After Becoming The Tyrant CH 106 The King Of The World


The King immediately thought of the young astrologer he had met when he went to Moon River Fortress. It was not the first time that the King had dealt with astrologers. General Johan’s fiasco was related to the participation of astrologers, and the assassination of the King himself before the outbreak of the Black Death also had the hand of astrologers.

Clark began to explain the King.

When he was still in the “art capital” not far from the Holy Court, he met some astrologers.

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The Holy See “protected” the astrologers on the surface, allowing them to live in the cities around the holy city and granting them limited freedom. Clark’s rejection of the Holy Court was also partly out of sympathy for his friends who were in a state of semi-imprisonment.

Back then, Clark was just an ordinary painter with neither force nor power. After offending the Holy Court, he was able to escape successfully thanks to the help of these astrologer friends. They sent him a warning in advance, and later helped him divine a safe escape route.

Before receiving the letter from them, Clark thought that his poor friends might have died in the imprisonment of the Holy Court a few years ago.

It was clear that Clark wanted to help the astrologers who had saved him.

However, it was difficult to make a reliable guarantee for a group of astrologers from the Holy Court just based on his weak words. The astrologers also took this into consideration, so they really just wanted to ask Clark to deliver a letter to the King for them and say a few nice words.

The King and Charles exchanged a look.

After handing over the letter nervously, Clark withdrew.

What happened next was not up to him.

The letter from the astrologers reflected their solemnity. The envelope and letter was extraordinarily fine and exquisite, with dark patterns of star trails, and the seal of the “Association of Prediction and Fate” was stamped squarely on it. Clark was just a painter and couldn’t read the meaning of the words, but in the eyes of the King and Charles, it already possessed another message:

This group of astrologers who escaped from the Holy Court——assuming they really escaped——did not have an ordinary status.

“Your Majesty?”

Charles spoke in a questioning tone.

“Association of Prediction and Fate…..” The King picked up the letter, looked at the seal on it, and frowned slightly.

“That’s the second organization of astrologers.”

A voice sounded, and the Queen Mother Eleanor pushed open the secret door of the study and walked in. On the surface, the Queen Mother Eleanor died more than ten years ago, and she was not suitable to appear directly in front of people, so the King specially set up hidden secret doors for his mother in some places of the castle.

She seemed no stranger to the role of astrologer.

Meeting the King’s questioning gaze, Eleanor chuckled in a low voice. She took off a cat’s-eye gemstone ring she was wearing on her hand, and turned it over to let the King see the runes on the back of the gemstone.

——It was the same symbol as the badge of the “Association of Prediction and Fate”.

“You were one of them?”

The King asked, he was not surprised that his mother also possessed the identity of an astrologer.

The letter left by the Duke of Buckingham explained that Queen Eleanor went crazy because she used a secret method to see the outcome of William III’s gamble. At that time, the King guessed that his mother might also be an astrologer.

“Yes, child,” replied Eleanor, “I was one of them.”

“Once?” The King picked up on the key information.

“A not very interesting story.” The Queen Mother Eleanor said lightly, “However, at least before I left, there were still some of them who could be trusted. But…..I suspect that some of them turned their backs against their oath.”

Speaking of this, a terrible storm seemed to gather in Queen Eleanor’s green eyes.

“Perhaps you would like to introduce us to the ‘Association of Prediction and Fate’?” The King gently diverted his mother’s attention.

Eleanor sat down, turned the ring on her hand, and said slowly: “Not all astrologers were willing to be enslaved by the Holy Court. Therefore, except for the Astrologer Association supervised by the Holy Court, the unwilling astrologers formed a second alliance. Under the name of ‘Prediction’ and ‘Fate.’ The main goal was——”

“To wait for the day of the turning point.”


On the sea at a distance from the port of Koszoya.

A ship with sails painted with star trails was blown by the tide, causing the hull to undulate slightly. On the ship, a young man leaned on the railing and looked at the distant sea. He looked very tired. For two consecutive weeks, all they saw was the sea. At this time, they were finally not far from the land.

But as the ship approached Legrand, the young astrologer became more and more anxious.

He once met Legrand’s King outside Moon River Fortress. That meeting had left a deep impression on him. Before that, when he was divining fate, he once saw a scorching sun rising from the abyss, shining on the earth in an irresistible power. At that time, he didn’t know whether the scorching sun belonged to Bressi or Legrand, and he even specially alerted General Karl.

At that time, General Karl decided that the scorching sun must belong to Bressi.

Of course he also hoped that the scorching sun belonged to Bressi.

However, as the situation changed, General Karl, who firmly believed that Bressi would conquer the earth, followed the deposed Ferri III and retreated to the ice and snow in the extreme north. Under the leadership of the new King Charles, the great Bressi Kingdom presented its crown to the Holy Court.

The scorching sun predicted didn’t favor Bressi.

There was a cough from behind.

“Ari.” An old voice sounded.

The young astrologer hurriedly turned around: “Mr. President, why did you come out?”

The president of the Association of Prediction and Fate, Mr. Meade had a wrinkled face, hunched back, and leaned on a birch cane. He looked as if he was nearly a hundred years old. But in fact, he was less than sixty years old. Every time he saw the old and tottering appearance of the president, Ali couldn’t help feeling sorrowful in his heart.

In name, they were guests protected by the Holy Court, but in fact, their situation in the Holy Court was not much better than that of serfs.

“I came out to take a look.” The president sighed, leaning on the railing, looking in the direction of Koszoya City. Legrand’s royal navy patrolled so closely that they didn’t even dare get too close to the coast.

“Mr. President…..” Ari hesitated, “King Legrand, will he really accept us?”

Ari was the student of the president and knew some details that others on the ship do not know. Before setting off for Legrand, the president announced to the others that he saw the hope of the astrologers in Legrand, so everyone worked together and escaped from the Holy Court at a considerable cost.

But in fact, the results obtained by the president’s divination were very vague.

It only vaguely pointed out that the fate of the astrologers was in Legrand, but this fate may be a good turning point, or it may mean that they would eventually die in Legrand. Both were possible.

However, hope was needed to allow everyone to survive the hardships along the way.

But to be honest, he was very worried.

After hearing that Legrand had stopped the spread of the Black Death with the “monarch’s touch”, as an astrologer who also belonged to the mystical arts, Ari immediately understood that the young king must have received some help from non-human forces. This meant that the monarch probably also knew what good deeds astrologers like them did in the war.

That one did not seem like a tolerant and benevolent monarch.

They defected this time out of survival, but it might possibly only send them to a dead end.

“I have no idea.”

The president shook his head.

“However, this is where the day of turning point lies.” When Ari was feeling disappointed again, the president said, “The king of the world will be born here.”

“The Holy Court has been studying the prophecy of the king of the world for so many years.” Ari hesitated, but still raised the question that he had hidden in his heart for a long time, “They think the king of the world refers to the supreme Holy Lord, who will descend in person. Mr. President, the rules of astrologers are to observe the changes in history, and to obey fate to obtain blessings. I am a little worried, whether the interpretation of the Holy Court is truly correct.”

This suspicion had been in his heart for a long time, and it had always made him feel afraid.

If the “king of the world” in the prophecy was really the God of the Holy Court, then everything they have done was tantamount to a dead end.

“Where does your confidence come from?”

“Legrand is the place where the dragon is buried. ‘The red dragon has seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns on its seven heads. Its tail dragged a third of the stars in the sky and fell to the ground’. These were the words left behind by the Revelation, the legendary red dragon inhabited Legrand and was finally buried here. And the seven crowns of the red dragon eventually fell into the hands of the founder of Legrand, the Rose family.” The president gave an astonishing answer.

“If the prophesied ‘king of the world’ finally appears, I think it will not be the Holy Court, but Legrand.”

“The crowns, the dragon’s bones, the power and authority, the king of the world…..”

There was a gleam in the president’s eyes.

“Fate is on our side!”

A sharp bird cry echoed across the sky.

Under the gray sky, a goshawk circled with its wings outstretched. It suddenly retracted its wings and swooped down like an arrow. Ari stretched out his hand, and the goshawk landed firmly on his arm, stretching out a leg tied with a secret letter.

The president unfurled the letter.

As soon as it was unfolded, a shocked expression appeared on the president’s face.

“What’s the matter?” Ari immediately asked, “Did King Legrand reject us?”


The president answered slowly.

He stared fixedly at a pattern at the end of the letter. Ari took a closer look and recognized that pattern at a glance as the symbol of their “Association of Prediction and Fate”. And under the symbol, there was a name:



Rose Palace.

While waiting for the secret arrival of the astrologers, the King’s bedroom was suddenly overrun by black mist. He raised his eyes in no surprise.

“Good day, my dear Majesty.”

The Devil saluted the King with a smile. After that time St. Val died in hell, he had disappeared for a while. The King guessed that the Devil also had his own purpose in that hunt.

In a way, they worked well together——in the villains colluding together kind.

“What are you doing here?”

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The King closed the book and asked.

“Can’t I simply care about Your Majesty?” The Devil complained, “Isn’t my image too biased in your eyes?”

The King looked at him without saying a word.

“Okay, okay, just one little thing.”

The Devil immediately changed his tune and stopped joking.

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