Source of Calamity CH 100 Shen Family

TN: bonus chapter!💕

After sending Shen Li to the Shen’s, Shen Zhen left.

For Shen Li, the Shen family was his home, no matter how much Shen Mu wronged him, he was also his elder brother, and they grew up together as brothers. Although Shen Mu treated him badly, they also had good times, and human emotions were always complicated. When one’s family commits something ugly, they can’t be as removed and unaffected as they think.

But Shen Zhen was different from Shen Li. If Shen Li was the one who owes usury, Shen Zhen would not spare him a look either.

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It took about a week before Shen Zhen got the news about Shen Mu——Shen Fu found someone to cut off his right hand, gave Shen Mu’s right hand to those people, and told the other party, there was no money but this hand was theirs. If they were still not satisfied, Shen Mu’s legs could also be given to them, or Shen Mu’s life, if they wanted it, he would even give it to them.

Shen Fu was too ruthless, and even Shen Zhen didn’t think he would make this kind of move.

However, Shen Mu’s life was saved because of this, even though he became a disabled person.

From then on, Shen Mu was locked at home, and Shen Fu never let him out again.

Shen Li was probably also intimidated by Shen Fu’s determination and cruelty; he didn’t dare to stay at the Shen’s anymore, and went back to the apartment opposite Shen Zhen’s.

Perhaps it was because he was afraid that Shen Zhen would be angry with him, so he didn’t even dare to appear in front of Shen Zhen.

But Shen Zhen really didn’t care. He helped Shen Li, which was a repayment for Shen Li’s kindness to him in his previous life, but it was impossible to help him for a lifetime.

Shen Li gave him a hand, and he also gave Shen Li a hand, which made it even.

The Shen family was already going downhill. After this incident happened, Shen Fu tried his best to keep the scandal secret but failed. In the end, it leaked out. These families greatly valued their reputation, and the originally negotiated projects also fell through. The Shen family lost a fortune, and were unable to get back up again. Probably in about two years, the Shen family would disappear from everyone’s sight.

Every year, some people would rise up, and some people would be suppressed. It was not a strange and rare thing.

The Shen family in the future may just be a family that was only a little better off than the average.

But in Shen Zhen’s view, that might be the best result.

“Not in a good mood?” Qin Xing came over with tea, and then tested the temperature of the teacup with the back of his hand before handing it to Shen Zhen. He sat beside Shen Zhen, his arm naturally wrapping around Shen Zhen’s shoulders.

Shen Zhen relaxed and let his head rest on Qin Xing’s arm. He said softly, “The Shen family is going downhill.”

He was not as happy as he thought.

It seemed that everything in his previous life was far away from him, and he finally found peace.

Since Qin Yue left the country, this feeling had become more and more clear.

Qin Xing took a sip of tea: “Do you want me to help them?”

Shen Zhen hugged Qin Xing’s waist, raised his head and kissed Qin Xing, their lips pressing against each other. Shen Zhen’s mood finally improved, the body temperature of a lover was always a comfort, let alone a kiss.

“No need.” Shen Zhen said softly, “This is their business, it has nothing to do with us.”

Qin Xing pressed his chin against Shen Zhen’s forehead: “I thought you were sad.”

Shen Zhen: “I’m just a little reflective.”

In his previous life, he watched Shen Mu show off his power in front of him, but now, he watched Shen Mu walk into hell by himself.

Clearly he hadn’t even done anything yet, but Shen Mu had already ruined himself.

Shen Zhen himself felt that the so-called “Fate” in this life seemed to treat him much better.

Qin Xing said, “I thought you would want the Shen family.”

Now as long as Shen Zhen was willing, he could take almost half of the shares of the Shen family, and the Shen family would be his by then.

But Shen Zhen didn’t make a move.

He really didn’t seem to care what became of the Shen family, good or bad.

Shen Zhen shook his head: “I don’t want it.”

Qin Xing hugged Shen Zhen, knowing that Shen Zhen just wanted to act like a baby.

Sometimes Shen Zhen seemed mature enough to be able to go up against everything, and sometimes he would show a fragile side. Qin Xing liked him when he was strong, and also liked when he was weak, every part of him was him.

Shen Zhen: “I want to see Shen Mu.”

Qin Xing: “En?”

Shen Zhen whispered, “To look at how miserable he is.”

Qin Xing laughed lowly: “Then go.”

Shen Zhen stood at the gate of the Shen’s in the afternoon of the second day. The Shen’s house, which was once bustling with visitors, no longer had a single person who came to visit. The servants of the Shen’s house also left a lot. When Shen Zhen went in, he found that even the butler looked years older.

Knowing that he was coming, Shen Fu stood in the living room and waited for him. In the past, Shen Fu’s dragon-head cane was an ornament, but now it had become his necessity. Shen Fu looked worse than the butler, seeming to have aged even faster. His nasolabial folds have become heavier, and age spots have appeared on his forehead. He was only in his fifties now, and it was not like he lacked money for maintenance.

“I knew you would come.” Shen Fu said to Shen Zhen weakly, “Have a seat.”

Shen Zhen: “I’m here to see Shen Mu.”

Shen Fu’s eyelids were drooping, and even if he opened his eyes, they looked as if they were closed, and he said, “You hate me, you hate everyone in this family.”

Shen Zhen shook his head and said, “I hated you all before.”

Shen Fu asked him, “You don’t hate us now?”

Shen Zhen smiled at him: “Not anymore.”

Shen Fu had become old mentally. He didn’t feel old before. Although his sons had all grown up, they were not mature. He had an illusion that he was still in his prime. But now, after Shen Mu’s incident, he clearly felt that he was old. His energy was no longer enough, and he had no time to face various media.

Shen Yun also didn’t want to go home. Since he acquired Qin Yue’s company, all kinds of problems have emerged one after another, and it was difficult to maintain himself, let alone freeing up his hands to help his family.

Shen Fu: “I thought you did it.”

Shen Zhen looked at Shen Fu: “What do you mean?”

Shen Fu: “I thought it was you who asked someone to take Shen Mu to gamble, and it was you who got him addicted to drugs.”

Shen Zhen smiled: “You don’t know me well, I wouldn’t use such dirty methods, if I punished him, he wouldn’t be alive now, are there still a lack of people who are dropped in the high seas to feed the sharks?”

The high seas referred to the seas that were not under the jurisdiction of any country. If Shen Zhen really wanted Shen Mu’s death, he could find someone to tie him to a boat and take him out to the high seas. If he died on the high seas, no country would investigate the cause of his death. No one would even know he was dead.

Hearing this, Shen Fu finally dispelled his doubts about Shen Zhen. He was just surprised: “You actually didn’t take the opportunity to throw stones, I thought you would take the opportunity to buy the Shen Group’s stock.”

Shen Zhen raised his eyebrows, in a manner exactly the same as Qin Xing. He smiled and said, “Was it worth it?”

Shen Fu looked at him.

Shen Zhen said: “For the sake of Shen Mu, almost the entire Shen family was implicated, was it worth it?”

Shen Fu: “…..He is my son.”

Shen Zhen nodded: “I used to be too.”

Shen Fu finally said: “I used to love you like any ordinary father, with hopes that you will grow up healthily. I sent you to the Qin family because I was in a desperate situation at that time. I needed the Qin family to help me, so I had to become a pawn of the Qin family.”

Shen Zhen listened carefully, wondering what ridiculous answer Shen Fu would give.

Shen Fu: “Later I found out that you were living well in the Qin family.”

“So well that it seems that the Qin family was your home instead. At that time, I was thinking that it was a mistake to send you to the Qin family. You are my son.”

Shen Zhen: “Then you should have taken me back.”

Shen Zhen laughed mockingly: “But you didn’t. You couldn’t let go of the benefits you had already obtained. The Shen family abandoned me, and then you blamed me for not having feelings for the Shen family. You enjoyed all the advantages and also wanted me to be a filial son, why are you so self-righteous?”

Shen Fu took a deep breath, sat down, and said to Shen Zhen, “Did you come here today to see my humiliation?”

Shen Zhen didn’t deny it: “Yes.”

Shen Fu said, “Then come with me.”

Shen Mu was locked in the biggest room of the Shen’s house. When Shen Zhen entered, he smelled a strange smell. It was the smell of medicine, which was not very pleasant. It reminded him of the smell of decay. Shen Mu sat on the bed motionless, like a dead man. He only turned his head to look at the door when he heard the sound of the door opening.

After going through so many things, Shen Mu actually did not go crazy yet. He looked at Shen Zhen calmly, and Shen Zhen also looked back at him.

Shen Zhen hadn’t seen Shen Mu for a long time, and Shen Mu looked very gloomy now, giving people an uncomfortable feeling.

Like a muddy swamp, if you were not careful, you would be pulled down by the mud.

“He doesn’t talk to anyone.” Shen Fu said to Shen Zhen after closing the door, “Are you satisfied?”

Shen Zhen looked at Shen Fu strangely: “I should ask you this question, are you satisfied?”

“You gave your eldest son to others, raised your third son to be a greedy waste, raised your second son to have no definite opinions of his own, and raised your youngest son to have no brains.”

“This is the Shen family you want?” Shen Zhen taunted him mercilessly.

Shen Zhen: “I’ve already seen what I wanted, and so I will be leaving now, Mr. Shen doesn’t need to see me off.”

Standing behind Shen Zhen, Shen Fu asked, “Will you come back to visit in the future?”

Shen Zhen said without looking back, “Not anymore.”

Shen Fu sighed: “For so many years, I have not been without guilt towards you. I have not fulfilled my responsibilities as a father, but I had no choice. You are still young. Maybe when you have your own child, you will understand me.”

“Sometimes our fate is not in our own hands.”

Shen Zhen: “Mr. Shen, you should use this to comfort yourself. It’s useless to say it to me. I don’t understand you, and I probably won’t understand you for the rest of my life.”

“But there is one thing I want to make clear to you.”

Shen Fu said, “What is it?”

Shen Zhen: “You always thought that I would target the Shen family.”

Shen Fu didn’t say anything, he truly always felt that way, he felt that Shen Zhen hated the Shen family, him, and everyone, so he would definitely take revenge on them.

Shen Zhen smiled and said: “The Shen family having today is indeed partly my doing, but it is not related to Shen Mu’s incident.”

Shen Fu stared at him.

Shen Zhen: “Do you still remember the companies that withdrew?”

Shen Fu’s eyes widened: “It’s you… had them…..”

Shen Zhen smiled and said, “I thought you would have discovered this earlier.”

Shen Fu: “Does this make you feel happy?”

Shen Zhen stood at the door, he was silent for a while, and finally said: “It’s not as good as I thought.”

“Hopefully we won’t meet again in the future.”

“Say hello to Mrs. Shen for me.”

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Shen Fu looked at the back of Shen Zhen leaving, and many thoughts flashed through his mind, but in the end he could only heave a long sigh.

The Shen family was finished.

He lost everything.

Shen Yun was unwilling to come home, Shen Li was also frightened of him, and Shen Mu became a useless person.

His forcibly straightened back stooped over again.

Maybe…..he should really declare bankruptcy.

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2 thoughts on “Source of Calamity CH 100 Shen Family”

  1. It’s sad to watch, but all theirs moves and decisions directed to this day and those results
    Thank You for the new chapter (♡ ὅ ◡ ὅ )ʃ♡


  2. Interesting… This might be the first time I encounter such a pragmatic(?) parent of a cannon fodder… Usually I see them freaking out, desperately begging for help, or trying to guilt trip MC or something… It’s kind of refreshing honestly 😄

    Thank you for the chapter!


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