Source of Calamity CH 110 Extra 9: Feng & Chu Part 3

TN: bonus chapter!💕

Chu Haoyi still remembered this day a long time later. He thought he had been waiting in front of Feng Anyan’s house for at least two hours.

But later he discovered that he had only waited for twenty minutes.

And he didn’t know how long he planned to wait, if Feng Anyan didn’t open the door for him, how long he would wait before leaving.

“I thought you didn’t care that I didn’t contact you anymore.” Feng Anyan leaned against the door frame after opening the door.

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It took Chu Haoyi a few seconds to recover his voice, and he asked Feng Anyan: “Can I come in?”

Feng Anyan looked at him without speaking or moving.

In the end, Feng Anyan still sighed, and turned his body sideways: “Please come in.”

Chu Haoyi walked into Feng Anyan’s house. It was a small villa, and the decoration was not luxurious. On the contrary, it even had a bit of a cozy hominess, even if the younger sister was not Feng Anyan’s sister of the same father and mother but actually his cousin.

It seemed that they got along very well, Chu Haoyi thought to himself.

“You even brought gifts?” Feng Anyan noticed the gift bag in Chu Haoyi’s hand, and Chu Haoyi handed the gift bag to Feng Anyan.

Chu Haoyi said: “I don’t know what you like, so I just bought it randomly.”

Feng Anyan was taken aback, then smiled and said: “You really haven’t changed at all, your words are never pleasant to the ears.”

Chu Haoyi was a little flustered: “I originally wanted to buy you a wallet, but I saw that your wallet is very new, so I don’t know what to buy…..”

Feng Anyan unceremoniously opened the gift bag, and then opened the box in the gift box, where a brooch sat inside.

Composed of platinum and diamonds, it had an abstract shape, but it was very beautiful, luxurious and low-key, which was Feng Anyan’s favorite style.

“I saw you wearing a brooch before.” Chu Haoyi said again.

He looked a little embarrassed.

Feng Anyan was silent for a while, then stood up: “What would you like to drink?”

Chu Haoyi: “Is there any coffee? I like to drink Americano.”

Feng Anyan laughed: “You are really not courteous, just wait a bit, I will make it for you.”

After Feng Anyan went to make coffee, Chu Haoyi looked around: “Is your sister not at home?”

Feng Anyan said while making coffee: “She has a boyfriend and has moved out for a long time, about two years now, and I told you about this before.”

Chu Haoyi: “…..Sorry, I don’t remember.”

Feng Anyan came over with coffee and pushed it in front of Chu Haoyi: “You’ve always been like this, I’m used to it. You don’t care about other people and things except yourself and Su Shiqing.”

Feng Anyan frowned, and said, “Maybe you don’t even care about yourself.”

Chu Haoyi lowered his head, and Feng Anyan couldn’t see his expression clearly.

“I’ve been thinking a lot during this time.”

Feng Anyan looked calm, but his clenched fists revealed his true emotions.

Chu Haoyi raised his head: “I think you probably like me very much.”

Feng Anyan laughed: “Isn’t it obvious enough?”

Chu Haoyi: “I don’t know.”

Feng Anyan: “What don’t you know? I’ve practically written “I love you” on my face, can’t you see it?”

Chu Haoyi looked at Feng Anyan blankly: “No one has ever loved me.”

Feng Anyan was suddenly speechless.

“My mother may have loved me.” Chu Haoyi said, “But I can hardly remember what she looks like. I asked you before, and you said at that time that you didn’t care who I am with…..”

Feng Anyan wanted to slap himself.

He just said it offhandedly, and Chu Haoyi remembered it all this time.

“I said a lot of things, but why do you only remember this?” Feng Anyan.

Chu Haoyi looked at him strangely.

Feng Anyan supported his forehead, and sat on the sofa with his legs sprawled out, his elbows resting on his knees. He seemed to be thinking deeply, then stood up impatiently, and asked Chu Haoyi: “Then why are you looking for me now?”

Chu Haoyi pursed his lips tightly, his face was a little red, but only a little bit, if one didn’t look carefully, one wouldn’t see it at all.

“After you left, I thought I wouldn’t care. After all, we talked about it before. If one party doesn’t want to maintain this relationship, they can always end it.”

He looked up at Feng Anyan, and asked him, “Do you want to end it?”

Feng Anyan used almost all his concentration to prevent himself from pouncing forward. He crossed his arms and looked at Chu Haoyi indifferently: “Let’s talk about Su Shiqing first. You asked me to investigate Su Shiqing earlier. Have you two reconciled now?”

Chu Haoyi’s expression became even more strange: “Is that why you ignored me?”

“Your expression seems to say that this is not a big deal at all, and it’s not worth throwing a temper tantrum over?” Feng Anyan sarcastically said, “In your eyes, Su Shiqing is probably the most unique person, right? Compared with him, I am pebble on the side of the road.”

“You are much more humorous than a pebble.” Chu Haoyi said sincerely.

Feng Anyan’s mouth twitched: “Should I thank you for your compliment?”

Chu Haoyi: “You’re welcome.”

Even the corners of Feng Anyan’s eyes twitched now.

Chu Haoyi said: “I already know why he is there, and I never went to see him.”

Feng Anyan: “Why don’t you go see him? He is so miserable now, as long as you appear in front of him, he will definitely follow you. Think about it, the hero saving the beauty, just like in TV dramas.”

Chu Haoyi was even more surprised: “Why do you always think I love him?”

Feng Anyan: “Isn’t this something everyone knows?”

Chu Haoyi: “I thought I loved him.”

“I never talked about him with you.” Chu Haoyi said with a smile, “When he was a child, he was a very good person. He let me know that some people would not look down on me because I am an illegitimate child, nor would they look down on me because I don’t know how to talk.”

Feng Anyan snorted: “Yeah, he was like an angel with wings, let me guess, he must have emitted a holy light, right?”

Feng Anyan: “If we knew each other when we were young, don’t even mention a piece of candy, I would have definitely given you all the candies in the shop.”

Chu Haoyi: “It’s not about candy.”

Feng Anyan glared at him: “It’s obviously because of that damned candy.”

Chu Haoyi sighed: “If I loved him, I wouldn’t wait until now and still not go to him.”

“Maybe you are just looking for a suitable opportunity.” Feng Anyan mocked again.

Chu Haoyi glanced at him helplessly: “Can we have a proper conversation?”

Feng Anyan: “No!”

Chu Haoyi: “Fine.”

After saying so, Chu Haoyi stood up.

Feng Anyan: “What are you doing? You are leaving now? We will really not meet again after you leave this door.”

Feng Anyan’s hands were shaking.

Chu Haoyi: “…..I just went to refill a cup of coffee.”

Feng Anyan snatched the coffee cup that Chu Haoyi was holding, and said viciously, “Sit back down.”

Chu Haoyi sat back again.

Feng Anyan grabbed the coffee cup and said to Chu Haoyi, “Continue.”

Chu Haoyi sighed: “I like you.”


Feng Anyan stood there dazedly, his soul seemed to have left his body, and it took him a while before he found his voice.

“You think I’m your dog, that comes and goes when you call it?” Feng Anyan wanted to slap himself again after saying this.

Chu Haoyi shook his head: “I never thought about you that way.”

Feng Anyan almost couldn’t hold back: “Then what do you think of me?”

Chu Haoyi: “I thought about it. Without Su Shiqing, I can still live well and I wouldn’t think of him. To be honest, if I didn’t suddenly know about what happened to him last time, I would have almost forgotten what he even looked like.”

“But after you left, I dreamed of you every night.”

Feng Anyan: “What did you dream about me?”

Chu Haoyi didn’t lie, and said bluntly: “I dreamed that you asked me the same question now, and asked me to choose between you and Su Shiqing.”

Feng Anyan: “…..You really know how to dream.”

Chu Haoyi smiled at him.

Feng Anyan said helplessly: “Well, you indeed can only choose one.”

Chu Haoyi stood up, and Feng Anyan looked at him. Just when Feng Anyan was puzzled, Chu Haoyi knelt down on one knee in front of him.

And he just watched Chu Haoyi take out a small box from his pocket, and opened the box while kneeling.

Chu Haoyi pursed his lips and smiled, like a shy young man, he asked softly: “Will you marry me?”

Feng Anyan stood there without moving.

Chu Haoyi whispered, “I feel you will not believe anything I say.”

“But it’s okay, I’ve got a lifetime to prove it.”

Chu Haoyi raised his head and looked at Feng Anyan firmly: “I can assure you that I don’t love Su Shiqing, and I will never have any contact with Su Shiqing again. From now on until the day I die, I will abide by my promise.”

Feng Anyan: “…..You are crazy, do you know what you are doing?”

Chu Haoyi nodded: “I know, I am proposing to the person I love, and I hope he will agree to marry me. This will be the most important moment in my life.”

“Get up.” Feng Anyan turned his head.

Chu Haoyi was confused.

Feng Anyan: “Get up, and put this damn ring on me.”

Chu Haoyi stood up, smiled and put the ring on Feng Anyan.

The men’s platinum ring was put on Feng Anyan’s finger, and Chu Haoyi said in a low voice, “It suits you very well, it looks great.”

Feng Anyan pushed Chu Haoyi down on the sofa.

Chu Haoyi looked at him.

Feng Anyan: “I want to be on top.”

Chu Haoyi said almost indulgently, “Okay.”

Feng Anyan felt that Chu Haoyi wrapped around him too tightly, causing him to disarm and surrender instantly, losing face in embarrassment.

Then Chu Haoyi grabbed Feng Anyan’s wrist: “Is it my turn now?”

Feng Anyan took a deep breath.

“You are simply a demon sent by God to torment me.” Feng Anyan clutched the pillow, his head thrown back, feeling that the pain was very piercing indeed, “I must have owed you a lot of debt in my previous life.”

Chu Haoyi kissed his earlobe: “It’s okay, no matter how much you owe me, it will be written off.”

Feng Anyan said angrily: “Don’t push your luck!”

They got married in the spring.

But before their wedding, they received an invitation.

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“Shen Zhen and Qin Xing’s wedding banquet.”

“It’s on the same date as ours.”

Feng Anyan sighed: “Forget it, if you can’t afford to provoke, you can at least avoid, let’s move the date back.”

Chu Haoyi lay beside Feng Anyan: “I don’t really mind it.”

Feng Anyan glared at him.

Chu Haoyi said with a low chuckle, “After all, I’m a groom every day.”

Feng Anyan pressed him down: “I think you are itching for a beating every day!”

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