After Two Lifetimes I Was Reborn Back Inside A Book CH 102 Explanation

“Xu Chang?”

Jiang Chen recognized the young man in front of him at a glance, and his voice revealed his surprise.

Xu Chang didn’t expect to see Jiang Chen here either. He paused, hesitating a bit before nodding: “Senior Jiang.” His sight lowered and landed on the little boy’s red and slightly swollen face. His expression changed, and he immediately crouched down to check the little boy’s injuries, “What’s this?”

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Hearing Xu Chang’s anxiety, Jiang Chen explained: “When your younger brother was playing outside, he was hit by an older boy with something. My mother took him to my house to apply some medicine.”

“Who hit him?” Xu Chang raised his head with coldness in his eyes.

Jiang Chen was slightly surprised. He remembered that the first time he saw Xu Chang, he was being surrounded and beaten by Sun Zhi and the others. He didn’t see him so angry when the punches and kicks landed on him. Instead, he very calmly planned his counterattack. And afterwards, most of the time he saw him he was very indifferent and precocious, who would’ve expected that he would be so impulsive when it regarded his younger brother.

“My mother only saw a side profile, saying it was a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old.” Jiang Chen reminded: “Your brother is still young, so try not to let him go out alone in the future to avoid accidents.”

“I’m not afraid!” The little boy held Xu Chang by the hand, raised his head and said, “Brother, I remember what he looks like, let’s go find him!”

Xu Chang nodded, and was about to walk out while leading the little boy.

Jiang Chen didn’t expect the two brothers to charge out just like that. He paused for a moment before raising his legs to follow as well.

The little boy knew the way very well. He led them around and walked past several houses without any hesitation, heading straight in one direction.

“This is it?” Xu Chang looked at the iron gate in front of him.

“He came out from here.” The little boy pointed at the door, sniffed and said, “He also had a bowl of sticky bean buns. I ate them yesterday, and they were very delicious.”

Jiang Chen vaguely heard the sound of swallowing saliva from the little boy, and Xu Chang heard it as well. He lowered his head: “Did you ask someone for food?”

“No.” The little boy shook his head immediately. He was not very big, but his speech was very logical: “He wasted food and threw the sticky bean bun on the ground. I picked it up and returned it to him. He asked me if I wanted to have it, and only then did I say yes.”

“Then why were you hurt?”

“Because he told me to stand a little farther away, and if I catch it, it’s mine!” The little boy pursed his mouth: “But the sticky bean buns were too hard, so I only caught one.” He took out a softened sticky bun from his pocket.

Xu Chang’s face darkened, and he knocked on the door in front of him.

“Coming, coming!” The village woman pushed open the door, and when she saw the three outside the door, she was stunned. Rubbing her hands together she said with a smile, “Xiao Jiang, are you here to see auntie?”

Jiang Chen didn’t expect that Aunt Zhang who had given him a lot of food before lived here, but he remembered that Aunt Zhang said that there was only one daughter in her family who was already working, “Aunt Zhang, we want to ask if your family has a boy about my age.”

“A boy?” Aunt Zhang shook her head: “I just have a daughter. And she can’t come back for this year’s spring festival because she didn’t buy a ticket. What’s wrong?”

Jiang Chen and Xu Chang exchanged looks, “It’s nothing.”

“But that big brother came out from here!” The little boy craned his head and looked inside, his eyes lighting up: “And that! That big brother was holding that sticky bean bun!”

Aunt Zhang turned her head and looked at where the little boy’s finger was pointing. She saw the sticky bean buns she had frozen outside, and smiled: “That’s what auntie made for the spring festival. Do you want to eat it? Auntie will prepare you a bowl each to bring back.”

“Yeah!” The little boy raised his hand.

Xu Chang pressed down his younger brother’s hand, and his expression improved a bit. He asked, “Auntie, did you give sticky bean buns to others today, a boy about our age.”

“Oh, yes!” Aunt Zhang said with a smile: “Not long ago, the boy from the He family took a bowl back from me, and the bowl hasn’t been sent back yet. Did you eat his buns and came looking for more?”

“The He family?” Jiang Chen asked, “Do you know his name?”

“I don’t know.” Aunt Zhang shook her head: “Of the boys in their family, I think he should be the second child.”

“Second child?” Xu Chang narrowed his eyes: “He Qianmin?”

“He seem to be called He Qian or something.” Aunt Zhang said, “It seems that their children all have this name, what’s the matter? Are you looking for something with him?”

“It’s nothing.” Jiang Chen said, “Aunt Zhang, I’m sorry to bother you, we’ll be going first.”

“Leaving already? Why not take a bowl of sticky bean buns with you? Auntie has other food at home, do you want some?” Aunt Zhang said: “There are still sweet potatoes in the pot? Do you want to eat?”

But Xu Chang had already turned around and was leading the little boy away.

“We’ll eat it next time, thank you.”

Jiang Chen took several big steps, and caught up with Xu Chang: “Are you going to the He family?”

Xu Chang: “He Qianmin hit my younger brother, of course I’m going to seek an explanation.”

“I know Qian Min, he can’t have hit your brother.”

“Aunt Zhang said he is the second child.” Xu Chang knew that Jiang Chen and He Qianmin had a good relationship, and when he heard him defending He Qianmin, his tone became dark: “Isn’t the second child of the He family He Qianmin? If not him, who else could it be?”

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows lightly, and suddenly remembered something. Normally speaking, He Qianyang should be the eldest grandson of the He family. But why was it that when it came to the lineup, everyone started counting from He Qianjian.

“He Qianyang should be here too.” Jiang Chen said mildly, “Aunt Zhang probably judged by their ages.”

Xu Chang frowned, and was about to say something when he saw several people walking towards them.


As soon as He Qianmin saw him his eyes lit up, and he raised his legs and walked towards Jiang Chen quickly. But He Qianyu was one step ahead of him, like a small cannonball. She opened her arms and threw herself into Jiang Chen’s arms, holding him tightly without letting go.

Jiang Chen patted He Qianyu’s head, looked at He Qianmin and He Qianyang who were approaching: “Where did you guys go just now?”

“Digging sweet potatoes.” He Qianyang raised the basket in his hand: “When did you come here?”

“This morning.” Jiang Chen glanced at Xu Chang, lowered his head and asked the boy he was leading, “Is there anyone here who just bullied you?”

The little boy shook his head: “No.”

Xu Chang frowned: “It’s not them?”

“What are you talking about?” He Qianyang asked.

Jiang Chen explained the matter, and He Qianmin crossed his arms over his chest and said, “We went up the mountain early in the morning, and the only one staying at home was He Qianjian.”

He Qianyang frowned: “No matter how insensible He Qianjian is, he wouldn’t bully children.”

He Qianmin felt that there was nothing He Qianjian couldn’t do behind everyone’s backs, especially now that he was in a very bad mood. It was possible he would find someone to take his anger out on, and this kid might have just showed up at the wrong time.

However, in the final analysis, it was unknown whether who was more unlucky. When He Qianjian bullied this kid, he definitely never thought that this kid could call his brother over to avenge him.

Thinking about it this way, He Qianmin couldn’t help but look forward to He Qianjian’s expression: “Since this kid knows who hit him, he’ll recognize him when he goes back with us.”

Jiang Chen saw He Qianmin’s glee, rubbed his head, and said, “Speak less later.”

“What can I say.” He Qianmin curled his lips, a little aggrieved: “It’s his own fault, and I’m just gonna watch the show.”

“You——” Jiang Chen’s voice paused, and he turned his head to look at He Qianyang. He Qianyang withdrew his hand very naturally, and affirmed with a smile: “Chen Chen did a good job. Helping the poor injured child is worthy of praise.”

Jiang Chen’s forehead twitched. He dodged He Qianyang’s hand that was still covered in mud or dirt, and felt for the first time the desire to curse someone out but could only suppress it down.

“You dare be disdainful of your big brother?” He Qianyang raised his muddy hands and looked up to the sky and sighed: “These hardworking hands were digging sweet potatoes grown by the working people in order to feed my hungry little siblings, but they don’t know how to be grateful, don’t know how to appreciate their big brother’s hard work, and even feel disdain for their big brother who dug sweet potatoes for them and dirtied his hands in the process, it’s so hard to be a big brother~ah~ah~”

Hearing He Qianyang elongated “ah’s”, Jiang Chen couldn’t bear it anymore, turned his head and said, “Brother, I’ll carry it for you.”

He Qianyang handed the sweet potato basket to Jiang Chen, and patted a handprint on his shoulder: “Good boy.”

Jiang Chen lifted the basket and said to Xu Chang, “Let’s go.”

“Your name is Xu Chang?” He Qianyang paused, “From the Xu family?”

Xu Chang paused, his face turning cold: “Yes.”

He Qianyang nodded slightly, and changed the subject: “I heard that Grandpa Xu will also celebrate the New Year here this year. Are you and your brother here to accompany him?”

Xu Chang’s expression softened slightly, and his tone was much gentler than before: “I…..Father doesn’t have time, so we came to accompany him.”

“Is that so.” He Qianyang thought of something and asked, “I remember you are also in Chenghua, are you a second year in high school?”

Xu Chang nodded: “My first year of high school was in Yan City No. 1 High School, and in my second year I transferred there.”

Jiang Chen raised his eyes, hearing the conversation between He Qianyang and Xu Chang. Only then did he know that Xu Chang had transferred to Chenghua in his second year of high school. No wonder he didn’t seem to have seen him this semester.

“Then you and Chen Chen met when you were in your first year in high school?” He Qianyang always had a smile on his face, and when he spoke to people in a relaxed tone, it was easy for people to let down their guard: “How did you know each other?”

“Senior Jiang and his friends helped me,” Xu Chang said.

He Qianyang nodded, raised his finger and pointed to the door: “Here we are, let’s go in.”

Xu Chang pursed his lips, led the little boy, and followed Jiang Chen into the He family’s house.

Yang Yun was making dumplings with old Mrs. He when she saw He Qianyang and the others coming in. She put down the things in her hands, and said with delight, “Chen Chen is here.”

Seeing the bamboo basket in Jiang Chen’s hand, Yang Yun immediately wanted to take it over: “Why are you carrying such a heavy thing? Your hand was cut last time and it hasn’t healed yet. Didn’t the doctor say that you should try not to lift heavy things?”

Jiang Chen avoided Yang Yun’s hand, curved his eyes inna smile and said, “It’s been more than a month, it’s already healed.”

“Your mother is right. Injuries take a hundred days to fully recover, even if it is already three months, you should still pay attention.” Old Mrs. He also came over and said to He Qianyang: “Help your little brother carry it.”

He Qianyang did not expect that Jiang Chen was injured, so he immediately took the basket and said, “If you are injured, you should have told me earlier, quick, let me see if the wound has reopened.”

Jiang Chen withdrew his hand: “It’s already fine.” He turned his head to look at Xu Chang who had a surprised look on his face, sighed inwardly, and said, “Mom, Grandma, this is Xu Chang, he and his little brother have something to do here. “

“What’s the matter?” Old Mrs. He, at this age, felt fondness for any child she saw. When she saw the little boy Xu Chang was leading by hand, she immediately asked with a smile: “Little friend, what’s your name? How old are you this year? Come, what did you come to granny’s place for?”

“My name is Xu Xi. I’m five and a half years old. I’m here to find someone.”

The little boy’s voice was clear and sweet, and old Mrs. He smiled even deeper. She took out a piece of candy from her pocket and handed it to him, “Who are you looking for?”

“A big brother.” Xu Xi took the candy, pointed to his bruised face, and said with a pout, “That big brother hit me.”

Yang Yun took a closer look at Xu Xi’s bruised face, looked up at Jiang Chen and the others, and asked in confusion, “What’s going on?”

He Qianyang first recounted what he had just heard, and then said: “They went to Aunt Zhang’s house, and Aunt Zhang said the kid belongs to our family, so they came here.”

“Impossible.” Old Mrs. He shook her head: “You guys went up the mountain early in the morning, and Qian Jian stayed home and didn’t go out. Aunt Zhang must have made a mistake.”

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Yang Yun knew that He Qianjian went out today, but she didn’t quite believe that he would bully a child. She knelt down and asked Xu Xi, “Little friend, do you remember what color shirt the big brother who hurt you was wearing today?”


Yang Yun’s face changed slightly, and she was silent for a few seconds. Then she got up and said to He Qianyu, “Go and call your Brother Qian Jian down, say that I have something to ask him.”

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