Source of Calamity CH 101 The End

TN: bonus chapter!💕

Zhang Lei now felt that she was very lucky. Since she left Mr. Zheng, she managed to ensnare a rich man. He was very generous, but she did not just want to be a kept companion. She hoped to win the heart of the rich man and marry into a wealthy family and achieve a social climb.

It was a pity that the other party was not a fool, she could have whatever she wanted, but when marriage was mentioned, the other party would give her a clear answer, telling her not to even think about it.

But this was also expected by Zhang Lei.

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Just when she didn’t know what to do next, she suddenly received a text message asking her to meet.

She didn’t know the owner of the phone number, but the other party had a reason that she couldn’t refuse to meet with them, that is, the other party told her that she could fulfill her wish and marry the rich man caught by her.

Although she knew that it might just be a lie, Zhang Lei couldn’t resist the temptation.

What she didn’t expect was that it was Qin Xing who appeared in front of her.

As a woman whose lifelong dream was to marry into a wealthy family, the magazines in her home were all financial magazines, and she was familiar with all successful men. She also once tried every means to get close to Qin Xing, eager to become Qin Xing’s woman.

It was a pity that the goal was not achieved. Qin Xing looked down on her, so she could only choose other targets.

Qin Xing didn’t say anything more to her, but just gave her something.

That object looked very strange, although it was a necklace, but the pendant of the necklace was not a jewel, but a small piece of something similar to a bone.

He made her wear it, told her never to take it off, and she would get what she wanted.

Better to believe than not to believe, Zhang Lei didn’t know what Qin Xing gave her, but she knew that Qin Xing would not go to the effort to deal with a nobody like her, so she wore the necklace all the time.

After about a week, changes appeared.

The rich man who originally came to see her once in three days now came to see her every day, and even brought her to upper class gatherings that he was unwilling to bring her to before. She had met more people, and those people were easily attracted to her. She didn’t even have to do anything, just stand there, and those who were used to seeing beautiful women would come over and strike up a conversation with her.

Her world suddenly expanded.

Then she abandoned the original rich man, who was just a rich second generation. How could he be comparable to a real rich man? Her goal was to become a rich wife, not the daughter-in-law of a rich wife.

She flitted among the men and quickly chose her target.

After two months of contact with the other party, she became Mrs. Yan.

From then on, she had whatever she wanted, and she would never be short of money for what she wanted to buy. When she entered a luxury store, she could buy things that had always been out of reach before.

Her husband gave everything to express his love for her.

After marriage, she didn’t go out among other men again.

For her, she had accomplished her goal, and there was no need to continue looking for a partner.

But even so, those former suitors would still show up in front of her persistently, just to make her smile.

Until one day she had a whim and asked someone to take the pendant for inspection.

The pendant had only been away from her for a day, and her husband seemed to become a different person. He had lost his patience with her and lost his usual gentleness. She even heard him talking to himself, wondering why he would marry her.

Zhang Lei finally understood that the reason she had today was not because of her own charm, but because of that pendant.

Fortunately, the pendant was sent back to her the next day. The moment she got it back, she felt like she was alive again.

According to inspection, the pendant was a human bone.

As for whose bone it was from, no one knew.

Zhang Lei couldn’t do without this pendant, she wore it day and night, and even though she knew it was a human bone, she didn’t throw it away.

She didn’t care whose bone it was, or whether the owner of this bone was alive or dead, she just knew that she couldn’t lose her current life.

She had paid so much for this life and must not lose it.

But she soon knew whose bone it was.

She saw an old acquaintance when she went to the clubhouse with her new group of rich housewife friends to have fun.

The club accommodated both women and men.

She saw Su Shiqing, who was being held in the arms of a fat man with big ears. She didn’t know why, but she kept observing him, and found that he had a little limp when he walked too fast, and there was also a depression in his ankle. The size of the indentation…..seemed to be the size of her necklace pendant.

She didn’t understand, if Su Shiqing had such an ability in such a small bone of his, then why was he doing so miserably himself?

He looked even thinner, and his legs were so thin that they could break with a little effort.

A friend next to her asked her, “What are you looking at?”

Zhang Lei smiled and said with some emotion: “Looking at a pitiful person.”

Her friends just laughed: “There are too many pitiful people.”

Looking at Su Shiqing’s staggering back, Zhang Lei sighed. She had snatched something from Su Shiqing, and she had realized it herself, but she would never give it back to Su Shiqing.

This was her luck, and she would hold onto it no matter what.

She watched Su Shiqing greet all kinds of men or women with a smile on his face.

For a moment, she felt that everything Su Shiqing was going through had once been her own fate.

She shuddered and said to her friends: “I feel a little uncomfortable. I’ll go back first. You guys enjoy yourselves. I’ll pick up the bill.”

Her friends were concerned: “What’s the matter? Are you feeling unwell? You should go see a private doctor. It will be bad if something happens.”

Zhang Lei smiled at them.

She hated this place, this place made her feel very uncomfortable.

When she saw Su Shiqing accompanying the guests, she even had the illusion that she was the one accompanying the guests.

She held the pendant tightly, took a deep breath, and left the clubhouse quickly.

Su Shiqing turned his head to look at the door as if aware of it, but the rich man grabbed his hand and said, “What are you looking at?”

Su Shiqing had a smile on his face, full of admiration for the other: “It’s nothing, it’s just that it’s getting late.”

The rich man whispered something in his ear, Su Shiqing’s face turned red, he nodded slightly, and the rich man led him upstairs with his arm around him.

There were rooms upstairs, all kinds of rooms.

Su Shiqing frowned slightly, resisting the desire to vomit.

He couldn’t live without money, he couldn’t bear the feeling of living on a tight budget, and he couldn’t accept that he couldn’t afford the luxury of spending casually like before.

What was more, he didn’t have the ability to make money. Apart from this, he didn’t think he could do other jobs.

And he felt that he had done well for himself, his performance had been very good, and he could earn at least hundreds of thousands, sometimes millions, every month.

If he went out to work a normal job, could he get this much money?

Those who pointed fingers at him were just jealous of him.

Besides, he had relationships with those people because of love, not just for money.

Money was only a small part of it.

Zhang Lei didn’t go home after leaving the clubhouse. She walked aimlessly all the way, thinking about a lot of things. She was an atheist, but at this moment, she felt that Qin Xing had asked someone to perform some kind of sorcery. Swapping the fate that originally belonged to her with Su Shiqing’s?

Although intellectually she felt it was impossible, Zhang Lei was emotionally inclined to this answer.

While Zhang Lei was wandering around, she unconsciously walked to the Qin Group’s headquarters building.

She looked up at the building, and it was just as she had left it.

Who would have thought that she, a rich wife, used to work as a cleaner in Qin Group, and was forced by Su Shiqing to be a mistress for a small manager? After she got married, she changed her name from Zhang Lei to Zhang Miao. No one knew anything about her past, only that she was a phoenix flying up the branches. (TN: phrase that is equivalent to cinderella)

Just when Zhang Lei was feeling emotional, she saw someone coming out the front doors.

She had seen those two people before, one was Qin Xing, the other was Shen Zhen, and they were walking side by side, talking.

The look in their eyes was clearly that of two people in love, as if they could understand each other’s meaning without even talking.

Zhang Lei watched from a distance, she was a little envious.

But she chose money and status, so she could no longer expect love.

She would be an excellent rich wife, maintain her dignity, and she would never bow her head in front of anyone again.

She clenched the pendant in her hand, took one last look at Qin Xing and Shen Zhen, then turned and left the Qin Group’s building.

Shen Zhen, who was standing with Qin Xing, suddenly turned around as if feeling something.

Qin Xing: “What’s wrong?”

Shen Zhen touched the back of his head: “It’s nothing, it just felt like someone was looking at me.”

Qin Xing smiled and said: “You are so handsome, there are always many people looking at you.”

Shen Zhen rolled his eyes: “Don’t think you can avoid eating my cooking tonight just by saying that.”

“I have been learning from a chef for a long time!” Shen Zhen was ambitious, “It will definitely be delicious.”

Qin Xing said dotingly: “Okay then, I’ll squeeze Houttuynia cordata juice for you at that time.”

Shen Zhen: “Enough out of you.”

The two looked at each other and laughed out loud.

Qin Xing turned his head and took a look, only to see Zhang Lei’s back.

He was just taking a gamble, but he ended up winning.

He couldn’t fight against the “world consciousness” before the plot was over.

But he could find a way to turn it around.

The pendant he gave Zhang Lei was made from the bone kept by the doctor at his order when Su Shiqing had his leg broken and underwent surgery.

Originally, this pendant would not be of much use.

But as Su Shiqing himself became weaker, the ability of the pendant would become stronger, until the “world consciousness” believed that Zhang Lei was the protagonist instead.

Shen Zhen had already walked to the front of the car. Seeing Qin Xing still lagging behind, he shouted: “Hurry up!”

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Qin Xing stepped forward with a smile on his face: “Coming.”

Everything in the past had been left behind, and in their future life together, there would be no more people and things that would trouble them.

What the world was like had nothing to do with them.

They would kiss in the sun and take walks by the sea.

And one day, they would put on their wedding suits and make their most sincere promises to each other.

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5 thoughts on “Source of Calamity CH 101 The End”

  1. I was genuinely wondering how the author would resolve the sudden disappearance of Su Shiqing’s luck. I’m somewhat impressed, and I appreciate that this gap has been explained. Thanks for translating the chapter!


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