Top Dupe CH 007 Not The Power Of Love

“I’m not clear on this.” Gao He quickly changed the subject, “The movie we are going to shoot this time is not a school drama…”

“It’s “Plum Rain”. The second male lead played by Luo Yu in it is a school idol.” Gu Xiaowei said.

He Mu’s fingers twitched under the table. How could Gu Xiaowei have also watched “Plum Rain”?

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According to the other’s tastes, it should be a TV drama with a higher plot quality, similar to a spy war or historical drama.

“Ah, I thought so. His performance in “Plum Rain” was very natural and touching. Some things, such as the expression of the eyes and the ability to evoke the audience’s sense of immersion, all require talent. He is quite talented indeed, it’s just I don’t know why I haven’t seen this actor again. It turns out that he signed with an unreliable company! I think with how popular he was at the time, there should have been a better choice.” Lin Yue shook his head and revealed a puzzled look.

Lin Yue’s sudden expression of his regret for Luo Yu, which made the atmosphere at the room very awkward.

But this was Lin Yue. He would not echo other people’s opinions against his will. He never got red-faced from arguing with anyone, but he had cultivated several heavyweight actors with his own works.

The expression on Gao He’s face became more and more embarrassed, and he rolled his eyes at He Mu in his heart, just why did the other mention Luo Yu out of nowhere? “This…didn’t we just say that he chased men to the point of losing his own future? We at Dijun Media also considered signing him, but he didn’t even spare us a look and chose a little-known company instead. If you say it wasn’t the power of love that made him give up on his future, I don’t believe it.”

Jiang Yinchuan held his chin and laughed muffledly, “Oh, it turns out he rejected Dijun Media. No wonder it’s like this now. I remember the code of conduct of Director Ou of Dijun Media is——if I don’t have it, I’d rather destroy it. The fact he hasn’t withdrawn from the circle yet means Chairman Ou is already showing mercy.”

“It’s not the power of love.” Gu Xiaowei, who had been silent, suddenly spoke up.

“Hmm…ah?” He Mu looked at Gu Xiaowei in confusion.

“What Gu Xiaowei probably means is that Luo Yu did not sign a contract with Zhuque Media because of the power of love.” Jiang Yinchuan gestured in Gao He’s direction with his chin.

“What else could it be because of?” Gao He was a little unhappy.

Gu Xiaowei’s voice was steady, and every word he pronounced was clear. He had no intention of brushing over this matter at all, “When Luo Yu first became popular, Zhuque Media was on the verge of bankruptcy. Bo Wenyuan knelt in front of Luo Yu and smashed the beer bottle. He said that if Luo Yu refused to sign a contract with his company, he would cut his own throat with the beer bottle and die in front of Luo Yu.”

Gao He was stunned: “No… way?”

“This Bo Wenyuan is really good at bluffing people. Only a newbie like Luo Yu who has never seen much of the world would be frightened by him.” Jiang Yinchuan smiled with a bit of amusement.

“So Luo Yu signed a contract with him? Ai… He still lacks some societal experience…” Lin Yue sighed.

Gao He showed a surprised expression and said: “This…where did Teacher Gu hear this? That’s not what Bo Wenyuan said when he saw us. He said that Luo Yu was pestering him and insisted on throwing himseat him.”

He Mu also said: “Yes, this is the version I heard.”

Gu Xiaowei took a sip of tea, stood up, and straightened his sleeves, “Because when Bo Wenyuan was kneeling there crying with snot and tears, I came to pick up my drunk roommate who was sitting at the table next over. That matter was also reported to the police, and I was the one who called the police. Do I need to find the police officer who went to the police that night to clarify?”

Everyone was stunned. Gu Xiaowei never lied. What he saw and heard with his own eyes and ears could not be false.

Gao He and He Mu, who had been so confident before, were so embarrassed that they could have dug a hole in the ground with their toes.

Lin Yue let out a long sigh, “What a pity, what a pity. Xiao Gu, you called the police because you wanted the police to stop that Bo Wenyuan from seeking death, right? It’s a pity that you still couldn’t stop Luo Yu from being deceived by him.”

Jiang Yinchuan chuckled, “Tsk, tsk, tsk. It seems like if you don’t have the skills to reverse truth and false, you should be embarrassed to hang out in this circle.”

For a moment, Gao He and He Mu couldn’t tell whether Jiang Yinchuan’s “reverse of truth and false” was referring to Bo Wenyuan of Zhuque Media or the two of them.

“Also, I don’t know if Luo Yu is the national school idol. But in my sophomore year, he was the recognized school idol of our school.”

After saying that, Gu Xiaowei nodded slightly in the direction of Gao He as a gesture of polite goodbye.

“Recognized as the school idol of the film academy? That’s a place where handsome guys gather, and even Gu Xiaowei doesn’t have any objections? I am suddenly a little interested in this Luo Yu.” Jiang Yinchuan touched his chin.

He Mu opened his mouth, wanting to say something but was afraid that he would say the wrong thing. Gao He gave him a look that told him to shut up.

Lin Yue called in the direction of Gu Xiaowei: “Xiao Gu, since you didn’t drink just now, please give me a ride back.”

“Of course, Director Lin.”

Lin Yue said to Gao He and Jiang Yinchuan: “CEO Gao, CEO Jiang, it’s a bit late today, so let’s stop here.”

“Then our cooperation…” Gao He looked at Lin Yue, wanting to confirm his attitude.

“Let me think about it.”

After Lin Yue and Gu Xiaowei left, Jiang Yinchuan also left the room with his helmet in hand. Before leaving, he glanced at He Mu and said with a smile: “Do you know that rabbits look gentle and docile, but why are their eyes red?”

“Why… why?” He Mu asked subconsciously.

“Because of jealousy.”

When Jiang Yinchuan walked away, He Mu suddenly realized that the other man was mocking him.

Because of jealousy, he got red eye disease.

He Mu was so angry that he was fuming, but the other man was a capital investor, so he couldn’t quarrel or slander him.

But at this time, Gao He had a headache. He didn’t know how to explain it to Chairman Ou——everyone in the circle knew that Lin Yue’s “think about it” was a polite refusal. 

If he was interested, he would usually say “Let’s take a look at the script.”

If he hadn’t even studied the script, how could he still think about it?

Gu Xiaowei drove a black coupe which was relatively low-key among celebrities.

Director Lin sat next to him and asked with a smile: “The project Gao He just mentioned should be very large in production. If you act in it, the box office will be very high.”

The streetlights outside the window passed over Gu Xiaowei’s profile one by one. He didn’t show much expression, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking.

“Gao He brought He Mu meaning he wants to use my reputation to promote He Mu.” Gu Xiaowei said.

“So you’re not happy?” Director Lin asked half-jokingly.

“Director Lin, you know my problem.”

“En, if the actor you are acting against can’t match your acting or can’t get into the right emotion, you have to force yourself deeper into the character. If you get too deep into the character, it becomes difficult to get out.” Director Lin sighed.

“So, if the person I act opposite is He Mu, not only will I not have the enjoyment of meeting a well-matched opponent, but it will also consume my emotions.” Gu Xiaowei said.

“As long as you understand in your heart.” Lin Yue nodded.

At this moment, Director Lin’s phone rang, and it read “Old Huang”.

A smile appeared on Lin Yue’s face, as if he had already guessed what this old Huang was going to say to him: “Aiya! Old Huang, why did you think of calling me? Is your station going to give out souvenirs? I’ll give you the address right now!”

“Director Lin, how many times have I told you not to call me old Huang! I don’t know if you are calling a cow or a dog!”

“Okay, okay, Deputy Director Huang, what may I do for you?”

“Have you seen today’s hot search? It’s that unlucky TV drama, “Counterattack”!”

“I saw it. It’s a TV drama where the lead actor got arrested for drunk driving, the heroine ran away, and the director broke his back!”

“Then can you direct it?”

“I’ll… think about it…” Facing his old friend, Lin Yue’s polite refusal lacked a bit of momentum.

“You think I don’t know what you mean by that? You didn’t even read the script, it just means you’re not interested!”

Director Lin sighed helplessly, “Why is there any need to read that script? The audience will definitely not care for it! The plot is a mess, the lines are so cliche that they are almost slogans, and there is not even a single plot twist. After reading the first page, I know immediately that it wants to educate the audience, but the audience has finally escaped from the college entrance examination days. Do you think they still want to be educated by you?”

“I don’t think it’s interesting either! So what should I do? Is it possible to rewrite the script in time? It will be broadcast in the fourth quarter! It’s a task from above!”

“First sort out the outline first, flesh up the characters, and make changes while filming.” Lin Yue said in a relaxed tone.

“Then this means you agree to taking over! I will send you a contract immediately!”

“You are trying to trick me! I am your big brother, and you want to cause trouble!” Director Lin said with a smile.

“I’m not trying to trick you! I’ll let you have full control. The screenwriter can be replaced with your old partner Hua Xingyun if he wants!”

“Xiao Hua is not cheap.” Lin Yue’s tone when chatting with this old Huang was obviously more casual.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s not cheap, as long as the script is well written! The male and female leads will also need to be re-decided, and all the roles will be assigned by you. The investors agreed not to dictate! Is that sincere enough?”

Director Lin smiled so hard that his eyes creased, “I’ll think…”

“If you think about it again, you can say goodbye to our friendship!”

“I’m saying, I am thinking of letting Gu Xiaowei play the male lead. We have worked together before and we understand each other and have a tacit understanding. I only wonder if he agrees or not.”

“Gu Xiaowei is so popular, with excellent acting skills and reputation. I’m afraid we can’t afford to hire him!”

Gu Xiaowei, who was driving, smiled lightly and said, “Then it depends on Screenwriter Hua’s script outline and whether the character is attractive or not.”

When the person on the other end of the line heard Gu Xiaowei’s voice, it was like winning the lottery, “It will absolutely be attractive! Absolutely!”

After hanging up the phone, Director Lin looked at Gu Xiaowei and said, “Think clearly, the pay for a task drama like this is not high.”

“Director Lin, think clearly. Task dramas like this may not necessarily have high ratings, but they still require quality.” Gu Xiaowei replied.

Lin Yue rubbed his chin, “Hahaha, then I’ll show them what I’m capable of.”

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Gu Xiaowei said calmly: “Then I will show them what I am capable of.”

A week later, the new team staff of “Counterattack” was officially announced.

The director was replaced by Lin Yue, the screenwriter was Hua Xingyun, the lead actor was Gu Xiaowei, and the lead actress was Xie Shang.

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One thought on “Top Dupe CH 007 Not The Power Of Love”

  1. It’s time to beagin after dream team was announced! =。:.゚٩(๑>ω<๑)۶:.。+゚
    Thank You for the new chapter (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`) ♡


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