Category Archives: Source Of Calamity

Source of Calamity CH 105 Extra 4: Liu & Zhang Part 2

TN: bonus chapter!💕

For some reason, since the night of New Year’s Eve, Zhang Zixin felt that the relationship between him and Liu Huan seemed to have changed a bit. For example, sometimes when Liu Huan said something he couldn’t accept and he talked back, Liu Huan was actually not angry at all.

So the way they got along with each other had changed.

“Help me deal with this person.” Liu Huan said to Zhang Zixin, and then pushed a photo in front of Zhang Zixin.

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The boy in the photo was very young and tender looking, in the transition stage of youth and adulthood.

No matter from which point of view, this was a handsome boy.

Zhang Zixin was taken aback. He had watched too many movies, so he said politely, “CEO Liu…..this is against the law…..”

Liu Huan looked at Zhang Zixin, and Zhang Zixin looked at Liu Huan.

Liu Huan said with a headache: “No way? You really don’t understand?”

Zhang Zixin blinked innocently.

Liu Huan: “What I mean is for you to find a way to make this person stop pestering me.”

Zhang Zixin breathed a sigh of relief: “Okay.”

Just before Zhang Zixin left the office, he turned to Liu Huan and asked, “CEO Liu, would you mind revealing who this is?”

Liu Huan said seriously: “My admirer.”

Zhang Zixin: “…..”

It turned out that his boss was gay.

This was a really shocking scoop.

Zhang Zixin took the order to deal with that boy.

The boy named Zhou Rang looked very polite. He sat in the coffee shop and said to Zhang Zixin, “Did CEO Liu ask you to come see me?”

Zhang Zixin said with difficulty: “It’s like this. CEO Liu thinks that you are not suitable for him. I hope you can keep your distance and don’t annoy him.”

Zhou Rang said, “Do you know what happened between me and him?”

Zhang Zixin: “…..I don’t know.”

He didn’t want to know, didn’t want to be pulled into the world of gays, who knew what gays think, he was straight as f**k, straight as his little one.

Zhou Rang said, “He pursued me first.”

“Do you think I’m interested in his money?”

Zhang Zixin had a dead fish face, and wanted to express that he hadn’t thought about it that way.

Zhou Rang added: “It was at the charity ball held by our school. I met him at that time. He took the initiative to chat with me, asked me what I wanted to eat, and asked me to have dinner with him the next day.”

Zhou Rang looked at Zhang Zixin, and Zhang Zixin chuckled dryly, “Really? That’s quite romantic.”

Zhou Rang said again: “He is sick, do you know?”

Zhang Zixin’s eyes widened.

Was this a case of love evolving to hate?

Zhou Rang sighed: “He can’t have any intimate contact, he would vomit.”

“Literally. I wanted to kiss him last time. We’ve been dating for three months. Have you ever seen a couple who haven’t even exchanged a kiss in three months of dating? And the number of times holding hands can be counted on one hand?”

Zhang Zixin chuckled dryly again: “This…..probably CEO Liu is just not ready yet.”

Zhou Rang: “He ran away after vomiting. In my room, my room was carpeted, and the carpet was covered in…..”

Zhou Rang covered his face.

Zhang Zixin thought about the scene, and felt very disgusted as well, he comforted: “Fortunately, there was a carpet, you can just throw the carpet away.”

Zhou Rang: “That’s not the point!”

He said angrily: “The reason I’m angry is, is it so disgusting to kiss me?”

Zhang Zixin: “…..Maybe he has some kind of psychological problem?”

Zhou Rang: “Yes, he is sick. Tell him when you see him. The reason why I have been calling and sending messages to him during this time is to tell him that he is sick and needs treatment. He shouldn’t delay treatment, and I have no shortage of boyfriends.”

After speaking, Zhou Rang walked away with a proud face.

Zhang Zixin drank all the coffee——more than eighty yuan a cuts, he couldn’t bear to waste it.

Only then did he leave the cafe.

Did this also count as having dealt with the matter?

Would he get a raise?

But he really didn’t see that CEO Liu actually had this problem of throwing up as soon as there was intimate contact.

He felt that if he was scolded by Liu Huan next time, he could think about this, and he wouldn’t be too depressed.

But what Zhang Zixin didn’t expect was that Zhou Rang was just the beginning. Since then, he had an added responsibility to wipe the ass of Liu Huan, a big scumbag. Liu Huan’s taste had always been the same, pale and pure looking boys, all between the ages of twenty to twenty-three.

He would take the initiative to pursue the other and create a romantic atmosphere, but it seemed that the ending was not very good every time.

Liu Huan had psychological problems and was unwilling to go for treatment, so almost every partner had seen Liu Huan vomit.

Even if it was a male god, it probably wouldn’t leave people a very good feeling.

Every time Liu Scumbag broke up, he would be in a very bad mood.

“That’s why I said, what qualifications do a virgin like you have to criticize me?” Liu Huan didn’t think he was the scumbag that Zhang Zixin said he was, “I haven’t even kissed their mouths, how can I be a scumbag?”

From a new perspective, Zhang Zixin said: “If you really liked someone, then you can’t start another relationship in such a short time.”

Liu Huan: “Have you ever been in love?”

Zhang Zixin: “…..”

Liu Huan: “Stop reading chicken soup books, it will make you mentally retarded.”

Zhang Zixin refused: “You don’t read chicken soup books, but your love life is no better than mine.”

Liu Huan: “But my life is very successful!”

Zhang Zixin retorted: “If your definition of success is throwing up as soon as you kiss.”

Liu Huan thumped the table: “I’m going to fire you!”

Zhang Zixin deflated, and turned his head cowardly: “CEO Liu, I was wrong.”

Liu Huan: “How were you wrong?”

Zhang Zixin: “I shouldn’t have hurt your fragile self-esteem.”

Liu Huan: “…..”

Zhang Zixin: “Then I will go back to work, CEO Liu, if you need anything, call me.”

After finishing speaking, he did not give Liu Huan time to react, and went out respectfully.

Leaving Liu Huan sulking alone in the office.

Looking at Liu Huan’s expressionless face through the glass window, Zhang Zixin thought he looked like a puffer fish.

Inexplicably cute.

Zhang Zixin quickly slapped himself, this thinking was too dangerous.

He was straight! As straight as his dick!

The days passed slowly, and Zhang Zixin became more and more comfortable with work. He was keenly aware that Liu Huan had begun to rely on him, and sometimes Liu Huan would even give him some confidential documents to organize, which made Zhang Zixin a little proud.

After all, there were many secretaries before him, all of whom were chased away by Liu Huan.

Did this prove that, at least in terms of endurance, he was stronger than those before him?

Hmm…..although it didn’t really seem like much of a good thing.

But after an accident, Zhang Zixin understood why Liu Huan would vomit whenever he had intimate contact with people.

That was the first time Zhang Zixin saw Liu Huan’s mother.

She was a very elegant lady. She was in her 40s, but she looked like she was 30 years old. She wore high heels and had a good figure. You could tell that she was very good at maintenance. When she walked in the company, the male employees of the company would all be attracted to her. She had a purely feminine charm that made people want her and conquer her at first sight, regardless of her age or background.

Then Zhang Zixin noticed the way Liu Huan looked at his mother.

It was full of contempt and ridicule, as if what appeared was not the person who raised him, but a bug.

So Zhang Zixin started to investigate.

He discovered that Liu Huan’s mother was the major shareholder of the Liu Group. She looked gentle, but she was actually a very standard example of a rich woman. The money in her hands was enough for her to spend over hundreds of years.

And there were a lot of gossip about her.

She had kept many handsome boytoys on the side.

There were some in the entertainment circle, some in the sports circle, and even some college students.

And she never hid this from anyone.

She lived recklessly and didn’t care about her own son.

From Zhang Zixin’s point of view, she was a very successful person who had money and knew how to enjoy herself.

In fact all the hard work was handed over to her son.

Among the many gossip, there was a report many years ago. Regarding the news of Liu Huan’s father’s death. His estate was handed over to his wife, but someone broke the news that Liu Huan’s father was not Liu Huan’s biological father. After learning that his wife had been cuckolding him from the start, the poor man locked himself in his room and eventually suffered a heart attack and died there in the middle of the night.

The first person to find the body was Liu Huan.

The person who broke the news even said that Liu Huan knew that his mother was having affairs with others since he was a child.

She didn’t even care about the identity of the people she had affairs with.

So long as it fit her aesthetic.

And her aesthetics were men between youth and adulthood.

Although Zhang Zixin was not a psychologist, he believed the news because Liu Huan, like his mother, had a taste for this type of men. As for why he had such a taste, one would have to ask a psychologist.

And the reason why he vomited might be because it reminded him of how his mother looked having an affair with someone else.

Zhang Zixin became more patient with Liu Huan.

Every time he was about to quarrel with Liu Huan, he comforted himself: “You are talking to a person with mental problems, you have to keep calm.”

Because he didn’t want to poke Liu Huan’s scar, Zhang Zixin never mentioned it.

He dealt with Liu Huan’s many exes without complaint, and then worked hard.

Slowly, he developed a tacit understanding with Liu Huan.

If there was any change, it was that Liu Huan’s temper had improved a lot when facing him.

Later, when Zhang Zixin thought about it occasionally, he had to admit that if it wasn’t for Su Shiqing’s appearance, perhaps he and Liu Huan would have been boss and subordinate for the rest of their lives, and they would have a good understanding at work.

When he found a girlfriend and got married, Liu Huan would still be a scumbag, and he would still have a headache helping him deal with those exes.

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That morning.

“Look, my new goal.” Liu Huan showed Zhang Zixin the photo.

Zhang Zixin: “For so many years, your tastes haven’t changed one bit. Don’t you think muscular men are also very attractive?”

Liu Huan asked in surprise, “It’s been so many years, and you’re only now bent?”

Zhang Zixin: “…..Do you want to see my straight leg hair?”

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Source of Calamity CH 103 Extra 2: Island Part 2

TN: bonus chapter!💕

After starting a fire failed, Shen Zhen’s hammock plan also failed. He had planned to make a hammock out of vines, but the hammock he made was not only ugly, but also very difficult to use. It was uncomfortable to sit on, let alone sleep on.

Qin Xing could only resign himself to his fate and continue to accompany Shen Zhen like a headless chicken, and then feel grateful that this was his private island. If this was an open tourist island, Shen Zhen might have already been criticized for destroying the natural vegetation.

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“Let’s build a hut!” Shen Zhen was full of ambition.

He also raised his arm to show Qin Xing his muscles.

Qin Xing: “…..”

Why do you think you can build a hut when you can’t even make a hammock.

But thinking that it would be boring not to find something to do on the island, Qin Xing nodded in agreement.

They started looking for the right trees.

Those too thick would be hard to carry——they agreed not to use any proper tools, and only had one knife per person.

They didn’t even have a saw. If Shen Zhen didn’t realize it was too difficult to break the tree with his bare hands, he might not even carry a knife on him.

Qin Xing looked at Shen Zhen’s sweaty forehead from cutting down the tree, and asked, “Let’s go for a dip in the water first?”

There was a stream nearby, which was the only source of freshwater for the entire island. They washed their bodies a little downstream, and Shen Zhen also dived down for two laps. Because it was too shallow, it could not be called swimming, but more like walking.

“I think the hut may be a bit difficult to build.” Shen Zhen said after looking at the trees cut down, “Let’s make it into a tent instead.”

They only needed to cut three trees for the tent, and it didn’t need to be too thick. Compared with the four trees needed for a hut, it took less time, was more convenient, and was easier to set up.

Shen Zhen: “Let’s weave palm leaves for the roof in case of rain.”

Qin Xing knew that he couldn’t stop Shen Zhen no matter what, and he didn’t want to stop him, so he could only nod and follow along.

Shen Zhen also taught Qin Xing how to weave, folding the palm leaves in half, and weaving the slender leaves together so that there were not too many gaps. It could provide shelter from the rain, which was very suitable for a short-term camping residence.

Qin Xing looked at the palm leaves with huge gaps that Shen Zhen had made, and resigned to his fate to dismantle and remake them.

Shen Zhen was busy building the frame of the tent.

He twisted ropes with his hands on the side, first buried the three tree trunks used for support beams deeply in the ground, then stepped on the dirt to pack it tightly, tied the tops of the three tree trunks with ropes to form a triangle, and then tied the thinner branches that would hold the woven palm fronds.

“How much did you make?”

When it was getting dark, Shen Zhen asked Qin Xing.

Qin Xing had woven palm leaves all at hand, and he said to Shen Zhen, “I didn’t count.”

Shen Zhen: “Then let’s go back and come back tomorrow.”

Qin Xing: “…..Aren’t we going to sleep here tonight?”

Shen Zhen looked at Qin Xing in surprise, with an incredulous expression on his face: “Why are we sleeping here now? There is no mosquito repellent incense, and no sleeping bag, so it is impossible to sleep well?”

Looking at the palm leaves beside him, Qin Xing’s expression was very complicated.

So he worked desperately all afternoon, for what?

“If we can fix it tomorrow, we can sleep in it then tomorrow night.” Shen Zhen thought that Qin Xing was regretful that they couldn’t sleep in it right away, “We have to remember to take our sleeping bags when the time comes.”

Qin Xing: “…..Okay.”

Their dinner was the hapless coconut crab.

It was very big, and Shen Zhen put it next to his head to show Qin Xing: “Is it bigger than my head?”

Qin Xing was boiling water, and they were going to steam the coconut crab to eat.

“Xiao Zhen is lucky.” Qin Xing smiled at Shen Zhen.

The coconut crab that came out for a walk ended up in the bellies of Qin Xing and Shen Zhen.

They hadn’t eaten staple food for a day, and had also done so much physical work. A coconut crab, even if it was big, was not enough to fill the stomachs of two adult men, Shen Zhen and Qin Xing. So Qin Xing also cooked two bowls of seafood noodles and only then were they finally full.

They didn’t look at their phones, just sat on the rocks and watched the stars.

Shen Zhen never thought that he would have such a sensitive artist moment, sitting by the sea and watching the stars. If someone suggested this to him before, he would definitely think that the other party watched too many movies.

But now, looking at the sky full of stars, he couldn’t take his eyes off.

There was no such night sky in the city, and sometimes you could only see two or three stars if you were lucky.

The last time when Shen Zhen looked at the night sky, he thought there was a very bright star, but later he found out that it was only a light tower on a mountain in the distance.

“Isn’t it beautiful?” Shen Zhen turned to Qin Xing and asked.

Qin Xing also looked at the night sky and said with a smile, “It’s beautiful.”

Shen Zhen’s old-fashioned sweet talk was rarely spoken, but when it did come out it was rather shocking, he said: “It’s not as beautiful as you.”

Qin Xing was taken aback for a moment, and was shocked inside and out, his expression was very complicated.

Shen Zhen laughed after seeing Qin Xing’s expression: “I read it on the Internet, saying that your lover will be very happy to hear such words.”

In fact, what he read was the complete collection of romance stories from that year.

It couldn’t be more old-fashioned and cheesy.

Shen Zhen asked him, “Are you happy?”

Qin Xing: “…..I’m happy.”

Shen Zhen asked again: “Then do you want to say something to me?”

Qin Xing took a deep breath.

“I don’t need stars.” Qin Xing said to Shen Zhen with a smile, “You are my star.”

Shen Zhen: “…..I probably understand a little bit how you felt just now.”

The two shuddered together.


Shen Zhen hugged his stomach and laughed, “No, this sweet talk is not suitable for us.”

Qin Xing hugged Shen Zhen into his arms, and the two kissed with a smile. This kiss was so tender that the sounds of moist kissing was even audible.

After the kiss was over, both of them blushed a little.

Shen Zhen said, “Let’s go back.”

Qin Xing smiled, “Why not here?”

Shen Zhen considered the feasibility, and said to Qin Xing: “It’s uncomfortable to be on the rock, and it hurts. My knees became red at noon. Otherwise, you lie down and I will move.”

Qin Xing: “Okay.”


Twenty minutes later.

Shen Zhen yelled frantically: “You big pig foot! You said I can move as promised!”

Qin Xing kissed his back lustfully: “I think this position is more suitable for us, now I can move with you.”

Shen Zhen was carried back to the cabin by Qin Xing in the end.

After being put on the bed, Shen Zhen remembered his grudge over Qin Xing going back on his word, and said with a serious face: “You lied to me.”

Qin Xing was pouring hot water for Shen Zhen, and he said with a smile: “Just a little fun between lovers.”

Shen Zhen: “So from now on, let’s abstain from sex.”

Qin Xing said: “As long as you are happy, I am fine with it.”

When Shen Zhen was sleeping, he thought, I am such a frigid person, I will definitely make you unable to bear it.

Thinking that Qin Xing would beg him when the time came, Shen Zhen felt refreshed, and slept soundly, without dreams all night.

The next day, they continued to go to the construction site yesterday to complete the unfinished work.

Shen Zhen set up the frame, and then strung the woven palm leaves together with Qin Xing, and a small green tent appeared in the woods, which matched the environment very well.

“Very good!” Shen Zhen praised himself and Qin Xing without hesitation, “We are simply amazing!”

Qin Xing smiled. Looking at the small tent, he felt that it was the crudest tent he had ever seen in his life, bar none.

Shen Zhen: “Let’s christen this little tent!”

Qin Xing looked at Shen Zhen.

Shen Zhen had already forgotten what he said last night.

He excitedly held Qin Xing’s hand, and the two went at it in the tent.

After coming, Shen Zhen scratched his butt, and there were two big bumps on it from mosquito bites.

One on each side, very symmetrical. The mosquitoes were very fierce, and these two big bumps swelled up quickly, but Shen Zhen was wearing swimming trunks.

Qin Xing praised, “It’s very perky.”

Shen Zhen: “…..You’ve never seen such perky buttocks, have you?”

Qin Xing suppressed a smile: “I haven’t ever.”

Shen Zhen pounced forward, pretending to bite Qin Xing’s chest: “Be careful, or I will make you into a D cup.”

So Qin Xing pressed Shen Zhen down again and had another round.

Shen Zhen lay on the ground: “I feel a pain in my kidney.”

Qin Xing: “…..” It was the first time he heard about kidney pain.

Shen Zhen said seriously: “I really think we need to restrain ourselves. If this continues, I will have to nourish my kidneys at a young age.”

Qin Xing raised his hand and made a gesture of surrender: “Okay, I’ll listen to you.”

Shen Zhen had completely forgotten what he said yesterday, and he also forgot the vow he made before going to bed last night.

Qin Xing felt that probably tomorrow, Shen Zhen would also forget about his kidney.

At night, the two hugged and chatted together, and Shen Zhen said to Qin Xing: “I think this is pretty good now, and I don’t even want to go back.”

Here, there were only him and Qin Xing in the whole world. Qin Xing was his whole world, and he was also Qin Xing’s whole world. This made Shen Zhen feel very happy, so happy that he forgot everything about modern society.

Whenever he recalled modern society, he felt like his head was swollen and aching.

Qin Xing: “I’m afraid that won’t work.”

Shen Zhen whispered, “I know it won’t work, I’m just saying.”

Qin Xing kissed Shen Zhen’s forehead: “From now on, we can come and live for a period of time every six months, okay?”

After all, they couldn’t really break away from modern civilization and be two savages.

Shen Zhen’s eyes lit up, but he asked worriedly, “What about the company?”

Qin Xing said with a smile: “I will help you when the time comes, and business can also be handled on the island as well. It’s not that there is no internet here.”

Shen Zhen: “…..You’re right.”

Shen Zhen said in a rare moment of emotion: “Sometimes I think this all a dream.”

After waking up from the dream, there would still be nothing.

Qin Xing: “It’s a dream.”

Shen Zhen looked at Qin Xing with a surprised expression.

Qin Xing said again: “But don’t worry, after you wake up from the dream and open your eyes, I’ll still be by your side.”

Qin Xing whispered words of love: “Then you will find that I have already made breakfast.”

“We will eat together, I will drop you off at the company, then pick you up from work, and after dinner, I will urge you to take a shower, wait for you on the bed in the bedroom, and then…..”

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Shen Zhen’s ears turned red while Qin Xing spoke.

He took Qin Xing’s hand.

Looking at Qin Xing with bright eyes, he asked, “Do you have kidney pain?”

Qin Xing: “…..No”

Had kidney pain become an adjective now?

Shen Zhen sat up, and pounced like a hungry dog rushing for food.

“Then let’s do it again!”

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Source of Calamity CH 104 Extra 3: Liu & Zhang Part 1

TN: bonus chapter!💕

Ten years ago, Zhang Zixin was still a young man who just came out to work in society. He submitted resumes to one company after another. Unfortunately, he had no work experience and did not graduate from a top university. Almost all the jobs Zhang Zixin could find were in small companies as an office worker. Although he had no ambitions, he still wanted to join a big company, even if it was to do menial jobs.

After all, it was easy for one to switch from a large company to a small company, but it was difficult to climb from a small company to a large company.

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Just when Zhang Zixin was about to accept his fate and go to work as an office worker in a small company, he received an interview notice.

Looking at the notification in the mailbox, Zhang Zixin thought there was something wrong with his eyes.

It was from Liu Group, a big company that was well-known throughout the country. He, a fresh graduate, could actually be the CEO’s secretary?

This was like a pie falling from the sky. Zhang Zixin once thought that it might be his grandfather in the sky who was watching over him.

He put on a full suit that he had spent all his savings to buy, and entered the gate of Liu Group in a nervous mood. Before that, he even specially bought a financial magazine, and could be considered barely knowledgeable of the CEO of Liu Group.

According to the information, Liu Huan was twenty-six years old, and he could almost be regarded as the second youngest boss of a large company in China, and the youngest one behind Qin Xing.

But even if he wasn’t the first, Liu Huan was not someone Zhang Zixin could come into contact with.

According to the information, Liu Huan had no bad habits, did not smoke, did not like to drink, had a simple private life, kept himself clean, had no girlfriend, and had no scandals.

Judging from the magazine, Liu Huan was a serious and self-disciplined person.

After the interview, Zhang Zixin was taken to Liu Huan’s office by the interviewer. Only then did Zhang Zixin realize that the magazines were all fake and deceitful, because he could smell a heavy scent of smoke as soon as he entered Liu Huan’s office.

The ashtray on the desk was full.

Liu Huan’s shirt was not neatly dressed, and the collar hung open sloppily, revealing his collarbone and half of his strong chest. His brows were furrowed, his hair was brushed back, and he was still smoking a cigarette. If no one told Zhang Zixin, he would definitely think this was someone pretending to be Liu Huan.

The interviewer who brought him in said to Liu Huan, “CEO Liu, this is Xiao Zhang, here to apply for the position of your secretary.”

Because the secretary would be the person Liu Huan spent the longest time with in the company, so Liu Huan’s approval must be obtained.

Liu Huan said impatiently: “We’ll talk about it tomorrow, I don’t have time today.”

The interviewer took Zhang Zixin out. She liked the boy in front of her very much. She smiled kindly and said, “CEO Liu has a bad temper, but he isn’t one to take the initiative to make trouble. Come back at this time tomorrow.”

Zhang Zixin quickly said, “Okay, I’ll come back tomorrow.”

He figured that rich people must have some quirks, but as long as he was paid enough, he’d pretend he was blind, couldn’t see, not to mention it was just a bad temper——so long as he wasn’t violent.

On the third day, Zhang Zixin arrived as scheduled.

But this time Liu Huan was still the same as the day before, asking to continue to postpone.

This went on for a week.

A week later, Zhang Zixin couldn’t take it anymore. He entered Liu Huan’s office for the ninth time. Seeing Liu Huan saying the same rhetoric as before every day, he dared to go up to Liu Huan in three big steps. With his hands on the desk, he said to Liu Huan: “CEO Liu, my surname is Zhang, Zhang Zixin. I have just graduated from South China University three months ago. If you want me to be your secretary, I will make it so that you will be able to work in a better environment.”

“I’ll do my best to help you.”

“I believe in my ability, and I hope CEO Liu will give me a chance.”

Only then did Liu Huan raise his head and look at Zhang Zixin for the first time. There was a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was mocking Zhang Zixin’s boldness.

Zhang Zixin’s heart was pounding in his chest, he didn’t want to miss this opportunity, who knew when such an opportunity would come next time.

“That’s him.” Liu Huan said to the interviewer, “Let him come to work tomorrow.”

The interviewer smiled: “Okay.”

Liu Huan said again: “By the way, buy him a suit.”

“My secretary can’t wear such cheap clothes.” Liu Huan turned his gaze back to the computer screen.

So Zhang Zixin had his first brand-name suit.

Of course, it would be deducted from his salary.

Liu Huan originally had secretaries, but most of these secretaries resigned by themselves.

After interviewing many applicants, Liu Huan was not satisfied, so he gave the fledgling Zhang Zixin a chance.

And Zhang Zixin also grasped it.

“CEO Liu, here is your itinerary for next week.” Zhang Zixin sent the completed itinerary to Liu Huan’s mailbox.

However, Liu Huan didn’t even look at it: “If I need to look at the watch myself, then why do I need you?”

Zhang Zixin lowered his head silently.

Liu Huan’s temper was actually not bad, he just didn’t know how to respect people.

Especially the people under him.

In the first year, the relationship between Zhang Zixin and Liu Huan was that of an ordinary boss and subordinate. They didn’t joke, and they seldom talked. They didn’t interact with each other except for work.

Until the end of the first year, on the 30th day of the Lunar New Year, Zhang Zixin did not go home to celebrate the New Year. His hometown was in the north, and he was reluctant to buy an air ticket——although he earned a lot, his family was not rich. His father even had a car accident while he was in high school and became paralyzed in bed.

His mother had to take care of his father and earn money to support the family.

As a result, his mother forgot to turn off the stove when she went out, and the house was full of gas smell when she came home.

Then his mother quit her job and took care of his father and him at home full-time. The money in the family was the original deposit, which could not support him to finish college, so his mother sold the house and took his father to rent a house together, and the living expenses were earned by the part-time job he found himself.

Zhang Zixin’s current monthly salary was not a small sum, but he was still very frugal. He lived in a one-bedroom rental house, and the monthly rent was only 1700 yuan. However, he had to take a 40-minute bus ride to the company and then transfer to nearly half an hour by subway.

He wanted to save money and buy his parents a house.

Or buy a big house here, and then bring his parents over to live here.

For this goal, Zhang Zixin didn’t dare to offend Liu Huan at all. If he had to work elsewhere, it would be impossible for him to get such a high salary.

Although Liu Huan had a bad temper, just like the interviewer said, he would not take the initiative to find trouble.

On the night of Lunar New Year’s Eve, Zhang Zixin cooked himself a bowl of quick-frozen dumplings. When he was at home, his mother used to mix special dipping dishes, but now he was alone, so he just poured a little vinegar for himself.

Quick-frozen dumplings dipped in vinegar were actually quite delicious.

Just when Zhang Zixin was about to wash up and go to bed, he received a text message from Liu Huan.

[Golden Age, Room 213, come quickly.]

Zhang Zixin: “…..”

This was not working hours, was it? Shouldn’t he be on vacation?

Maybe he should just pretend he didn’t see it?

Another message came.

[Pretend not to see and your next month’s salary will be deducted.]

Zhang Zixin felt that the title of “penny-pincher” over his head would never be taken off.

He could only accept his fate and take a taxi to the Golden Age. When he took a taxi, he saw the jumping rate on the meter and his heart hurt. He wondered if the financial department would reimburse him.

Golden Age was a high-end club.

As long as it had anything to do with high-end, it must not have anything to do with Zhang Zixin.

He had never been to such a place. When Zhang Zixin entered the private room led by the waiter, he felt that his worldview had been impacted.

Besides Liu Huan, there were quite a few people inside, men and women, wearing revealing clothes, and some of them were even hugging each other and doing some indescribable things right out in the open.

Zhang Zixin swallowed, thinking that the scene in front of him was probably the rumored luxurious life indulged by the rich?

As soon as he entered, he saw Liu Huan, who was looked obviously impatient.

Liu Huan stood up, pushed away the two beauties whose breasts were almost falling out of their clothes, and walked up to Zhang Zixin.

“Did you drive?” Liu Huan asked.

Zhang Zixin: “…..I don’t have a car.”

Liu Huan looked unhappy: “I give you such a high salary, yet you can’t even afford a car?”

See, rich people never know the troubles of poor people.

Zhang Zixin secretly rolled his eyes.

Liu Huan turned his head to look at the people in the private room, and when he tilted his head, Zhang Zixin saw disgust on his face.

“I’m leaving first. My secretary came to find me. I have something to do back at the company. I have to go back to deal with it.” Liu Huan said to those who had already lost themselves in indulgement.

Those people seemed a little dissatisfied, but they couldn’t say anything, so they could only say to Liu Huan: “We’ll invite CEO Liu next time.”

After leaving the Golden Age, Liu Huan and Zhang Zixin stood on the side of the road waiting for a taxi.

The cold wind was blowing, and Liu Huan looked down on Zhang Zixin: “Where’s your money?”

Zhang Zixin: “….It’s used up.”

Liu Huan looked Zhang Zixin up and down: “You don’t look it, but you spend a lot of money.”

Zhang Zixin smiled.

Liu Huan taunted him with a few more words. Zhang Zixin, who had endured for a year, was in a bad mood on New Year’s Eve, and finally couldn’t help saying, “I’m so poor I can barely afford socks! Why don’t you buy me one if you care so much!”

As soon as these words came out, both of them were stunned.

Zhang Zixin was about to apologize, when Liu Huan suddenly said, “I won’t buy one for you but I have a car that I don’t drive, and I can lend it to you. You can pick it up at my house tomorrow.”

Zhang Zixin: “…..”

Did he, did he hear wrong?

Was Liu Huan mentally retarded?

Liu Huan suddenly said, “If the car wears down even a little, I’ll deduct a month’s salary from you.”

Zhang Zixin replied without thinking: “Then I don’t want it anymore. The public transport is ten or a hundred times the size of your car.”

Now it was Liu Huan’s turn to be speechless.

But he still asked, “What transport?”

Zhang Zixin felt that Liu Huan was a person who lacked common sense in life in a certain way.

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After getting into the taxi, Zhang Zixin said, “The bus and subway.”

The veins on Liu Huan’s forehead popped out: “Did you put the money in the shredder?”

Zhang Zixin couldn’t take it anymore: “CEO Liu! I want to buy a house!”

Liu Huan: “…..Oh.”

Sitting in a taxi, the two felt that each other was very not cute at all.

Sure enough, apart from working hours, it was better not to have too many interactions.

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Source of Calamity CH 108 Extra 7: Feng & Chu Part 1

TN: bonus chapter!💕

“This is my candy, you can have it.” With a smile on his face, the boy put a blue candy into his palm.

That was the first gift someone gave him.

He remembered it for a long time.

Chu Haoyi was walking on the street, he exhaled, and white mist appeared in front of his eyes.

Los Angeles winters were as cold as ever.

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He walked through the narrow path, and the dilapidated staircase appeared in front of his eyes. The small room on the upper floor was his shelter.

The landlord was an old lady of Chinese origin. Her son died early, and she managed to bring up her grandson. She almost went broke sending her grandson to a private school. When her grandson grew up, he joined a securities company and took her away.

Walking up the stairs slowly, Chu Haoyi opened the dilapidated wooden door, who would have thought that there was such a place in Los Angeles.

Poor, dirty, full of sewage and bacteria.

The house was very clean and he cleaned it every day.

Before he was eight years old, he didn’t know that he had a father. At that time, he was still in China and lived with his mother.

His mother was a very gentle and kind person. As far as he could remember, he had never seen his mother quarrel with anyone. And because of her good temper, she was always bullied. It was from that time that Chu Haoyi developed a fiery temper.

If he was not fierce enough, others would bully the single mother and child pair even more.

When he was eight years old, his mother died of illness. She was lying on the hospital bed, and she was still looking at the door when she died. Maybe she was worried that after she died, only Chu Haoyi would be left alone. How would he survive?

It was then that Chu Haoyi realized that he was not without a father.

He had a father.

But he was hostile and unfamiliar with this father.

It turned out that he was the illegitimate son of the Chu family, and his father was already in his fifties, but had only two daughters with his wife when he lost his fertility due to an accident. The Chu family was an old-fashioned family, and only sons could be the heirs.

But Mrs. Chu was unwilling to accept him into the family, and his father seemed to be worried that his wife would do something to the illegitimate son, so he was fostered at a friend’s house.

——He was like a ball, being kicked from one place to another.

No one liked him.

In order to protect his safety, Mr. Chu didn’t even reveal to anyone that he was his son, and no one knew that he would actually be the heir of the Chu family in the future.

No matter which house he went to, he was greeted with cold eyes and cynicism.

He grew up in such an environment.

But living under someone else’s roof didn’t make him restrain his temper. He was like a hedgehog, always using the thorns all over his body to protect himself.

Until someone extended a friendly hand to him.

It was a little boy like an angel, and he gave Chu Haoyi the candy he got for “free”.

Chu Haoyi also knew the status of this little boy in his family, he was ostracized by his cousins, and was not valued by the elders.

When he was picked up, Chu Haoyi said to him: “When I grow up, I will protect you.”

He always remembered that promise.

Until now.

“Young Master Chu, the plane ticket has already been bought, you can go directly to the airport when the time comes.”

Someone called and told him so.

Chu Haoyi recognized the other’s voice, it was his father’s secretary.

Standing in the dilapidated small room, Chu Haoyi agreed.

He didn’t know how much Mr. Chu gave him every year, maybe a lot, maybe very little, because no matter how much money he gave him, it couldn’t reach him, always blocked by Mrs. Chu.

But he didn’t care.

When he first arrived in Los Angeles, he couldn’t even speak English.

Later, he went to work in a Chinese restaurant and slowly learned English. Fortunately, Mr. Chu found and paid for his school and tuition fees, otherwise he might not even be able to study.

He knew Mrs. Chu hated him and his mother.

She also had a position to hate them.

Nor did his mother tell him anything about his father.

But Chu Haoyi knew that no matter what the truth was, it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter whether his mother was coerced, or whether she had an affair with his father because of love. When a person died, everything in the past would be reduced to ashes.

He shouldered the crime of being an illegitimate child and spent a troubled childhood.

The only warmth and light came from a boy about his age.

After returning to China, Chu Haoyi quickly made his way into the upper class.

But these people flattered him and looked down on him at the same time.

After he finally got his footing, he got in touch with the only ray of light in his life.

Su Shiqing was still the same, pure, lively, always with a smile on his face. He was like a bouquet of flowers in the morning, petals still with drops of dew, trembling and unfurling, making people happy because of his blooming.

Chu Haoyi felt that he was in love with him.

But Su Shiqing already had a lover, and he was so loyal, seeming as of he could almost sacrifice everything for his lover, making Chu Haoyi jealous, but at the same time he was jealous, he was even more gratified. The person he fell in love with was like this, steadfast, sincere, and unique.

Except for his lover, his eyes would not rest on anyone else.

Unmoved by any outside influences.

But misfortunes always happen quickly.

Su Shiqing disappeared, and when Chu Haoyi arrived, Su Shiqing had already been beaten badly.

He didn’t even have time to punish the instigator, taking Su Shiqing to the hospital immediately.

Turned out it was not as serious as it had appeared, just a broken leg, and though he would have a limp, it wouldn’t be noticeable if he didn’t walk fast or run.

But even so, Su Shiqing became lame in the leg.

Then, Su Shiqing moved into his house.

Every time Chu Haoyi chatted with Su Shiqing, Su Shiqing would talk to him about his past with Qin Yue.

It was a very beautiful story. Su Shiqing always had a gentle smile on his face when he mentioned Qin Yue.

Slowly, Chu Haoyi changed from being jealous of Qin Yue to being envious.

He knew Su Shiqing, Su Shiqing was not a fickle person, and he would not be promiscuous like Mr. Chu. Whoever he loved, he would love that person from the beginning to the end.

This kind of feeling made him yearn, and he also hoped that he could meet such a person.

The path of life was changed in one night.

He took Su Shiqing to a banquet, and he was surrounded by people.

When he finally found Su Shiqing, he found that Su Shiqing was blocking someone’s car.

The man had the air of a rogue, and with a smile on his face, he sat in the car, looking at Su Shiqing like he was a clown, deep impatience clear in his tone.

He got into a fight with that man, then Su Shiqing left, and then…..he went drinking with that man.

“You guys have known each other since childhood?” Feng Anyan was an extroverted and overly friendly guy.

After Chu Haoyi was warmly received by the other, his anger dissipated. There was a glass of mixed cocktail in front of him. In fact, he didn’t like drinking, and it was easy for drinking to lead to trouble. But for some reason, seeing that the other was drinking happily, he also started to drink.

Probably because he drank too much alcohol, Chu Haoyi felt his tongue loosen and began to talk more, and with Feng Anyan being naturally loquacious, the two of them actually chatted back and forth.

“I’m not interested in him at all!” Feng Anyan swore, “He’s not my type!”

Chu Haoyi glared at him: “What’s wrong with him?”

“He is the best person I have ever met.” Chu Haoyi added in a low voice, “The person who treated me the best.”

No one had ever given him anything, and did not expect anything in return.

Only Su Shiqing.

Feng Anyan looked at him, and suddenly realized: “So it turns out you don’t actually like him.”

Chu Haoyi: “Why don’t I like him?”

Feng Anyan looked like a veteran in love and said: “When you face him, does your heart beat faster and you feel like possessing him as your own?”

Chu Haoyi: “I’m not that selfish, I just want him to live well, I don’t care who his lover is, whether he loves me or not.”

Just listen to what he was saying, even he was almost moved by it.

Feng Anyan sighed: “Buddy, love is exclusive and possessive, not just romantic love, but any relationship, including friendship, it is the same when it reaches the extreme.”

Chu Haoyi looked at him, not understanding.

They chatted a lot, and Chu Haoyi unexpectedly discovered that he and Feng Anyan had a lot in common.

For example, they both like to watch the Premier League, rugby games and wrestling. They talked about their favorite professional players and the most hated professional players.

At the end, Chu Haoyi was a little drunk.

He stood up a little staggeringly: “I’m going back.”

Feng Anyan supported him: “Just get a room upstairs, it’s so late.”

Chu Haoyi really felt dizzy, he had never drank so much before, so he followed Feng Anyan’s arrangement and got a room in the hotel above the bar.

After opening the room, Chu Haoyi lay on his back on the bed, wanting to sleep.

But Feng Anyan didn’t leave.

Feng Anyan stood at the door and asked him: “Do you want to try with me? My skills are very good.”

Chu Haoyi looked at him.

At this moment, Chu Haoyi’s gaze was quite sober.

He looked at Feng Anyan, and Feng Anyan’s appearance was indeed outstanding, with a pair of smiling eyes.

Chu Haoyi looked at him quietly and silently.

Feng Anyan walked towards him step by step.

Their lips touched, the kiss was not gentle, but like two large beasts biting each other, and soon the corners of Chu Haoyi’s and Feng Anyan’s lips were stained with blood.

The person in front of him was not Su Shiqing.

So Chu Haoyi didn’t need to care about being gentle, and he didn’t have to worry about breaking the other. The violent side of him swallowed him up like a fierce storm.

Too bad they didn’t make it to the end.

The two gasped heavily, staring at each other.

Feng Anyan: “I only top.”

Chu Haoyi: “Me too.”

Feng Anyan covered his eyes with his hand, and lay on his back on the bed like Chu Haoyi, his chest rising and falling: “What the hell.”

They didn’t make it to the end that night, but they had already done everything else. Except for the last step, they basically explored every inch of each other’s body.

For Chu Haoyi, being so close to someone was a novelty.

He was almost obsessed with the feeling.

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He liked the touch of the skin, and when their arms touched each other, Chu Haoyi’s heart felt like he had been electrocuted.

He also liked the feeling of Feng Anyan’s lips touching his skin.

When he got up in the morning, Chu Haoyi asked Feng Anyan: “Can we meet again?”

Feng Anyan understood what he meant, and flashed him a rakish smile: “At your service any time, my king.”

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Source of Calamity CH 107 Extra 6: Liu & Zhang Part 4

TN: bonus chapter!💕

Liu Huan found that since Zhang Zixin returned to the company, Zhang Zixin exhibited a peculiar change. For example, unlike before he no longer talked back to him every chance he got. Instead Zhang Zixin seemed to avoid him intentionally or unintentionally, such as refusing to deal with his exes.

“Here is the key to your house.” Zhang Zixin returned the key that Liu Huan gave to him again after he came back, and said, “If you have an ex in the future, I will not help you deal with them.”

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Liu Huan: “What do you mean?”

Zhang Zixin: “It means that I won’t wipe your butt for you in the future.”

Liu Huan couldn’t understand: “Hadn’t it always been like that before?”

Zhang Zixin: “The situation is different now. I have someone I like, so I can no longer shine in your emotional life.”

“Who is it?” Liu Huan stared at Zhang Zixin, with a ferocity in his eyes that he didn’t even realize, “It’s someone from the company, right?”

“Male or female? What’s their name? Which department are they in? When did you two meet? Have you already confirmed the relationship?”

Zhang Zixin smiled and said, “Don’t you think you look like a household checker? I never cared about your exes. Why do you care so much about the person I like?”

Liu Huan: “…..”

Liu Huan coughed lightly: “I just think you are so easily deceived, and I give you such a high salary, those people must be aiming at your money, after all, you are not smart nor keen, nor…..”

“Stop!” Zhang Zixin looked at Liu Huan in amazement, “You just want to take this opportunity to criticize me, right?”

“What kind of person do I like, and whether the other person likes me or not I don’t think it has anything to do with you, am I right?” Zhang Zixin’s expression and tone were not very good.

Liu Huan: “Are you angry with me? Because of a person who you are not even sure will be with you? Zhang Zixin? Are you serious?”

Zhang Zixin: “I’m serious.”

Liu Huan touched his forehead with his hand, and said, “Are you crazy?”

Zhang Zixin: “I’m not crazy, my lover will accompany me for the rest of my life, but work can’t.”

Zhang Zixin: “We are just the relationship between the boss and the secretary, aren’t we?”

Zhang Zixin pointed out: “What kind of identity and position do you stand in to ask me this? Are you my friend or boss?”

Liu Huan: “…..”

They parted unreconciled.

Liu Huan was in a bad mood.

For so many years, Zhang Zixin had no one, and Zhang Zixin’s daily life revolved around him, even after getting off work.

He began to observe the people who appeared around Zhang Zixin, no matter men or women, no matter who Zhang Zixin smiled at, he felt that Zhang Zixin must be having an affair with that person.

When he finally came to his senses, he realized that he hadn’t pursued anyone for a long time, and his eyes and attention had always been on Zhang Zixin.

Liu Huan even thought that Zhang Zixin might be having an affair with the head of the personnel department.

That person was not a middle-aged bald gay for once. He had a good figure and a good face. The type that attracted bottoms and had a great sense of humor so he was also popular with women.

But he always felt that this person’s private life was messy.

So he took a chance and had a talk with the head of personnel.

The subject of the conversation was clear, warning him he would be fired if an office romance was discovered.

Inexplicably being warned by the big boss, the head of personnel was very confused, and felt that he was also very innocent.

He also didn’t expect it to have something to do with Zhang Zixin either. After getting off work, he asked Zhang Zixin out for a drink, and complained to Zhang Zixin: “If I wanted an office romance, would I have remained a bachelor even now.”

The head of personnel was dragged home by Zhang Zixin after drinking too much. They couldn’t get a taxi so Zhang Zixin had to let the other lean on him while sending him back.

As a result, halfway there, Zhang Zixin noticed a black car on the side of the road.


Wearing sunglasses at night, is it because you are afraid that no one will not notice?

Zhang Zixin was speechless, he wanted to see how long the other person could endure.

Sure enough, at the corner, the other person honked the car horn and rolled down the window.

“Zhang, Zi, Xin!” Liu Huan’s tone could be said to be gnashing his teeth, “Where are you going now? Are you going to hook up after drinking? And you are even sending him home? Have you forgotten what I said? The company prohibits office romances!”

“If you want him to keep his job, you’d better let him go now.”

Zhang Zixin didn’t move.

Liu Huan: “I don’t want to say it a second time.”

Zhang Zixin said in exasperation, “Leave him on the road? Then wait for someone to find him?”

Liu Huan had a dark face.

Zhang Zixin could only sigh, and dragged the head of personnel to the car door: “Open the door.”

Liu Huan sucked in a breath: “Don’t challenge my patience.”

Zhang Zixin: “Then I’ll just walk him back.”

Liu Huan unlocked the car: “Get in the car.”

In the end, they sent the head of personnel home together, and after throwing the head of personnel on his sofa, Liu Huan took Zhang Zixin by the wrist and got into the car, and then took Zhang Zixin to his home.

Zhang Zixin sat on Liu Huan’s sofa and asked casually: “Can you get me a glass of water? I’m a little thirsty.”

Liu Huan couldn’t believe it: “You still have the nerve to ask me for water?!”

Zhang Zixin said: “This is off-duty time. Strictly speaking, I should be your guest now. What’s wrong with pouring me a glass of water?”

Liu Huan: “…..Don’t change the subject, what’s the matter with you and that baldy?!”

Zhang Zixin: “He’s not bald, he has thick hair, and his name is…..”

“I don’t care what his name is.” Liu Huan interrupted Zhang Zixin, “Don’t try to change the subject again.”

Zhang Zixin shrugged: “Fine, in fact, I suddenly discovered that I am gay, and I like men with muscles and a good figure.”

Liu Huan’s expression was extremely gloomy, as if he could pick up a knife and stab Zhang Zixin straight through: “I’ll give you another chance.”

Zhang Zixin: “What do you want me to say? Say that I will never fall in love in my life? That I won’t make love with others? Or should I wipe your ass for the rest of my life, and then die alone with you?”

Liu Huan: “Shut up!”

Zhang Zixin wasn’t afraid of him at all: “Are you satisfied now? That’s all you want to hear?”

Liu Huan took a deep breath: “As long as you promise that you will never have anything to do with that baldy, I will treat it as if it never happened.”

Zhang Zixin smiled and said, “Why should I promise this?”

“Don’t you think he has a good figure?” Zhang Zixin said, “His chest and abs are great, it should feel very good in bed with him, right?”

Liu Huan clenched his fists tightly, wanting to punch Zhang Zixin in the face, but he didn’t do anything, just looked at Zhang Zixin like this.

“I’m not your property, CEO Liu.” Zhang Zixin said, “We are just an employment relationship, you give me money, and I work for you.”

“If there is nothing else, I’m going back to rest, as I have to go to work tomorrow.”

Zhang Zixin stood up: “You didn’t even pour me a glass of water.”

Liu Huan watched Zhang Zixin walk to the door, and he opened his mouth to say something, but didn’t know what to say.

He wanted to say, “In your eyes, I can’t even compare to a baldy?”

He also wanted to say, “How about you stay by my side and only belong to me?”

But he couldn’t say that.

He knew what kind of person he was, and he couldn’t be a good lover.

For so many years, Zhang Zixin was the only one who had not left him after knowing what he was like. He hoped that Zhang Zixin would always stay by his side.

He knew Zhang Zixin’s place in his heart.

The more he valued the other, the less courage he had to ask that question.

When he found that he couldn’t accept Zhang Zixin dating other people or had someone else he liked, he finally understood his heart.

But he would vomit as soon as there was any intimate contact, he couldn’t give Zhang Zixin any intimacy as his lover, then Zhang Zixin would leave him, be with someone else, maybe with that baldy, and then they would make love.

Liu Huan couldn’t accept the thought of it.

And…..he knew that Zhang Zixin couldn’t possibly love him.

Zhang Zixin knew him better than anyone else, and he also knew his rotten history.

Looking at it from another angle, he himself would not fall in love with someone who had a bunch of exes, and these exes were even dealt with by himself.

“Is there anything else you want to say?” Zhang Zixin suddenly turned his head and asked.

Liu Huan looked into his eyes, and suddenly couldn’t say a word. He only stood there stupidly,

Zhang Zixin: “Is there really nothing you want to say?”

Liu Huan: “…..If, I mean, if there is a person who vomits as soon as you kiss them and cannot give you sexual pleasure tries to pursue you, would you agree?”

Zhang Zixin: “Please explain clearly.”

Liu Huan widened his eyes.

The two stared at each other.

Liu Huan: “…..I think, other than the fact that I can’t kiss and make love, I’m actually not a bad choice, right?”

Zhang Zixin suddenly smiled: “Do you mean to pursue me?”

He didn’t use the formal address of “you”.

Liu Huan said with a fierce expression: “Can’t I? Am I not better than that baldy? Do you want to see my pectoral and abdominal muscles?”

Zhang Zixin suppressed a smile: “I want to see it.”

Liu Huan: “…..”

He undressed.

For a moment, he felt like a pig waiting to be slaughtered.

Zhang Zixin walked towards him.

Liu Huan remained motionless.

Zhang Zixin put his hand on Liu Huan’s muscles and squeezed it.

Liu Huan was shaking all over.

Zhang Zixin asked, “Do you want to throw up?”

Liu Huan shook his head.

Then Zhang Zixin leaned close and kissed the corner of his lips very lightly.

Liu Huan was completely dumbfounded.

Zhang Zixin asked again: “Do you want to throw up?”

Liu Huan shook his head foolishly.

Zhang Zixin hugged Liu Huan’s waist: “Well, do you know who I like now?”

Liu Huan’s brain had short-circuited.

“I like you.” Zhang Zixin said.

Liu Huan blinked.

Zhang Zixin reached out and wiped away the tears from Liu Huan’s eyes: “Why are you crying?”

Liu Huan: “You lied to me.”

Zhang Zixin sighed: “I didn’t do it on purpose, I just think that this way it might finally get through that thick skull of yours.”

Liu Huan stared at Zhang Zixin: “Your salary will be completely deducted next month!”

Zhang Zixin took Liu Huan’s hand and led Liu Huan to the bedroom. He tore off his tie as he walked, and smiled back at Liu Huan: “Deduct it then, as long as you are happy.”

Liu Huan thought to himself.

This was the first time in his life that he didn’t feel angry after being manipulated by someone.

He hoped that Zhang Zixin would always smile at him like this, forever.

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“You’re still too tender.” Zhang Zixin was naked, sitting on the edge of the bed smoking a cigarette without any shyness, “Fast shooter.”

Liu Huan grabbed Zhang Zixin’s waist and asked him, “Why didn’t I vomit?”

Zhang Zixin blinked at him: “Don’t you think I’m completely different from the type you used to like?”

Liu Huan: “…..”

So he had been relying on his five-fingered brother to sustain his needs for so many years, and missed out for no good reason?

Zhang Zixin: “Want to do it again?”

Liu Huan gritted his teeth: “Again!”

AN: And the boss and the secretary began to live a shameless life happily ever after.

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Source of Calamity CH 106 Extra 5: Liu & Zhang Part 3

TN: bonus chapter!💕

Ever since Liu Huan became interested in Su Shiqing, Zhang Zixin’s nightmare arrived, because he would inevitably have to deal with Su Shiqing. For example, sometimes Liu Huan was too busy and would ask him to pick up Su Shiqing, and he had to listen to Su Shiqing’s blabbering all the way, forced to suffer from mental pollution.

Liu Huan had so many exes, but this one gave Zhang Zixin the most headache.

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If he hadn’t been Liu Huan’s secretary, and his salary was not low, he might have left long ago, whoever wanted to serve him can go have his place thanks very much.

“I don’t like him at all.” Su Shiqing said to him in the car, “Brother Zhang, tell him that no matter what he does, I will never fall in love with him. I already have someone I love, and I will not fall in love with him because of material things.”

Zhang Zixin had to calmly say: “Mr. Su, this has nothing to do with me. My task is to send you over. As for the matter between you and CEO Liu, it’s not my place to intervene.”

He had met Liu Huan’s various exes, some of whom truly loved Liu Huan, and some who just wanted Liu Huan’s money. Liu Huan never cared too much about material things when it came to pursuing someone. He simply just gave whatever the other wanted.

Zhang Zixin was always very patient with Liu Huan’s previous exes, because he knew that no matter what the other party’s purpose was, once Liu Huan successfully pursued them, they would soon become a thing of the past. Liu Huan was a big scumbag, so Zhang Zixin’s attitude towards them would not be bad.

Only Su Shiqing annoyed Zhang Zixin.

No matter what, Liu Huan’s previous exes would not accept all the benefits while making a face of disinterest the whole time.

Nor would they get in the car to see Liu Huan while saying words of refusal.

If you want to get benefits, you have to pay a price, but Su Shiqing obviously didn’t think so. He wanted benefits, but he was not willing to pay anything. He hoped to maintain his sweet and pure image from beginning to end.

Zhang Zixin was too impatient to deal with such people.

There were many smart people among Liu Huan’s previous exes, and he thought they were all very cute in their own ways.

Therefore, it could be inferred that Liu Huan becoming interested with Su Shiqing was because Liu Huan was blind.

“Is he that bad?” Liu Huan stood by the door putting on his shirt.

Zhang Zixin pouted: “Is it any of my business?”

Liu Huan was sure: “Are you jealous? Admit it, you’re in love with me.”

Zhang Zixin: “You always have a wrong perception of your own charm.”

“Don’t be in denial, anyone I pursue will fall in love with me in the end.” Liu Huan drank a cup of coffee proudly, then grimaced, “Did you put milk and sugar?”

Zhang Zixin shrugged: “Didn’t you say you fell in love with drinking black coffee last time?”

That’s what Liu Huan said when he was talking to his previous ex, but the fact was that he himself was a loyal sweet tooth, and even to drink coffee, he had to add a lot of milk and sugar, which barely tasted like coffee in the end.

Saying that he liked to drink black coffee was just like saying that he didn’t smoke, it was just an act.

Liu Huan: “You only know to remember this kind of thing.”

Zhang Zixin: “If you don’t throw up when you kiss him, I will admit that he is your true love.”

Liu Huan almost spit out his coffee: “Are you mocking me?”

Zhang Zixin looked serious: “I don’t dare.”

Originally, Zhang Zixin thought that Liu Huan’s interest in Su Shiqing would stay longer, but Liu Huan, a big scumbag, had a new target.

Zhang Zixin was exasperated: “It can be anyone but why is it Shen Zhen. He doesn’t look like someone who can be deceived by you.”

Liu Huan: “How am I deceiving people? I have always held a sincere heart.”

Zhang Zixin: “Do you know what I admire most about you?”

Liu Huan touched his face: “My handsome face?”

Zhang Zixin: “I admire your shamelessness the most.”

As Zhang Zixin expected, Liu Huan hit a wall with Shen Zhen for the first time.

Liu Huan put Su Shiqing behind him, and expressed that he would devote himself to pursuing Shen Zhen.

So the hot potato that was Su Shiqing fell into Zhang Zixin’s hands.

Su Shiqing needed many things, but he would not vocalize it directly, and only made his requests in a roundabout way.

For example, he would say his house was very cold, which meant Liu Huan needed to buy a central air conditioner for him.

For example, when he went out recently, he found that his clothes did not fit well. This was asking for money and new clothes.

For example, he saw a gorgeous car on the road.

The list went on and on.

Zhang Zixin really felt that this was the most difficult person he had ever met.

And he had to be patient.

At least until Liu Huan lost interest in Su Shiqing.

In fact, Liu Huan had almost lost all his interest in Su Shiqing.

Especially after Su Shiqing invited Liu Huan to stay overnight.

“Why couldn’t he have held on longer?” Liu Huan asked Zhang Zixin, very confused, “I didn’t even do anything.”

Zhang Zixin: “Because you are rich, good-looking, and in good shape, and he is gay and short of money.”

Liu Huan was unhappy: “Can’t you just tell the truth? Is it that hard to admit my charm?”

Zhang Zixin exaggerated: “You are so charming, I’m about to fall in love with you!”

But unexpectedly, Liu Huan said seriously: “Don’t fall in love with me.”

Zhang Zixin looked at him with the eyes of one looking at a crazy person.

Liu Huan sighed and said, “I would be a good suitor, but not a good lover.”

Zhang Zixin: “…..For the first time you have spoken the truth.”

Liu Huan: “I never lie.”

Zhang Zixin felt that Liu Huan was probably prepared to die alone. Sometimes he sympathized with Liu Huan. He was rich and well-connected, but unfortunately he had mental problems.

So Zhang Zixin could only deal with Su Shiqing’s affairs without complaint, and it was not easy to get Su Shiqing to move out of Liu Huan’s house.

What surprised him the most was that in order to stay in this house, Su Shiqing knelt down to him in front of the movers, and his words were full of the underlying meaning that Zhang Zixin intended to force him to leave, that he was jealous of him, and was deliberately targeting him.

“I’m jealous of you?” Zhang Zixin asked Su Shiqing incredulously, “What am I jealous about?”

Su Shiqing was dependent on others, and he had no skills. Why did he think he had something that others could be jealous about?

Su Shiqing said to him: “You have been with Liu Huan for so many years, yet he doesn’t love you, and instead loves me, who has only been around for a few months. Don’t you think you are quite pathetic?”

Zhang Zixin: “I have always had an employment relationship with CEO Liu, Mr. Su.”

Su Shiqing smiled at him: “You can’t fool someone with those eyes. You may be able to fool him and yourself, but you can’t fool me.”

“The eyes of someone in love can speak.”

In the end, Su Shiqing left Liu Huan’s house.

Zhang Zixin also asked Liu Huan for leave.

“I’ve been so busy recently, yet you still ask for leave? Zhang Zixin, are you upset with me?” Liu Huan was obviously very angry.

Zhang Zixin: “I think I need to take some time off. I feel a little unwell. I may go to the hospital for an examination.”

Liu Huan: “…..All right, if necessary, I can introduce you to my personal doctor, and I will also pay for it.”

Zhang Zixin: “No need.”

Liu Huan looked at the phone in disbelief.

Zhang Zixin actually hung up on him!

He must deduct Zhang Zixin’s salary! This time it was definitely not just bluff!

Zhang Zixin went back to his hometown.

He saw his parents, was beaten, and returned to work before his injuries healed.

Probably because of Zhang Zixin’s complexion, Liu Huan asked him many times: “You were fine before you asked for leave, why do you look weak after you took leave?”

Zhang Zixin: “Because I saw you again.”

Liu Huan: “I swear, I will definitely deduct your salary!”

But before Zhang Zixin’s salary was deducted, Liu Group’s stock fell. Liu Huan suffered serious losses, and he had to throw down his face to apologize to Qin Xing and Shen Zhen, and then——Zhang Zixin became Shen Zhen’s secretary.

“You don’t miss me at all?” Liu Huan couldn’t believe it.

Zhang Zixin: “I prefer CEO Shen’s type.”

Liu Huan pouted: “Your aesthetics are very problematic.”

Zhang Zixin became Shen Zhen’s secretary.

He did a good job in Shen Zhen’s company, and Shen Zhen even gave him a salary increase several times, although they all knew that Zhang Zixin would not be able to work with Shen Zhen for long.

But since Zhang Zixin left Liu Group, Liu Huan called him almost every day, complaining about how stupid the new secretary was.

“He actually poured me lemonade, didn’t he even do his homework? If there is no rock sugar added, I would never drink it!”

Zhang Zixin was taking a bath in the bathtub: “So what’s the use of complaining to me?”

Liu Huan: “…..Seriously, how long are you going to stay with Shen Zhen?”

Zhang Zixin said with a smile: “I think CEO Shen is pretty good. CEO Shen doesn’t have unreasonable requests, and he has a good temper. At least he has a better temper than yours, and he is also very generous. Do you know that he has raised my salary again? My current salary is even higher than in Liu Group’s.”

Liu Huan: “I didn’t expect you to be such a person!”

Zhang Zixin: “Tell me, what kind of person am I?”

Liu Huan snorted: “I discovered you and trained you, and you are not grateful at all.”

Zhang Zixin: “I’m very grateful, otherwise, with your bad temper, could I’ve stayed by your side for so long? It’s been ten years.”

Liu Huan suddenly became quiet, and after a while he said, “It’s been ten years.”

Zhang Zixin also fell silent.

“Ten years of feelings, and you just leave?” Liu Huan, “I knew it, you either fell in love with Shen Zhen or Qin Xing!”

Zhang Zixin: “Wow, your guess is really accurate!”

Liu Huan: “…..Are you serious?”

Zhang Zixin: “What do you think?”

Liu Huan: “Don’t I treat you well? You talk back to me every day, but I haven’t really deducted your salary.”

Zhang Zixin suddenly said, “Since you want me to go back, how about saying something nice? Maybe I’ll go back when I’m happy.”

Liu Huan: “Don’t push it, you think I can’t do without you? People are lining up to be my secretary!”

You c an fi nd t he la te st cha pte rs at ( th e bl mu se . c o m )

Zhang Zixin: “Will you say it or not?”

A few minutes later.

Liu Huan faltered: “Fine, uh, I can’t live without you.”

Zhang Zixin smiled: “I will hand in my resignation letter tomorrow. I hope that when I go back, my office will have a new atmosphere, such as a bouquet of flowers. What do you think?”

Liu Huan said ferociously: “It’s already very nice of me to have even saved an office for you! And flowers! In your dreams!”

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