The Kingdom That Never Sleeps CH 003 Studies

After Tang Shen transmigrated and had just solved the problem of food and clothing, he discovered that although this era was also called the Song Dynasty, it was not any dynasty in Chinese history. There was the flourishing literature of the Tang and Song Dynasties, as well as the strong military of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties. Although there were foreign enemies, they were not as suppressed and aggrieved as the Southern Song Dynasty. It was an era when the people were prosperous and powerful.

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Zeng fuzi suddenly said a name that Tang Shen didn’t recognize at all. He was confused in his heart but didn’t show it on his face.

Zeng fuzi also realized that it was impossible for a thirteen-year-old boy to know who Liang Bowen was. He sighed: “You have wasted such a good opportunity!”

Tang Shen didn’t think so.

Since the old gentleman could give him a name card, it showed that the other was not completely uninterested in him.

Tang Shen: “Sir, why would such a distinguished guest come to Zhao Family Village?”

Zeng fuzi: “Liang daru (TN: respectful address for a great Confucian scholar) came to Gusu Prefecture last year to serve as governor. Recently, he seems to have been collecting books about the folk customs of Jiangnan. Although I am just a poor scholar from the countryside, I still have one or two books handed down from my ancestors at home. Last night Liang daru‘s attendant spent the whole night copying my ancestral books.”

It turned out that he was here to borrow books.

In order to borrow books, the governor of a prefectural government came all the way to Zhao Family Village in person, which showed that Liang daru attaches great importance to books.

Zeng fuzi still refused to give up: “The distinguished guest is right, don’t think that I don’t know how much money you make every day selling fruit juice at the herbal tea shop. This money can already be enough for you to study here for a year! You rascal, what do you want to do if you don’t study after making money?”

Tang Shen bowed: “Sir, don’t force me anymore, I have my own plans.”

“You won’t come back to study?”

Tang Shen just smiled.

Zeng fuzi looked at Tang Shen seriously. After a long time, he waved his hand.

“Get out, I’m in a bad mood today.”

Tang Shen was not afraid. Instead, he laughed and said, “Then how can you be in a good mood, sir?”

Zeng fuzi opened the bamboo tube and took a sip of fruit juice: “At least to be able to drink a cup of fruit juice every day!”

There were five counties in Gusu Prefecture, and Zhao Family Village belonged to Wu County. Zhao Family Village was adjacent to the county seat. One of the two temple fairs held every year was always held in the Zhao Family Village.

As a transportation hub for eight villages in ten miles, the Zhao Family Village was very wealthy. Tang Shen and Tang Huang worked for more than half a month, and in the three days before the temple fair, they finally produced twenty kilograms of fruit juice. At first, the little girl was worried that the fruit juice would go bad if left out for a long time before the temple fair. She was anxious for two days but Tang Shen was not anxious at all.

“The shelf life of fruit vinegar is not that short.”

Tang Huang: “What?”

Tang Shen said calmly: “Your brother has cast a spell, and the fruit juice will not go bad until the temple fair is over.”

Tang Huang: “…”

I’m afraid there’s something wrong with my brother’s brain.

But as the days passed, the fruit juice did in fact not go bad at all. Tang Huang was extremely happy, as if she could see two big strings of coins waiting for her. But Tang Shen did not stop and continued to make fruit juice.

Tang Huang asked strangely: “Brother, isn’t this already twenty catties?”

Tang Shen: “There are still three days until the temple fair.”

“But we have already made twenty catties.”

Tang Shen put down the tools in his hands, looked at the little girl’s curious and sincere eyes, and said, “If the village head wants twenty catties, and you give twenty catties. Then how much will you earn?”

Tang Huang: “Two strings of coins!”

“The village head wants twenty catties, but what if you gave twenty-one catties?”

Tang Huang subconsciously wanted to say, “Then I lose a catty of fruit juice.” Tang Shen interrupted her directly: “Think about it carefully. There are still a lot of fruits on the fruit trees outside. Making an extra catty of juice is just a hassle, but it is not much cost.”

After all, she was just a nine-year-old girl. Ah Huang really couldn’t figure it out.

The next day, the village head brought someone to pick up the fruit juice. After Tang Shen handed over twenty catties, the village head said in surprise: “Little Tang Lang, I only ordered twenty catties.”

Tang Shen: “The temple fair is a major event in the county. Ah Huang and I have loved temple fairs since we were young. We were so happy that we forgot about time and made more than expected. Uncle Village Head, we agreed, it’s two strings of coins.”

The village head smiled and said, “Okay, here’s the money.”

The village head brought four men to Tang Shen’s house to pick up the fruit juice. Before they left the house, one of the men said to his companions: “This little Tang Lang is not bad. How could a man as pedantic and stuffy as Tang xiucai have such a clever son? Look, even the village head’s eyes changed.”

Delivered the goods and received the money.

In the afternoon of that day, someone came to Tang Shen’s house to order fruit juice, saying that the village head recommended it. That Little Tang Lang’s fruit juice was the best in Wuxian County. That using fruit juice made by Little Tang Lang when setting up a banquet at home would really up the scale.

Tang Shen calmly accepted the deposit money, and Ah Huang opened her mouth wide enough to stuff an egg.

Just when Tang Shen was thinking about whether to borrow an egg from next door and put it into Ah Huang’s mouth to try and see if it would indeed fit, the little girl clapped her hands: “I understand!”

Tang Shen: “…”

What do you understand.

“There are many things you still need to know.”

Ah Huang ignored Tang Shen. With quick eyes and quick hands she snatched the deposit money from Tang Shen’s hand. “I’ll save it for you, you can’t spend it randomly!”

Tang Shen didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Jiangnan, the fertile land, was full of outstanding talents.

Among the five counties in Gusu Prefecture, excluding the prefecture city, Wu County was the richest and had a stronger scholarly aura. It was said that of the 131 zhuangyuan (TN: top scorer in the palace examination (highest rank of the Imperial examination system)) in the previous dynasty, 23 came from Gusu Prefecture and five came from Wu County. The temple fairs held twice a year in Wu County were not only attended by locals in Wu County, but also people from the other four counties in Gusu Prefecture and even the residents of the prefecture city would come to participate in the grand event.

The temple fair would last for three days, and the village head set up a stall for Tang Shen’s fruit juice at the entrance of the temple fair. The village head asked the Tang siblings to help distribute the fruit juice, and the two siblings agreed immediately. Tang Shen wanted to take the opportunity to see what the temple fair of ancient times was like, but Tang Huang’s heart had already drifted to the excitement of the temple fair. 

As expected, Ah Huang couldn’t stay idle at all. She didn’t stay at the stall for long before wandering around the temple fair.

July was a hot summer month and the weather was hot and dry that day. The fruit juice sold very well, and many people from other villages came to buy the juice with copper coins. When they heard that the fruit juice was free, they were even more amazed by the wealth of the Zhao Family Village and Wu County.

Tang Shen sold fruit juice all day. Near evening, a small figure slowly walked back.

Tang Shen took a look and said with a smile: “Little boss Tang, after attending the temple fair, do you still have time to come back and check out your stall?”

After waiting for a long time, there was no answer.

Tang Shen frowned and said, “What’s wrong?”

Ah Huang lowered her head, wrung her tunic tightly with both hands, and refused to speak.

Tang Shen threw the things in his hands down and leaned over to check carefully: “No injuries, no fights.”

“Zeng fuzi said you really won’t continue your studies.”

Tang Shen fell silent.

The little girl raised her face, but there was none of the fierceness from when she had chased away the hoodlums and hoarded their family savings privately. She looked at Tang Shen with tears in her eyes: “Tang Shen, don’t stop studying. We have made a lot of money, so we can support your studies. You make all that money but it’s not for the tuition, is it because… because you are saving a betrothal gift for you and a dowry for me in the future. I don’t want a dowry, so you can use my dowry to pay for your studies.”

Tang Shen was amused: “Who told you this nonsense?”

“That’s what they all said.”

Tang Shen didn’t bother to ask who this “they” were. There were always some who liked to gossip, and this would not change even if the times changed.

“Why do I need your dowry?”

“Then why don’t you continue to study?”

“Who said I don’t want to study anymore?”

Ah Huang opened her eyes wide: “Huh?”

“It’s just that I don’t want to study now. Tang Huang, you want me to study, what do you want me to do?”

The little girl thought for a long time: “Take the exams and gain a scholarly title!”

“What is the purpose of that?”

“To live a better life!”

Tang Shen: “Did I say I won’t be taking the exams?”

Tang Huang was dumbfounded: “But you don’t want to study anymore!”

“I don’t study now, but I will later. No matter what, I have to score a xiucai title at least.”

Tang Huang burst into a mix of tears and laughter, but she didn’t laugh for long. The little girl cleverly discovered: “Only score a xiucai title?”

“Yes, only a xiucai title.”

“Why!” My brother can take the imperial examination. My brother is even better than the county magistrate!

Tang Shen said calmly: “Better to be a xiucai for generations than for descendants to become members of the Hanlin Imperial Academy.”

Tang Huang: “?”

“Become a xiucai can live a good life. What do you know, little girl? Just sell your fruit juice.”

Tang Huang became annoyed: “Tang Shen!!!”

Tang Shen did not dodge, and accepted his sister’s soft iron fist.

Better for generations to be xiucai than for descendants to be Hanlin scholars. Only wish to be a scholar farmer family and live a long peaceful life. Although this was not as noble as great official families, it was more prosperous than ordinary commoner families.

Tang Shen watched the fruit juice stall while basking in the sun, feeling that his days were extremely comfortable.

After a busy day, the fruit juice was almost sold out, and Tang Shen was ready to close the stall. Suddenly he caught a glimpse of a tall and stout figure in his peripheral vision. Tang Shen raised his head warily and saw a strong man in ragged clothes walking towards the stall.

This strong man had a tall build, a stocky appearance, and dark skin. He wore a torn linen shirt with holes everywhere, and a pair of scruffy straw sandals on his feet that exposed his two big toes. He walked to Tang Shen’s stall, hesitated for a long time, and asked, “I heard that the drinks at this stall are free.”

Tang Shen gestyred at Tang Huang. The little girl was a little scared of this man’s appearance, but she still poured a cup of fruit juice.

“Here, remember to return the bamboo tube, we have to wash it and continue to use it.”

“Can I have two cups…”

Tang Huang opened her eyes wide: “Two cups?”

The strong man pointed into the distance. Under the big mulberry tree at the entrance of the village, a hunched old woman sat leaning against the tree, skinny as a stick.

Before Tang Huang could react, Tang Shen had already poured another cup of fruit juice and handed it over.

“Thank you, little brother!”

The strong man held the two cups of fruit juice and hurried back to the mulberry tree where he fed the old woman the drink. The old woman seemed to have not drank anything for a long time. After a cup of refreshing juice, she sat up straighter and appeared more energized. The strong man fed the second cup to the old woman without hesitation then he returned the bamboo tubes without taking a sip himself.

Tang Shen: “Don’t leave, I’ll give you another cup.”

The strong man was stunned and looked at the cup in Tang Shen’s hand.

Tang Shen smiled and said, “Only when you take good care of yourself can you take care of others.”

The strong man looked at him gratefully, held the cup, and drank it in big gulps.

The siblings closed the stall and went home.

On the second day, the temple fair was still crowded with people. Tang Shen’s fruit juice was well received and he had received many large orders.

Tang Huang counted the orders he had received in the past two days on his fingers. “One string, two strings… Tang Shen, we can make at least ten strings of coins. I have never seen so much money!”

“It’s ten strings of coins and seventy qian.” (TN: qian=1/10 of a tael)

Tang Huang was very happy: “So much money.”

“It’s quite a lot, more than enough to leave here.”

Tang Huang was still counting the money. After a long time, she suddenly raised her head: “Leave?”

“Have you ever been to Gusu Prefecture City, little boss Tang?”

Tang Huang licked her lips: “No, no.”

Tang Shen curled his fingers and flicked Tang Huang’s forehead: “You will soon.”

Tang Huang covered her forehead and charged forward angrily: “Tang Shen! What do you mean, explain to me clearly!”

Tang Shen laughed and dodged his sister’s punches and kicks.

The days passed peacefully. The siblings have taken a lot of orders and would have work to do in the next month. The three-day temple fair was coming to an end, and the number of people in the village was gradually decreasing. Tang Huang poured a cup of fruit juice and handed it to a villager. She had just raised her hand halfway when someone bumped into her. All the brown juice spilled on the man’s clothes. The little girl was startled and opened her mouth at a loss.

“What are you doing? You made my clothes dirty. You must compensate me!”

Tang Huang raised her head and found that it was a familiar face. He was the hoodlum whom Tang Shen chased across the river three months ago with a kitchen knife.

The little girl straightened her back: “I didn’t. You bumped into me on purpose. Everyone else saw it.”

Before the other villager who was holding a cup of juice on the side said anything, the hoodlum glared at him viciously, causing the other to tremble and run away in fright.

Soon, five to six hoodlums gathered around.

Tang Shen noticed the movement here, and when he saw this scene, he immediately knew that the other party was prepared.

Ten years was never too late for a gentleman to take revenge, but he didn’t expect that these hoodlums could wait three months to take revenge. He walked up to them with a cold face and pulled Tang Huang behind him: “What do you want to do?”

The hoodlums spit on the ground: “What? It’s okay to dirty my clothes, is that it? Brothers, smash it!”

The six hoodlums rolled up their sleeves and ran over to pick up the bench and smash the stall. Tang Shen gritted his teeth and hugged a bench with both hands. He didn’t bring any weapons, so he could only grab whatever was on hand. At worst, he could put up a struggle and let Tang Huang escape first.

The leader of the gang aimed the bench against the juice stand, and a loud bang was heard. But upon closer look, the juice stand remained intact, while the bench was shattered into splinters after it hit a strong body.

Tang Shen stared blankly at the person standing in front of him and his sister.

The darkly tanned man had his arms raised in front of his face. The bench had just made contact with his arm. His arm had a patch of red, but he didn’t say a word. He only slowly lowered his arm, and stared at these hoodlums with bright eyes.

The hoodlums were startled by the look in his eyes, then someone shouted: “There is only one of him, what are you afraid of? Just beat him!”

The hoodlums rushed forward again.

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AN: This chapter quotes a sentence from Mr. Feng Youlan’s “Preface to Sansongtang”.

Original sentence: “I don’t want my children and grandchildren to go to the Hanlin Imperial Academy. I just hope that my children and grandchildren will be xiucais from generation to generation who can farm and study and pass down the family. Although it is not as prominent as the families of officials, it is more impressive than the families of ordinary people.”

In fact, in ancient times, if you didn’t have too many ideals and ambitions, being a xiucai is very good, being a juren is also very comfortable, but being an official is tiring…

Of course, our little shou must become an official! The road is already locked for him, and I have swallowed the key 2333

Finally, when I wrote the end of this chapter, I was wondering if anyone would think that this was our little gong… As a spoiler, our gong in this novel is a elegant-type male god, a true national male god.

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