Source of Calamity CH 109 Extra 8: Feng & Chu Part 2

TN: bonus chapter!💕

As a normal man who had matured long ago, Chu Haoyi had physical needs, and he had no lover now. Although he couldn’t make it to the end with Feng Anyan, it was almost the same. So he and Feng Anyan kept continuing with this strange relationship.

You could say they were lovers, but they didn’t have much interaction in daily life.

You could call them hook ups, but they sometimes chatted together.

Or you could call them friends, but friends didn’t sleep with each other.

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All in all, their relationship was very peculiar, but this peculiar relationship made Chu Haoyi feel at ease.

What shocked Chu Haoyi was that Su Shiqing actually invited him to sleep in his room, which was tantamount to inviting Chu Haoyi to spend the night with him.

This frightened Chu Haoyi.

He practically ran away from Su Shiqing’s side.

“I feel very uncomfortable.” Chu Haoyi said when chatting with Feng Anyan, “I feel like vomiting.”

Feng Anyan was very strange: “Didn’t you always like him? He took the initiative, and you didn’t stay?”

Chu Haoyi: “You don’t understand this feeling.”

In his eyes, Su Shiqing was pure in heart.

And this move made him feel that Su Shiqing’s purity was fake.

Like a flower blooming in the mud. If you look closely, there was still mud on the petals.

You don’t even have to get close to smell the stench.

Feng Anyan said: “Could it be that you think he’s the kind of person who is loyal to the end? Don’t joke, do you still remember when he stopped my car that night?”

They even got in a fight, of course Chu Haoyi remembered.

Feng Anyan: “I told you before, but you were not willing to listen.”

Feng Anyan repeated what Su Shiqing said to him, and said, “If you don’t believe me, you can watch the video, my car has surveillance video recording in it.”

Of course Chu Haoyi didn’t believe it, so they immediately checked the video records.

Chu Haoyi couldn’t believe it when he saw Su Shiqing’s behavior in the video.

Was that crazy person in the video really Su Shiqing?

Feng Anyan made his words so clear, and yet he still wanted to sleep with Feng Anyan for the sake of “Qin Yue”?

What was the logic of this?

“You think he’s begging me for mercy?” Feng Anyan curled his lips: “He’s just trying to snag me.”

“I’m very popular after all.”

Feng Anyan said to Chu Haoyi: “It’s hard to find a high-quality diamond bachelor like me.”

Chu Haoyi didn’t speak, he took the copy disk away, and watched it countless times like a masochist.

Every time he watched it, he felt an indescribable nausea.

It was like seeing Mr. Chu, his father.

Mr. Chu was not a good husband when it came to marriage, and he was not a good father when it came to children. He had countless lovers. Some of these lovers were forced by the situation, and some were greedy for Mr. Chu’s money and status, and even wanted to replace Mr. Chu’s old yellow-faced wife and become a wealthy and rich wife, but they all failed.

But as Mr. Chu’s wife, no one cared how Mrs. Chu’s life was like.

Chu Haoyi’s mother did not live a good life either.

Mr. Chu was not loyal to his wife and had no affection for his lovers.

Chu Haoyi was disgusted by him, and also disgusted by all the people like him.

He never expected that Su Shiqing would become the kind of person to disgust him when he grew up.

This feeling was awful.

So when Su Shiqing and his parents were kicked out of the Chu family house, Chu Haoyi did not stop it. He no longer knew how to face Su Shiqing, the only light in his life.

But since Su Shiqing moved away, Feng Anyan often went to the Chu family’s door.

Feng Anyan was the only son of Hong Kong and Macau’s king of gambling, and his combined property could buy two Chu families. Mr. Chu and Mrs. Chu naturally welcomed him very warmly.

Sure enough, interests and benefits were the most important.

Mr. Chu probably already discovered his relationship with Feng Anyan, but he chose to pretend to be deaf and dumb, pretending not to see, but intentionally or unintentionally told Chu Haoyi that he would definitely have a wife in the future, and as long as he gave birth to an heir, he could fool around however he wanted.

Maybe Mr. Chu’s father also said the same thing to him?

Sure enough, disgusting traditions were passed down from generation to generation.

Feng Anyan was a person with high EQ and knew how to please people. He would give Mrs. Chu very expensive jewelry. For rich wives like Mrs. Chu, many things in life were not important, and the only time they were happy were when they bought or received some limited edition luxury goods.

Mr. Chu also liked Feng Anyan very much, for no other reason, so long as Feng Anyan’s identity was there, that was already enough.

Sometimes Feng Anyan would stay overnight at the Chu’s, but he would always sneak into Chu Haoyi’s room at night.

Of course, this couldn’t be hidden from the Chu family, but no one in the Chu family said anything.

In the upper class, this kind of thing was too common, there have even been imcestuous scandals between mother and son, father and daughter, so what else could be more shocking?

“Your father really didn’t say a word.” Feng Anyan lay on Chu Haoyi’s bed, and said while laughing, “I wonder if you are even his own son.”

Chu Haoyi was expressionless: “He doesn’t even dare to do a paternity test.”

Mr. Chu only had Chu Haoyi as his son, and he firmly believed that Chu Haoyi was his own flesh and blood, so he was unwilling to do a paternity test, even though Mrs. Chu kept urging him.

Feng Anyan grabbed Chu Haoyi’s arm, pressed Chu Haoyi under him, and then he said with a smile, “Want to do something fun?”

Chu Haoyi did not refuse either.

They had a tacit understanding in bed, and other than the disagreements about the top and bottom positions, it was almost perfect.

“I always thought you were very experienced.” Feng Anyan sighed.

Chu Haoyi smiled at him: “What? I don’t satisfy you?”

With his chest bare, Feng Anyan obviously didn’t like what Chu Haoyi said, and he winked at Chu Haoyi: “It’s too satisfying, baby, want to do it again?”

The harmonious sex life made Chu Haoyi forget Su Shiqing for a while.

He knew that Su Shiqing had sent him texts, and that Feng Anyan hadn’t managed to completely delete them.

From this, he understood what Feng Anyan felt towards him.

Feng Anyan was possessive of him, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to not tolerate Su Shiqing.

This feeling was unfamiliar to Chu Haoyi.

It was also strange.

Did he feel this way about Feng Anyan?

It didn’t seem so.

He didn’t care how many lovers Feng Anyan had, nor did he care if Feng Anyan treated his lovers well.

But he began to pay more attention towards Feng Anyan.

“Recently, you always look at me with strange eyes, as if I’m an alien.” Feng Anyan said to him when he picked him up for dinner, “Did you suddenly realize that I’m ridiculously handsome?”

Chu Haoyi suddenly dropped a bomb, and he asked: “Feng Anyan, do you like me?”

Feng Anyan almost spit out the food in his mouth, he looked at Chu Haoyi, and found that Chu Haoyi’s expression didn’t look like he was joking: “I’m being so obvious, and you’re just now seeing it?”

Chu Haoyi: “Then I have to tell you clearly that I don’t have that kind of feeling for you. I don’t have a possessive desire towards you, nor do I have the feeling that my heart is beating faster.”

At that moment, Chu Haoyi clearly felt that Feng Anyan’s mood had become a little depressed.

However, Feng Anyan still smiled at him, a little weakly: “It’s okay, I just like you, not to the point of love, not to the point of it can only be you and no one else. I just think it’s good for us to maintain the current relationship, what do you think?”

Chu Haoyi: “If we just maintain the current relationship, I think it’s not bad.”

Chu Haoyi slowly began to take over the affairs of the Chu family.

Sometimes Feng Anyan would also help him, not to help with business affairs, but to introduce projects to him, attract cooperation, and invest in him.

Chu Haoyi reciprocated, and would always think of Feng Anyan whenever it might be beneficial to the other.

They maintained this relationship for nearly three years.

Slowly, Chu Haoyi almost forgot about Su Shiqing. He recently learned that Su Shiqing had become an escort of a high-end entertainment club. He never dreamed that Su Shiqing would choose such a path. The money he gave Su Shiqing was not a small amount, at least if Su Shiqing was not too extravagant, he would never fall to that point.

So Chu Haoyi found Feng Anyan.

“Check it out for me.” Chu Haoyi said, “What did he go through?”

Feng Anyan looked at him with a half-smile: “Why, do you still want to continue your relationship with him?”

Chu Haoyi shook his head: “I just don’t understand.”

He didn’t understand why he would forgo a respectable life, and become an escort. It was not like he would starve to death if he worked an ordinary job.

Feng Anyan’s expression was stern: “This is the last time I will help you investigate Su Shiqing.”

At that time, Chu Haoyi did not understand the meaning of Feng Anyan’s words.

After Feng Anyan handed over the information to Chu Haoyi, he left.

Then——he never appeared in front of Chu Haoyi again.

At the beginning, Chu Haoyi didn’t realize that Feng Anyan one-sidely cut off the contact between the two of them.

After all, he wasn’t very keen on contacting Feng Anyan before, only Feng Anyan would send him texts every day, morning and evening, and occasionally complain to him about some bad things and bad people he encountered.

But he was naturally not good at comforting people, so every time he just looked at it and put the phone aside.

He didn’t understand what was going on with Feng Anyan.

Coupled with the fact that there were too many things at the company, by the time he realized it, he and Feng Anyan hadn’t contacted or met once for nearly two months.

Chu Haoyi did call Feng Anyan.

It was just that no one answered.

But he was not blocked.

Gradually, Chu Haoyi felt a little uncomfortable.

He wanted to ask Feng Anyan what happened, but Feng Anyan was unwilling to contact him.

After another month, Chu Haoyi finally decided to go find Feng Anyan.

Feng Anyan had been to the Chu’s many times and also invited him to his house, but Chu Haoyi never agreed.

He always brushed off Feng Anyan by saying that he was too busy.

But the truth was, he didn’t want to go to the Feng family house at all.

He also didn’t want to face Feng Anyan’s family members.

“Feng Anyan.” Chu Haoyi sighed helplessly. It seemed he was still waiting for him to lower his head.

But so what if he bowed his head?

Even if it was to end this strange relationship between them, at least say something.

Wasn’t it good to separate amicably?

Chu Haoyi finally got in the car to the Feng’s.

He also knew that besides Feng Anyan, his younger sister lived in the Feng family house.

Feng Anyan’s parents did not live on the mainland.

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Before Chu Haoyi left, he sent a text message to Feng Anyan.

[I’m driving over to see you, if you’re sure about breaking contact from now on, don’t open the door for me.]

Standing at the door of the Feng’s.

Chu Haoyi rang the doorbell.

For some unknown reason, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Just like that day, he stood outside the operating room door, waiting for the doctor to tell him whether his mother was alive or dead.

This feeling…..was very bad.

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