After Becoming The Tyrant CH 108 The Friendly Skeletons

The Devil’s guess was not wrong.

The King indeed wanted to promote Legrand’s industrialization in a special way from the very beginning.

After the “Rose Crisis”, in order to consolidate the power of the throne and weaken the power of local nobles, the King once ordered his financial officials to compile the tax file of the entire Legrand. The compiled tax file was later nicknamed “Doomsday File”. At the King’s behest, it became a law that the national tax reports were regularly assembled. At that time, the King began to gradually understand the economic situation of his country step by step.

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It could be said that the current Legrand had begun to possess some germinations of a new era.

From the 11th century until the 13th century, Legrand’s political situation tended to be stable. The Rose royal family had gradually recovered from the previous losses. With the efforts of the successive monarchs, Legrand had gradually moved from being divided up by a large number of vassal states to reunification. Under the rule of a stable regime, the economy had gradually recovered.

From the mid-to-late 13th century to the 14th century, cities began to be built rapidly. Chroniclers call this period the “urban rise” period. Basic traffic arteries in Legrand appeared, and rural residents began to flow to the city center. Against the background of the rise of cities, in the southeast of Legrand, businesses that had been suppressed due to the teachings of the Holy Court gradually developed, and guilds prospered, among which the wool textile industry was the most prominent.

If there was no outbreak of the Black Death and the series of subsequent events, as well as with Legrand’s economic development proceeding on smoothly, it was not impossible for Legrand to be able to grow and prosper step by step, and finally enter a new era smoothly.

But history had no ifs.

The outbreak of the Black Death and the Holy Court’s plan to establish the Kingdom of God interrupted this gradual development.

Since history had deflected due to the existence of otherworldly power, the same method could be used to make it take another path that was more dangerous and had greater possibilities.

At first, the King wanted to start with the alchemists.

The Duke of Buckingham told him in his letter that in the Rose Palace, there were actually a batch of notes left by the alchemists of the legendary era. They left the knowledge they had learned to the later generations, but the former Legrand royal family had no spare power on the one hand, and on the other hand, they were wary of the Holy Court and were unwilling to expose their cards too early, thus they had not employed its uses on a large scale.

The King had the scientists from the Royal Academy of Sciences and the Lunatic Academy of Sciences study the notes left by the alchemists, which were indeed of great help to them.

But just like what the Devil said, if Legrand wanted to rely on Legrand’s own power to further combine alchemy and science to promote industrialization, the time required was too long for the current situation they were in.

They needed additional, preternatural powers to accomplish this miracle.

The only partner-in-crime was only hell.

The alchemists of the legendary era were right in their evaluation of the Rose family.

These dragon slayers had always been unscrupulous schemers. So long as the goal could be achieved, who cared if they joined forces with hell? However, if the opportunity came up, they would also not hesitate to turn against hell. To some extent, what the Devil once said was true.

The King, the Duke of Buckingham, William III…..All members of the Rose family were more suited to hell which was full of chaos and conspiracy than the kingdom of God which people commonly saw as full of justice and light.

In the Rose Palace, the King opened his eyes.

The black mist in the bedroom had receded, and the room was silent. The King got up and walked to the glass window, the pale moonlight showering on him. He raised his hand a little tiredly to massage the center of his brow.

——For the final victory, there was nothing that could not be used as a pawn.

After pondering for a while, the King returned to the desk and began to write a new order.

He needed some engineers with enough experience. Thanks to the Northland rebellion some time ago, the military engineers of the army have not had time to return to their homes yet, and now he only needed to select some good enough talents from among them. Besides that, he needed more blacksmiths, carpenters, chemists, gunpowderers, etc…..

Legrand’s best two chemists were in the King’s Lunatic Academy of Science, but two chemists couldn’t be expected to complete such a huge project on their own, could they?

Following the “Legrand First Pathological Research Department”, the second branch of the Lunatic Academy of Sciences was finally tp be established.

The King paused, and filled in the letter of appointment:

Legrand First Military Heavy Industry Department.

——Yes, industrialization promoted in this special way was undoubtedly a deformed sector produced by special means in a special period. It was born in the flames of war, and its ultimate purpose was to serve the war effort.

After signing his name, the King paused suddenly when he finished writing.

The moonlight poured into the room like frost, and a bright red rose was quietly placed on the King’s table under the combined illumination of the candlelight and the moonlight. Worn on the dark green rose branch, a bone ring——almost exactly the same as the one one the King’s finger.

Just almost.

The King picked up the bone ring, turned it slightly, and saw the words engraved on the inside of the bone ring clearly:

“Pride and Uncertain Judgment”.

This was what the Devil brought to the King, a true gift from hell.


Perhaps, chroniclers should remember these two names:

Bran Rogers and Malley Rogers.

They were a pair of brothers.

In fact, the Rogers brothers were from an alright family background, and they had also received a good education.

Originally, they were supposed to become knights and possess a smooth future, becoming two respected…..lower nobles. But poor old Sir Rogers, one day when his castle tower was almost burned down, discovered that his good sons had gone astray someway along the way.

——They didn’t like exquisite armor, nor did they like sharp long swords, but indulged in a pile of bottles and jars, and hung out with pyrotechnic craftsmen all day long.

This really broke the heart of old Sir Rogers. Unfortunately, even though he tried his best, he couldn’t pull his sons back onto the right path. In the end, he could only send them to the seminary, hoping that the almighty Holy Lord would be able to influence them for the better with His mercy.

But the facts have proved that the Holy Lord failed to save this pair of lost lambs.

The dean of the seminary drove them out of the gate of the seminary in an almost heartbroken manner: Oh, Holy Lord! Why did the peaceful Trinity Seminary produce such lunatics?!

If this trajectory continued, the two Rogers brothers were destined to become what people called “scum”——they wasted away the family property left by the old Sir Roger for nonsensical things like black powder, did not engage in proper business, did not believe in the Holy Lord, and were even arrested for causing a fire hazard and thrown into prison.

The turning point in the fate of the two brothers came on the day the King entered the gloomy prison.

So, the next moment they had changed from the despised “scum” to the deans of the Lunatic Academy of Sciences with a high status. Since then, they have received the King’s full support and were able to continue the various experiments that they were once unable to complete due to limited conditions. Originally, they thought that this was the biggest turning point of their destiny.

However, their honorable Majesty told them with his actual actions:

No, that’s not quite it.

“Caw, caw.”

A crow flew over the Rogers brothers’ heads, screeching harshly.

The wind full of sulfurous and choking scent blew on their faces while Bran and Malley with a group of excellent gunpowder workers gathered from all over Legrand who were now the Rogers brothers’ assistants stood on the black ground for the first time. In front of them was a huge, half-built base.

Oh, Holy Lord! What did they see!

Under the dark red sky, on the black rocks, the skeletons waved their iron tools to knock down the stones, and then another group of skeletons moved around transporting the rocks with enthusiasm. At a speed impossible for humans, they quickly built neat and tidy buildings one after another.

Having arrived one step ahead of them was the architect Mr. OCD Germophobe from the Lunatic Academy of Science. He was standing on a big rock, directing these moving skeletons at the top of his lungs.

All those who had received the letter of commission from the King finally accepted a chilling fact:

What the Master of the Households said when he picked them up was not a mistake on their part——the “Legrand No. 1 Military Heavy Industry Department” on the letter of appointment was really located in hell.

Literally hell, and not figuratively.

“Oh my god…..”

The Rogers brothers were quite calm, but the other people behind them couldn’t help but let out moans of exclamation——now they understood why they were personally escorted by the royal knights after receiving the letter of appointment to the meeting place.

That was not “escorting”, that was preventing them from escaping halfway.

Now, their person was already in hell, and they had nowhere to escape even if they wanted to.

The King’s handwritten commission gave them no option for retreat.

Bran bowed his head and opened the letter that the Master of the Households gave him. The Master of the Households told him to open it only when he arrived at the place. After reading it, Bran gave the letter to his brother.

He turned his head and looked at the others.

“See that pile of rocks over there?”

Bran pointed to an area of black rocks, and said to the assistants who were still shocked at where they were.

The assistants nodded.

“Very good.” Bran nodded slightly, “Gentlemen, if we can’t develop a gunpowder that meets His Majesty’s requirements with such abundant resources and excellent conditions, then…..the neat pile of black stones you see now will be our guillotine.”

After reading the letter, Malley further added: “Mr. Skeleton has already kindly helped us write our names on each stone. If you are interested, you can also find out which stone belongs to you. “

The captain of the skeleton team, whose shoulder blades were nailed with iron nails, came over at this time. It was in charge of greeting the gunpowder research team.

In order to prove what Malley said, Captain Skeleton nodded again and again, and he showed a friendly smile to his “brothers-in-arms”——but, for the sake of hell, don’t tell the skeleton that when it moved its jaw into a smile just how creepy it actually was.

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Clack, clack, clack.

The bones of the skeleton army moved and collided, playing a rhythmic tune.

In this “friendly” and “joyful” first meeting, the King’s Legrand No. 1 Military Heavy Industry Department officially began construction.

What joy!

AN: Tyrant: The first friendly meeting between the human world and hell went smoothly.

Skeletons: ? ? ?

Gunpowder workers: ? ? ?

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