Category Archives: Source Of Calamity

Source of Calamity CH 101 The End

TN: bonus chapter!💕

Zhang Lei now felt that she was very lucky. Since she left Mr. Zheng, she managed to ensnare a rich man. He was very generous, but she did not just want to be a kept companion. She hoped to win the heart of the rich man and marry into a wealthy family and achieve a social climb.

It was a pity that the other party was not a fool, she could have whatever she wanted, but when marriage was mentioned, the other party would give her a clear answer, telling her not to even think about it.

But this was also expected by Zhang Lei.

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Just when she didn’t know what to do next, she suddenly received a text message asking her to meet.

She didn’t know the owner of the phone number, but the other party had a reason that she couldn’t refuse to meet with them, that is, the other party told her that she could fulfill her wish and marry the rich man caught by her.

Although she knew that it might just be a lie, Zhang Lei couldn’t resist the temptation.

What she didn’t expect was that it was Qin Xing who appeared in front of her.

As a woman whose lifelong dream was to marry into a wealthy family, the magazines in her home were all financial magazines, and she was familiar with all successful men. She also once tried every means to get close to Qin Xing, eager to become Qin Xing’s woman.

It was a pity that the goal was not achieved. Qin Xing looked down on her, so she could only choose other targets.

Qin Xing didn’t say anything more to her, but just gave her something.

That object looked very strange, although it was a necklace, but the pendant of the necklace was not a jewel, but a small piece of something similar to a bone.

He made her wear it, told her never to take it off, and she would get what she wanted.

Better to believe than not to believe, Zhang Lei didn’t know what Qin Xing gave her, but she knew that Qin Xing would not go to the effort to deal with a nobody like her, so she wore the necklace all the time.

After about a week, changes appeared.

The rich man who originally came to see her once in three days now came to see her every day, and even brought her to upper class gatherings that he was unwilling to bring her to before. She had met more people, and those people were easily attracted to her. She didn’t even have to do anything, just stand there, and those who were used to seeing beautiful women would come over and strike up a conversation with her.

Her world suddenly expanded.

Then she abandoned the original rich man, who was just a rich second generation. How could he be comparable to a real rich man? Her goal was to become a rich wife, not the daughter-in-law of a rich wife.

She flitted among the men and quickly chose her target.

After two months of contact with the other party, she became Mrs. Yan.

From then on, she had whatever she wanted, and she would never be short of money for what she wanted to buy. When she entered a luxury store, she could buy things that had always been out of reach before.

Her husband gave everything to express his love for her.

After marriage, she didn’t go out among other men again.

For her, she had accomplished her goal, and there was no need to continue looking for a partner.

But even so, those former suitors would still show up in front of her persistently, just to make her smile.

Until one day she had a whim and asked someone to take the pendant for inspection.

The pendant had only been away from her for a day, and her husband seemed to become a different person. He had lost his patience with her and lost his usual gentleness. She even heard him talking to himself, wondering why he would marry her.

Zhang Lei finally understood that the reason she had today was not because of her own charm, but because of that pendant.

Fortunately, the pendant was sent back to her the next day. The moment she got it back, she felt like she was alive again.

According to inspection, the pendant was a human bone.

As for whose bone it was from, no one knew.

Zhang Lei couldn’t do without this pendant, she wore it day and night, and even though she knew it was a human bone, she didn’t throw it away.

She didn’t care whose bone it was, or whether the owner of this bone was alive or dead, she just knew that she couldn’t lose her current life.

She had paid so much for this life and must not lose it.

But she soon knew whose bone it was.

She saw an old acquaintance when she went to the clubhouse with her new group of rich housewife friends to have fun.

The club accommodated both women and men.

She saw Su Shiqing, who was being held in the arms of a fat man with big ears. She didn’t know why, but she kept observing him, and found that he had a little limp when he walked too fast, and there was also a depression in his ankle. The size of the indentation…..seemed to be the size of her necklace pendant.

She didn’t understand, if Su Shiqing had such an ability in such a small bone of his, then why was he doing so miserably himself?

He looked even thinner, and his legs were so thin that they could break with a little effort.

A friend next to her asked her, “What are you looking at?”

Zhang Lei smiled and said with some emotion: “Looking at a pitiful person.”

Her friends just laughed: “There are too many pitiful people.”

Looking at Su Shiqing’s staggering back, Zhang Lei sighed. She had snatched something from Su Shiqing, and she had realized it herself, but she would never give it back to Su Shiqing.

This was her luck, and she would hold onto it no matter what.

She watched Su Shiqing greet all kinds of men or women with a smile on his face.

For a moment, she felt that everything Su Shiqing was going through had once been her own fate.

She shuddered and said to her friends: “I feel a little uncomfortable. I’ll go back first. You guys enjoy yourselves. I’ll pick up the bill.”

Her friends were concerned: “What’s the matter? Are you feeling unwell? You should go see a private doctor. It will be bad if something happens.”

Zhang Lei smiled at them.

She hated this place, this place made her feel very uncomfortable.

When she saw Su Shiqing accompanying the guests, she even had the illusion that she was the one accompanying the guests.

She held the pendant tightly, took a deep breath, and left the clubhouse quickly.

Su Shiqing turned his head to look at the door as if aware of it, but the rich man grabbed his hand and said, “What are you looking at?”

Su Shiqing had a smile on his face, full of admiration for the other: “It’s nothing, it’s just that it’s getting late.”

The rich man whispered something in his ear, Su Shiqing’s face turned red, he nodded slightly, and the rich man led him upstairs with his arm around him.

There were rooms upstairs, all kinds of rooms.

Su Shiqing frowned slightly, resisting the desire to vomit.

He couldn’t live without money, he couldn’t bear the feeling of living on a tight budget, and he couldn’t accept that he couldn’t afford the luxury of spending casually like before.

What was more, he didn’t have the ability to make money. Apart from this, he didn’t think he could do other jobs.

And he felt that he had done well for himself, his performance had been very good, and he could earn at least hundreds of thousands, sometimes millions, every month.

If he went out to work a normal job, could he get this much money?

Those who pointed fingers at him were just jealous of him.

Besides, he had relationships with those people because of love, not just for money.

Money was only a small part of it.

Zhang Lei didn’t go home after leaving the clubhouse. She walked aimlessly all the way, thinking about a lot of things. She was an atheist, but at this moment, she felt that Qin Xing had asked someone to perform some kind of sorcery. Swapping the fate that originally belonged to her with Su Shiqing’s?

Although intellectually she felt it was impossible, Zhang Lei was emotionally inclined to this answer.

While Zhang Lei was wandering around, she unconsciously walked to the Qin Group’s headquarters building.

She looked up at the building, and it was just as she had left it.

Who would have thought that she, a rich wife, used to work as a cleaner in Qin Group, and was forced by Su Shiqing to be a mistress for a small manager? After she got married, she changed her name from Zhang Lei to Zhang Miao. No one knew anything about her past, only that she was a phoenix flying up the branches. (TN: phrase that is equivalent to cinderella)

Just when Zhang Lei was feeling emotional, she saw someone coming out the front doors.

She had seen those two people before, one was Qin Xing, the other was Shen Zhen, and they were walking side by side, talking.

The look in their eyes was clearly that of two people in love, as if they could understand each other’s meaning without even talking.

Zhang Lei watched from a distance, she was a little envious.

But she chose money and status, so she could no longer expect love.

She would be an excellent rich wife, maintain her dignity, and she would never bow her head in front of anyone again.

She clenched the pendant in her hand, took one last look at Qin Xing and Shen Zhen, then turned and left the Qin Group’s building.

Shen Zhen, who was standing with Qin Xing, suddenly turned around as if feeling something.

Qin Xing: “What’s wrong?”

Shen Zhen touched the back of his head: “It’s nothing, it just felt like someone was looking at me.”

Qin Xing smiled and said: “You are so handsome, there are always many people looking at you.”

Shen Zhen rolled his eyes: “Don’t think you can avoid eating my cooking tonight just by saying that.”

“I have been learning from a chef for a long time!” Shen Zhen was ambitious, “It will definitely be delicious.”

Qin Xing said dotingly: “Okay then, I’ll squeeze Houttuynia cordata juice for you at that time.”

Shen Zhen: “Enough out of you.”

The two looked at each other and laughed out loud.

Qin Xing turned his head and took a look, only to see Zhang Lei’s back.

He was just taking a gamble, but he ended up winning.

He couldn’t fight against the “world consciousness” before the plot was over.

But he could find a way to turn it around.

The pendant he gave Zhang Lei was made from the bone kept by the doctor at his order when Su Shiqing had his leg broken and underwent surgery.

Originally, this pendant would not be of much use.

But as Su Shiqing himself became weaker, the ability of the pendant would become stronger, until the “world consciousness” believed that Zhang Lei was the protagonist instead.

Shen Zhen had already walked to the front of the car. Seeing Qin Xing still lagging behind, he shouted: “Hurry up!”

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Qin Xing stepped forward with a smile on his face: “Coming.”

Everything in the past had been left behind, and in their future life together, there would be no more people and things that would trouble them.

What the world was like had nothing to do with them.

They would kiss in the sun and take walks by the sea.

And one day, they would put on their wedding suits and make their most sincere promises to each other.

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Source of Calamity CH 111 Extra 10: The End

TN: bonus chapter!💕

Qin Xing rarely recalled the past, he didn’t like to look back, the past had passed and should remain so. But today he thought of the past in a rare occurrence. Shen Zhen was not at home, he had gone out for a meeting, so Qin Xing was the only one left at home and the house seemed unusually empty.

Putting his phone on the side, Qin Xing poured himself a cup of hot water.

He sat on a chair on the balcony, looking at the surrounding houses from up high.

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Qin Xing still remembered how he felt when he heard the news of Shen Zhen’s death. He was like a crazed man at that time, unable to calm his anger. He had been watching Shen Zhen since he became an adult, trying any way he could to help him.

But his plans never worked out.

It seemed that there was a consciousness in the void, which had been interfering with him.

Qin Xing finally confirmed that there was something strange in this world when he left the country.

He didn’t want to go abroad, he had someone he would miss in China.

Yet his thoughts and feelings didn’t matter, he had no control over his actions at all.

No matter telling the truth or doing things, it was like he had become a marionette. His brain was normal, he had his own thoughts, but he just couldn’t control his body.

When the news of Shen Zhen’s death came, no matter how angry he was, he could do nothing.

He waited thirty years.

He didn’t even know how he survived so long.

And the only goal that supported him to survive as a walking dead man was to regain control of his body.

It was a good day when he finally took back control, the weather was overcast, like the eve of a storm.

Qin Xing spent thirty years thinking——in fact, he could do nothing but think.

If he killed Qin Yue and Su Shiqing, there was a chance this world could be reset.

Although he felt that there was no reason for this thinking, and he was not sure whether it could indeed be reset, he still had to take a gamble.

In any case, he was not prepared to let Qin Yue and Su Shiqing continue to step on Shen Zhen’s corpse to live a so-called happily ever after.

As for people other than Shen Zhen, he didn’t care.

Although he didn’t know if after he reset this world, would he still have the current memory, would he who had no memory still fall in love with Shen Zhen. Qin Xing would still feel a surge of uncontrollable sadness whenever he thought of this. He didn’t know whether it would still be him without his memories or not.

It was not difficult to kill Qin Yue and Su Shiqing.

After all, no one would be on guard against an old man. When Qin Xing walked in front of Qin Yue, Qin Yue was even talking about the company with him as always.

Qin Yue was already the head of the Qin family. He was proud and confident, thinking that he had everything.

What ended his life was an extremely ordinary bullet, as ordinary as a bullet that could be bought in any gun shop abroad.

In fact, Qin Xing bought it randomly.

It was a little more difficult to deal with Su Shiqing.

Unlike Qin Yue, Su Shiqing was always surrounded by many people.

Men love him, and he enjoyed the love and amorous attention of those men. Even though he was in his fifties, there were still young men in their twenties and thirties pursuing him romantically.

Su Shiqing had lived a life of being sought after all his life.

But his Shen Zhen didn’t even get to celebrate his twenty-fifth birthday.

Dying all alone, without even a grave.

Originally, he planned to kill Su Shiqing with a single bullet, but Qin Xing changed his mind.

Su Shiqing ended up being locked in the basement by Qin Xing and starved to death. He went to see him a month later and found that Su Shiqing cannibalized Qin Yue’s body that he had placed in the basement under extreme hunger.

But the corpse obviously didn’t keep him going for too long.

After confirming Su Shiqing’s death.

Qin Xing found a quiet place and shot himself.


He woke up.

And then——

“Mr. Qin.” The butler called him from outside the door, “Second Young Master took people to the banquet hall. Young Master Shen didn’t return to his room last night. It seems that he had an affair with someone…..”

Qin Xing sat up. He looked at his hands, there were no age spots or wrinkles.

The world was reset, and he returned to more than 30 years ago, to the day after he had intimate contact with Shen Zhen.

Nothing could describe Qin Xing’s ecstasy.

The feeling was like that of a destitute guy who suddenly won a huge jackpot worth hundreds of millions.

But he had to suppress this ecstasy.

He didn’t want to scare Shen Zhen.

This time they would have enough time to get to know each other and enough time to love each other.

It didn’t matter if Shen Zhen didn’t love him.

He could wait forever.

So long as Shen Zhen lives.


The frontbdoor was unlocked, and Qin Xing walked out from the balcony.

Shen Zhen’s voice came from outside the door: “I’ve been to the supermarket, and I have the milk you asked me to buy.”

Qin Xing took the bag from Shen Zhen’s hand, put it aside, then hugged Shen Zhen’s waist, and kissed Shen Zhen’s neck from behind.

This tickled Shen Zhen.

Shen Zhen laughed and said, “What’s the matter? Why are you so clingy today?”

Qin Xing said with a low chuckle, “I stayed at home alone all day.”

Shen Zhen pouted: “I’ll make dinner.”

After several years of training, the food made by Shen Zhen was finally suitable for eating. Although the taste was average, it was not as horrible as before.

It was a pity that Shen Zhen didn’t get the chance to make dinner. He was treated as someone’s dinner and was gobbled up on the sofa, floor and coffee table in the living room.

Shen Zhen panted and said, “What caused this?”

Qin Xing was rarely like this.

Generally speaking, so long as Shen Zhen yelled to stop, Qin Xing would stop even if he was still in the mood, and would go to the bathroom to solve it by himself.

Instead of being like today, he didn’t know how many times he called to stop, but Qin Xing remained unmoved.

Qin Xing: “Are you not feeling good?”

Shen Zhen said seriously: “It feels very good, but it’s a little hard on my back, the floor and coffee table are too hard.”

Qin Xing was thoughtful, and then said: “I can buy carpets and tablecloths, do you have any favorite brands?”

Shen Zhen’s eyes widened: “Why can you discuss this kind of thing with a serious face?”

Qin Xing acted as if he was negotiating a big business deal with Shen Zhen.

Qin Xing smiled and kissed Shen Zhen’s lips: “Everything related to you is very serious.”

Shen Zhen was coaxed, and very much happily so.

He said, “I’ll cook dinner tonight.”

For some reason, Shen Zhen always seemed to think that the food he cooks was delicious, and Qin Xing always tried to prevent him from having the opportunity to cook, so he cherished any opportunity he could snatch.

Qin Xing: “I have a virtuous lover.”

Shen Zhen: “You have to thank God.”

Qin Xing smiled and said, “I thank myself.”

Shen Zhen gave Qin Xing a strange look, put on his home clothes and went to the kitchen, leaving Qin Xing alone in the living room to clean up the traces they left behind.

Qin Xing looked at the sofa with stains of white liquid, and he called to the kitchen: “I think it can just be replaced directly.”

Shen Zhen: “The sofa was just changed! It was only changed last month!”

Qin Xing: “…..Next time I will remember to ask my assistant to buy sofa covers.”


On the wedding day, both Qin Xing and Shen Zhen wore identical white suits——Shen Zhen asked for it, and he said this: “I saw you wearing a white suit before, and I thought it was very hot, but you haven’t worn it for a long time. And it’s better to wear white for your wedding.”

Qin Xing knew that he was indirectly making fun of his flashy tastes in clothing.

Their wedding was held abroad, and they didn’t invite many people. They only sent invitations to people they knew and had a good relationship with.

Qin Yue and Zheng Xiao also came to the wedding. The two of them were mutually in love now, which was beyond Shen Zhen’s expectation.

After the wedding, Qin Yue found Shen Zhen alone.

“You are very handsome today.” Qin Yue smiled at Shen Zhen.

Shen Zhen replied politely: “You too.”

Qin Yue: “White suits you very well.”

Shen Zhen raised his eyebrows: “Really?”

Qin Yue said: “After today is over, you probably won’t be seeing me again.”

Shen Zhen nodded: “Zheng Xiao is very good, you can also consider marriage.”

Qin Yue: “Maybe later.”

After the wedding, they had a barbecue party on the lawn. A group of rich people who seldom do it themselves were all basically floundering. The barbecue was almost burnt all over, but they still didn’t ask the servers to help. Everyone was very happy eating the burnt barbecue. Shen Zhen roasted a few strings of mutton right and received unanimous praise.

“Didn’t I just say I have talent.” Shen Zhen smiled at Qin Xing.

Qin Xing was noncommittal and did not dampen Shen Zhen’s enthusiasm.

Regarding the fact that he was a culinary genius, Shen Zhen would persist on this belief until his death.

On their wedding night, Shen Zhen and Qin Xing lay on the bed just chatting. They seemed to have endless things to say to each other, and they never felt that they had nothing to say even after several years. The bed was covered with rose petals, and don’t know which genius arranged the petals into a blooming rose motif.

Rose petals arranged into a rose…..what an amazing idea.

“I saw Qin Yue today.” Shen Zhen turned over and said to Qin Xing, “He seems to be doing well.”

Qin Xing nodded: “His company has already gone public.”

Shen Zhen suddenly said: “When I saw him today, I thought he was very unfamiliar, as if I had never seen him before.”

Qin Xing hugged Shen Zhen into his arms.

Shen Zhen put his head on Qin Xing’s chest: “Sometimes I feel that Qin Yue and Su Shiqing have never appeared in my world.”

Qin Xing patted Shen Zhen on the back.

Shen Zhen: “I don’t hate them anymore.”

Shen Zhen smiled at Qin Xing: “I’ve never felt so relaxed.”

He always thought that he had let go, but until today, he didn’t know what it was like to let go completely.

Qin Xing listened to Shen Zhen’s incoherent babblings.

“I had a dream.” Shen Zhen narrated the events of his previous life in the form of a dream.

Qin Xing tightened his arms around Shen Zhen.

He had a feeling before, but he didn’t expect the feeling to come true.

Shen Zhen was still the same Shen Zhen from the previous life, and he was still the same Qin Xing from the previous life.

Qin Xing smiled at Shen Zhen and said, “Tonight is our wedding night, shouldn’t we do something?”

They kissed together, lips and teeth connected.

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Shen Zhen gasped and said, “I probably need to nourish my kidneys.”

Qin Xing bit his shirt button with his teeth, looked up at Shen Zhen, and said seductively: “I’ll nourish it for you.”

During the kiss, Qin Xing reached out and turned off the bedside lamp.

He would find a suitable time to tell Shen Zhen about his previous life.

He would always be there for him.

To the day his life ended.

TN: Annnd we’re finished!💛💜💖🥂🎉

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Source of Calamity CH 100 Shen Family

TN: bonus chapter!💕

After sending Shen Li to the Shen’s, Shen Zhen left.

For Shen Li, the Shen family was his home, no matter how much Shen Mu wronged him, he was also his elder brother, and they grew up together as brothers. Although Shen Mu treated him badly, they also had good times, and human emotions were always complicated. When one’s family commits something ugly, they can’t be as removed and unaffected as they think.

But Shen Zhen was different from Shen Li. If Shen Li was the one who owes usury, Shen Zhen would not spare him a look either.

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It took about a week before Shen Zhen got the news about Shen Mu——Shen Fu found someone to cut off his right hand, gave Shen Mu’s right hand to those people, and told the other party, there was no money but this hand was theirs. If they were still not satisfied, Shen Mu’s legs could also be given to them, or Shen Mu’s life, if they wanted it, he would even give it to them.

Shen Fu was too ruthless, and even Shen Zhen didn’t think he would make this kind of move.

However, Shen Mu’s life was saved because of this, even though he became a disabled person.

From then on, Shen Mu was locked at home, and Shen Fu never let him out again.

Shen Li was probably also intimidated by Shen Fu’s determination and cruelty; he didn’t dare to stay at the Shen’s anymore, and went back to the apartment opposite Shen Zhen’s.

Perhaps it was because he was afraid that Shen Zhen would be angry with him, so he didn’t even dare to appear in front of Shen Zhen.

But Shen Zhen really didn’t care. He helped Shen Li, which was a repayment for Shen Li’s kindness to him in his previous life, but it was impossible to help him for a lifetime.

Shen Li gave him a hand, and he also gave Shen Li a hand, which made it even.

The Shen family was already going downhill. After this incident happened, Shen Fu tried his best to keep the scandal secret but failed. In the end, it leaked out. These families greatly valued their reputation, and the originally negotiated projects also fell through. The Shen family lost a fortune, and were unable to get back up again. Probably in about two years, the Shen family would disappear from everyone’s sight.

Every year, some people would rise up, and some people would be suppressed. It was not a strange and rare thing.

The Shen family in the future may just be a family that was only a little better off than the average.

But in Shen Zhen’s view, that might be the best result.

“Not in a good mood?” Qin Xing came over with tea, and then tested the temperature of the teacup with the back of his hand before handing it to Shen Zhen. He sat beside Shen Zhen, his arm naturally wrapping around Shen Zhen’s shoulders.

Shen Zhen relaxed and let his head rest on Qin Xing’s arm. He said softly, “The Shen family is going downhill.”

He was not as happy as he thought.

It seemed that everything in his previous life was far away from him, and he finally found peace.

Since Qin Yue left the country, this feeling had become more and more clear.

Qin Xing took a sip of tea: “Do you want me to help them?”

Shen Zhen hugged Qin Xing’s waist, raised his head and kissed Qin Xing, their lips pressing against each other. Shen Zhen’s mood finally improved, the body temperature of a lover was always a comfort, let alone a kiss.

“No need.” Shen Zhen said softly, “This is their business, it has nothing to do with us.”

Qin Xing pressed his chin against Shen Zhen’s forehead: “I thought you were sad.”

Shen Zhen: “I’m just a little reflective.”

In his previous life, he watched Shen Mu show off his power in front of him, but now, he watched Shen Mu walk into hell by himself.

Clearly he hadn’t even done anything yet, but Shen Mu had already ruined himself.

Shen Zhen himself felt that the so-called “Fate” in this life seemed to treat him much better.

Qin Xing said, “I thought you would want the Shen family.”

Now as long as Shen Zhen was willing, he could take almost half of the shares of the Shen family, and the Shen family would be his by then.

But Shen Zhen didn’t make a move.

He really didn’t seem to care what became of the Shen family, good or bad.

Shen Zhen shook his head: “I don’t want it.”

Qin Xing hugged Shen Zhen, knowing that Shen Zhen just wanted to act like a baby.

Sometimes Shen Zhen seemed mature enough to be able to go up against everything, and sometimes he would show a fragile side. Qin Xing liked him when he was strong, and also liked when he was weak, every part of him was him.

Shen Zhen: “I want to see Shen Mu.”

Qin Xing: “En?”

Shen Zhen whispered, “To look at how miserable he is.”

Qin Xing laughed lowly: “Then go.”

Shen Zhen stood at the gate of the Shen’s in the afternoon of the second day. The Shen’s house, which was once bustling with visitors, no longer had a single person who came to visit. The servants of the Shen’s house also left a lot. When Shen Zhen went in, he found that even the butler looked years older.

Knowing that he was coming, Shen Fu stood in the living room and waited for him. In the past, Shen Fu’s dragon-head cane was an ornament, but now it had become his necessity. Shen Fu looked worse than the butler, seeming to have aged even faster. His nasolabial folds have become heavier, and age spots have appeared on his forehead. He was only in his fifties now, and it was not like he lacked money for maintenance.

“I knew you would come.” Shen Fu said to Shen Zhen weakly, “Have a seat.”

Shen Zhen: “I’m here to see Shen Mu.”

Shen Fu’s eyelids were drooping, and even if he opened his eyes, they looked as if they were closed, and he said, “You hate me, you hate everyone in this family.”

Shen Zhen shook his head and said, “I hated you all before.”

Shen Fu asked him, “You don’t hate us now?”

Shen Zhen smiled at him: “Not anymore.”

Shen Fu had become old mentally. He didn’t feel old before. Although his sons had all grown up, they were not mature. He had an illusion that he was still in his prime. But now, after Shen Mu’s incident, he clearly felt that he was old. His energy was no longer enough, and he had no time to face various media.

Shen Yun also didn’t want to go home. Since he acquired Qin Yue’s company, all kinds of problems have emerged one after another, and it was difficult to maintain himself, let alone freeing up his hands to help his family.

Shen Fu: “I thought you did it.”

Shen Zhen looked at Shen Fu: “What do you mean?”

Shen Fu: “I thought it was you who asked someone to take Shen Mu to gamble, and it was you who got him addicted to drugs.”

Shen Zhen smiled: “You don’t know me well, I wouldn’t use such dirty methods, if I punished him, he wouldn’t be alive now, are there still a lack of people who are dropped in the high seas to feed the sharks?”

The high seas referred to the seas that were not under the jurisdiction of any country. If Shen Zhen really wanted Shen Mu’s death, he could find someone to tie him to a boat and take him out to the high seas. If he died on the high seas, no country would investigate the cause of his death. No one would even know he was dead.

Hearing this, Shen Fu finally dispelled his doubts about Shen Zhen. He was just surprised: “You actually didn’t take the opportunity to throw stones, I thought you would take the opportunity to buy the Shen Group’s stock.”

Shen Zhen raised his eyebrows, in a manner exactly the same as Qin Xing. He smiled and said, “Was it worth it?”

Shen Fu looked at him.

Shen Zhen said: “For the sake of Shen Mu, almost the entire Shen family was implicated, was it worth it?”

Shen Fu: “…..He is my son.”

Shen Zhen nodded: “I used to be too.”

Shen Fu finally said: “I used to love you like any ordinary father, with hopes that you will grow up healthily. I sent you to the Qin family because I was in a desperate situation at that time. I needed the Qin family to help me, so I had to become a pawn of the Qin family.”

Shen Zhen listened carefully, wondering what ridiculous answer Shen Fu would give.

Shen Fu: “Later I found out that you were living well in the Qin family.”

“So well that it seems that the Qin family was your home instead. At that time, I was thinking that it was a mistake to send you to the Qin family. You are my son.”

Shen Zhen: “Then you should have taken me back.”

Shen Zhen laughed mockingly: “But you didn’t. You couldn’t let go of the benefits you had already obtained. The Shen family abandoned me, and then you blamed me for not having feelings for the Shen family. You enjoyed all the advantages and also wanted me to be a filial son, why are you so self-righteous?”

Shen Fu took a deep breath, sat down, and said to Shen Zhen, “Did you come here today to see my humiliation?”

Shen Zhen didn’t deny it: “Yes.”

Shen Fu said, “Then come with me.”

Shen Mu was locked in the biggest room of the Shen’s house. When Shen Zhen entered, he smelled a strange smell. It was the smell of medicine, which was not very pleasant. It reminded him of the smell of decay. Shen Mu sat on the bed motionless, like a dead man. He only turned his head to look at the door when he heard the sound of the door opening.

After going through so many things, Shen Mu actually did not go crazy yet. He looked at Shen Zhen calmly, and Shen Zhen also looked back at him.

Shen Zhen hadn’t seen Shen Mu for a long time, and Shen Mu looked very gloomy now, giving people an uncomfortable feeling.

Like a muddy swamp, if you were not careful, you would be pulled down by the mud.

“He doesn’t talk to anyone.” Shen Fu said to Shen Zhen after closing the door, “Are you satisfied?”

Shen Zhen looked at Shen Fu strangely: “I should ask you this question, are you satisfied?”

“You gave your eldest son to others, raised your third son to be a greedy waste, raised your second son to have no definite opinions of his own, and raised your youngest son to have no brains.”

“This is the Shen family you want?” Shen Zhen taunted him mercilessly.

Shen Zhen: “I’ve already seen what I wanted, and so I will be leaving now, Mr. Shen doesn’t need to see me off.”

Standing behind Shen Zhen, Shen Fu asked, “Will you come back to visit in the future?”

Shen Zhen said without looking back, “Not anymore.”

Shen Fu sighed: “For so many years, I have not been without guilt towards you. I have not fulfilled my responsibilities as a father, but I had no choice. You are still young. Maybe when you have your own child, you will understand me.”

“Sometimes our fate is not in our own hands.”

Shen Zhen: “Mr. Shen, you should use this to comfort yourself. It’s useless to say it to me. I don’t understand you, and I probably won’t understand you for the rest of my life.”

“But there is one thing I want to make clear to you.”

Shen Fu said, “What is it?”

Shen Zhen: “You always thought that I would target the Shen family.”

Shen Fu didn’t say anything, he truly always felt that way, he felt that Shen Zhen hated the Shen family, him, and everyone, so he would definitely take revenge on them.

Shen Zhen smiled and said: “The Shen family having today is indeed partly my doing, but it is not related to Shen Mu’s incident.”

Shen Fu stared at him.

Shen Zhen: “Do you still remember the companies that withdrew?”

Shen Fu’s eyes widened: “It’s you… had them…..”

Shen Zhen smiled and said, “I thought you would have discovered this earlier.”

Shen Fu: “Does this make you feel happy?”

Shen Zhen stood at the door, he was silent for a while, and finally said: “It’s not as good as I thought.”

“Hopefully we won’t meet again in the future.”

“Say hello to Mrs. Shen for me.”

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Shen Fu looked at the back of Shen Zhen leaving, and many thoughts flashed through his mind, but in the end he could only heave a long sigh.

The Shen family was finished.

He lost everything.

Shen Yun was unwilling to come home, Shen Li was also frightened of him, and Shen Mu became a useless person.

His forcibly straightened back stooped over again.

Maybe…..he should really declare bankruptcy.

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Source of Calamity CH 099 Character Determines Fate

TN: bonus chapter!💕

On the day Qin Yue bid farewell, Shen Zhen and Qin Xing took time to see him off.

Qin Yue had exchanged his formal suits for casual clothes. There was still a haze between his brows, but his expression seemed to be much more relaxed. Zheng Xiao followed beside him, and just like Qin Yue, both of them had suitcases. They were practically going abroad without bringing anything with them, maybe they brought some money, but this money was not enough to support Qin Yue to open a company abroad.

It seemed that Qin Yue was really planning to give up everything from before and go abroad to start over.

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“I originally didn’t plan to take him with me.” Qin Yue was holding two cups of coffee. They were in the lounge in the airport. There were not many people at the moment, and the airport was very empty. Flights in the middle of the night were always like this, being much quieter and all.

Shen Zhen and Qin Xing accepted the coffee from Qin Yue.

After getting in a car accident, Qin Yue had psychological side effects remaining. He could barely sit in a car, except for the subway, not even a bus, let alone drive a car, and often suffered from cold sweats, insomnia, anxiety, nightmares, etc. He looked more haggard than before, seeming to look a few years older, but also appearing more mature.

Qin Xing and Qin Yue were talking at the side.

Shen Zhen sat on the other side, and Zheng Xiao sat next to him.

“After going abroad this time, have you ever thought about whether you would come back?” Shen Zhen saw Zheng Xiao’s nervousness in not saying a word, and took the initiative to start a conversation. After all, Qin Yue was leaving, and there would be no more intersection in their lives. Shen Zhen was finally able to calmly treat this completely different Qin Yue and Qin Yue’s new boyfriend.

Zheng Xiao smiled at Shen Zhen, as if he had become more cautious since he became a “boyfriend” instead of a “kept companion”, but it might just be like this in front of Shen Zhen and the others. Holding a coffee cup in his hand, his smile actually gave people a sense of naivety and innocence. He said softly: “I discussed it with Brother Qin. When we go over, our life has settled, and the company has gone on track, maybe we will come back and have a look.”

There was hope for a new life in the future in Zheng Xiao’s eyes: “We are even planning to have a child.”

Currently, 800,000 yuan was enough to hire a surrogate mother, and one could also guarantee the child’s gender and physical health.

Shen Zhen didn’t quite understand why one had to have a child, but he still expressed his respect for Zheng Xiao and Qin Yue’s decision.

Children were a problem that Shen Zhen had never considered.

In his opinion, if Qin Xing wanted to have children, no matter whether it was to find a woman or a surrogate mother, he would have already had one, and he could have as many as he wanted. There was no need to wait until now, so Shen Zhen was not worried at all about Qin Xing suddenly telling him one day that he wanted to have a child.

Shen Zhen himself didn’t like children very much.

He had no patience, and at the same time felt that it was already tiring being responsible for himself and Qin Xing, and he could no longer afford the energy for a third person.

Zheng Xiao whispered: “Brother Shen never thought about having a child?”

Shen Zhen shook his head: “No.”

Zheng Xiao suddenly felt a little envious: “Because you and Mr. Qin don’t need to rely on children to build a bond with each other.”

Shen Zhen asked strangely: “Can two men build a bond using children? It’s not like the child can come out of my or his stomach.”

The mother who could conceive life, and carry a little life in their belly. The child turns from a fertilized egg into a ball of unconscious flesh, and then gradually becomes conscious, every heartbeat, every fetal movement, the mother would accompany the child and experience the greatness of life. Moreover, the mother would also produce hormones during pregnancy, and the production of this hormone was the most primitive maternal love.

The father was different. To be precise, the father was just a bystander. He knew that it was his child, but other than that, there was nothing else.

A father’s love was cultivated. He needed to go through a long period of time and accompany his children to grow up before he could gradually develop fatherly love.

Shen Zhen couldn’t imagine his or Qin Xing’s child being conceived in the belly of an unknown woman.

Although it was said to be a monetary transaction, to that woman, even without her genes, it was still her child.

Shen Zhen felt that he couldn’t do it.

He also wouldn’t be able to face his child with another woman, or Qin Xing’s child with another woman without any psychological barrier.

It might even make him feel like he was robbing other people’s children.

But because he thought this way, it didn’t mean that Zheng Xiao and Qin Yue thought so. And Shen Zhen wouldn’t express any opinions on other people’s lives.

“As long as you two have considered it over yourselves.” Shen Zhen said to Zheng Xiao.

Zheng Xiao smiled with some difficulty. He had probably never had anyone to confide in, and he also knew that this was probably the last time he would see Shen Zhen for a long time, so he actually started to speak the truth. He lowered his head and said: ” Brother Qin and I are different from you and Mr. Qin, we were unequal at the beginning when we got together, and in an unequal relationship, it is difficult to produce anything related to love.”

Zheng Xiao: “I am very scared, so I took the initiative to suggest finding a surrogate mother. After we have a child, we can take care of them and accompany them together. Maybe we can build a new relationship in the process of raising the child.”

Shen Zhen looked at Zheng Xiao, it seemed that this was the first time Shen Zhen looked at Zheng Xiao squarely, and he said sincerely, “You are very smart.”

Zheng Xiao smiled wryly: “There is no other way.”

He could see that Qin Yue didn’t have deep feelings for him. Since the car accident, Qin Yue seemed to have changed. He was no longer so irritable. Although he was more calm, there was always an indelible sorrow. Zheng Xiao also didn’t know if he could erase this sorrow.

But he wanted to try.

Zheng Xiao said: “Life is very short. I just want to pursue the person I like within my limited years. No matter what the final result is, I can accept it, and I will not retreat just because he hypothetically may never fall in love with me.”

“Brother Shen, I really envy you.” Zheng Xiao said with a smile, “Sometimes I’m also a little jealous.”

He could see Qin Xing’s feelings for Shen Zhen. Qin Xing and Shen Zhen’s status had never been equal.

But unlike him and Qin Yue, Qin Xing would do everything possible to help Shen Zhen, and their relationship was based on equality.

Zheng Xiao sighed, feeling that today’s coffee was very bitter.

“Since you have decided to go abroad, live a good life abroad.” Shen Zhen said, “If you encounter any difficulties, you can also contact me.”

Shen Zhen didn’t know why, but felt that Zheng Xiao was very similar to himself in his previous life, and he made such a generous promise for the first time.

Zheng Xiao smiled and said, “Brother Shen, I have already troubled you a lot, and I will do my best in the days to come.”

Shen Zhen nodded at Zheng Xiao: “I’m going to go and have a look.”

Qin Xing and Qin Yue were sitting on the other side, Qin Xing was listening, and Qin Yue was talking. This uncle and nephew actually didn’t look much alike. Shen Zhen pulled out the chair on Qin Xing’s left, and Qin Yue glanced at Shen Zhen, with a very strange emotion in his eyes, before finally looking away.

The past seemed to have been too long ago.

“I will come back every year during the Chinese New Year.” Qin Yue sat upright in front of Qin Xing, reporting his future plans. Qin Yue said, “I will go out to find a job first, and then set up my own company after I become familiar with things. “

Qin Xing nodded: “Look after yourself.”

Qin Yue was very uncomfortable when facing Qin Xing. He had felt this way since he woke up and knew that Shen Zhen and Qin Xing were together. He had buried that ring in the Qin family manor’s garden.

He still remembered that it was a cloudy day, the air was foggy, and the whole sky seemed to be pressing down on them. When he returned to the Qin family manor, he felt that everything in the Qin family manor hadn’t changed, but it still gave people a feeling that things were different.

He had clearly planned everything, but in the end he couldn’t beat the arrangement of fate.

He still remembers that when he was still studying in school, he would discuss with Shen Zhen what they would do in the future.

He even made up his mind to go abroad together after he studied with his uncle for a while and felt he had prepared enough.

At that time, they could go to work together and create a company together. If Shen Zhen didn’t want to do that, he would support Shen Zhen to do whatever he wanted to do. Qin Yue even remembered what Shen Zhen said before, saying that he wanted to build a beach side villa and open a hotel.

Qin Yue buried the ring in the soil while recalling all this.

Zheng Xiao also persuaded him. Zheng Xiao knew the existence of this ring, and persuaded Qin Yue to give this ring to Shen Zhen as a way to signify the end of his youth.

Qin Yue said, “Is there any point in giving it to him now?”

“I don’t want to disturb his life anymore.”

Qin Yue and Zheng Xiao have never had any sexual relationship since the car accident.

Their whole relationship was very strange, like friends, but not like friends.

Qin Yue had laughed at himself and said: “He is moving forward, and I can’t keep walking in place, don’t you think so?”

“Uncle.” Qin Yue said to Qin Xing, “I will call you every New Year’s and holiday.”

Qin Xing: “You should also be careful outside. If you encounter difficulties, don’t hide them from me.”

Qin Yue smiled at Qin Xing, and nodded in agreement.

Before boarding the plane, Qin Yue took one last look at Qin Xing and Shen Zhen.

When it was finally time to say goodbye, he had a lot of feelings in his heart, but he didn’t say anything in the end.

When he turned around, he took Zheng Xiao’s hand. Zheng Xiao looked up at him in surprise, but saw his tightly pressed lips. Zheng Xiao lowered his head again. He knew that Qin Yue was doing it for Qin Xing and Shen Zhen to see.

Shen Zhen also took Qin Xing’s hand, and he said with some emotion: “I didn’t expect that I could get along with Qin Yue peacefully.”

Qin Xing smiled and said, “Do you still hate him?”

Shen Zhen shook his head: “I don’t hate him anymore.”

They were all pitiful people, they hadn’t been able to decide their own lives.

Shen Zhen: “Let’s not go home to eat today, shall we? What should we eat outside? I haven’t eaten barbecue for a long time.”

Qin Xing: “Then let’s go eat barbecue, and you can do the roasting. I have served you for so long, isn’t it your turn to serve me now?”

Shen Zhen hugged Qin Xing’s arm: “I will serve you well.”

Qin Xing pulled out his arm and wrapped it around Shen Zhen’s shoulders, and the two walked out the airport together.

They couldn’t find any open barbecue restaurant in the early morning hours, but they were really hungry, so Shen Zhen dragged Qin Xing to eat spicy hot pot together.

The spicy hot pot restaurant they found was still full of people even at this time, most of them were young couples who came out to eat late at night. Although the store was small, it was very clean.

Shen Zhen and Qin Xing were sitting on the outer seats. The waitress was a girl with dyed yellow hair. She had been rather tired working at such a late hour, but the moment she saw Shen Zhen and Qin Xing, she suddenly became energetic.

The waitress even felt that if every customer had this kind of appearance and quality looks, she could work twelve hours a day without taking a rest.

She even went to the front desk to change to a cleaner menu, walked up to Shen Zhen and Qin Xing with a smile on her face, and handed over the menu.

Of course, it was Shen Zhen who ordered. Qin Xing sat opposite Shen Zhen, and the two were chatting.

Qin Xing showed Shen Zhen the photos of the private island.

Shen Zhen was obviously more interested in the cabin built by the sea. It was a wooden villa, which was tastefully built. It was not too big and had a terrace. The inside of the cabin was the bedroom. The decorations were also handmade. Shen Zhen asked Qin Xing: “You aren’t going to use this island for development?”

Qin Xing raised his eyebrows: “What? You want to develop it to make money?”

Shen Zhen thought about it, and felt that this small island was a good love nest for the two of them. There was no need to develop it, and they had no shortage of money, so he said, “Forget it.”

Although the waitress was not standing close, she kept paying attention to the conversation between the two.

Damn, did rich people come to this kind of restaurant to eat?

Or were these two just bragging? If it’s bragging, this kind of brag was too big, maybe a thousand catties? It might even weigh a ton.

She waited in a daze for Shen Zhen to hand over the menu after ordering.

After she got to the back kitchen, she asked her friend who was helping in the back kitchen: “Do you think people who could afford a private island would come to eat here?”

The friend touched her forehead with a wet and fishy hand: “Are you awake? Or have you been daydreaming?”

The waitress waved away her friend’s hand, glared and said, “I’m serious.”

Her friend rolled her eyes: “If there is such a person, they would definitely be eating state banquets every day, retaining Chinese and Western chefs at home, eating all the high-end ingredients that we can’t afford, and travel by helicopter and private jets. Why would they come to a small restaurant like ours to eat?”

The waitress was dissatisfied: “What’s wrong with our small restaurant? Last time, there were people who drove Ferrari sport cars to eat here.”

Friend: “Maybe their sports car was rented.”

Waitress: “Tch, you are just envious and jealous, and you hate the rich.”

Friend: “Like you don’t hate them.”

The waitress thought about it seriously: “Maybe towards those a little bit better off than me, but not towards those that are much better than me.”

Friend: “You are too realistic!”

Waitress: “I call it pragmatic.”

The taste of the spicy hot pot was very good. Shen Zhen asked for an oil dish, not a dry dish, afraid of getting a stomach ache and diarrhea. Qin Xing just moved his chopsticks a bit to have a taste. compared to Shen Zhen, his tastes ran more mild and the kitchen at home was an open kitchen. Although the range hood was very powerful, if the cooking smell was strong, the house would be full of that smell.

Shen Zhen ate very well, and his mouth even became very red from the sauce and spiciness, but he couldn’t stop even if his lips became swollen.

Qin Xing found it funny, and took a picture of Shen Zhen with his mobile phone.

Shen Zhen looked up: “What?”

Qin Xing: “Very cute.”

Shen Zhen: “It’s really delicious, why don’t you eat more?”

Qin Xing smiled and said, “It’s enough to see you eat.”

When leaving, Shen Zhen gave the waitress a little tip. There was no habit of tipping in China, but Shen Zhen was in a good mood, so he left with Qin Xing after giving it.

Looking at the several hundred yuan in her hand, the expression on the waitress’s face gradually collapsed.

She said to her friend: “I hate the rich even more now.”

This tip was comparable to half a month’s salary for her. Ai, people just couldn’t compare.

Of course, it wasn’t possible to get a taxi at this point. When they came, Qin Xing drove the car. When the two sat in the car, Shen Zhen got into the co-passenger seat for once. While Qin Xing started the car he asked, “Where’s your driver’s license?”

Shen Zhen: “I didn’t take the test for the C1 driver’s license.”

Only then did Qin Xing realize that Shen Zhen seemed to have never driven a car except for that motorcycle, and asked curiously, “Afraid of driving?”

Shen Zhen smiled shyly: “Too lazy.”

When he graduated from high school, he was too lazy to take the driver’s exam, and he didn’t want to take it even more during university. And he didn’t have time after college graduation.

There was no opportunity that needed Shen Zhen to drive himself either.

Qin Xing said with a smile: “It seems that I have to be your exclusive driver in the future?”

Shen Zhen: “This proposal is very good. From now on, I will be the only one who can sit in your car.”

Qin Xing sighed, and said helplessly, “The possessiveness is really strong.”

Shen Zhen exaggerated very cooperatively: “What? You still want someone else to ride in your car?”

Qin Xing smiled dotingly and said, “How dare I?”

Shen Zhen: “Good.”

After returning home, the two fell asleep after washing up, and they didn’t have the energy to do other things. The main reason was that Shen Zhen didn’t have the energy. He even felt that even though he was much younger than Qin Xing, he was not as good as Qin Xing in some aspects. It seemed that among them, it was really him who needed to drink some tonics.

Towards men, how could you say that you can’t get it up!

When he woke in the morning, Qin Xing had already left, he still had a meeting today.

Because it was the weekend, Shen Zhen didn’t have to go to the company. He was lying on the bed and rubbing his belly. He was too lazy to even get up and eat a bowl of noodles. He turned over in bed, took out his mobile phone and started watching videos for entertainment.

At half past nine, Shen Zhen’s stomach growled and he had to get up to cook a bowl of noodles for himself.

As soon as he put on his slippers and walked to the living room, there was a knock on the door.

Shen Zhen looked in the eyehole, and saw Shen Li standing outside the door with an anxious expression on his face.

Shen Zhen opened the door. Shen Li grabbed Shen Zhen’s wrist, and said solemnly and anxiously, “Elder Brother! Shen Mu is back, Dad’s going to beat him to death.”

Shen Zhen didn’t have a clue. He hadn’t washed his face, brushed his teeth, or changed his clothes, so he could only say: “You sit in the living room and wait, I’ll go change and wash.”

Only then did Shen Li notice Shen Zhen’s attire, and no matter how anxious he was, he could only sit on the sofa and wait.

While waiting, he said: “Shen Mu spent all his money on gambling. He owes a large amount of debt so he was forced to come back because he had no choice. When he went to gamble before, he took a loan from a loan shark, and had a finger chopped off. His right thumb is gone, and this time they are saying that if he still does not pay it back, his entire right hand will be chopped off. So he came back.”

After brushing his teeth, Shen Zhen asked strangely, “He didn’t contact the Shen family before when his thumb was going to get chopped off?”

Shen Li’s voice was dry: “He contacted, my dad and I thought he was lying to us…..”

Shen Zhen said speechlessly: “You call me over now, what can I do? Stop Shen Fu from beating Shen Mu? How much does Shen Mu owe?”

Shen Li’s hands trembled a little: “I…I have no choice, I don’t know what to do, I can only come to you, Shen Mu owes more than 340 million.”

Shen Zhen was shocked: “More than 300 million?”

Shen Li nodded with difficulty: “He borrowed a lot, people know that he is from the Shen family, so they let him  borrow a lot, the interest is also higher, and the interest kept rolling…..”

Shen Zhen: “…..The Shen family should be able to pay it?”

Shen Li bit his lower lip: “The family doesn’t have a lot of liquidity in the first place. Recently, there were new projects, and they even had to get a bank loan. If this more than 300 million yuan is given, later…..”

Shen Fu had to make a choice between his son and the company.

But Shen Zhen still couldn’t even imagine that Shen Mu had the ability to owe so much money in just over a year.

Shen Li: “I heard from him that at the beginning, he directly borrowed a few million, and then it rolled over to more than 10 million. He wanted to get back his capital, so he then borrowed more than 10 million. At the beginning, he only had an ante of 10,000 yuan to gamble. In order to get back the capital, it was all big gambles, with a minimum betting amount of one million.”

Shen Li’s expression was very complicated, his brows furrowed and his lips trembled slightly: “At that time, he could lose tens of millions a day, and sometimes he won, but he still lost more. He…..he looks very bad now. Skinny as a skeleton, I suspect he’s also on drugs…..”

Shen Zhen felt that this was probably called self-inflicted evil.

Everyone at the gambling table was a loser, and the only winner was the casino.

Shen Zhen felt that he had no reason to help Shen Mu, so he just said to Shen Li: “I’ll take you back to the Shen’s, but I won’t be going in.”

Shen Li raised his head with surprise in his eyes: “Shen Mu is our brother after all…..”

Shen Zhen: “Brother?”

Shen Li lowered his head: “I know you never regarded him as a brother.”

Shen Zhen shook his head: “You are wrong.”

Shen Li’s eyes widened.

Shen Zhen smiled: “I don’t even consider you a brother.”

Shen Li: “……This…..I…..”

Shen Zhen: “Shen Mu is an adult, he should be responsible for his actions, I didn’t give birth to him or raise him, and he is not my responsibility. If the Shen family goes bankrupt, I don’t mind giving Shen Fu and Mrs. Shen a sum of money, just consider it as their payment for giving birth to me. Other than that, I won’t do anything else.”

Shen Li: “But, but…..”

Shen Zhen: “In your eyes, am I a person who is full of love and would give everyone a hand?”

Shen Li’s eyes were a little red. He knew that Shen Mu was not a good person, but they grew up together and were connected by blood. Now Shen Mu became like this…..

Shen Zhen: “You don’t have to worry about it, let Shen Fu worry about it.”

Although they all knew that in the end, Shen Fu would definitely choose to give up Shen Mu.

After all, he had two other sons, and now Shen Yun had also acquired the company that Qin Yue left in China.

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Shen Zhen looked at Shen Li with pity in his eyes.

Shen Mu was almost certainly going to die.

Besides, it was useless to call the police for this kind of thing, because it was impossible to waste manpower and resources to protect Shen Mu for the rest of his life.

Shen Mu walked to his own death, disaster was imminent, and no one could save him.

A person’s character could determine a person’s fate.

There was still some truth to this statement after all.

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Source of Calamity CH 110 Extra 9: Feng & Chu Part 3

TN: bonus chapter!💕

Chu Haoyi still remembered this day a long time later. He thought he had been waiting in front of Feng Anyan’s house for at least two hours.

But later he discovered that he had only waited for twenty minutes.

And he didn’t know how long he planned to wait, if Feng Anyan didn’t open the door for him, how long he would wait before leaving.

“I thought you didn’t care that I didn’t contact you anymore.” Feng Anyan leaned against the door frame after opening the door.

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It took Chu Haoyi a few seconds to recover his voice, and he asked Feng Anyan: “Can I come in?”

Feng Anyan looked at him without speaking or moving.

In the end, Feng Anyan still sighed, and turned his body sideways: “Please come in.”

Chu Haoyi walked into Feng Anyan’s house. It was a small villa, and the decoration was not luxurious. On the contrary, it even had a bit of a cozy hominess, even if the younger sister was not Feng Anyan’s sister of the same father and mother but actually his cousin.

It seemed that they got along very well, Chu Haoyi thought to himself.

“You even brought gifts?” Feng Anyan noticed the gift bag in Chu Haoyi’s hand, and Chu Haoyi handed the gift bag to Feng Anyan.

Chu Haoyi said: “I don’t know what you like, so I just bought it randomly.”

Feng Anyan was taken aback, then smiled and said: “You really haven’t changed at all, your words are never pleasant to the ears.”

Chu Haoyi was a little flustered: “I originally wanted to buy you a wallet, but I saw that your wallet is very new, so I don’t know what to buy…..”

Feng Anyan unceremoniously opened the gift bag, and then opened the box in the gift box, where a brooch sat inside.

Composed of platinum and diamonds, it had an abstract shape, but it was very beautiful, luxurious and low-key, which was Feng Anyan’s favorite style.

“I saw you wearing a brooch before.” Chu Haoyi said again.

He looked a little embarrassed.

Feng Anyan was silent for a while, then stood up: “What would you like to drink?”

Chu Haoyi: “Is there any coffee? I like to drink Americano.”

Feng Anyan laughed: “You are really not courteous, just wait a bit, I will make it for you.”

After Feng Anyan went to make coffee, Chu Haoyi looked around: “Is your sister not at home?”

Feng Anyan said while making coffee: “She has a boyfriend and has moved out for a long time, about two years now, and I told you about this before.”

Chu Haoyi: “…..Sorry, I don’t remember.”

Feng Anyan came over with coffee and pushed it in front of Chu Haoyi: “You’ve always been like this, I’m used to it. You don’t care about other people and things except yourself and Su Shiqing.”

Feng Anyan frowned, and said, “Maybe you don’t even care about yourself.”

Chu Haoyi lowered his head, and Feng Anyan couldn’t see his expression clearly.

“I’ve been thinking a lot during this time.”

Feng Anyan looked calm, but his clenched fists revealed his true emotions.

Chu Haoyi raised his head: “I think you probably like me very much.”

Feng Anyan laughed: “Isn’t it obvious enough?”

Chu Haoyi: “I don’t know.”

Feng Anyan: “What don’t you know? I’ve practically written “I love you” on my face, can’t you see it?”

Chu Haoyi looked at Feng Anyan blankly: “No one has ever loved me.”

Feng Anyan was suddenly speechless.

“My mother may have loved me.” Chu Haoyi said, “But I can hardly remember what she looks like. I asked you before, and you said at that time that you didn’t care who I am with…..”

Feng Anyan wanted to slap himself.

He just said it offhandedly, and Chu Haoyi remembered it all this time.

“I said a lot of things, but why do you only remember this?” Feng Anyan.

Chu Haoyi looked at him strangely.

Feng Anyan supported his forehead, and sat on the sofa with his legs sprawled out, his elbows resting on his knees. He seemed to be thinking deeply, then stood up impatiently, and asked Chu Haoyi: “Then why are you looking for me now?”

Chu Haoyi pursed his lips tightly, his face was a little red, but only a little bit, if one didn’t look carefully, one wouldn’t see it at all.

“After you left, I thought I wouldn’t care. After all, we talked about it before. If one party doesn’t want to maintain this relationship, they can always end it.”

He looked up at Feng Anyan, and asked him, “Do you want to end it?”

Feng Anyan used almost all his concentration to prevent himself from pouncing forward. He crossed his arms and looked at Chu Haoyi indifferently: “Let’s talk about Su Shiqing first. You asked me to investigate Su Shiqing earlier. Have you two reconciled now?”

Chu Haoyi’s expression became even more strange: “Is that why you ignored me?”

“Your expression seems to say that this is not a big deal at all, and it’s not worth throwing a temper tantrum over?” Feng Anyan sarcastically said, “In your eyes, Su Shiqing is probably the most unique person, right? Compared with him, I am pebble on the side of the road.”

“You are much more humorous than a pebble.” Chu Haoyi said sincerely.

Feng Anyan’s mouth twitched: “Should I thank you for your compliment?”

Chu Haoyi: “You’re welcome.”

Even the corners of Feng Anyan’s eyes twitched now.

Chu Haoyi said: “I already know why he is there, and I never went to see him.”

Feng Anyan: “Why don’t you go see him? He is so miserable now, as long as you appear in front of him, he will definitely follow you. Think about it, the hero saving the beauty, just like in TV dramas.”

Chu Haoyi was even more surprised: “Why do you always think I love him?”

Feng Anyan: “Isn’t this something everyone knows?”

Chu Haoyi: “I thought I loved him.”

“I never talked about him with you.” Chu Haoyi said with a smile, “When he was a child, he was a very good person. He let me know that some people would not look down on me because I am an illegitimate child, nor would they look down on me because I don’t know how to talk.”

Feng Anyan snorted: “Yeah, he was like an angel with wings, let me guess, he must have emitted a holy light, right?”

Feng Anyan: “If we knew each other when we were young, don’t even mention a piece of candy, I would have definitely given you all the candies in the shop.”

Chu Haoyi: “It’s not about candy.”

Feng Anyan glared at him: “It’s obviously because of that damned candy.”

Chu Haoyi sighed: “If I loved him, I wouldn’t wait until now and still not go to him.”

“Maybe you are just looking for a suitable opportunity.” Feng Anyan mocked again.

Chu Haoyi glanced at him helplessly: “Can we have a proper conversation?”

Feng Anyan: “No!”

Chu Haoyi: “Fine.”

After saying so, Chu Haoyi stood up.

Feng Anyan: “What are you doing? You are leaving now? We will really not meet again after you leave this door.”

Feng Anyan’s hands were shaking.

Chu Haoyi: “…..I just went to refill a cup of coffee.”

Feng Anyan snatched the coffee cup that Chu Haoyi was holding, and said viciously, “Sit back down.”

Chu Haoyi sat back again.

Feng Anyan grabbed the coffee cup and said to Chu Haoyi, “Continue.”

Chu Haoyi sighed: “I like you.”


Feng Anyan stood there dazedly, his soul seemed to have left his body, and it took him a while before he found his voice.

“You think I’m your dog, that comes and goes when you call it?” Feng Anyan wanted to slap himself again after saying this.

Chu Haoyi shook his head: “I never thought about you that way.”

Feng Anyan almost couldn’t hold back: “Then what do you think of me?”

Chu Haoyi: “I thought about it. Without Su Shiqing, I can still live well and I wouldn’t think of him. To be honest, if I didn’t suddenly know about what happened to him last time, I would have almost forgotten what he even looked like.”

“But after you left, I dreamed of you every night.”

Feng Anyan: “What did you dream about me?”

Chu Haoyi didn’t lie, and said bluntly: “I dreamed that you asked me the same question now, and asked me to choose between you and Su Shiqing.”

Feng Anyan: “…..You really know how to dream.”

Chu Haoyi smiled at him.

Feng Anyan said helplessly: “Well, you indeed can only choose one.”

Chu Haoyi stood up, and Feng Anyan looked at him. Just when Feng Anyan was puzzled, Chu Haoyi knelt down on one knee in front of him.

And he just watched Chu Haoyi take out a small box from his pocket, and opened the box while kneeling.

Chu Haoyi pursed his lips and smiled, like a shy young man, he asked softly: “Will you marry me?”

Feng Anyan stood there without moving.

Chu Haoyi whispered, “I feel you will not believe anything I say.”

“But it’s okay, I’ve got a lifetime to prove it.”

Chu Haoyi raised his head and looked at Feng Anyan firmly: “I can assure you that I don’t love Su Shiqing, and I will never have any contact with Su Shiqing again. From now on until the day I die, I will abide by my promise.”

Feng Anyan: “…..You are crazy, do you know what you are doing?”

Chu Haoyi nodded: “I know, I am proposing to the person I love, and I hope he will agree to marry me. This will be the most important moment in my life.”

“Get up.” Feng Anyan turned his head.

Chu Haoyi was confused.

Feng Anyan: “Get up, and put this damn ring on me.”

Chu Haoyi stood up, smiled and put the ring on Feng Anyan.

The men’s platinum ring was put on Feng Anyan’s finger, and Chu Haoyi said in a low voice, “It suits you very well, it looks great.”

Feng Anyan pushed Chu Haoyi down on the sofa.

Chu Haoyi looked at him.

Feng Anyan: “I want to be on top.”

Chu Haoyi said almost indulgently, “Okay.”

Feng Anyan felt that Chu Haoyi wrapped around him too tightly, causing him to disarm and surrender instantly, losing face in embarrassment.

Then Chu Haoyi grabbed Feng Anyan’s wrist: “Is it my turn now?”

Feng Anyan took a deep breath.

“You are simply a demon sent by God to torment me.” Feng Anyan clutched the pillow, his head thrown back, feeling that the pain was very piercing indeed, “I must have owed you a lot of debt in my previous life.”

Chu Haoyi kissed his earlobe: “It’s okay, no matter how much you owe me, it will be written off.”

Feng Anyan said angrily: “Don’t push your luck!”

They got married in the spring.

But before their wedding, they received an invitation.

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“Shen Zhen and Qin Xing’s wedding banquet.”

“It’s on the same date as ours.”

Feng Anyan sighed: “Forget it, if you can’t afford to provoke, you can at least avoid, let’s move the date back.”

Chu Haoyi lay beside Feng Anyan: “I don’t really mind it.”

Feng Anyan glared at him.

Chu Haoyi said with a low chuckle, “After all, I’m a groom every day.”

Feng Anyan pressed him down: “I think you are itching for a beating every day!”

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Source of Calamity CH 109 Extra 8: Feng & Chu Part 2

TN: bonus chapter!💕

As a normal man who had matured long ago, Chu Haoyi had physical needs, and he had no lover now. Although he couldn’t make it to the end with Feng Anyan, it was almost the same. So he and Feng Anyan kept continuing with this strange relationship.

You could say they were lovers, but they didn’t have much interaction in daily life.

You could call them hook ups, but they sometimes chatted together.

Or you could call them friends, but friends didn’t sleep with each other.

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All in all, their relationship was very peculiar, but this peculiar relationship made Chu Haoyi feel at ease.

What shocked Chu Haoyi was that Su Shiqing actually invited him to sleep in his room, which was tantamount to inviting Chu Haoyi to spend the night with him.

This frightened Chu Haoyi.

He practically ran away from Su Shiqing’s side.

“I feel very uncomfortable.” Chu Haoyi said when chatting with Feng Anyan, “I feel like vomiting.”

Feng Anyan was very strange: “Didn’t you always like him? He took the initiative, and you didn’t stay?”

Chu Haoyi: “You don’t understand this feeling.”

In his eyes, Su Shiqing was pure in heart.

And this move made him feel that Su Shiqing’s purity was fake.

Like a flower blooming in the mud. If you look closely, there was still mud on the petals.

You don’t even have to get close to smell the stench.

Feng Anyan said: “Could it be that you think he’s the kind of person who is loyal to the end? Don’t joke, do you still remember when he stopped my car that night?”

They even got in a fight, of course Chu Haoyi remembered.

Feng Anyan: “I told you before, but you were not willing to listen.”

Feng Anyan repeated what Su Shiqing said to him, and said, “If you don’t believe me, you can watch the video, my car has surveillance video recording in it.”

Of course Chu Haoyi didn’t believe it, so they immediately checked the video records.

Chu Haoyi couldn’t believe it when he saw Su Shiqing’s behavior in the video.

Was that crazy person in the video really Su Shiqing?

Feng Anyan made his words so clear, and yet he still wanted to sleep with Feng Anyan for the sake of “Qin Yue”?

What was the logic of this?

“You think he’s begging me for mercy?” Feng Anyan curled his lips: “He’s just trying to snag me.”

“I’m very popular after all.”

Feng Anyan said to Chu Haoyi: “It’s hard to find a high-quality diamond bachelor like me.”

Chu Haoyi didn’t speak, he took the copy disk away, and watched it countless times like a masochist.

Every time he watched it, he felt an indescribable nausea.

It was like seeing Mr. Chu, his father.

Mr. Chu was not a good husband when it came to marriage, and he was not a good father when it came to children. He had countless lovers. Some of these lovers were forced by the situation, and some were greedy for Mr. Chu’s money and status, and even wanted to replace Mr. Chu’s old yellow-faced wife and become a wealthy and rich wife, but they all failed.

But as Mr. Chu’s wife, no one cared how Mrs. Chu’s life was like.

Chu Haoyi’s mother did not live a good life either.

Mr. Chu was not loyal to his wife and had no affection for his lovers.

Chu Haoyi was disgusted by him, and also disgusted by all the people like him.

He never expected that Su Shiqing would become the kind of person to disgust him when he grew up.

This feeling was awful.

So when Su Shiqing and his parents were kicked out of the Chu family house, Chu Haoyi did not stop it. He no longer knew how to face Su Shiqing, the only light in his life.

But since Su Shiqing moved away, Feng Anyan often went to the Chu family’s door.

Feng Anyan was the only son of Hong Kong and Macau’s king of gambling, and his combined property could buy two Chu families. Mr. Chu and Mrs. Chu naturally welcomed him very warmly.

Sure enough, interests and benefits were the most important.

Mr. Chu probably already discovered his relationship with Feng Anyan, but he chose to pretend to be deaf and dumb, pretending not to see, but intentionally or unintentionally told Chu Haoyi that he would definitely have a wife in the future, and as long as he gave birth to an heir, he could fool around however he wanted.

Maybe Mr. Chu’s father also said the same thing to him?

Sure enough, disgusting traditions were passed down from generation to generation.

Feng Anyan was a person with high EQ and knew how to please people. He would give Mrs. Chu very expensive jewelry. For rich wives like Mrs. Chu, many things in life were not important, and the only time they were happy were when they bought or received some limited edition luxury goods.

Mr. Chu also liked Feng Anyan very much, for no other reason, so long as Feng Anyan’s identity was there, that was already enough.

Sometimes Feng Anyan would stay overnight at the Chu’s, but he would always sneak into Chu Haoyi’s room at night.

Of course, this couldn’t be hidden from the Chu family, but no one in the Chu family said anything.

In the upper class, this kind of thing was too common, there have even been imcestuous scandals between mother and son, father and daughter, so what else could be more shocking?

“Your father really didn’t say a word.” Feng Anyan lay on Chu Haoyi’s bed, and said while laughing, “I wonder if you are even his own son.”

Chu Haoyi was expressionless: “He doesn’t even dare to do a paternity test.”

Mr. Chu only had Chu Haoyi as his son, and he firmly believed that Chu Haoyi was his own flesh and blood, so he was unwilling to do a paternity test, even though Mrs. Chu kept urging him.

Feng Anyan grabbed Chu Haoyi’s arm, pressed Chu Haoyi under him, and then he said with a smile, “Want to do something fun?”

Chu Haoyi did not refuse either.

They had a tacit understanding in bed, and other than the disagreements about the top and bottom positions, it was almost perfect.

“I always thought you were very experienced.” Feng Anyan sighed.

Chu Haoyi smiled at him: “What? I don’t satisfy you?”

With his chest bare, Feng Anyan obviously didn’t like what Chu Haoyi said, and he winked at Chu Haoyi: “It’s too satisfying, baby, want to do it again?”

The harmonious sex life made Chu Haoyi forget Su Shiqing for a while.

He knew that Su Shiqing had sent him texts, and that Feng Anyan hadn’t managed to completely delete them.

From this, he understood what Feng Anyan felt towards him.

Feng Anyan was possessive of him, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to not tolerate Su Shiqing.

This feeling was unfamiliar to Chu Haoyi.

It was also strange.

Did he feel this way about Feng Anyan?

It didn’t seem so.

He didn’t care how many lovers Feng Anyan had, nor did he care if Feng Anyan treated his lovers well.

But he began to pay more attention towards Feng Anyan.

“Recently, you always look at me with strange eyes, as if I’m an alien.” Feng Anyan said to him when he picked him up for dinner, “Did you suddenly realize that I’m ridiculously handsome?”

Chu Haoyi suddenly dropped a bomb, and he asked: “Feng Anyan, do you like me?”

Feng Anyan almost spit out the food in his mouth, he looked at Chu Haoyi, and found that Chu Haoyi’s expression didn’t look like he was joking: “I’m being so obvious, and you’re just now seeing it?”

Chu Haoyi: “Then I have to tell you clearly that I don’t have that kind of feeling for you. I don’t have a possessive desire towards you, nor do I have the feeling that my heart is beating faster.”

At that moment, Chu Haoyi clearly felt that Feng Anyan’s mood had become a little depressed.

However, Feng Anyan still smiled at him, a little weakly: “It’s okay, I just like you, not to the point of love, not to the point of it can only be you and no one else. I just think it’s good for us to maintain the current relationship, what do you think?”

Chu Haoyi: “If we just maintain the current relationship, I think it’s not bad.”

Chu Haoyi slowly began to take over the affairs of the Chu family.

Sometimes Feng Anyan would also help him, not to help with business affairs, but to introduce projects to him, attract cooperation, and invest in him.

Chu Haoyi reciprocated, and would always think of Feng Anyan whenever it might be beneficial to the other.

They maintained this relationship for nearly three years.

Slowly, Chu Haoyi almost forgot about Su Shiqing. He recently learned that Su Shiqing had become an escort of a high-end entertainment club. He never dreamed that Su Shiqing would choose such a path. The money he gave Su Shiqing was not a small amount, at least if Su Shiqing was not too extravagant, he would never fall to that point.

So Chu Haoyi found Feng Anyan.

“Check it out for me.” Chu Haoyi said, “What did he go through?”

Feng Anyan looked at him with a half-smile: “Why, do you still want to continue your relationship with him?”

Chu Haoyi shook his head: “I just don’t understand.”

He didn’t understand why he would forgo a respectable life, and become an escort. It was not like he would starve to death if he worked an ordinary job.

Feng Anyan’s expression was stern: “This is the last time I will help you investigate Su Shiqing.”

At that time, Chu Haoyi did not understand the meaning of Feng Anyan’s words.

After Feng Anyan handed over the information to Chu Haoyi, he left.

Then——he never appeared in front of Chu Haoyi again.

At the beginning, Chu Haoyi didn’t realize that Feng Anyan one-sidely cut off the contact between the two of them.

After all, he wasn’t very keen on contacting Feng Anyan before, only Feng Anyan would send him texts every day, morning and evening, and occasionally complain to him about some bad things and bad people he encountered.

But he was naturally not good at comforting people, so every time he just looked at it and put the phone aside.

He didn’t understand what was going on with Feng Anyan.

Coupled with the fact that there were too many things at the company, by the time he realized it, he and Feng Anyan hadn’t contacted or met once for nearly two months.

Chu Haoyi did call Feng Anyan.

It was just that no one answered.

But he was not blocked.

Gradually, Chu Haoyi felt a little uncomfortable.

He wanted to ask Feng Anyan what happened, but Feng Anyan was unwilling to contact him.

After another month, Chu Haoyi finally decided to go find Feng Anyan.

Feng Anyan had been to the Chu’s many times and also invited him to his house, but Chu Haoyi never agreed.

He always brushed off Feng Anyan by saying that he was too busy.

But the truth was, he didn’t want to go to the Feng family house at all.

He also didn’t want to face Feng Anyan’s family members.

“Feng Anyan.” Chu Haoyi sighed helplessly. It seemed he was still waiting for him to lower his head.

But so what if he bowed his head?

Even if it was to end this strange relationship between them, at least say something.

Wasn’t it good to separate amicably?

Chu Haoyi finally got in the car to the Feng’s.

He also knew that besides Feng Anyan, his younger sister lived in the Feng family house.

Feng Anyan’s parents did not live on the mainland.

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Before Chu Haoyi left, he sent a text message to Feng Anyan.

[I’m driving over to see you, if you’re sure about breaking contact from now on, don’t open the door for me.]

Standing at the door of the Feng’s.

Chu Haoyi rang the doorbell.

For some unknown reason, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Just like that day, he stood outside the operating room door, waiting for the doctor to tell him whether his mother was alive or dead.

This feeling…..was very bad.

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