Category Archives: Back To The Beginning Of Ming To Do Charity

Back To The Beginning Of Ming To Do Charity CH 002 Good People Have Good Fortune

While the servant boy left for the bank to exchange money, Lin Yuan stayed at the abandoned temple to pack up their belongings. Actually, there wasn’t much to pack but he had nothing better to do. 

His body was currently weak as when he first arrived in this body was when the fever was at its highest. The original owner could not presevere till the end, passing away. So when he occupied the body he had no choice but to continue to fight against the fever in the original owner’s place. Although he endured in the end, the surroundings and his situation was simply too harsh and hardly good for expediting his recovery. 

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Lin Yuan actually felt quite glad this was the Yuan dynasty where cotton garments were already available otherwise he and his servant wouldn’t have presevered until finding this abandoned temple and instead freeze to death on the way. 

“Young master!” Servant boy had run back to their temporary shelter. He even redeemed their cotton coats at the pawn shop. 

After putting back on his cotton coat Lin Yuan finally dared to leave the ragged cotton blanket. They had been sleeping on the floor the past week and the blanket was already extremely dirty. It was only him and the servant boy, not even beggars were willing to stay in the abandoned temple, broken down as it was, it did not protect against the bitter cold winds. Thankfully, they could now leave the place and stay at an inn instead. Once he fully recovered, Lin Yuan planned to buy the most suitable property. 

200 taels was no small amount, the average three member family’s yearly budget was only two taels and that was already considered well off. 

To tell the truth, Lin Yuan felt lucky not to have arrived at the beginning of Yuan dynasty. That period was hell. Yuan dynasty officials at the time were completely illiterate, having just conquered center China on horseback. They had no knowledge of governance, ten year old children were able to receive governmental posts. As a result, minor officials were left to their own devices and corruption became rampant. 

Although the current time period was also difficult, but in comparison to the earlier years of Yuan, so much better off. 

“I already asked around, there is an inn located in the northern part of the city, said to be the cleanest.” The servant boy supported Lin Yuan as they walked, “the top rooms are 200 coins.” 

Lin Yuan shook his head: “Not the top rooms, how much are the lower rooms?” 

Servant boy: “80 coins.”

Lin Yuan: “Then one lower room, we can share.” 

In any case, the past week was much of the same, sharing a living space despite the crampness. 

The small city they were currently in was called Wu City, rather close to Jiangnan. Lin Yuan made plans to buy his property in the area after fully recovering his health. Jiangnan was off limits though, with it being the location of where Chen Youliang, Zhang Shicheng and Fang Guozhen were gathering their power. Jiangnan was the epicenter of many battles and for a small fish like him it’s better to stay away. 

The inn’s lower rooms weren’t very big but at least quite clean. The waiter even brought in a pail of water for them to clean up with. Lin Yuan ordered meal for two and tipped the waiter in return for his help buying two new change of clothes for them. 

“Leave it to me.” The waiter left smiling, the errand left some space for him to make a small profit, not a lot but it was still something. 

Their meal arrived in a timely fashion, a plate of greens and a plate of meat, both used pig oil to cook. Tasty enough but they must eat quickly, otherwise once it cooled the food would become oily lumps. 

Though only two plates, the amount was more than sufficient. With a side of rice Lin Yuan only stopped when completely stuffed. 

Servant boy went to buy some medicinal herbs for the inn to cook. Though illness comes upon you fast and furious as a landslide and leaves as slow as spinning silk, but with the proper necessities of warmth and food Lin Yuan recovered quite quickly, taking only three days at most. 

Wu City could not be considered large, its population only around 10 or 20 thousand. Street vendors were not a lot either, understandable with the weather cold as it was. Although he glimpsed manual labor workers and beggars on the street, shivering in the cold winds. 

Whether they could make it past the winter was unknown. 

“Customer, have a bowl of jellied tofu! Hot and steamy! Warm your stomach!” 

“Customer, our flat cakes are known to be the tastiest in Wu City, have a try.” 

The vendors with pasted on smiles, their cheeks chilled red but still continued hawking their wares. 

Lin Yuan walked with servant boy, looking rather out of place amidst the poor civilians around them. After all, the original owner was born into a landowner family and since birth never experienced poverty or harshness. And it was only during the earlier years when learning to read and write had he experienced any toil. His normal everyday life was staying indoors unsubjected to the sun rays or harsh wind, thus growing up into the appearance of a wealthy young master. 

As for servant boy, despite his servant origins, in actuality he began to serve at Lin Yuan’s side since the age of seven. Daily chores only included taking care of the young master’s needs. He never lacked for food and warm clothing and even recognized some words. Compared to some children of commoner families his situation was much better. 

Their appearance on the street was practically as obvious as carrying a sign labeled with the words “wealthy people.” 

“Young master!” 

Lin Yuan only just passed a block when his leg was gripped by a woman in rags. There was much to be said for her appearance, extremely dirty and smelly, hair covered in oil and dirt, and if looked closely the presence of lice could be seen. One hand gripping Lin Yuan’s leg, the other pulled a child forward. 

“Young master!” The woman cried, “Please buy him, buy him, for free!” 

“He is very capable! Will do all the work for you! He is strong!” 

Saying so, she began to kowtow, so thorough and not the least bit of pretense that Lin Yuan could hear the dull thuds of her forehead hitting the ground, hard enough that blood seeped out. All the while crying: “Young master, buy him, buy him!” 

The child, seeing his mother kneeling, followed as well, including kowtowing. 

Eight year old children were already aware of the world. His family had been tenant farmers, last year his dad made a mistake so the landowner took back the land alloted to his family. His dad had also been beaten to death. His mother escaped with him and his two older brothers. Unfortunately, they died on the way, one fron hunger, the other beaten to death for stealing from other villagers. 

He and his mother roamed as vagrants, finally arriving to this small city. They no longer had the strength to continue, becoming this city’s beggars instead. But his mother’s health deteriorated over time and the food he managed to beg for was only able to sustain their life, not enough to abstain from hunger pains. 

Originally, there had been an owner of a food store who would give them something to eat, but the store was now closed and their last hope was gone. 

Last night his mother told him: “Be good, mama is going to sell you to a good family, you’ll be able to eat your fill.” 

He asked: “Mama also, we can eat our fill together.” 

His mother only smiled. 

She was already this old and had given birth to three children. She was all rough hands and feet with no beauty to speak of. Wealthy families might buy home an eight year old child, but it was unlikely they would buy home an old female beggar not long for the world. She thought back to the time when she still had a home. Her husband was an honest man always ready to use his strength to finish work. Her oldest son resembled her husband, clumsy mouthed but the most obedient child. Her middle son was a little cleverer, always saying that when he grew older he would go do business in the city and take the whole family to live there and have a better life. 

A family, gone in an instant. 

If not for her youngest son, she didn’t believe she could have endured this long. During the most bitter period, she even thought of committing suicide with her son. Take a piece rock, first smash her son to death, and then end her own life by colliding with a hard surface. 

But looking at the eyes of her young son, she could not bear it, the only choice was to wipe away the tears and continue on. 

“Stop! No more!” Lin Yuan tried to block a few times, without success. 

Only then did the woman and child stopped. With a forehead dripping with blood, the woman’s eyes were full of despair: “Young master, he truly has strength, can do work, he doesn’t need money, I sell him to you, sign a slavery contract, you have him do whatever you want, young master, please buy him young master!” 

She was not pleading with Lin Yuan to buy her son, she was pleading with him to give her son an opportunity to survive. 

“Stand up first.” Lin Yuan put a hand to his temple, saying with a building headache, “stand and talk.” 

The woman’s knees had frozen stiff, still she struggled to stand. The boy also stood at her side, not daring to look up at Lin Yuan.  

Lin Yuan asked: “What can you do?”

The woman’s eyes lit up, she immediately replied: “Gou zi can herd cows! Can farm the land! Can do heavy manual labor!” 

Lin Yuan asked again: “Is he literate?” 

The woman’s shoulders slumped: “Not, not literate…..” 

Lin Yuan honestly wanted to be a good person, but in his previous life he never had the chance. After college graduation, he entered a company of medium size that was full of fighting and scheming behind smiles. His earlier days were hard, as being a newbie and the bottom of the ladder he had to do a lot of work for his senior coworkers on top of his own responsibilities. 

Do the work well, his coworker and superior get praised and recieve bonus. 

Do the work bad, only he was criticized and had his wage lowered. 

He thought of changing jobs, but he could not find any better position. His college specialization was originally unpopular, his only choice was to stay. 

So he found an opportunity, when helping his senior gather data he specially inserted mistaken numbers and only listed his senior’s name. Later when discovered by the higher ups, senior wanted to shift the blame to him but because the company had always been familiar with the senior bullying him at work and his own resigned facade, no one believed the truth and the senior was fired. 

As for the superior, he first got him drunk and then used his cell phone to text the boss of a competing company of the business secrets of the project he was working on, leading to his downfall as well. 

As for himself, he was promoted from just a regular worker to the head of a department. 

In the workplace, Lin Yuan was like a fish in the water, winning over the support of subordinates, currying favor with the boss, and defeating his rivals. All of this could not be considered the actions of a good man. Even Lin Yuan thought that if he was a good man he would not be willing to be friends with someone like himself. 

“Do you know how to farm?” Lin Yuan asked the woman. 

The woman looked bewildered, but her son replied immediately: “Young master, my mama knows, she can farm! Please buy my mama as well!” 

“Only meals! No money! Young master! We’ll work for you as hard as cows and horses!” 

“Alright.” Lin Yuan signaled servant boy to take out ten coins, “Go buy something to eat. Three days later at noon wait for me here.” 

Both woman and child knelt down again. 

“Thank you young master, thank you young master.” 

Servant boy was already used to his young master’s kindness so the only thing he was curious about was: “Young master, why give them ten coins, what if they don’t come? Wouldn’t we then lose out.” 

Lin Yuan: “If they don’t come, then just think of the money as given to charity.” 

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After all, the first step after owning property was to hire more workers. He and servant boy were only two people which was hardly enough. Once ancient people signed slave contracts they would belong to the master, unable to leave so there was no need to worry about any lack of obedience.

In addition, he hoped to accumulate good fortune for the original owner through virtuous deeds so that he could be reborn in the peace of modern times and become a good person. 

This was just for his own peace of mind and conscience.

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Back To The Beginning Of Ming To Do Charity CH 001 To Survive

“Young master.” The round-nose boy servant held up a chipped bowl, tears and snot covering his face, shirt ridden with dirt and fingers red with the cold. He spoke in hiccuping sobs, “couldn’t, couldn’t get any, hic, no one would give me, hic…” 

Lin Yuan could see the little guy was about to cry himself sick, quickly saying: “Come sit, quickly.” 

Saying so, Lin Yuan lifted up an edge of the ragged blanket wrapped around him to admit the boy into its folds. The abandoned temple did not protect against the wind and cold, master and servant could only rely on the single ragged blanket to keep warm. 

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It had been a week since he first arrived. The entire week’s duration he hardly moved, not for a lack of trying.

The original owner of his new body was the son of a northern landowner who owned quite a lot of land and businesses. As a result, he was unable to leave easily and instead had his only son travel to the south in his place to start a business, buy a farmstead and some land. In the future, if the northern political situation worsened, the entire family would still have a place to retreat to and backup funds to start over. 

However, the old landowner could not have expected to miscalculate so badly. His only son and heir was a naive idiot. 

Truly a naive idiot, leaving with only a servant boy and a carriage driver. And even saying to his dad, taking more people would only create a larger target. Not only that, he convinced his dad that the north was not peaceful currently and thus required more people to stay and protect his family and their assets. 

Original owner had read and studied quite a lot, a pile of books by sages. His dad was completely convinced when he heard that these were justifications spoken by sages. What was left to do but listen? 

As a result, the original owner stepped onto a road of misfortune. 

The boy servant was only twelve, master and servant also lived in a sheltered environment since young. Every step on the road to the south was accompanied by the emptying of their wallets. 

Original owner could not refuse beggars on the side of the road but his actions only turned them into targets. 

The carriage driver had a strong physique and was willing to stay behind and hinder the hoodlums, in the end alive or dead no one knew. 

When Lin Yuan arrived in this body and time, original owner was already robbed of all his wealth. Because of guilt and regret, in addition to the cold weather and lack of proper shelter, he came down with a fever. 

Cold and fever during ancient times were common causes of death, not to mention in combination with lack of healer service and medicine. Therefore, original owner easily passed away. 

Lin Yuan couldn’t help but sigh, the original owner was also just a boy of only fourteen. The life expectancy during ancient times was short, the common boy of twelve was already considered a fully grown adult and ready for marriage. A fourteen year old child with a kind heart was a good thing originally, only pity was that the turbelent era did not allow for kindness and goodness.  

The servant boy used the back of his hand to wipe away tears and snot unsuccessfully, his small face looking dirtier than before the cleaning attempt. He sobbed: “Couldn’t get any medicine.” 

The child was originally a stubborn one, in addition to the fact that he grew up in the Lin family and educated with loyalty pledged to the master, he was completely brainwashed to be a loyal servant. 

“Then there’s no need.” Lin Yuan ruffled the boy’s hair, trying to make the best of the situation: “It’s fine, look at me, I’m almost recovered anyway.” 

It was a silver lining that the group of bandits were only desperate peasants who only took wealth and not lives. Or else, it was very likely they wouldn’t be alive now. 

During the last few days, Lin Yuan searched through his belongings, he didn’t believe the Lin family only gave silver ingots and banknotes. Back in the modern time of his previous life, he had a habit of hiding money in the inside layer of his shirts when traveling. Therefore, was it not possible that making backup plans would be the wise choice of action especially in this period of time fraught with danger and unrest? 

However, he had searched everything multiple times and came up with nothing. 

The servant boy’s sobs had stopped, his emotions calming enough to realize he was siting in his master’s embrace. Since misfortune hit them, master and servant escaped in a hurry, only snatching a blanket. He had originally planned to not touch the blanket but since his young master awoke they had been sharing it together. 

This thought caused him to break out into sobs again. His young master was such a good person, why must he face such misfortune! 

“It’s my fault!” The servant boy started to blame himself, regretfully saying, “Old master told me to be careful but I’m such a fool, even implicating young master! Wu~, it’s all my fault! I don’t have any brains! A useless failure!” 

Following the rant, the servant boy was about to give himself a slap. 

Lin Yuan quickly grabbed his hand, patting his back in comfort: “It’s alright, we’re safe aren’t we?” 

The servant boy spoke through stuffy nasals: “It’s all my fault! Everything’s my fault!” 

“Let’s look again.” Lin Yuan once again prepared to search his clothes, undressing down to his pants he searched through the linings while shivering in the cold. 

The servant boy helped in the searching. Even though it was something they did everyday but they always worry they weren’t careful enough in the previous searches. 

Money for meals came from pawning Lin Yuan’s coat, the only valuable item left. 

His shoes were made of cloth but the soles were very thick and warm. It had took lady Lin quite a lot of time and spools of thread to make. 

The original owner’s birth mother was a servant girl, not even a concubine. In this day and age, giving birth was a life threatening business, and in addition to his mother being a frail fifteen year old girl, it was nearly a given that she passed away during childbirth. 

As a result, the original owner was given to the lady master who did not have children of her own to raise. She came from a literary family and had nothing in common with the landowning class. Therefore, there was no love lost between the old master Lin and lady Lin. However, she did treat the original owner well, teaching him to read and write from a young age. 

And because original owner could write and do maths, was an educated person, his father assumed that he could carry a greater responsibility. 

When Lin Yuan found this in his memory, he couldn’t help but feel speechless at old father Lin’s reasoning. 

It was at that moment, a lightbulb switched on. Taking off his shoes, thankfully the winter cold kept it from being smelly, he took the soles out. 

“Young master..…” Servant boy piped up uneasily, “Why are..…” 

He wanted to ask why his young master looked like on the verge of tears. 

But before he could finish, he saw Lin Yuan taking out a silver banknote. 

It was a silver banknote worth 200 taels. 

Exchanged to copper coins worth 200,000 guan. This was no small amount. Original owner’s father had given 500 taels in total and that was the limit, more and the Lin family businesses would not have enough funds to run on. 

He reckoned lady Lin must have taken out all her savings, afraid that the original owner might happen upon unexpected situations. 

The heart of a caring mother! 

As an orphan in his own time, Lin Yuan could only sigh wistfully.  

Looked like old father Lin’s task won’t be fulfilled in the near future. First things first was to find a proper shelter and fully recover his health. 

As for doing business, Lin Yuan didn’t dare to even think about it. Since he found out the current era was the Yuan dynasty, the emperor being Yuan Shun, he gave up on the whole idea. He at least knew of the story of Chen Wansan, a prominent business man nearly richer than a country who even supported the right person, Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of Ming. 

But the result? When Ming dynasty was established not long afterwards, his wealth was confiscated and he himself exiled. His wealth alone greatly richened the new dynasty. 

Later in the Qing dynasty, did emperor Qianlong not know He Shen accumulated great wealth through corruption? He knew, so all of his wealth eventually ended up in the emperor’s pockets. 

Therefore, Lin Yuan prepared to honestly follow old father Lin’s advice to buy some land——in a remote place away from the battlefield. Have a farmstead built so that once the Lin family came to the south they would have a place to stay. And of course stock up on food supplies. 

What was the most valuable commodity during turbelent times? Gold, silver, jewels? Wrong. It was food. 

Once war broke out, civilians would be unable to farm and produce crops. Less and less food to the point people were peeling tree bark and eating it to stave hunger. Foodstuff was the source of life, cheap during prosperous times and expensive during turbulent times. 

“Young master.” The servant boy chuckled, rather foolishly, “Let’s go exchange money.” 

Lin Yuan currently was too weak to get up and could only hand the banknote to the servant boy, reminding him: “Only exchange 50 taels, two guans of paper money, one paper money per guan.” 

“Tomorrow go, go early.” Lin Yuan looked at the darkening skies, “It’s not safe now.” 

Servant boy nodded: “I listen to the young master!” 

In the servant boy’s eyes, his young master was able to read and write, was smarter than him and understood everything. 

Before drifting away into sleep, Lin Yuan happily thought, once he had land and property he’ll be able to display his talents. Wasn’t there a saying, turbulent times create heroes? He’ll follow in the footsteps of his time travelling seniors and invent cannons, tanks, airplanes, etc in addition to gathering some followers, maybe even…maybe even…heihei

Lin Yuan at this point had yet to realize, he was a humanities major, his life till now, the closest he got to inventing technology was fixing his computer. And even that he had done so unsuccessfully. He ended up buying a new computer instead, almost spending all of his scholarship money on it. 

But as a person, we must have dreams and ambitions. 

The next day at the crack of dawn, the servant boy poked a small head out of the warm blankets, unwilling to leave. 

But the servant boy quickly pulled himself together as his young master cannot yet leave bedrest. 

Before leaving Lin Yuan reminded him, “If you are stopped by hoodlums, give them the paper money, you hear?” 

Servant boy didn’t understand: “No way! That’s young master’s money!” 

Lin Yuan explained: “If you don’t hand it over they will just take it by force. Can you win against them in a fight? Compared to the two guans, the 48 taels are worth more.” 

Servant boy looked down at his toes: “It’s my fault I’m so useless, if brother Chen was here, those people definitely won’t be able to win against brother Chen..…” 

The mention of brother Chen, the carriage driver willing to leave for the south with the original owner, caused Lin Yuan to feel downhearted. 

Brother Chen was the son of the original owner’s nanny and grew up together from a young age. He had a strong physique and loyal to a fault. Their relationship was close enough to even sleep together and compare each other’s ‘assets’. 

Brother Chen was older than original owner by five years, had no given name, only a pet name Niu Dan. He stayed behind to block the bandits and give them a chance to run. 

Dead or alive unknown. 

Lin Yuan sighed. People from the ancient times were simple and honest. Lin Yuan put himself in brother Chen’s shoes and honestly thought he could not do the same of sacrificing himself for another. 

Yuan dynasty supported trade and commerce, agriculture not as much. However, merchants were taxed the highest and farmers were taxed the least in comparison to other dynasties. 

But this did not mean that regional governments and officials accept low taxes. An official’s salary could not support a luxurious life so their only other source of income came from oppressing the civilians under their regional government. 

There were more and more exhorbitant taxes, oppression from the landlord class was also on the rise. As a result, the people had no means to make a living and support their livelihood, their only option was to become refugees and criminals. 

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Those bandits that robbed them, perhaps had been honest farmers in the past and a full belly was enough to satisfy them and feel content about. 

In order to survive, they indirectly caused the death of a good person like the original owner. 

When your state of survival was in question, virtue and justice could be abandoned at any time.

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