Source of Calamity CH 111 Extra 10: The End

TN: bonus chapter!💕

Qin Xing rarely recalled the past, he didn’t like to look back, the past had passed and should remain so. But today he thought of the past in a rare occurrence. Shen Zhen was not at home, he had gone out for a meeting, so Qin Xing was the only one left at home and the house seemed unusually empty.

Putting his phone on the side, Qin Xing poured himself a cup of hot water.

He sat on a chair on the balcony, looking at the surrounding houses from up high.

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Qin Xing still remembered how he felt when he heard the news of Shen Zhen’s death. He was like a crazed man at that time, unable to calm his anger. He had been watching Shen Zhen since he became an adult, trying any way he could to help him.

But his plans never worked out.

It seemed that there was a consciousness in the void, which had been interfering with him.

Qin Xing finally confirmed that there was something strange in this world when he left the country.

He didn’t want to go abroad, he had someone he would miss in China.

Yet his thoughts and feelings didn’t matter, he had no control over his actions at all.

No matter telling the truth or doing things, it was like he had become a marionette. His brain was normal, he had his own thoughts, but he just couldn’t control his body.

When the news of Shen Zhen’s death came, no matter how angry he was, he could do nothing.

He waited thirty years.

He didn’t even know how he survived so long.

And the only goal that supported him to survive as a walking dead man was to regain control of his body.

It was a good day when he finally took back control, the weather was overcast, like the eve of a storm.

Qin Xing spent thirty years thinking——in fact, he could do nothing but think.

If he killed Qin Yue and Su Shiqing, there was a chance this world could be reset.

Although he felt that there was no reason for this thinking, and he was not sure whether it could indeed be reset, he still had to take a gamble.

In any case, he was not prepared to let Qin Yue and Su Shiqing continue to step on Shen Zhen’s corpse to live a so-called happily ever after.

As for people other than Shen Zhen, he didn’t care.

Although he didn’t know if after he reset this world, would he still have the current memory, would he who had no memory still fall in love with Shen Zhen. Qin Xing would still feel a surge of uncontrollable sadness whenever he thought of this. He didn’t know whether it would still be him without his memories or not.

It was not difficult to kill Qin Yue and Su Shiqing.

After all, no one would be on guard against an old man. When Qin Xing walked in front of Qin Yue, Qin Yue was even talking about the company with him as always.

Qin Yue was already the head of the Qin family. He was proud and confident, thinking that he had everything.

What ended his life was an extremely ordinary bullet, as ordinary as a bullet that could be bought in any gun shop abroad.

In fact, Qin Xing bought it randomly.

It was a little more difficult to deal with Su Shiqing.

Unlike Qin Yue, Su Shiqing was always surrounded by many people.

Men love him, and he enjoyed the love and amorous attention of those men. Even though he was in his fifties, there were still young men in their twenties and thirties pursuing him romantically.

Su Shiqing had lived a life of being sought after all his life.

But his Shen Zhen didn’t even get to celebrate his twenty-fifth birthday.

Dying all alone, without even a grave.

Originally, he planned to kill Su Shiqing with a single bullet, but Qin Xing changed his mind.

Su Shiqing ended up being locked in the basement by Qin Xing and starved to death. He went to see him a month later and found that Su Shiqing cannibalized Qin Yue’s body that he had placed in the basement under extreme hunger.

But the corpse obviously didn’t keep him going for too long.

After confirming Su Shiqing’s death.

Qin Xing found a quiet place and shot himself.


He woke up.

And then——

“Mr. Qin.” The butler called him from outside the door, “Second Young Master took people to the banquet hall. Young Master Shen didn’t return to his room last night. It seems that he had an affair with someone…..”

Qin Xing sat up. He looked at his hands, there were no age spots or wrinkles.

The world was reset, and he returned to more than 30 years ago, to the day after he had intimate contact with Shen Zhen.

Nothing could describe Qin Xing’s ecstasy.

The feeling was like that of a destitute guy who suddenly won a huge jackpot worth hundreds of millions.

But he had to suppress this ecstasy.

He didn’t want to scare Shen Zhen.

This time they would have enough time to get to know each other and enough time to love each other.

It didn’t matter if Shen Zhen didn’t love him.

He could wait forever.

So long as Shen Zhen lives.


The frontbdoor was unlocked, and Qin Xing walked out from the balcony.

Shen Zhen’s voice came from outside the door: “I’ve been to the supermarket, and I have the milk you asked me to buy.”

Qin Xing took the bag from Shen Zhen’s hand, put it aside, then hugged Shen Zhen’s waist, and kissed Shen Zhen’s neck from behind.

This tickled Shen Zhen.

Shen Zhen laughed and said, “What’s the matter? Why are you so clingy today?”

Qin Xing said with a low chuckle, “I stayed at home alone all day.”

Shen Zhen pouted: “I’ll make dinner.”

After several years of training, the food made by Shen Zhen was finally suitable for eating. Although the taste was average, it was not as horrible as before.

It was a pity that Shen Zhen didn’t get the chance to make dinner. He was treated as someone’s dinner and was gobbled up on the sofa, floor and coffee table in the living room.

Shen Zhen panted and said, “What caused this?”

Qin Xing was rarely like this.

Generally speaking, so long as Shen Zhen yelled to stop, Qin Xing would stop even if he was still in the mood, and would go to the bathroom to solve it by himself.

Instead of being like today, he didn’t know how many times he called to stop, but Qin Xing remained unmoved.

Qin Xing: “Are you not feeling good?”

Shen Zhen said seriously: “It feels very good, but it’s a little hard on my back, the floor and coffee table are too hard.”

Qin Xing was thoughtful, and then said: “I can buy carpets and tablecloths, do you have any favorite brands?”

Shen Zhen’s eyes widened: “Why can you discuss this kind of thing with a serious face?”

Qin Xing acted as if he was negotiating a big business deal with Shen Zhen.

Qin Xing smiled and kissed Shen Zhen’s lips: “Everything related to you is very serious.”

Shen Zhen was coaxed, and very much happily so.

He said, “I’ll cook dinner tonight.”

For some reason, Shen Zhen always seemed to think that the food he cooks was delicious, and Qin Xing always tried to prevent him from having the opportunity to cook, so he cherished any opportunity he could snatch.

Qin Xing: “I have a virtuous lover.”

Shen Zhen: “You have to thank God.”

Qin Xing smiled and said, “I thank myself.”

Shen Zhen gave Qin Xing a strange look, put on his home clothes and went to the kitchen, leaving Qin Xing alone in the living room to clean up the traces they left behind.

Qin Xing looked at the sofa with stains of white liquid, and he called to the kitchen: “I think it can just be replaced directly.”

Shen Zhen: “The sofa was just changed! It was only changed last month!”

Qin Xing: “…..Next time I will remember to ask my assistant to buy sofa covers.”


On the wedding day, both Qin Xing and Shen Zhen wore identical white suits——Shen Zhen asked for it, and he said this: “I saw you wearing a white suit before, and I thought it was very hot, but you haven’t worn it for a long time. And it’s better to wear white for your wedding.”

Qin Xing knew that he was indirectly making fun of his flashy tastes in clothing.

Their wedding was held abroad, and they didn’t invite many people. They only sent invitations to people they knew and had a good relationship with.

Qin Yue and Zheng Xiao also came to the wedding. The two of them were mutually in love now, which was beyond Shen Zhen’s expectation.

After the wedding, Qin Yue found Shen Zhen alone.

“You are very handsome today.” Qin Yue smiled at Shen Zhen.

Shen Zhen replied politely: “You too.”

Qin Yue: “White suits you very well.”

Shen Zhen raised his eyebrows: “Really?”

Qin Yue said: “After today is over, you probably won’t be seeing me again.”

Shen Zhen nodded: “Zheng Xiao is very good, you can also consider marriage.”

Qin Yue: “Maybe later.”

After the wedding, they had a barbecue party on the lawn. A group of rich people who seldom do it themselves were all basically floundering. The barbecue was almost burnt all over, but they still didn’t ask the servers to help. Everyone was very happy eating the burnt barbecue. Shen Zhen roasted a few strings of mutton right and received unanimous praise.

“Didn’t I just say I have talent.” Shen Zhen smiled at Qin Xing.

Qin Xing was noncommittal and did not dampen Shen Zhen’s enthusiasm.

Regarding the fact that he was a culinary genius, Shen Zhen would persist on this belief until his death.

On their wedding night, Shen Zhen and Qin Xing lay on the bed just chatting. They seemed to have endless things to say to each other, and they never felt that they had nothing to say even after several years. The bed was covered with rose petals, and don’t know which genius arranged the petals into a blooming rose motif.

Rose petals arranged into a rose…..what an amazing idea.

“I saw Qin Yue today.” Shen Zhen turned over and said to Qin Xing, “He seems to be doing well.”

Qin Xing nodded: “His company has already gone public.”

Shen Zhen suddenly said: “When I saw him today, I thought he was very unfamiliar, as if I had never seen him before.”

Qin Xing hugged Shen Zhen into his arms.

Shen Zhen put his head on Qin Xing’s chest: “Sometimes I feel that Qin Yue and Su Shiqing have never appeared in my world.”

Qin Xing patted Shen Zhen on the back.

Shen Zhen: “I don’t hate them anymore.”

Shen Zhen smiled at Qin Xing: “I’ve never felt so relaxed.”

He always thought that he had let go, but until today, he didn’t know what it was like to let go completely.

Qin Xing listened to Shen Zhen’s incoherent babblings.

“I had a dream.” Shen Zhen narrated the events of his previous life in the form of a dream.

Qin Xing tightened his arms around Shen Zhen.

He had a feeling before, but he didn’t expect the feeling to come true.

Shen Zhen was still the same Shen Zhen from the previous life, and he was still the same Qin Xing from the previous life.

Qin Xing smiled at Shen Zhen and said, “Tonight is our wedding night, shouldn’t we do something?”

They kissed together, lips and teeth connected.

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Shen Zhen gasped and said, “I probably need to nourish my kidneys.”

Qin Xing bit his shirt button with his teeth, looked up at Shen Zhen, and said seductively: “I’ll nourish it for you.”

During the kiss, Qin Xing reached out and turned off the bedside lamp.

He would find a suitable time to tell Shen Zhen about his previous life.

He would always be there for him.

To the day his life ended.

TN: Annnd we’re finished!💛💜💖🥂🎉

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11 thoughts on “Source of Calamity CH 111 Extra 10: The End”

  1. That was a very great journey, I enjoyed it very much! (∩˃o˂∩)♡ The most solid and interesting point were our two great MCs and their relationship and ways of dealing with problems and things o(≧∇≦o) And I have to say that I crave for more of them, because by the end of the novel, their relationship was mostly about going to bed and maaaany characters popping out here and there (there was too much of them for me) ( ´ー`) But I still have a good time reading it and it’s all thanks for Your wonderful work! Thank You very much for sharing this novel with us! ♡(ŐωŐ人) Take care~ ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thanks for translating this story!! My thoughts on it.. I didn’t really like how Qin Xing was almost omniscient in the business world, because I felt that it eliminated completely Shen Zhen’s troubles, he had no stake and the problems he faces within the company follows the same script. Guy does wrong, maybe spread rumours about Shen Zhen, gets fired, kneels and beg for forgiveness and it repeats. Lowkey I also didn’t like Shen Zhen’s… uh idk the word for it but each time he solves a business problem i couldn’t feel that he gained anything from that confrontation, from the start of text he seems OP. Well that’s only the business side. I think the most interesting character is definitely Su ShiQing, he’s so funny to me, each time he appears on text. I wonder how he was going to eff up again. From the emotional side I think this whole thing is interesting, I’ve read stories like this before, where the antagonist has something that helps them win over others but I’ve never seen an ending quite like Qin Yue’s. idk how to describe it but the idea of him still being in love (?) with Shen Zhen but wanting to start over… would love to read more of his story and defo the side characters are all fun to read… I liked them more than the main characters 🙏

    Thanks for translating the story

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I think u didn’t like our beloved mc because u liked su shiqing i mean u said he was more interesting than others but for me he was bland and too 2D like those cringe usual white lotus, the types I hate the most but anyways to each their own so i think it’s because of ur interest towards the villian that makes u to not like the mc

      Liked by 1 person

    2. The author said, at the bottom of the first chapter that, this story is like heaven and earth with reality, but I guess people will always find something to say against.

      There’s a bunch of serious novels out there but I digress


  3. It was truly a fun and heartwarming novel. Even though I was on a trip yesterday, I couldn’t resist leaving some time to continue reading from where I left off. For those who think that Qin Xing seems somewhat indifferent to business matters, I believe there are many explanations.

    First, from the first chapter, it is hinted that he is only grooming a successor to take care of everything. Second, he has transmigrated – after living a long life alone, with the only person he ever felt something for now gone – so it is also implied that all he wanted in this new life was to see Shen Zhen happy, whether with him or without.

    Honestly, Qin Xing’s love for Shen Zhen was charming. And don’t even get me started on the extras – I loved them. They added an extra layer of fun and showcased a lot of romance. Thanks for the translation.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. O livro é bom, quase não tem pontas soltas, mas não sei, faltou o tempero. Faltou o ‘tchan’, a pimenta. Diálogos superficiais e repetitivos. O romance é fofo, mas também é monótono. Enfim, não é um livro que marcou.


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