Category Archives: After Becoming The Tyrant

After Becoming The Tyrant CH 003 The Stopped Execution

September 17, 1432, seven o’clock in the morning.

The sun hadn’t fully risen yet, the fog drifting slightly from the cold wind. Half hidden by the fog, the gray Mohn Tower stood silently like a giant. Legrand’s winter came very early, the land already covered with frost and snow in September.

The old Duke of Buckingham walked out of Mohn Tower, and the breeze lifted the pale hair at his temples.

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This venerable man who had guarded the Legrand Empire for decades was tall and thin, dressed in dark clothes. Two pitiful young soldiers were responsible for escorting him. Although the old man was not wearing the luxurious clothes of his status, his prescence still awed. They did not dare to manhandle him and treat him like any other prisoner.

The Duke of Buckingham stood with a straight back in front of the tower, wintry blue eyes looking at the dark sky.

There were not many people who were here to witness the execution. Except for the armored guards, only about two hundred people were present. Count Walter, the lord of the Castle of Mohn, stood at the forefront of the crowd. On his left were the ambassador of the Kingdom of Plön to Legrand, the ambassador of the Holy Empire and the ambassador of the Empire of Bressi to Legrand. The rest were nobles with varying status.

Earl Walter took pleasure in the imminent disaster to befall this important man. Except for a small group of people like the earl, the rest of the viewers turned their heads to the side, unable to watch this tragedy.

The Duke of Buckingham calmly walked to the high execution platform and stood in front of the black tree stump. After he stood still, he swept his gaze over everyone present, stretched out his shackled hand, and pressed down like he did when he made speeches before marching on the next campaign, signaling the audience to be quiet.

According to custom, he began to deliver his dying speech.

After briefly entrusting his soul to the Creator, his voice became low and deep.

“……I ask everyone present to pray for our supreme King, and may the Lord bless him with health and a long life……”

His gaze fixed on the crowd.

Someone in the crowd pressed his waist knife into the sheath little by little under his sharp gaze.

Everyone bowed their heads and murmured a prayer for King Pureland I of Legrand.

Count Walter sneered in his heart.

Had dementia finally beset this old thing, he was actually still praying for his good-for-nothing nephew even at death.

Regardless of sincerity or falsehood, as the solemn prayers sounded lowly, an inexplicable emotion spread in the cold air.

The steward felt increasingly more anxious, and reminded the earl in his position behind him in a low voice that the execution should begin quickly.

“What can go wrong?”

The earl answered nonchalantly.

After the sad prayers ended, the execution officially began.

The executioner poured strong wine over the giant sword, its surface cold and reflective like a mirror. The Duke of Buckingham waved back the guard who was about to step forward. He voluntarily knelt down in front of the hardwood and leaned over without expression, his pale head resting on the stump.

Count Walter cleared his throat.

“I declare——”

He felt that he was quite awe-inspiring at this moment.


The sharp voice cut through the cold air.

The voice came from afar, followed by the uproar of the crowd. A galloping horse arrived with a tall knight in armor and holding a sword in his hand. The soldiers who had already received orders erected their shields and drew out their swords to try to stop him. The knight rode his horse and relentlessly kicked the soldiers to the ground, cutting down several people.

“Who dares to be so audacious!”

Count Walter’s face changed, and he drew out his long sword with a “clang”.

At the same time, he was horrified, who could have the guards of the castle let them in without his consent?!

The knight who cut a hole in the wall of the guarding soldiers did not answer. He threw the long sword out, and the executioner on the high platform instantly fell. Only then did the knight dismounted his horse, holding the reins and stepping aside.

Count Walter angrily strode towards the knight.

The sound of hooves sounded once again. The new arrival was not just one person but two.

The horse that arrived slightly behind charged forward, kicking up a flurry of snow. And this newly arrived war horse was even more audacious, charging all the way without any regard or sign of stopping. The surrounding guards didn’t even have time to react when the horse charged in front of the earl, where it neighed shrilly and lifted its front legs, kicking out heavily.

The iron hooves kicked the earl in the chest, sending him to the ground.

The crowd flew into an uproar.


A cold voice sounded.

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The sun jumped out of the clouds, and the light of the sky suddenly casted down on all the flawless snow. In the dazzling morning light reflected by the ice and snow, the figure on the back of the horse looked down condescendingly on the fallen Earl Walter.

The earl’s voice was severed in his throat, and he remained paralyzed on the ground.

The person on horseback had ice blue eyes that were exactly the same as those of the Duke of Buckingham. Those eyes were the symbol of the House of Rose, the ruling family of the Legrand Empire. Silver-white hair flowed down the scarlet cloak, and the youth’s gaze was shrouded with an overbearing majesty and also, a frightening rage. The earl recognized him and understood why the guards had let him in without notice.

This was the King of Legrand.

Pureland I.


“Roger de Walter.”

The young King in the scarlet cloak slowly recited the name of the owner of Mohn Castle, and anyone who knew the King knew that this was a prelude to his rage. He circled slowly around the earl who was crouched on the ground in submission, twisting his whip in hands covered with moleskin gloves.

“I issued an order prohibiting the execution. I am very happy that you are so brave, so fearless.”

The young King, who was cultivated and trained to the best efforts with all the resources of a kingdom during a time of prosperity, had a bearing that was both elegant and noble. Every tone and syllable could be regarded as a model of upper class society.

But the earl trembled at this elegant tone. He ignored the pain of being kicked over by the horse’s hooves, and crawled toward the foot of the King’s horse on the snow.

The young King kicked him away from his perch on the horse, his eyes sinisterly dark. Suddenly his tone changed, becoming extremely terrifying: “Brave and fearless enough to violate my orders!”

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty!”

The earl straightened up suddenly, deathly panicked.

“The Holy Lord above! I would never dare to violate your orders! I have never received a second order from you……”

He seemed to suddenly see a life-saving rope and grabbed it with all his strength.

“Your Majesty! The messenger from the Imperial Conference did not arrive in Mohn County! Your Majesty!”

The whip snaked out like a viper, and snapped heavily on the earl. He grunted and the words were drawn back into his stomach.

“The messenger didn’t arrive?” The young King retracted his whip and his horse paced unhurriedly, his thin lips pulled into a sneer of contempt, “What does that matter? I only know that my order has been violated. Starting today, I will take back all the territories I once granted you——”

“Your Majesty!”

Two voices overlapped.

One was the pale-faced Earl Walter, and the other was another person in the crowd.

Zhu Chi raised his eyes.

An archbishop stepped out of the crowd holding a cross, and lowered his head in front of him: “Your Majesty the King, the Holy Lord teaches us to be tolerant. The good Earl had not received your second letter. May you have mercy and forgive him his sins.”

“Are you pleading for him? My good Bishop.”

Zhu Chi Wei narrowed his eyes slightly, an unkind tone lacing through his voice.

Everyone in Legrand knew that the conflict that lasted between the young King and the church was not a day or two. At this time, it seemed that a battle would break out once again between both sides.

The Master of the Households squeezed his hand nervously on the side. His Majesty did something improper last month, and his conflict with the Holy See had escalated to the point where he was about to be excommunicated from the church. At this time, it was undoubtedly very irrational to start a conflict with a bishop.

“My beloved Majesty, I believe your uncle will definitely support you in maintaining a loving heart.”

The bishop replied.

Everyone, including Zhu Chi, looked towards the platform.

The Duke of Buckingham had been released from the shackles. He stood on a high platform and looked down at his nephew who arrived unexpectedly. The Duke had his back to the light so it was difficult for people to see what his expression was, only seeing his black robe being blown by the wind. He slowly nodded to Zhu Chi.

No one dared to speak.

The two, nephew and uncle, looked at each other in a strange exchange.

Finally, Zhu Chi looked away without any expression.

“Since the messenger has disappeared in your territory,” Zhu Chi looked at the bishop coldly, but said to the earl, “I give you three days to find the intercepted messenger, or else——get out of Mohn County.”

The bishop opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but gave up in the end.

Logically speaking, the nobles obtained the land granted by the King, so they needed to be responsible for various affairs in the territory. However, the messenger set off from the palace and passed through at least three counties along the way. Everyone knew that the messenger was probably intercepted shortly after leaving the palace.

But at this moment, the King directly ignored these facts and declared the site of the messenger’s disappearance to be located in Mohn County, which was obviously a prelude to punishment in disguise.

But for a tyrant like the King, that he did not strip the earl of his title on the spot and throw him into prison was already considered a kind of concession.

The limp earl was dragged away.

The crowd gradually dispersed.

Seeing that the Duke of Buckingham was invited off the guillotine, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Bressi let out a faint sigh.

“What a cruel monarch.”

The ambassador of the Kingdom of Plön to Legrand also sighed, this was the first time he saw the King of Legrand who was rumored to be absolute and inviolable. The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Plön looked at the Ambassador of Bressi.

“I really pity Legrand’s people.”

Ambassador of Bressi absent-mindedly replied with a few meaningless remarks.

He returned to the embassy and immediately spread out letter paper.

“My dear lord, our plan has fallen to the ground. We may need to carefully consider some more whether we want to help the Grand Duke seize the throne……I think we may have made some inaccurate estimations. The Holy Lord above, I hope this is just my misconception.”

This secret letter was sent out of Mohn County on the same day.


In the study room in the castle.

Although Earl Walter was not stripped of his title at the time, since Zhu Chi was here, the one with highest authority of the castle naturally changed. He stayed in the study, flipping through the library.

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The Master of the Households carefully knocked on the door and got permission to come in.

“Your Majesty, the Lord Duke wants to see you.”

He reported.


The Master of the Households froze and looked at him in astonishment.

AN: The Tree Tyrant Classics: No, it’s meaningless, that’s all.

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After Becoming The Tyrant CH 002 The King Arrives

The cavalry leader saw a silver light flashing from the carriage. He realized the gravity of the situation, but it was too late.

Zhu Chi was simply a lunatic. He alone endured the pressure of the cavalry approaching, waiting until the distance between the two sides was reduced to within shooting range before he lifted the crossbow.

“Look out——”

The leader shouted.

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Zhu Chi pulled the lever with hands covered in moleskin gloves. The axle in front slipped off the catch in the nut. The nut rolled and the bowstring was released (TN: not sure if I got the terms right). A flash of cold light shot out from the carriage like a meteor, and in a blink of an eye it came to the defenseless knights. The sharp arrow flew through the air, piercing the chain mail at the next moment.

Blood sprayed up, the leader’s grip on the rein loosened and he fell from the horse. The warhorses coming from behind trappled over his body.


The other knights were shocked and angry.

As we all know, the crossbow was called a “cursed object”.

With simple training, ordinary farmers could even use it to shoot down knights. Even the finest chain mail could not hold up against it. Therefore, as early as more than three hundred years ago, it was absolutely forbidden to be used in warfare.

The anger of the knights had no effect on Zhu Chi in the carriage.

His pale blue eyes seemed to freeze into ice.

The sharp metal arrows pierced through the air continuously.

The rest of the cavalry fell one after another. They mistakenly believed their master’s words and regarded the lone King as a prey to be captured and killed. But at this time, the lonely carriage was no longer an easily obtainable reward, but a terrifying devil.

The cavalry became frightened and began to want to retreat.

Suddenly, the carriage body shook violently. Zhu Chi was not so lucky this time, and his shoulder slammed into the wall of the carriage firmly and his lip was cut by a tooth. He stuck out his tongue and licked it, tasting a familiar rusty flavor.

Under the moonlight, the last cavalryman could see the face of the person holding the bow in the carriage.

The King, regarded as “cruel but worthless”, had a delicate and pale face, a trace of scarlet on his thin lips, and a cursed weapon in his hand, appearing as if he had come from hell.

The cavalryman shivered and lost the courage to fight alone, turning his horse around and rushing into the night.

At this time, the crazed steeds had already rushed towards the wooden fence at the entrance of the canyon, pulling the carriage with them.

The soldiers guarding behind the wooden fence were frightened by the out of control carriage, throwing themselves out of the way on either sides. The steeds with white steam blowing out from their mouths and noses looked like the devil’s mounts, driving through the fence with the carriage in tow.

Thanks to the King’s carriage being made of hard oak and metal, it escaped the fate of falling apart, but only just.

The canyon was neither long nor short, and they had quickly arrived to the end of the stretch.

“Your Majesty! The bridge has been cut off!”

As soon as they had rushed out of the canyon, the Master of the Households was shocked by the scene in front of him, his face going pale. He frantically pulled the reins backwards, trying to stop the horses, his voice even changing a little because of panic.

Out of the gorge was the winding Doma River. At this time, it was midwinter, and the river bank and the river surface were frozen over. The moonlight gleamed on the blue and white glacial river, and it was clear that the bridge that was originally erected on the river surface was cut in half, leaving only a few holes in place where a thin layer of ice had just formed.

“Go around it!”

There was no time for Zhu Chi to see the situation of the river with his own eyes, still he sternly made the order.

As soon as the last word fell, suddenly the sky seemed to spin.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty!”

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At the last moment, the Master of the Households barely just managed to change the direction of the galloping horses. The carriage slid around the ice hole and across most of the river, leaving a long white mark on the smooth ice. But when approaching the river bank on the other side, the connection between the carriage and the front axle completely broke apart.

The carriage was thrown out and overturned on the ice.

The Master of the Households had followed William III on the battlefield, and his reaction was fairly rapid, jumping out onto the ice at the last minute without any damage.

But there was no time to rejoice for his luck, the Master of the Households rushed to the overturned carriage in horror.

“Your Majesty!”

His voice was sharp and anxious.

“Shut up.”

Zhu Chi climbed out of the carriage, pressing the ice with one hand and covering his head with the other. He was panting, and puffs of white mist came out from his mouth. His head had yet to recover from the vertigo.

Seeing that he was safe and sound, the Master of the Households knelt down on the ice with a “thud” and stretched out his hand to make a sign of the cross on his chest: “The Holy Lord bless, the Holy Lord bless.”

He cried with tears of joy.

“Get over here.”

Zhu Chi nearly laughed with anger at the other.

The Holy Lord could bless anyone except for someone like him who sold his soul to the devil.


The Master of the Households came back to himself and hurriedly went to help Zhu Chi up.

Fortunately, this place was already close to the river bank, and the ice layer was frozen hard. With the support of the Master of the Households, Zhu Chi stepped on the river bank.

The carriage had been damaged. One of the four horses pulling the carriage had broken its neck and one had broken its leg. The remaining two had some minor injuries and were currently stomping their hooves nervously on the river bank.

Zhu Chi ordered the Master of the Households to burn the carriage while he held his wrist and looked across the shore.

He saw fire had begun to appear in the canyon on the other side. Those people had finally reacted. They stopped by the river, not daring to cross the ice like Zhu Chi did. The water level in the Doma River was very deep, and the river was often turbulent under the ice layer. No one knew whether a step would break through an ice hole.

When the carriage was burned, the Master of the Households caught sight of the crossbow thrown on the ice.

His face changed but he dared not say anything.

There was a fire here, and torches also lit over there.

Zhu Chi watched for a while before sneering. He said to the Master of the Households: “We leave.”


Mohn Castle.

This was where the Doma River and the Naxi River meet, and Mohn Castle was the well fortified riverside fortress here.

Under normal circumstances, even if nobles were imprisoned, their life in prison would not be too bad, and it may even be rather decently luxurious. However, in the past month, the old Duke of Buckingham, as the King’s only uncle, was imprisoned in the notorious prison of Mohn Central Tower.

The Mohn Tower was full of torture, blackmail, biting cold temperatures, and an even more dirty environment.

The old Duke of Buckingham was the half-brother of William III and had followed William III on the battlefield for 30 years. He used to be a very radical military strategist, but during the years when he assisted his nephew in state affairs, the old duke gradually settled down and became extra cautious.

A month ago, his son was defeated in an expeditionary invasion against the Kingdom of Bressi. Not only did he lose three important towns, but he was also captured.

The ransom to be paid to the Kingdom of Bressi was 20,000 pounds, which was a jaw-dropping amount.

This defeat made the people very angry, and a rumor spread:

——The old Duke of Buckingham accepted a bribe from the enemy country and deliberately had his son lose the battle because he knew that the King would not give up his cousin.

Hearing this the King in the palace was extremely offended.

So the Duke of Buckingham was tightly imprisoned in Mohn Tower.

However, these were only superficial reasons.

“Have you shown him the execution order given by the King?”

The owner of Mohn Castle, Earl Walter, was responsible for guarding the old Duke of Buckingham.

“He has seen it.”

The earl’s butler replied.

“Did he agree to choose us?”


The old Duke of Buckingham only glanced at the command and threw it on the ground, closing his eyes without saying a word.

Earl Walter snorted coldly and cursed: “Then let him go to hell……”

“I don’t know why, my lord.”

The butler hesitated and spoke cautiously.

“I feel a little uneasy, as if something bad is about to happen.”

“The guillotine and executioner are all ready.”

Earl Walter said contemptuously.

The earl even had the leisure to make a cold joke.

“He can’t escape this catastrophe——unless the King arrives in person.”

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AN: The Legrand’s economic system is based on England around the 13th century: pound, shilling and penny are the units. 1 shilling = 12 pence, 1 pound sterling = 20 shillings. The only coins in circulation are silver pennies. 240 silver pennies equal the same pound. The average income of an aristocrat was about 200 pounds a year, and even a person with an annual income of 20 pounds was relatively rich. Therefore, the 20,000-pound ransom offered by the Kingdom of Bressi would be considered a sky-high price, which is jaw-dropping.

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After Becoming The Tyrant CH 001 The Last Tyrant

The carriage rushed through the shadow of the dark forest in which dead trees stood in the night wind like the devil.

The horses pulling the carriage were already sweating and frothing at the mouths, but the whip waving in the air did not allow them to stop and rest.

“My beloved Majesty, it is impossible for us to arrive at Mohn Tower tomorrow morning.”

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The person driving the carriage was even more tired than the horses. The coachman was actually a knight in armor and was currently sweating and panting in exhaustion. As he maneuvered the carriage and drove it into a flat area, he pleaded with the person inside the carriage.

“The horses need to rest.”


The King replied from inside the carriage.

“Then you may also sleep forever.”

The knight’s complexion became paler. He dared not speak any more, and continued to drive the horses on despite the exhaustion of driving for a day and night.

Because, sitting in the carriage was none other than the monarch of the Legrand Empire.

Pureland the First.

At this moment, the dark night shrouded the wilds, and the mountains appeared ominous like demons. Unexpectedly, this grandiose King did not bring along a large group of men and horses. He only rushed through the wilderness in a black flannel-covered carriage to a place called “Mohn”.

After intimidating the Master of the Households who was forced to act as a coachman, the King himself leaned on the wall of the carriage and lifted the curtain.

The moonlight that passed through the gap in the woods flashed across his face.

The red cloak worn by the King emphasized the cold and whiteness of his face. He was very young, with facial features still possessing a youthful look that was also a bit too refined. But the surliness that shrouded his features made him look particularly aggressive. In the moonlight, his pale blue eyes revealed a sharpness that could not be ignored.

The King looked at the trees that were constantly passing by outside the carriage, judging how far they were from Mohn at this time.

Of course he knew that both the horses and the coachman were already exhausted.

But he must rush to the small town of Mohn before the sun rises today.

Otherwise, his uncle, Duke of Buckingham, would be dead.


Two days ago.

Zhu Chi was only a young man who was seriously ill. He lay in a place of pale whiteness and watched as his muscles gradually atrophied, calculating in his heart when he would die.

No one wanted to die, including Zhu Chi.

Modern science and technology couldn’t save him, and the gods and Buddhas up in the heavens ignore him. So Zhu Chi did something preposterous. He opened the ancient scroll he had previously obtained by accident which was said to be able to summon the Devil.

As the blood dripped onto the complicated twisting patterns a black mist filled the room.

In response to his last hope made in despair, the Devil came.

The Devil was a businessman who dealt in souls, notorious for his insidiousness.

Zhu Chi sold his soul in exchange for a chance to be reborn in another world.

He asked for a young and healthy body. The Devil agreed and gave him a certain degree of favor when signing the contract, and even included a gift as a bonus.

The strange generosity of the Devil put Zhu Chi on alert.

But there was no alternative, he was already too desperate.

The contract was completed.

In the intensive care unit, the pale and weak youth closed his eyes, and the lines on the heart rate display screen gradually became balanced. At the same time, in a gorgeous palace of the empire located in another world, a pair of pale blue eyes flickered opened.

After processing the memories and receiving the original fate line gifted with the contract, Zhu Chi finally understood why the Devil was so generous.

He was reborn as the King-Emperor of the Legrand Empire in another world——

Pureland I.

[Less than a month after Pureland was born, his prominent father, King William, died of a serious illness.

Thanks to the loyal guardianship of his uncle, Duke of Buckingham, Pureland was able to grow up fairly well and was crowned King. Contrary to the expectations of the people, their young King was naturally ill-tempered, cold and arbitrary, and was an out-and-out tyrant.

At the end of his reign, he personally ordered the killing of his uncle, Duke of Buckingham, a man who was unfailingly loyal to him. This was the cruelest and most stupid thing ever done in Pureland’s short life.

Because it directly led to the subsequent coup in which the tyrant paid the price with his life.

——Pureland I, the last King]

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At this time, it was only four months before the tyrant was overthrown.

Selling your soul for four months of a healthy new life?

Zhu Chi understood that he had been cheated by the Devil.

The wind in the middle of the night was strong, and brushed at his face with the cold sharpness of a knife.

Zhu Chi did not put down the carriage curtain. He needed the cold wind to suppress the anger in his heart, so as to maintain rational thinking.

After watching Pureland’s line of destiny, Zhu Chi realized where the important node of the tyrant’s fate was located——

Western Mainland, September 17, 1432.

——Which was tomorrow.

At dawn tomorrow morning, the Duke of Buckingham, his most loyal uncle, would be hanged.

Zhu Chi’s rebirth was two days late, and the wretched tyrant had already issued an order to execute the Duke of Buckingham. However, Zhu Chi thought about it carefully and confirmed that soon after the King had issued the order, he regretted it, and sent a fast horse to recover the order.

Zhu Chi’s fingers tapped the car railing lightly, his expression a bit cold.

The imperial messenger left the palace within half a day, and the fast horse sent by the King would have been able to intercept the messenger. However, the Duke of Buckingham was still executed.

Obviously, the King’s fast horse sent to recover the order was stopped by another party.

Someone wanted the King to lose his most important minister and relative.


The reins were suddenly tugged, and the Master of the Households stopped the rushing carriage. He put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist, his expression ugly.

The stallions that stopped abruptly were frightened, and raised their front feet, neighing high and shrill.

“Your Majesty, there is a situation.”

The Master of the Households lowered his voice, his tone a little uneasy.

When the carriage came to a sudden stop, Zhu Chi gripped down hard on the railing and leaned forward to avoid hitting the wall with his head. He looked calm, not surprised at all.

He had left the palace secretly.

Two days ago, after Zhu Chi had a tantrum at his court ministers in the Imperial Conference, he shut himself in the palace and kept himself behind closed doors. This was not the first time that Pureland had done this kind of thing.

None of the ministers could do anything about the irritable young King.

With this cover-up, Zhu Chi took his Master of Households and left the palace. In the original line of fate, this somewhat timid Master of Households sacrificed himself for his King. He was the most suitable and trustworthy person Zhu Chi thought of at the time.

The King’s fast horse could even be blocked off by others so the enemy must have a fine network of spies in the palace.

Zhu Chi knew very well that by the next afternoon, the people would find that the King was no longer in the castle.

He never thought he could hide it for too long. It was a surprise that the soldiers sent to intercept him had not caught up until now.

Currently they were out in the wilderness.

Behind them was a small piece of a black forest that they had just passed by. At this time, some shadows were walking through the forest, approaching them. In front of them was the entrance to the canyon passage, with faint light coming from torches. A small wooden fence that acted as a barricade could be seen under the moonlight.

They were flanked.

“Your Majesty, please stay in the carriage and don’t……”

The Master of the Households pulled the rein with one hand and the sword with the other.

“Charge forward.”

Zhu Chi interrupted him.

The Master of the Households was taken aback for a moment. From the voice of the young King, he heard a long forgotten familiarity——it was the toughness and inviolability passed down in the line of His Majesty King William.

Faintly, the Master of the Households seemed to hear the clicking sound of a machine.


Zhu Chi gave the order.

The Master of the Households loosened the tightly held rein, and the sword struck the head horse.

The head horse neighed in pain, and rushed out in a flash, causing the other horses to charge forward as well. The carriage seemed to be flying past the ground, making a disturbingly loud noise. The carriage moved at such a speed it seemed like it could fall apart at any time.

The cavalry behind them rushed out of the dark forest. The other party had traveled light and their speed was extremely fast, coming after them like a thick shadow.

Zhu Chi tore off the black flannel used to cover the back half of the carriage.

Under the pale moonlight, Zhu Chi could clearly see the cavalry that was catching up.

There were a total of seventeen cavalrymen, all riding black horses and wearing silver chain mail with no markings. The iron helmet covered their faces tightly, revealing only a gap, which was both a defense and identity cover.

They did not appear to be mercenaries.

Zhu Chi judged the situation calmly.

The sound of horses’ hoofs was rapid, and the black cavalry swept closer like a whirlwind. In an instant they had approached the carriage and even the white exhalations of the opponent’s horses could be vaguely seen. The distance was close enough, Zhu Chi no longer hesitated.

He lifted what he was holding in his hand.

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——It was a crossbow, a construction prohibited by the Church.

Although Pureland was a tyrant, the military training he received since childhood had made him very physically superior. Thanks to this, Zhu Chi could hold the crossbow steadily on the galloping bumpy carriage.

Zhu Chi positioned the crossbow and aimed at the cavalry through the crossbow sight.

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After Becoming The Tyrant/成为暴君之后

By WuJiuDian/吾九殿

Raw Link: Here

[His iron cavalry kicked up wild gales, and his fleet of ships wove an unbreakable net.

His power shook the four seas, he was the ruler of the world]

Zhu Chi, who didn’t want to die, made a deal with the devil in exchange for the chance to survive in another world. The new body was young, full of vitality, and full of life.

Zhu Chi finally escaped from the smell of the hospital ward’s antiseptic wipes, and he smiled with joy.

Soon, after accepting the new identity, the smile on Zhu Chi’s face gradually disappeared.

He, wearing a royal robe and a crown, ruled over thirty-six states and was the only Emperor in the Western Continent.

He, aggressively levied exorbitant taxes, arbitrarily conquering neighboring lands, using gold to build a carriage, scorning the divine power and humiliating the church.

——He was a tyrant.
The devil was indeed the devil, treacherous, cunning, and sinister.
Now, Zhu Chi, who had recovered his health, had to face all of the hatred and animosity:

1, the nobility deprived of their titles
2, the cardinals who were deliberately suppressed
3, the leaders of the chamber of commerce whose wealth and property were seized
4, the……

As well as: face an assassination seven days later.

If still according to the script, he would be exiled in four months, and then hanged in front of the Mohn Tower.

Zhu Chi: Splendid.

He rolled up his sleeves leisurely and smiled: What about the tyrant? If I want to, this tyrant can also rule the earth.

[I want the Rose King’s flag to fly across the mainland, I want the glory that will be like a sun that will never set, I want wherever the golden carriage passes to receive allegiances from all the people.

Because I am——

Born to be King]

Note: 1v1, the devil (gong) x tyrant (shou)

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Table of Contents 195/195 COMPLETED

CH 001: The Last Tyrant

CH 002: The King Arrives

CH 003: The Stopped Execution

CH 004: The Assassination

CH 005: Someone Else

CH 006: Twenty Thousand Ransom

CH 007: No Money

CH 008: The Fate Star Has Changed

CH 009: Goodbye, My King

CH 010: The Scarlet And Dark Colored Fate

CH 011: Good Day, My Dear Majesty

CH 012: Enemy Attack On A Devilish Night

CH 013: The King’s First Battle

CH 014: Victory And——

CH 015: The Carriage From Hell

CH 016: The Destined King

CH 017: The Loyalty Of The Oath Knights

CH 018: Leave With Me, Your Majesty

CH 019: The King’s Army

CH 020: The Knife The King Wants To Borrow

CH 021: Iron Rose

CH 022: To Wear A Crown, One Must Bear Its Weight

CH 023: His Child

CH 024: The Return Of The King

CH 025: Defending The Throne

CH 026: God Bless The King

CH 027: Get The Best Deal

CH 028: Glory

CH 029: Natural Born Scoundrel

CH 030: Hell Is At Your Service

CH 031: The Armored Cavalry Of The Rose Family

CH 032: The King’s Commissioners

CH 033: The King’s Black Wings

CH 034: Lunatic Academy Of Sciences

CH 035: Covened Meeting

CH 036: The King’s Splendid Conference

CH 037: Immediate Execution

CH 038: Port Regulations

CH 039: Port Free Trade Act

CH 040: Ancient Holy Fire

CH 041: Approaching Storm

CH 042: Blood, Fire, Fury

CH 043: The Pirates’ Little Problem

CH 044: Ghost Ship

CH 045: A Trip To Hell

CH 046: The King’s Journey In Hell

CH 047: Greed And Ill-Gotten Gains

CH 048: Wresting Back Authority

CH 049: The Pirate Godfather

CH 050: Unforeseen Event

CH 051: Building A Nation

CH 052: The Plague

CH 053: Sword Of Ten Thousand Armies

CH 054: God’s Attendants

CH 055: The King And Authority

CH 056: Black Death And Hell

CH 057: The Plague Doctor

CH 058: The Lunatic Hospital

CH 059: Refugees And The King’s Choice

CH 060: The King Arrives In Person

CH 061: The Defender

CH 062: Death Bows To You

CH 063: The King And His City

CH 064: The King’s Ally

CH 065: The Royal Court Of Law

CH 066: The Light Of Literature And Art

CH 067: Legrand’s Monarch

CH 068: The Northern Rebellion

CH 069: The Rose Family

CH 070: The Lion Of The Empire

CH 071: The King’s Conquest

CH 072: Descendants Of The Dragon Slayer

CH 073: Song Of Iron And Blood

CH 074: Eternal Glory

CH 075: The Bloody Tyrant

CH 076: Conferment And Battle

CH 077: The Iron Emperor

CH 078: The Age Of Heroes

CH 079: Blood For Blood

CH 080: The Truth

CH 081: With The King As A Chess Piece

CH 082: The Crown Jewel

CH 083: Retaliation

CH 084: The Blessed Ones

CH 085: The Devil Of Disaster

CH 086: Hell And Judgment

CH 087: The Blood Of The Holy

CH 088: Capture The Fortress

CH 089: Broken Tower

CH 090: The Rose And The Fortress

CH 091: Effortless Victory

CH 092: Recapturing The Castle

CH 093: Glory Is Eternal

CH 094: Armor And Rose

CH 095: The Bard And The Queen

CH 096: The Triumphant

CH 097: Uncle’s Letters

CH 098: The Long Night And The Dawn

CH 099: Funeral And Reform

CH 100: The Death Knell Is Ringing

CH 101: Banquet Of Power

CH 102: The Birth Of The Defender

CH 103: Bloody Prologue

CH 104: Asylum

CH 105: Visitor From The Sea

CH 106: The King Of The World

CH 107: A Hellish Military Factory

CH 108: The Friendly Skeletons

CH 109: Unconventional Industrialization

CH 110: Oaths

CH 111: The Kingdom Of God Is Established

CH 112: The Millennium Kingdom

CH 113: Crazy

CH 114: The Castle And The Ball

CH 115: Ghostly Refrigerant

CH 116: The Skeleton Musketeer

CH 117: Hall Of Truth

CH 118: Name And Contract

CH 119: The Glory Of The Alchemists

CH 120: Hell Banquet

CH 121: The King’s Banquet

CH 122: The First Knight

CH 123: Snakes Eating Each Other

CH 124: Good Evening, Your Majesty

CH 125: Urgent News

CH 126: A Reward

CH 127: Welcome To Legrand

CH 128: The Tomb Of The Gods

CH 129: Black Dragon

CH 130: Take Down The Sun

CH 131: The Hanging Sword

CH 132: Burning Gods

CH 133: Under The Fog

CH 134: The Night Of The Storm

CH 135: Revenge

CH 136: An Eye For An Eye

CH 137: The Gorgon

CH 138: The World Serpent

CH 139: The Contract Is Established

CH 140: The Dragon’s Landing

CH 141: The Monarch’s Responsibility

CH 142: The Warrior Queen

CH 143: Dragon Slaying

CH 144: The Glorious Kingdom

CH 145: Legrand’s Knights

CH 146: Hello, My Knight

CH 147: The Knight And His Monarch

CH 148: Soldiers To Land In The Southeast

CH 149: Storm And Thunder

CH 150: Guarding Koszoya

CH 151: Legrand’s War

CH 152: Rain Between Heaven And Earth

CH 153: Ambush In The Valley

CH 154: Country Of Lions

CH 155: Bloody Rose

CH 156: Decision

CH 157: Madman’s Head

CH 158: Imperial Knight

CH 159: The Whole Nation Fights

CH 160: Message

CH 161: The Monarch And Those Who Serve Him

CH 162: The Battle Of Destiny

CH 163: Night Attack

CH 164: Killing

CH 165: The Heroic Soul Returns

CH 166: Contract And The World

CH 167: The World Is Vast

CH 168: Two Kings Duel

CH 169: Fire Of All Lands

CH 170: Going Against Destiny

CH 171: Always A Dragon Slayer

CH 172: Come To The Earth

CH 173: Under The Throne

CH 174: Knights Of The World

CH 175: Seven Seals

CH 176: Sacrifice

CH 177: God And Man

CH 178: Dawn Rose

CH 179: King Of The World

CH 180: Siege

CH 181: He Is The King

CH 182: Being The King

CH 183: Humanistic Declaration

CH 184: The Kingdom Of The Evil Dragon

CH 185: Extra 1: The Devil And The Rose

CH 186: Extra 2: The World You Want Part I

CH 187: Extra 3: The World You Want Part II

CH 188: Extra 4: The World You Want Part III

CH 189: Extra 5: The World You Want Part IV

CH 190: Extra 6: Under The Glory, Only You And Me

CH 191: Extra 7: A Soul’s Autobiography Part I

CH 192: Extra 8: A Soul’s Autobiography Part II

CH 193: Extra 8: Their Memories

CH 194: Extra 9: Embracing Until The End Of Time

CH 195: Extra 10: Knights Of The Empire
