Top Dupe CH 006 Still Not Graduated Yet?

Gao He was stunned. The man in front of him walked up to him from the backlight. His facial features were exquisite but not feminine. On the contrary, his eyes were sharp and should not be underestimated.

“Jiang…Vice President Jiang! Hello! Hello! You look so handsome today, I didn’t even recognize you!”

He Mu was also a little dumbfounded. He didn’t expect that the vice president of an entertainment company would be so good-looking that he could make his debut instantly.

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Moreover, most bosses socialized too much at the wine table and were a little out of shape.

But Jiang Yinchuan was different. His figure was slender and well-proportioned, like a taut string, as if he could smash a big hole in the wall by swinging the motorcycle helmet in his hand.

Those peach blossom eyes squinted at He Mu. They looked charming, but they could also cut like a razor blade, which made He Mu feel startled.

“Hello, Vice President Jiang. I was too nervous just now, so CEO Gao reassured me with a joke. Please don’t take it seriously.”

Jiang Yinchuan smiled and said, “So you are that school idol?”

“It’s just a marketing gimmick. Vice President Jiang, please don’t joke about that! It’s up to you to decide whether it’s a flower, grass, dead wood or a rock.” (TN: word for school idol could also be literally translated as school grass)

Gao He was very satisfied with He Mu’s answer. This was He Mu’s advantage, knowing when to say what to say.

“I knew it, when I was in high school, I wasn’t even rated as a school idol. And I’m better-looking than you.”

After saying that, Jiang Yinchuan entered the private room and placed the helmet on the seat next to him.

He Mu was stunned. What did Jiang Yinchuan mean just now? Was he mocking him?

Why was this different from the rumors outside?

Didn’t they say that Jiang Yinchuan was a playboy? And especially favors pretty boys, falling in love with every one he meets, and changes his lovers every month, and who lavishes generous resources on them?

But just now… Jiang Yinchuan’s meaning was that he wasn’t interested in him?

Although Gao He brought him to dinner this time and had no intention of pushing him towards Jiang Yinchuan, when the other man suddenly said that, He Mu suddenly began to doubt… whether there was something about his eyes, nose, or mouth that needed improvement?

He Mu was sitting opposite Jiang Yinchuan, and the more he looked, the more uncomfortable he felt, because the more he looked at him, he realized that Jiang Yinchuan was the type of handsome guy that was very attention grabbing. Even when he was just playing with his mobile phone with one hand, he exuded a sharp and decisive aura, male pheromones that made all know that he was difficult to conquer.

Gao He had more dealings with Jiang Yunxie. After all, the leader of Honghe Film and Television was Jiang Yunxie. He originally thought that Jiang Yinchuan was just a freeloader, but today’s indifferent attitude made Gao He doubt the truth of Jiang Yunxie’s boasting that his brother was a dog of their Jiang family. It seemed that this dog also had a temper.

Footsteps sounded in the corridor. 

He Mu’s heart rate also increased. He was so familiar with these footsteps. It was Gu Xiaowei!

The door of the room was opened, and the first person who came in was Director Lin Yue. He was in his early forties but had a gentle and scholarly demeanor and wore glasses. When speaking with Gao He, his gentle voice gave off a convincing aura, though he didn’t say much.

He Mu almost thought that the other man was a professor of literature at a certain university.

Following behind Director Lin was Gu Xiaowei.

He has a tall and straight figure, wore a brown half-turtleneck sweater and a casual suit jacket over it, making him look introspective and restrained. His eyes were reminiscent of sparks in the abyss, and his expression was calm and indifferent as if nothing could ruffle him.

He was such a man, it seemed that even the glitz and glamor of the world could not impress him, but when he was acting, even a dead tree could sprout flowers.

He smiled lightly: “CEO Gao, CEO Jiang. Hello, He Mu.”

Hearing him call his name, the blood in He Mu’s heart surged up.

“Hello, senior.” He Mu had not forgotten that today he was here to get close to Gu Xiaowei.

A normal person’s reply was usually “You call me senior? Are you from the film academy too?”

But Gu Xiaowei asked: “In what year did you graduate from the film academy?”

He Mu was stunned because he had not graduated and dropped out of college after being spotted by Dijun Media in his sophomore year.

“I… have not graduated yet.”

“You have been in the industry for a few years, why haven’t you graduated yet?” Gu Xiaowei turned his head and asked in a casual tone while pouring tea for Director Lin himself.

He Mu opened his mouth. It was not that he didn’t graduate yet. It was because he was absent from school due to too much work and was dismissed by the school.

Gao He on the side quickly smoothed things over for He Mu, “We have reserved He Mu’s student status. After two years when he is no longer so busy, He Mu will go back and complete the remaining coursework.”

When Jiang Yinchuan heard this, he let out a light laugh.

When he wasn’t busy in two years, wouldn’t that mean the same as when he had flopped?

Gu Xiaowei raised his eyes, there was no blame or tolerance in his eyes, and his tone was very calm, “Then when you graduate, you can call me senior.”

This connection had failed, and it seemed that he had also received negative points.

He Mu pursed his lips, showing a bit of grievance.

Gao He patted He Mu’s knee under the table, signaling him not to pay attention.

While eating, the several people talked about the new film they wanted to collaborate on. Basically, Gao He was introducing the idea of the film. He Mu couldn’t say anything and could only pay attention to Gu Xiaowei silently.

Gu Xiaowei did not express too many opinions, more like a solemn evaluator.

Jiang Yinchuan was more concerned about the distribution of profits.

As they talked, the topic switched to mainstream filmwork, and inevitably they talked about the TV drama “Counterattack” that was definitely not going to be made.

“Ai, when the public image of a male lead has been damaged, the whole crew and the producer will also suffer losses. It’s a pity, so many staff had done preparatory work for this drama.” Director Lin sighed regretfully.

“Yes, and the other supporting actors. I heard that the supporting actors in that drama are not very famous. They finally got this opportunity to be on C Channel, but…” He Mu also had sympathy on his face.

“Supporting actor? Which supporting actor has our top star so sympathetic?” Jiang Yinchuan askes with interest.

Everyone here were millennia old foxes, so Jiang Yinchuan naturally saw that He Mu wanted to put on an act.

This dinner party was boring, so Jiang Yinchuan didn’t mind watching a show.

“It’s Luo Yu. He is also a senior who graduated from the film academy. But… he doesn’t have much luck. I acted in a school drama and became famous. Fans give me face and call me the national school idol. Luo Yu also followed and copied the school idol image. But the fans weren’t convinced, so they began to criticize him. Later, he kept competing with me for the same roles, but wasn’t able to win, and ended up being called my dupe, which lowered his reputation. This time, he finally appeared in “Counterattack” as a villain role in the movie, but because of the male lead, the drama will probably be on the burners. His agency may now be even more anxious to terminate his contract.”

He Mu sighed and continued: “Actually, for the sake of the senior from the same school, I also thought about introducing a few roles to him. But he misunderstood me because of the school idol image, and he has a very strong self-esteem. He rejected all the roles I introduced.”

Gao He immediately said: “Yes, yes. I told He Mu that he didn’t need to be such a good person. The other may not even appreciate it. When the time comes, he might even be splashed with dirty water, and it won’t be worth it.”

Jiang Yinchuan raised his eyebrows slightly. How could he not understand what He Mu meant when he said all this——Luo Yu was someone he disliked. If they all cooperated in the future, then don’t use Luo Yu.

“Which brokerage company does this Luo Yu belong to?” Jiang Yinchuan asked.

“Zhuque Media is a small company, so there are a lot of messy things.” Gao He smiled disdainfully.

“En, the boss of Zhuque Media is actually a senior of our film academy. This senior is also very worried about how to terminate the contract with Luo Yu.” He Mu said while observing Gu Xiaowei’s reaction from the corner of his eyes.

The other man’s arm was resting leisurely on the edge of the table, while his other hand was holding a teacup, tapping the cup lightly with his index finger. He sat close to Director Lin and they seemed to be talking about something, not paying attention to Luo Yu’s matter at all.

He Mu was relieved. He didn’t want Gu Xiaowei to think that he was gossiping, but Luo Yu was a thorn in He Mu’s side. He Mu knew in his heart that he was actually modeled after Luo Yu. As long as the real original stayed in this industry, He Mu would feel frustrated that he would always be a fake.

If possible, he would of course join forces with capital tycoons like Jiang Yinchuan to drive Luo Yu out completely.

“I also occasionally heard Bo Wenyuan, the boss of Zhuque Media, say that Luo Yu followed him every day back then and insisted on signing into his company. In fact, it was because he had a crush on Bo Wenyuan and wanted to be with him. Zhuque Media is a small company, if Luo Yu went there, he would definitely be given enough resources. The boss was pestered by Luo Yu, and being his senior at the same school, he had no choice but to sign him in the end, but in order to avoid trouble, he always kept his distance from Luo Yu, in case Luo Yu would pounce over one day and he would not be able to escape. Who knew that after he saw that I became so famous, he would copy me in everything, throwing aside the development direction planned by his boss for him, only to make his status in the circle so embarrassing.” He Mu’s tone was full of grievance.

Gao He also spoke up, “Yes. The school idol image may sound ordinary, but not everyone can be worthy of it. You have to make those little girls have the urge to fall in love as soon as you appear, right? What does Luo Yu have? Now even his own boss want nothing more than to avoid him.”

“Oh, it sounds like… although the other party didn’t make any big mistakes, he clearly knew that the image of ‘school idol’ had already been reserved by Dijun Media. Luo Yu has no capital or publicity behind him, yet he still insists on competing with He Mu for the image. He is really overestimating his capabilities.”

Jiang Yinchuan smiled as he held his chin and said this.

These words seem to be in support of He Mu and Dijun Media, but if one listened carefully, it also hinted that He Mu was very domineering. For an image like the school idol that was so common and overused, he still insisted on being the most unique.

“Aiya, a thing like an image, can only be fresh for a few years, so what is there to reserve?” Gao He personally served some hot tea to the other.

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At this time, Director Lin, who had not participated in the topic, slowly spoke.

“That Luo Yu, did he appear in a TV drama a few years ago, also a school idol type, called… what was it called “Plum Rain”?”

He Mu paused. He didn’t expect anyone here to have watched “Plum Rain”. He thought that such dramas were only watched by adolescents, but a great director like Lin Yue had actually also seen it?

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3 thoughts on “Top Dupe CH 006 Still Not Graduated Yet?”

  1. They only appeared in this chapter and I hate them very much ><
    Thank You for the new chapter ✧✰(♡´❍`♡)✧✰


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