a hoarse voice, “Does it feel good?”

Lei Jin gritted his teeth and scolded him: “F**k off…..ungh…..” But because of Moya’s sudden letting go, he instantly found release.

“Shh, they’re all asleep. Be quieter.” Lei Jin seemed to hear Moya chuckle, and his thin lips that smelled of fruit wine pressed against his, swallowing any response.

The two of them ‘fought’ on the bed silently, pushing and blocking, such that the blanket wrapped around them was kicked to the ground, and neither of them knew it. Lei Jin kicked him with his legs, which just gave Moya the opportunity to raise his waist, and fingers sticky with liquid easily slipped between Lei Jin’s buttocks, rubbing gently at the entrance at the back.

Lei Jin widened his eyes and shouted, “You dare…..”

The lips that had moved behind his ear were back to blocking his again.

“Hnn hnn…..” F**k off.

A finger suddenly entered, Lei Jin gasped, his body stiffened, and he clamped down reflexively.

“Relax.” Moya whispered against his lips.

“Why don’t you try it.” Lei Jin gritted his teeth.

“Hey, did you change lovers tonight?” The little fox jumped on the pillow and swept Lei Jin’s face with his big tail.

“Illusion fox? Where did it come from?” Moya saw the fox suddenly appearing on their bed.

“Take it out.”


“Don’t pretend to be dumb.”

“Oh.” Moya sighed reluctantly, knowing that the time had passed, he had to accept his fate and pull out his finger, and couldn’t help but hate the little fox that suddenly came out to disrupt the situation.

The little fox shrank its head and defended: “Werebeasts are so cunning, it’s clearly your female who won’t let you do it, yet you blame me. Who told you to be so loud? This young master was already asleep but got woken up by you guys. I haven’t even complained about you disturbing this young master’s sleep.” The little fox said as it backed away, turned around and jumped out of bed with a “swoosh”, running back to Mingya’s room.

It was rare for Lei Jin to see Moya so deflated, and his mood finally eased up a little. He felt the scorching heat against his legs, and snorted coldly, kicked the other, and said, “Solve it yourself.”

Picking up the blanket and wrapping it tightly around him, he leaned against the wall and fell asleep, thinking that at least Moya wouldn’t really force him. The other two he couldn’t guarantee, one didn’t want to control himself, and the other couldn’t. So weighing the two, he still felt safer sleeping here.

Looking at the darkness of the ceiling indifferently, Moya sadly had to solve his issue by himself, but the corners of his lips were still raised slightly. Lei Jin was still sleeping here, this should be considered progress, right?

Waking up early the next morning, the weather was still warm and windy. Lei Jin heard the hustle and bustle on the street outside and heard a knock on the door. When Lei Jin went to open the door, he saw Suri and Qi Luo standing outside with a few animal skin packages behind them. Qi Luo was also holding their Ah Huang’s leash in his hand.

“Are Roger and the others here?” Suri asked.

“En, they’re all at home.” Lei Jin stepped aside and let them in.

Roger had just washed his face and just came out.

Suri looked around their yard, and said anxiously: “I say Roger, why haven’t you started packing up? Others have already started moving into the caves? Come, the animal herd waits for no one.”

“Didn’t they say they haven’t seen any trace of them yet?” Roger was not in a hurry.

“Aiya, it will be too late when you see it. It’s been so many years, and every cyclical year they come here once, and every time they come, it’s always during these few days.” Suri was so anxious that he wanted to pack up for him. After Qi Luo’s father died in a hunt, Roger always helped their family from time to time, especially when Qi Luo was young. Every time An Sen and An Luo returned with game, Roger always gave their family a share. Although Roger seemed to have a bad temper, he was very kind to their family, and Suri remembered it all in his heart.

Lei Jin looked outside the door. Sure enough, many people were moving their families and things out. The werebeasts carried the packages, the females led the children, and the street was very busy, just like what Lei Jin saw on TV before of ancient people fleeing from disasters.

“You guys go first. We’ll pack up later. Our family members are many and pack up faster.” Roger saw that Suri had already started packing up for them, and hurriedly stopped him.

“How about Qi Luo stay and help?” Suri still didn’t give up, no matter how he looked at Roger, it didn’t look like he wanted to move at all.

“Look at how many people in our family. We don’t have many things. Alright, you guys go ahead first.” Roger began to chase them out.

“Fine, but hurry up, we’ll go save a place for your family first.” Suri finally left.

“Are we really going to live in a cave?” Lei Jin asked Roger after sending them out and closing the door.

“A bunch of people living in a bottomless cave, like a bunch of rats, I don’t want to go.” Roger said impatiently, eating, drinking and defecating together, even just thinking about it was already enough.

Moya was cooking breakfast in the kitchen, the smoke from the chimney rising out and scattering to the southwest.

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Lei Jin suddenly asked, “Apart from here, are there any other places with water sources?”

“Behind the grassland is a series of tall mountains. The large grassland in front of the mountains is rich in water sources. Besides here, there is a large water source in the west.” Roger replied.

“I think I have a solution. We don’t have to move.” Lei Jin smiled mysteriously.

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These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues CH 034 Trouble Is Coming

Xiya swore that he really just wanted to get some water so that Lei Jin would wake up earlier, but after taking off his shirt and seeing the clearly visible traces left by Moya on his chest, he felt envy, jealousy, frustration, and all kinds of emotions. And it was also rare to see the always alert and strong female lying here so well-behaved, motionless, at his mercy, that his suppressed thoughts were like cracking of the ice surface of the lake in early spring, little cracks becoming big cracks until all the ice was completely melted, unable to be stopped even if he wanted to.

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Xiya used a claw to carefully untie the knots on Lei Jin’s clothes. The shirt was parted to both sides, and the two swollen cherry reds were naturally revealed. The wind in the wilderness blew through, and caused them to become a little bit more erect. Xiya motioned to the side for the jumping little fox to be quiet and not wake up Lei Jin. With four paws pressed on either side of Lei Jin, he couldn’t help lowering his head, his rough tongue licking and bringing with a scorching heat, from top to bottom, stopping at Lei Jin’s belly button where it gently licked in circular motions. Just as he was about to continue, he heard Lei Jin groan softly.

“Hmph, didn’t I say already, he’ll wake up eventually, yet you still play around.” If the little fox could also make human expressions, it could probably be called a smug face at this moment.

No matter how much reluctance he felt, Xiya could only stop.

When the little fox saw that the werebeast got up, he jumped on Lei Jin excitedly, and said, “It’s finally my turn.”

Xiya wanted to swipe it down immediately, but seeing that Lei Jin’s brows were already wrinkled and was about to wake up soon, and this little fox didn’t seem to mean to hurt Lei Jin, he took two more steps back.

The little fox’s soft little paws stepped on Lei Jin’s chest, and he also stretched out his little tongue to lick it, only to see Xiya’s eyes turning green, a low roar in his throat rumbling in warning.

Lei Jin woke up slowly from the coma. The first thing he felt was that he was a little dizzy. He raised his hand and pressed his temple, struggled to open his eyes, and sat up from the ground. Only then did he see his short open wide and his chest bare with a hint of wetness. Lei Jin thought of something, and his face changed slightly. The moment Lei Jin got up, the little fox slid onto his lap, where it smacked a kiss on his waist.

It was only then that Lei Jin noticed the little fox on him. Recalling what had happened when he had fainted suddenly just now, and that it must be the doing of the little fox, he grabbed its big tail, narrowed his long and narrow peach eyes, raised his hand, and threw it away.

The little fox drew a graceful parabola in the air. Head down, face-planting into the bushes on the side.

“Ah! My face is disfigured…..” The little fox wailed.

“Come here and help me up.” Lei Jin closed his clothes and glanced at Xiya with a half-smile.

Actually, Xiya wanted to see if Lei Jin knew what happened just now? Although he was not as afraid of being beaten as his youngest brother, he felt it was best to learn how Lei Jin acted before he could think of a countermeasure. At this moment, seeing that Lei Jin was no different from usual, he came over and lay next to Lei Jin. Beside him, Lei Jin used Xiya’s body to try to stand up. Although he still couldn’t exert his strength on his legs, he was almost back to normal after taking a few steps.

“What was that just now?” Lei Jin asked.

“It’s the illusion fox, it may be small, but many werebeasts are afraid to come across it. The mist that spews out from the tail of this little thing could knock out an adult male werebeast. If you see this little thing in the future, remember to stay away. Don’t fall for its trap.” Xiya explained patiently, knowing from Lei Jin’s personality, he knew that he was not the kind who could stay at home and wait for the werebeasts to bring prey home. It was very likely he would go out in the future many times, so giving him a warning now was not a bad idea.

“Then can it become a human?” Don’t blame Lei Jin for thinking wildly, since he knew that this world was full of werebeasts, and also personally saw Mingya transform from a little furry guy to a male werebeast, whenever he saw Qi Luo family’s pet dog, Ah Huang, he couldn’t help but look twice, wondering if it would suddenly become a werebeast one day.

Xiya laughed and said, “No, the fox clan cannot shift. After you have been here for a longer time, you will know that there are only a few ethnic groups that can shift into a human form.”

Lei Jin thought to himself, he was not interested in these shape-shifting races at all, so long as he could find a way back. He was just asking casually.

Xiya proposed to pick some wild fruits before going back, and Lei Jin naturally did not object. Xiya was very familiar with the terrain and led the way in the front while Lei Jin picked the fruits he said were edible. Turning around a few big trees, the trees in front were visibly more sparse, the weeds were no more higher than a person’s knees, and the grass had brown branches spread amongst it. Lei Jin saw a leaf that seemed very familiar, bent down and pulled up a vine. A bunch of purple and green fruits hung between the branches and leaves, it actually turned out to be some wild grapes and this place also turned out to be a field of wild grapes.

Lei Jin picked a full purple one, wiped it casually, and put it in his mouth.

Xiya looked back and seeing this, hurriedly shouted, “You can’t eat this.”

Lei Jin smacked his lips twice, and said in disagreement, “It tastes really good.” It was quite sweet. This Xiya was making an overly big fuss, becoming shocked so easily, sooner or later he would be frightened sick.

Xiya was still a little worried and said, “Are you really all right? I haven’t seen anyone else eat this kind of fruit before.”

“You haven’t? Roger should like it.” Lei Jin didn’t dare to put the grapes in his clothes pocket. If it broke accidentally, the juice stains wouldn’t be able to be washed out.

After hearing what he said, Xiya went to pick a lot of large leaves and came back. Lei Jin pulled the vines up from the grass and picked the bunches with many purple grapes. While picking, he tasted a few more. It turned out that not all of them were sweet, and some were so sour that his teeth stung. Xiya also helped, but his claws were too sharp and the grape skins were thin. The grapes he picked always end up being squished.

“Huh?” Lei Jin was moved, if he saw it right, was that green onion growing in the grass?

“This wild vegetable can be eaten when it is fresh and tender. It’s a bit spicy and tastes good, but now it’s too old to eat it.” Xiya recognized it, and he had seen many females in the tribe picking it.

“You take out its roots.” Wasn’t Xiya’s claws sharp? This was where it came in handy.

Although Xiya was a little puzzled, it was not difficult for him, and he didn’t ask any more questions. He swiped twice with his claws, and the round roots below were exposed.

Sure enough, it was an onion, and Lei Jin pulled it out with all his strength.

Lei Jin and Xiya searched for and found a dozen more in the grass. Lei Jin pulled a tough vine and tied it around the big leaves and hung it around Xiya’s neck.

The two also found a few wild pheasant eggs in the bushes.

Dark clouds gathered, the sky gradually darkened, a few bright lights flashed, and the thunder sounded from far to near.

“It’s going to rain.” Xiya shouted excitedly.

“What’s so surprising about the rain?” Lei Jin rolled his eyes, he had never seen rain before? Did he have to be so excited?

“You don’t know, if the rain is heavy enough, the tribe might be able to escape this catastrophe.” Xiya said happily, his purple eyes full of anticipation for the rain.

“However, I think our top priority now is to go home quickly, right?” Lei Jin looked at the darkening sky, mouth twitching, and asked a very practical question.

The smell of earth in the wind became heavier.

Xiya lowered his body and motioned for Lei Jin to come up. As usual, he used his tail to secure the other. As soon as Lei Jin sat firmly, a white shadow rushed into his arms. It turned out to be the little fox just now, actually following over without him knowing it. Lei Jin no longer appreciated whether it was cute or beautiful now, he grabbed its tail and wanted to throw it out, but the little fox’s claws dug fiereck into his sleeves, and its little head rubbed against his arms.

“Don’t pull…..don’t pull…..I’m afraid of thunder…..” The fox said tremblingly and as the thunder got closer, the little fox’s body also trembled more and more.

LXiya naturally knew that an extra weight was on his back, and thinking that Lei Jin would not like to see the little fox, he said, “Lei Jin, foxes are naturally afraid of thunder. Let’s take him back first, and if you still don’t like it, when it’s sunny, just throw it out.”

“That’s right, when it’s sunny, even if you miss this young master, this young master may not be willing to stay. Everyone loves me so much, the flowers would bloom and even the bees would be attracted when they see me.” Unexpectedly, this werebeast was willing to help him out at a critical time. At most, next time, this young master would help him to knock this female out for a longer time, so that he could do it to his satisfaction. This female’s really too cruel, isn’t it just being knocked out for a little bit? He even threw this young master over and over again, so he deserved to be pressed down. The little fox secretly made up his mind, but the fox was cunning and fickle by nature, how long its determination could last was very debatable.

Seeing it like this, Lei Jin no longer insisted. They went back along the way they came, put the firewood on their backs, and walked out of the woods. Xiya spread his golden wings and flew high.

The dark clouds were very low, and the thunder seemed to roll past their ears. The little fox wanted nothing more than to lift the female’s clothes and burrow inside, but Lei Jin’s hand pressed it down on Xiya’s back, and it was unable to move an inch.

This time, Xiya did not stop at the entrance of the tribe, and flew directly to the direction of home. The small raindrops were already beginning to fall, but the strange thing was that there were many people standing on the street, hugging each other, pointing at the sky, and shouting loudly. Speaking about something, their tone was very excited, and the atmosphere was very lively.

Someone raised their heads and recognizing Xiya, waved their hands to say hello.

Xiya landed at the door, and then changed into human form. The two entered the door, Moya and the others were still not there. But Roger was sitting at the door on a bench, talking about something with Mingya.

Seeing Lei Jin coming back, Mingya jumped up cheerfully, but stopped halfway and stared at the little fox in Lei Jin’s arms.

Lei Jin took the little fox out of his arms, threw it to Mingya and said, “To be your company.”

“How dare you throw this young master again!” Although it shouted indignantly, its body landed lightly and nimbly on the ground.

“Why did you come to my house? And even in the arms of Mingya’s female?” Mingya raised his right front paw and pressed the little fox under his paw, accusing with dissatisfaction.

Lei Jin ignored the two furballs, and took out the grapes he was holding in his arms, and said, “Roger, look what I found?”

Roger’s eyes flashed, and he said happily, “It turned out to be grapes? Where did you find it?”

The two simply brought in a basin of water, put the grapes in, and ate them while rinsing it. Lei Jin told Roger what happened this afternoon, and of course he didn’t forget to mention the green onions.

Roger took it over and looked at it. He had seen this kind of wild vegetable before, and he even picked the leaves and came back to make soup, but he didn’t even know that the root at the bottom was actually an onion. It was not surprising, after all, for someone like Roger who barely ever entered the kitchen, he had only seen the top part of onions, and as for what the underpart looked like, he had no idea.

Xiya went to put away the firewood. When he entered the house, the raindrops outside had begun to get bigger, and it was like a cloud of white fog. There was rain dripping from the eaves, and the voices of people on the street could be vaguely heard.

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“Papa, it’s raining, our tribe should be able to get through this time safely.” Xiya pulled a stool and sat down.

“That might also not be the case.” Roger frowned while looking at the door, then lowered his head and continued to peel the grapes in his hands.

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These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues CH 033 Good Brothers

Lei Jin originally wanted to ask what happened, but seeing that Roger didn’t ask he felt that as an outsider, he should not overstep his bounds. So it was a meal that passed by in a rarely quiet and solemn manner.

After the meal, Lei Jin heard them say that it was best not to go out for the next few days. There should be enough firewood and food at home. There was still a lot of food and so only the problem of firewood remained. Xiya suggested that he would go out to collect firewood and Lei Jin also wanted to go out for a walk as well.

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The firewood they used for cooking consisted of dry branches and split wood. There was a big pile of firewood outside the kitchen. Originally, Xiya and Moya should have gone a few days ago already, but then there was such a stall in the middle. It didn’t work out, and it seemed that the firewood was not enough now.

Since Xiya was with him, Roger naturally didn’t worry, so he agreed, but told them to come back earlier, don’t stay out too late.

An Sen, An Luo and Moya had to go to the tribal leader’s place again. Before leaving, Moya specially looked over in Lei Jin’s direction but Lei Jin pretended not to see it. Roger didn’t seem to be worried at all, and directly took Mingya with him to use as a pillow for a nap.

Xiya picked two long ropes coiled together from under the eaves, and went out with Lei Jin.

When passing through the entrance of the tribe, he noticed that the number of werebeasts patrolling increased significantly. Lei Jin saw that some of them seemed to have just returned from far away. As soon as they landed and closed their wings, some companions handed over water jugs. Xiya had Lei Jin wait for him under the tree on the side before stepping forward to ask a few questions.

Lei Jin only vaguely heard things like “It should be far away” and “Haven’t discovered”. He guessed that it was related to the tribal gathering they went to today.

“Let’s go.” Xiya came back after asking.

Since Xiya didn’t say anything, Lei Jin didn’t ask either.

As soon as they left the tribe and came to an open place, Xiya said, “It’ll be too far by foot, I’ll take you there in my beast form.”

Lei Jin nodded and took a few steps back consciously. He had never seen Xiya’s beast form before, so he was very interested to take the opportunity to have a look.

Actually pure golden wings? Xiya turned his back to him, his wings spread out, and it was four or five meters long in wingspan, as if absorbing all the sunlight, brilliant and dazzling like a rosy brocade.

When Xiya turned back, he was a mighty adult leopard with golden fur and purple eyes.

Sure enough, it was much prettier than Qi Luo’s beast form.

“Buddy, you don’t look it but your beast form’s actually quite cool.” Lei Jin grinned wickedly, and threw an arm around Xiya’s neck while giving his fur a good petting.

The werebeasts who had returned to the tribe in the air gave the two a strange look.

“Come on to my back.” Seeing the expression of admiration in Lei Jin’s eyes, Xiya couldn’t help but wave his tail proudly.

Xiya’s fur was smooth and thick, and when Lei Jin finally managed to climb up with both hands and feet, another tragic thing happened. He found that he couldn’t sit steady on it at all. So long as Xiya moved, he would slip everywhere. Xiya was also feeling a bit hot and provoked by him. Just imagine how many male werebeasts could endure their female rubbing against them as if having gone into heat, how could they still be calm? In any case, he couldn’t, but so what if he couldn’t, he still had to endure it.

Fortunately, the Leopard Tribe’s tails have always been long and tough, so Xiya directly wrapped his tail around Lei Jin’s waist, fixed him on his back, flapped his wings, and rose into the air.

At the moment of taking off, Lei Jin couldn’t help but tighten his grip on the fur under him.

Because of Lei Jin, Xiya didn’t dare to fly too high, and only kept his height just a bit higher than the tree tops. Lei Jin had naturally taken a plane before. But it was the first time in his life to fly in the open air without any barrier. If he hadn’t fallen into this inexplicable place, he wouldn’t have a chance to experience it at all. The wind was blowing fiercely, causing his face to prickle a bit. He felt that this feeling was much more refreshing and freeing. Lei Jin tugged at the fur on Xiya’s neck and said, “Hurry up. Don’t just dawdle around.” It was estimated that he had directly taken Xiya as his horse.

Xiya was a bit depressed. From the experience gained from his seniors, wasn’t it said that females were weak and fragile, so when carrying them, one must fly as low and slow as possible? So why was he being shown contempt?

Lei Jin didn’t know what Xiya was thinking, he just kept calling Xiya to fly faster. Xiya didn’t doubt at all that the fur on the back of his neck would definitely go bald after carrying Lei Jin a few more times.

Lei Jin estimated that it was just a quarter of an hour before they arrived at the destination. After Xiya landed, Lei Jin slid down.

This was not the original dense jungle that Lei Jin came from, but a mountain ridge behind the Leopard Tribe. The forest on the mountain was not very dense, but the trees were also tall. One could see the shadows of sika deer and elk as well. Wherever they passed, there were pheasants and flocks of birds fluttering in the bushes from time to time out of being startled.

In the woods, one could vaguely see some small trail paths. Though he called them paths they were only covered with sparser grass than the ground next to it. It was likely that the path was naturally worn by those who came to collect firewood. Xiya walked in front and broke off some dead branches on the trees. Lei Jin was mainly responsible for gathering them and tying them with ropes.

There was a lot of firewood in the woods, and within a short time, the two of them packed up three big bundles.

“Xiya, when are you going to the jungle?” To be honest, Lei Jin was a little disappointed. He originally thought that Xiya was going to chop wood in the jungle, and he was thinking, since he came from there, maybe a clue to go back could be found around there. The troublesome thing was that the distance was too far for him, otherwise he would have gone back and forth several times already.

Xiya naturally knew what Lei Jin meant, but he did not show it on his face, and said, “The jungle is the territory of the Tiger Tribe, and the territory of our Leopard Tribe is on the grassland, and we generally don’t go to the jungle easily.”

In fact, this was not exactly right. It was an unspoken rule among the tribes, but it could not stand up to careful study. After all, there were no clear regulations. Over the years, the tribes have been peaceful and the food was relatively sufficient. No one would start a conflict over such a minor thing, otherwise Mingya and Lei Jin would not have escaped so easily when they met the Tiger Tribe’s werebeasts last time.

“Tch, why so stuffy, it’s not like you’re smuggling abroad?” Lei Jin habitually ruffled his hair, and said a little irritably. Speaking of, his hair was another reason for his irritability. He had been here for almost two months, and his hair was growing so fast that it was almost shoulder-length now.

Although Xiya was determined not to let him go, seeing him like this now, he couldn’t bear it. After all, he really liked Lei Jin, and thinking about it again, it would be nothing to take him to the jungle once. With him by his side, he might not necessarily find the location of the forbidden area, so he said again: “Next time, next time I will take you for a walk in the jungle.”

“Then it’s decided, turns out it’s not such a waste for me to treat you as a good brother.” Lei Jin patted Xiya on the back shamelessly in a buddy-buddy manner. Although many times Xiya said that in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he only needed to pretend to be his female in front of outsiders, Lei Jin vaguely felt that Xiya’s attitude towards him was not that simple. Unlike with Moya, Lei Jin did have some lewd interest towards Xiya from the beginning, but that belonged to the instinct of a man who naturally wanted to hook up when he sees a beauty. Now that he knew that there was no hope of being on top, any lewd thoughts were naturally cut off.

Xiya smiled bitterly to himself, who the hell wants to be your good brother. Even though it was both Moya and I who found you together, when Moya pressed you, biting and licking, you tossed and turned under him excitedly, but when it’s me, I just become your good brother.

“Hey, is this a fox? It’s really beautiful.” It jad pure white fur, only a touch of red on the tip of the tail and the tip of the ears, and when it saw Lei Jin approaching, it was not at all afraid, and proudly fluttered its big fluffy tail.

“Don’t go there, Lei Jin.” As soon as Xiya came back from his own thoughts, he saw Lei Jin walking towards a illusion fox, and when he realized the fact, it was already too late.

The gas spewed from the tail of the illusion fox made Lei Jin’s vision go dark, and he immediately became unconscious.

Xiya stepped forward quickly, stretched out his claws and turned over, allowing Lei Jin to fall onto his soft stomach, all the while glaring fiercely at the little fox in front of him.

The little fox jumped away nimbly, rubbed his little black nose, and said, “I am just teasing him because I thought he was pretty, but if he was ugly, I wouldn’t have even bothered. If I really wanted to be ruthless, he wouldn’t just be knocked out.”

Xiya was not Mingya, so naturally he didn’t know what the little fox was saying. He was just trying to detect Lei Jin’s breathing, which was very even, seeming to have just fainted. He also understood that there was no malice in the fox. One must know that the illusion fox’s best ability was to release a gas-like substance from its tail, making the prey directly unconscious, allowing for its sharp claws to cut the throat and enjoy its meal slowly.

Xiya carefully turned over, circled Lei Jin with his tail, and threw him gently on his back, carrying him to the stream in the forest. The little fox didn’t seem to have any intention to pay this werebeast from the Leopard Tribe any attention, and disregarding the dislike of the other, also jumped and followed along without any self-awareness.

Xiya placed Lei Jin on the thick grass, carefully put away his sharp claws, separated Lei Jin’s shirt, and with a few leaves in his mouth, dipped it in the stream and sprinkled the water on Lei Jin’s face and neck.

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The little fox had nothing to do, so it put its tail in front, and slowly began to comb its fur, not forgetting to roll its eyes at Xiya, and say, “What’s to be anxious about, he’ll wake up naturally later.”

The little fox jumped up with an “aiya” sound, as it had bit its tail accidentally, widened its eyes, and said again and again, “No way? No way?”

Because he saw the male werebeast, the golden leopard, slowly taking off the female’s clothes…..

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