After Becoming The Tyrant CH 107 A Hellish Military Factory

“Would you like to inspect your territory?”

After the Devil straightened up, there was a scarlet cloak on his arm. While he spoke, the nightmare carriage had come out of the black mist.

Just as the Devil was about to stretch out his hand to make an invitation, the nightmares let out pleased low cries, and ran to the King with brisk steps, making a “clack, clack, clack” sound.

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In the last trip to hell, they played no small role in the hunting plan of the King and the Devil. If the nightmares hadn’t led the King through the rain of brimstone and fire so brilliantly and cleverly, and sent the King to the Devil, the final victory would have been difficult to determine.

The nightmares bowed their heads in front of the King, offered their horn to the King, and stole the chance of extending an invitation to the King from the Devil.

Their horns were a little cool to the touch.

The King’s expression softened slightly, and he stood up, acquiescing to the Devil’s proposal. The skulls on the carriage made a cheerful “chattering” sound, and the Devil secretly cursed these top-notch bootlickers in his heart, shook off the scarlet cloak, and put it on the King.

“I am glad of your allowance. My dear Majesty.”

The Devil helped the King into the carriage, and said with a smile.

The black mist surged, and the carriage drove into the dark world.

While the nightmare carriage disappeared into the darkness, Eleanor stood in front of the tower window, looking in the direction of the King’s bedroom.

“You know His Majesty has made contact with hell? You actually don’t object?”

Charles asked in a low voice.

“Why should I object?” Queen Eleanor’s voice was a little cold, “there is no difference between the mortal world and hell, if there is any place that can bring some help to my child and make him happy, so what if it’s hell?”

She paused.

“Sometimes, dark creatures that are rejected by people are much simpler than humans themselves.”

Charles was silent.

He knew that William III and the Duke of Buckingham had made a lot of sacrifices for the sake of the country and the future. In Eleanor’s heart, she still couldn’t accept that her child had such a painful past, right? For the sake of victory, sacrificing so much happiness from the child, for a mother, it was still a difficult thing to accept.

In the night, a black crow flapped its wings and flew over.

The crow landed in front of Queen Eleanor, bringing the letter from the astrologers.

After the first imperial conference of glory, the King’s Black Wings did not disband, but became the Local Civil Response Committee——in fact, they were the King’s intelligence service. During the time when the King left the Rose Palace and went north to suppress the rebellion, this organization was temporarily handed over to General Johan.

After officially becoming “The Defender” and inheriting his father’s title, General Johan had more responsibilities to deal with.

So the King selected a highly talented commissioner from among the Black Wings to serve as Chairman of the Local Civil Response Committee——privately known as Crowhead. And in the Rose Palace, after General Johan, the person who took over the Black Wings became the Queen Mother Eleanor. She had more outstanding talents than General Johan in this regard.

“They have landed.”

Queen Eleanor whispered.

“Hopefully they will know what is the smart thing to do.”

A cold light flashed in Eleanor’s eyes.

Charles knew her character all too well…..he hoped those astrologers didn’t have any other motives, or they might face the sword of the warrior queen.

From the moment the astrologers set foot on the land of Legrand, their every move would be under the watchful eyes of the Legrand royal family.

The King’s “Black Wings” had begun to show its ability to monitor Legrand.

Here, nothing could be hidden from the King.



As soon as he walked out of the gates of hell, the King heard a strange melody, which was completely different from all the music he had heard before. From the notes to the rhythm, there was an absurdity and evilness that did not exist in the world, like countless bones colliding with each other——indeed, countless bones were in fact playing music together.

The carriage stopped on a lake of sulfurous fire, and in front of the King, countless skeletons stood neatly lined, like a huge army waiting for inspection.

But the army of undead that seemed to be able to sweep the entire world was holding no swords or spears.

The skeletons at the front held some antique musical instruments, and their dexterous bony fingers pressed and pulled the organ and strings. Behind them, some complete skeletons beat their shoulder blades with their metacarpal bones to make strange sounds, and the less complete ones used their skulls as drums for their comrades to strike…..

The King didn’t know what to say for a while.

Compared with the hell he had seen a few times before, the dead silence of this piece of hell was gone, and it could be said to be full of vitality now.

——And a little too much vitality.

The Devil stretched out his hand and led the King down from the carriage.

At the moment of the King’s arrival, the skeleton symphony performed more and more passionately like soldiers who finally waited for the arrival of their inspector. Beside them, lakes of sulfurous fire turned into gorgeous fountains. Golden sulfur erupted from within, like dazzling trees of fire, and even changed their height along with the melody.

They worked together to play a grand hymn.

The melody was magnificent, as if the soldiers who had been sleeping for many centuries were able to serve their lord again.

“What is this? Hell’s symphony orchestra?”

The King looked at the skeletons who were working hard, and asked with a smile. Everything in front of him was absurd and weird, but it could also be called strange and beautiful.

“Your very own hellish symphony orchestra.”

The Devil corrected.

His Majesty was born a king, and the people would always want him to be brave enough, wise enough, strong enough, invincible enough. But who wanted His Majesty to be happy enough? But a king, who possessed power and glory, should he not be surrounded by joy as well?

“Then why didn’t I know before that hell is so good at welcoming?”

The King asked back.

“Well, you know.” The Devil said briskly with a smile, “Seducing people to fall is our specialty in hell, so how about it? My dear Majesty, do you now feel that hell is more of a blissful existence than the mortal world?”

He flourished his hand like a conductor.

The skeletons played the last high note, and they bowed neatly before the King——if this was a human army, the scene should be very grand and spectacular. But they were only skeletons, so it appeared a bit ridiculous.

There was a sound of flapping wings, and a crow landed on a stone beside the King.

“Hi, Mela.”

The King still remembered the crow’s name.

Mela was jumping on the boulder, flapping inky wings in an imitation of human beings saluting their king. Before the King could be amused by it, the Devil bent down and grabbed its wings, lifted it up and threw it behind him: “Please don’t pay attention to this fool’s faux pas.”

“Alright, enough.” The King put away his smile, “St. Val’s blood brought this place back to life?”

“You are so cold and heartless. I originally thought the current atmosphere could be called romantic? My dear Majesty.” The Devil protested.

“Hellish romance?”

“Of course. Well…..” The Devil bowed to the King, raised his hand and tapped his left chest like a knight saluting, “Actually, we are here to swear allegiance to you.”

When the Devil bowed, the skeletons all knelt down on one knee in unison.

“You have executed a lackey of the Holy Court, and the war between you and the Holy Court has just begun.” The Devil chuckled softly, “However, if you think about it, you also know that it is difficult for Legrand to stop Bressi from becoming the Kingdom of God on Earth. The time you have is so short, what do you plan to use to give Legrand the power to fight against the Holy Court in the shortest possible time?”

“The alchemists? They left too little.”

“The astrologers? You see, Your Majesty, you can’t even trust me, let alone those guys who used to work for the Holy Court?”

“Your mad scientists? If you and them are given enough time, I believe that you can indeed accomplish an unprecedented great revolution…..But the Holy Court will not give you so much time.”


The Devil knelt down on one knee, and he looked up at the King: “So, now is the time for hell to serve you.”

Behind him, the skeleton army was silent, and even Mela stopped flapping its wings.

“What do you want?” The King looked into the Devil’s eyes, and he asked slowly.

“Enough blood, from angels, from gods, from the Holy Court…..anything is fine.” The Devil laughed and stretched out his hand. “You see, we have a common enemy. We are on the same front, aren’t we?”

“That’s not necessarily the case.”

The King answered, but also reached out his hand.

The Devil kissed the back of the King’s hand.

Mela flapped its wings, and the skeletons played the cheerful melody again.

More than a thousand years have passed, and the Devil once again led his army to fight for his King.


As the Devil said, hell had a knack for how to seduce people to fall. After the majestic symphony, the skeletons set up a huge stage and performed a wonderful play for the King. The actors included but were not limited to skeletons, demons, ghosts, and the remains of strange creatures.

These plays that the creatures of hell have arranged for the King were enough to become classics in the world in terms of artistic level alone.

The departed soul of an opera singer sang loudly on the stage. It wore a complicated classical costume from hundreds of years ago and uttered elegant lyrics. Behind it, the skeleton warriors rode war horses, fighting fiercely together as sung in the lyrics. The defeated skeleton was quickly broken into a pile of bones and thrown high from the stage.

The bones were quickly put back together under the stage, though.

“Can the current hell allow ordinary people to enter?”

The King asked suddenly.

The Devil stood behind the King, who was also enjoying the opera on the stage. Hearing the King’s question, he gave an affirmative answer: “If there are not too many people.”

“I see.”

The King’s eyes swept across the lake of fire and brimstone.

“Why do I suddenly feel that you have long planned to have hell work for you? Is that the case, my dear Majesty?” The Devil asked perceptively.

“It shouldn’t take too long for skeletons who don’t need to rest to build a factory, am I correct?”

The King confirmed the Devil’s guess with a question.

“…..Are you planning to build a hellish military factory?”

The Devil looked at the King speechlessly.

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For a moment, the Devil, who was famous for his eloquent tongue, couldn’t find any words to describe his feelings right then…..

What the hell, shouldn’t a normal monarch be more interested in the power and immortality of the skeleton army?! How was it that when it came to His Majesty, they were only relegated to construction workers who didn’t need wages or rest?

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