Top Dupe CH 020 He Dreams Of Acting A Eunuch

“The other drama is an urban romance drama. The intended role is the male protagonist’s boss——a phoenix man who rose to power through nepotism. Later, this phoenix man’s plan to steal the male protagonist’s credit was exposed, and he gave up his position as manager in disgrace. After that, he always tried to cause obstacles for the male protagonist, but was resolved by the male protagonist. In the end, not only did the entire company recognize his true colors, even his wife divorced him.” Sister Cui said. (TN: phoenix man, slang for a man from the countryside who moves to the city, becomes successful and usually marries an urban girl)

You c an fi nd t he la te st cha pte rs at ( th e bl mu se . c o m )

​​Another character that the audience wouldn’t like.

“This character is quite superficial——a villain who only exists to make trouble for the protagonist.”

“I know that this kind of role won’t help your popularity, but at least you will have a considerable amount of screen time. And their producer thinks you have a good appearance and temperament, which is very suitable for…”

Luo Yu smiled and asked, “For a son-in-law who marries into the wife’s family?”

“Yes. But at least the image of suits and ties can still highlight your appearance. But then the anti-fans may use the character to attack you.”

“Mark this role as pending. Sister Cui, I think the main consideration when we accept roles should not be how many scenes the role will have. If the role has no characteristics, even if I make an appearance 24 hours a day, the audience would not remember me. But a powerful character, even if it only has one line or even none, can make the audience remember you.”

Sister Cui thought so deep down, but she always thought that Luo Yu would pursue exposure more.

Unexpectedly, the two people actually were on the same wavelength, and Sister Cui felt much more relaxed.

“Okay, then you should like this third role.”

“Tell me.” Luo Yu’s lips raised in a smile.

“This is a historical drama and the role is the eunuch beside the exiled emperor, but the character only appears in one episode, and there are currently only six lines. This character accompanied the emperor on his escape. At first, they had a carriage full of jewels, but later the carriage was robbed by the common people. In order to protect the little emperor, the eunuch endured the beatings and kicks of the common people, and became seriously injured. The two people had no ability to survive and hid in an abandoned thatched house. When the rain finally stopped after several days, the little emperor saw that his childhood companion whom he had grown up with was already dead. He was so despondent that he set fire to the thatched house, leaned against the eunuch, and the master and servant died together.”

Luo Yu touched his chin, “This role is okay. Sister Cui, you must help me get it.”

Luo Yu had seen this drama in his previous life, and he still remembered the scene where the thatched house was burned down. To be honest, he thought the despairing look in the young actor’s eyes when playing the role of the exiled emperor was quite good, but the eunuch was a bit off. At that time, he thought about how to play this role if it was his. Now that the opportunity had come, of course he had to give it a try.

“You really want to play the eunuch?”

When Luo Yu acted in stage plays in his previous life, he had played upright and noble officials and the emperor sitting on the throne, but he never played a eunuch.

One should try everything in life after all!

“Sister Cui! Don’t worry! I’ve always dreamed of playing a eunuch!”

As soon as Luo Yu finished speaking, he turned around and saw Gu Xiaowei standing not far away, holding a box lunch in his hand, looking at him silently.

“Okay! I’ll go and negotiate this role!”

After hanging up the phone, Luo Yu smiled in the direction of Gu Xiaowei and walked towards the cart delivering box lunches.

Unexpectedly, Gu Xiaowei came over and stopped Luo Yu with a box last lunch.

“You… really dream of playing the role of a eunuch?”

Luo Yu’s ears buzzed. Why was it that the other just happened to hear what he said?

“I haven’t acted before, so I want to try it.” Luo Yu took the offered box lunch and wondered whether Gu Xiaowei saw him standing alone under the tree and was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to grab a box lunch in time, so he personally brought it to him?

“Are you anxious to join a new crew? Director Lin doesn’t like actors being distracted.” Gu Xiaowei said.

Luo Yu smuled: “My role will end tomorrow morning. I’m too embarrassed to stay after one last lunch, and I will have to go back quickly. I can’t be distracted even if I want to.”

“Ending tomorrow morning…” Gu Xiaowei lowered his eyes, as if talking to himself or thinking about something.

“It’s a bit of a pity that Yan Ye couldn’t save Bai Ying in this drama. Our scene actually ended after one time. However, there will always be a drama that could bring us back together.”

Luo Yu smiled at him then walked past him with the box lunch.

Since he came to this film and television base, he hadn’t truly had a look around.

After the filming was finished tomorrow, he could still spend an afternoon wandering around.

He came to Brother Long and the others with his box lunch, and everyone also bought beer, because they were going to play extras on another set in the afternoon.

Xiao Qin ran up to Gu Xiaowei with a box lunch, “Brother Gu, it’s going to be cold if you don’t eat it.”

“Watch it for me first. I have something to tell Director Lin.” 

Gu Xiaowei quickly came to a small square table. Beside the table were several small stools. Lin Yue, Hua Xingyun and the camera crew leader were chatting and eating.

“Xiao Gu is here? Have you finished eating? If you haven’t finished, just sit here and eat together!” Lin Yue pulled a small stool to his side and motioned for Gu Xiaowei to sit down.

Gu Xiaowei was not at all courteous. When Xiao Qin saw this, she quickly sent his box lunch over.

Everyone thought that Gu Xiaowei was going to talk to Lin Yue about the drama, but who knew that the first thing he said was: “Luo Yu doesn’t know that he won’t be able to finish filming tomorrow.”

Lin Yue paused, “He doesn’t know? Didn’t I ask someone to notify him? I also said I would have a chat with him tonight.”

Hua Xingyun on the opposite side also stopped, “Could he have already bought a ticket to go home tomorrow?”

Gu Xiaowei took a mouthful of rice and responded in a low voice: “En.”

Lin Yue immediately called his assistant over: “Xiao Ding! Xiao Ding, come here! I asked you yesterday to notify Luo Yu to come and find me tonight. Have you informed him yet?”

Xiao Ding was stunned and patted his head hard: “Yesterday, I talked with the agent of the female lead Xie Chang until the early morning. I’m afraid that I have forgotten about it!”

“So Luo Yu’s agent doesn’t know either?” Lin Yue asked again.

“Ah… I didn’t have time to notify her either.” Xiao Ding looked embarrassed.

Luo Yu didn’t have much of a status in the crew. Xiao Ding always felt that what he had to say to him was just a word, and ended up forgetting about it while he was busy.

But looking at Lin Yue’s expression, the way Screenwriter Hua looked over at him, and the look the camera crew leader gave him, Luo Yu seemed to be quite important.

At this time, Gu Xiaowei suddenly said: “He is currently dreaming of dying with the exiled emperor.”

“Ah? What kind of exiled emperor? What kind of dream?” Screenwriter Hua looked confused.

Gu Xiaowei said calmly: “He said that he always dreamed of playing the role of a eunuch.”

There was a bit of noise around, and Screenwriter Hua didn’t hear clearly, so he leaned over and asked, “What does he dream of acting?”

The leader of the camera crew next to him raised his voice and repeated: “He said he had always dreamed of playing the role of a eunuch! A eunuch, a eunuch!”

Suddenly, everyone around heard it, and everyone looked over in unison, focusing on Gu Xiaowei.

“What? Gu Xiaowei wants to play a eunuch… a eunuch?”

“As expected of a professional actor, one must try everything!”

“Gu Xiaowei doesn’t have the aura to play a eunuch, does he?”

There was a lot of discussion among the crew for a while. Screenwriter Hua looked around, fearing that #Guxiaowei dreams of playing an eunuch# became a hot search, he quickly shouted to the people nearby: “Don’t make a mistake, everyone! It’s me… it’s me I…I have always dreamed of writing about a eunuch! Haha, a drama with a eunuch theme…”

Hua Xingyun thought to himself that some investors would probably call tonight to ask what the eunuch theme was, but he honestly didn’t know how to resolve the matter.

Lin Yue said to Xiao Ding: “Go find Luo Yu for me, and contact his agent now, so that the work his agent contacts for him will not conflict with the crew’s schedule! Also, follow-up with Producer Ren to discuss the remuneration and implement it as soon as possible without delaying my progress.”

Xiao Ding nodded his head rapidly and rushed over to find Luo Yu.

At this time, Luo Yu was drinking beer with Brother Long. When the two beer cans clicked against each other, Luo Yu said sincerely: “Brother Long, the scene where you received the box lunch at the end was really great! That kind of hope towards living, and that moment when a person dies like a light goes out, it’s all this!”

Luo Yu extended his thumb towards Brother Long.

“Ai, I’m really not bragging. My acting skills are really better than many stars. When I went to play extras before, I often saw those stars who couldn’t even recite their lines, which made the director very angry. But they have popularity and traffic so the director really couldn’t scold them. Us professionals in supporting roles and masters of extras, all have excellent acting skills, because this bowl of rice is not so easily eaten. We have no good looks, nor do we have a professional training background, or belong to a company and have backers, we can only rely on hard work to eat this bowl of rice steadily.” Brother Long took a big sip of beer.

Luo Yu was full of admiration for Brother Long’s persistence, and Brother Long patted Luo Yu’s shoulder with regret.

“Brother, I am optimistic about you. You are so handsome, have a good figure, and have good acting skills. Don’t be anxious. As long as you can endure the hardships, you will definitely succeed!” Brother Long said.

“Thank you, Brother Long.”

At this time, Xiao Ding was very anxious. He called Luo Yu’s room but no one answered, and no one answered Luo Yu’s mobile phone either. He asked several crew members and they all said that they seemed to have seen Luo Yu but could not remember where he went.

Xiao Ding knew that he had to bring Luo Yu to Director Lin before the lunch break was over, otherwise he would really have messed up, so he directly picked up the loudspeaker and started shouting.

“Luo Yu, Luo Yu, are you here? If you are, come over to my side——”

Everyone looked at Xiao Ding, guessing why Luo Yu was named.

Luo Yu, who had just put down his beer, suddenly heard his name, and Brother Long also gave him a push.

“Hurry, that’s Xiao Ding who follows at the side of Director Lin, he must be looking for you!”

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“Then Brother Long, I’ll go over first.”

“Go ahead, call me if you need anything!”

Luo Yu trotted up to Xiao Ding. Before he could say hello, Xiao Ding grabbed his arm and said, “Let’s go, the lunch break will be over in a quarter of an hour. Come with me to see Director Lin.”

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