After Becoming The Tyrant CH 192 Extra 8: A Soul’s Autobiography Part II

I have been living in hell for a while, and I must say that hell is not as scary as people think. In fact, I now feel that hell is simply the best place to live after death.

Living people often use “go to hell” to curse other people, which is simply wrong. When I was alive, I also heard many terrible legends about hell, such as lakes of fire and sulfur that burn the soul, ghosts that eat sinners, and extremely high-temperature furnaces…

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There is sulfur, there are ghosts, and there are indeed furnaces.

But it has nothing to do with what the stories say.

At first, I wasn’t quite used to my status as a departed soul. When I first arrived in hell, I was shocked that the sky here was dark red and the earth here was all black rocks.

But as long as you stay a bit longer, you will feel that the dark red sky is uniquely beautiful, and the pale crescent moon has an indescribable poetic quality, like a sickle that decapitates people——this was what a dead poet said. The continuous peaks on the land are like prostrating dragons. Although the wind here sounds a bit unsettling at first, after listening to it for a while longer, you will feel that it is like the sound of an organ, possessing a unique melody.

Moreover, the natives here are very friendly!

The corpses hanging on the Peak of Thousand Knives were unable to get down from the ridge, but every time the wind got stronger, they would turn around and nod distantly at us in the river. The departed souls would float up in the river and nod their heads back. Everyone here is harmonious and friendly.

In addition, I was surprised to find that the construction in hell is not inferior to that of human beings.

The skeleton army and the death mages are busy building towns one after another inhabited by dead creatures every day——this is the most enviable thing for the departed souls like us. This was the order of the King of Hell, the greatest Majesty of Hell. It can be seen that the skeletons and death mages are very happy.

According to the skeletons:

“Although we can break ourselves into pieces of white bones and pile them up on the rocky beach. But that is something we only do when we have no other choice. You must know that the strong winds of hell are blowing every day, and my bones are blown brittle. Some of them are even becoming too thin. The more miserable skeletons have already caught the chill.”

As for the death mage fellows——damn it! They always remind me of the group of lunatics under Pureland I——they want nothing more than for an independent laboratory where they can study strange black magic.

It is worth mentioning that the towns built by skeletons and death mages have different styles, but they are all actually very beautiful? Many of them are comparable to the most exquisite churches I have ever seen in the human world. I didn’t understand why at first. Even if skeletons and death mages can do many things that ordinary people can’t do, can their design skills be better than humans?

Until one day, I learned that on the left side of the River of the Departed Souls, the town named “Rotten Apple” was designed by the famous architect Collins from the eleventh century; another town named “Mayan Fangs”, its designers were Abil and Tashkent from the 13th and 14th centuries; the town on the right named “Skeleton II” was designed by the twelfth-century architect Sophia…

——You never know how many talents are gathered in hell, just like you never know which small town for the dead was created by which outstanding architect.

It is a pity that we the dead can only leave the River of the Departed Souls for a short time and are not qualified to have our own town.

The departed souls in hell usually stay in the River of the Departed Souls, soaking in the cold water and basking in the moonlight. And if you soak in the River of the Departed Souls for too long, you may accidentally freeze your soul into a frosty white. At this time, you would have to take a dip in the sulfur river in the Blackstone Royal City to thaw yourself out. Only those fellows who like excitement would climb out of the River of the Departed Souls to form a “choir of the souls”.

Needless to say, my days in the human world were not so comfortable. When I was in the human world, operas of such a high level had always been the exclusive privileges of upper-class nobles. Little seaside lords like me were not qualified to enjoy them.

In such leisurely days, suddenly one day, I found that my new departed soul friend became more busy than usual——climbing ashore every day and madly practicing singing 24 hours a day. Not just him, almost all the departed souls participating in the departed soul theater troupe were working hard. Even the skeletons as well. Whenever I look up, I can see skeletons picking off their own bones on the shore and beating out strange melodies…

I felt like I was being swamped by ten thousand opera companies and choirs.

I had to ask my friend what was going on.

The friend replied excitedly: “Because His Majesty is coming back!”

It turns out that the King of Hell, the legendary His Majesty, will soon return to Hell. The steward of the Blackstone Royal City, the current acting overseer of hell, Mela, is selecting a group of the most outstanding opera singers and choirs, preparing to hold a grand welcome performance on the day of His Majesty’s return.

The rumored His Majesty?

My curiosity was instantly aroused.

From the moment I arrived in hell, the departed souls, skeletons and death mages around me mentioned thia rumored His Majesty almost every moment.

The most grand, magnificent and majestic Blackstone Castle in hell is His Majesty’s palace. His Majesty descended to hell during the first millennium kingdom. He brought an unprecedented order to hell. He caused the gods to kill each other and tipped the balance of victory toward hell. In the twilight battle of the gods, had it not been for the betrayal of the traitor, he would have been crowned the King of the World long ago.

“He is the first monarch of hell and eternally the best monarch in hell!”

My friend told me so impassionedly that he did not hesitate to describe the monarch in the most florid and operatic terms.

A monarch who rivaled the gods, a monarch who brought them final victory in the battle between angels and hell.

I have no doubt that almost every dead creature in hell is an ardent admirer of His Majesty.

Over time, I became curious about His Majesty. But it is a pity that I am just a new departed soul who has just entered hell. Those older souls like to hang out with the same old souls——it was an accident that I met my friend. As for the other souls I’m familiar with, well… to be honest, I don’t really want to talk to them.

Those who came to hell earlier than me were the unlucky ones who lost their heads in the Bloody Reformation.

They refused to believe that I was actually on their side! After meeting in the River of the Departed Souls, this group of people held their heads in one hand and waved the fist of the other, surrounding me in an angry wave.

If I hadn’t been so alert to the worsening situation and ran fast enough, I would have been beaten up by them.

Although there is no specific harm caused by fighting between souls, it is really humiliating to be insulted in front of so many departed souls.

How I want to tell them that in fact I am not a follower of Pureland I, but that they and I are the real comrades!


In my full curiosity, the time finally came for His Majesty to return to hell.

The skeletons carefully selected by Lord Mela were waiting neatly on the rocky beach. Countless bones suddenly collided, and they played music that I had never heard in the human world. I have to admit that the music played by the bones actually has a strange charm, like the wind blowing, and like death singing.

The departed souls also began to sing loudly, their elegant lyrics praising the monarch’s great achievements as well as tactfully expressing that hell had been waiting for his return for a long time. The lake of sulfur fire turned into a gorgeous fountain, and the pillars of golden sulfur were as dazzling as a forest of shining trees. The brilliance of moonlight and sulfur reflected one town after another spread out on the deserted rock beach…

I must be crazy to think that hell looks so vibrant and prosperous at this moment.

Finally, the nightmares pulled an exquisite and magnificent carriage up from the lake of fire and sulfur.

I hurriedly climbed ashore from the River of the Departed Souls and floated a little higher in the wind to pay my respects to the legendary King of Hell.

I’m going to meet the King of Hell! I felt extremely honored until I saw clearly who His Majesty was——

Silver hair, icy blue eyes, scarlet royal robe.

I fell directly back into the River of the Departed Souls. Although there were fire and brimstone trees everywhere, I felt that my soul was freezing rapidly.

Pureland I!!!

It turned out to be Pureland I!

Pureland I is the King of Hell!

Soaking in the cold River of the Departed Souls, the grandeur and joy surrounded me but had nothing to do with me.

I’m so stupid.

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I should have known that a man as sinister as Pureland I must have something to do with hell. Look at what he has been doing. Is it like what ordinary people can do? I actually truly believed that the souls of heroic knights who appeared in the battle of Douro City were because of the blessing of our ancestors… What the hell kind of blessing! That was the King of Hell bringing his army to earth.

I’m stupid, I’m really stupid, I’m so stupid.

The dead shouldn’t have tears, but my tears still fell.

God, this f**ing hell!!!

Oh, the hatred!

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