After Becoming The Tyrant CH 103 Bloody Prologue

The banquet had ended.

“My dear teacher, I really don’t want to congratulate you on winning such a beautiful debate.”

Father Remy said, and handed the thick cloak to Abbot Anil.

“What’s the matter, my child.”

Abbot Anil stopped in his tracks, and looked back at the magnificent Rose Palace lit up by candlelight in the night.

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“From now on, you will be stepping on thorns and blades, my good teacher.” Father Remy sighed, “The sword of the adjucators will fall on your head from now on.”

“Because I’m standing here, I have no choice.”

Abbot Anil replied.

Father Remy fell silent.

He stood where he was, watching the aging abbot walk forward step by step. At the Sanctuary in Holy Spirit Bay in 1411, the abbot did the same. He stood up with the typical humility of a priest, bowed his head slightly, and firmly opposed the astonishingly powerful Pope with a humble attitude.

In truth, what was the difference between back then and now?

Back then, Father Anil was alone, facing the powerful Pope himself, and could be burned on the stake at any time. But he still stood up. Today, Abbot Anil also knew that the King actually didn’t believe in purgatory, nor did he hold any religious beliefs, and simply just wanted to use him as a pawn.

But for all the devout people in Legrand, he still stood up.

Where was the truth? And how long would it take them to get it?

The torches were burning in the dark night, and a small group of Iron Rose Cavalry were waiting in front.

They were sent by the King to protect Abbot Anil.

Different from when they escorted them to Metzl Castle before, these cold knights hesitated for a moment after Abbot Anil walked close, and then raised their hands to greet Abbot Anil with a knight’s salute.

Abbot Anil tapped a few times on his chest: “May the Holy Lord bless you and me.”

Seeing this scene, Father Remy felt a little emotional and a little proud.

He followed over as well.


The funeral of the Duke of Buckingham was over, and the representatives of various vassal states and the great lords began to leave quickly, wanting to return to their territory as soon as possible, and take measures to deal with the following movements. With their departure, Metzl Castle did not settle down. On the contrary, various voices began to emerge.

The news that the King canceled the Eucharist for the Duke of Buckingham’s funeral spread quickly under the impetus of interested people. The archbishop of Jollingshire, who was defeated in the debate, did not let go or retreat after this. Instead, he united a group of priests and incited the people to denounce the King for being blinded by heresy, and accusing him of being heartless and disregarding the soul of his relative.

Finally, there was even a wave of petitions:

People hoped that the King would make up a Eucharist ceremony for the lord Duke.

At the daily imperial council meeting, this matter was mentioned, and the ministers tactfully advised the King whether he should make up a Eucharist for the lord Duke. One daring individual even mentioned the cursing and berating among the people directed at the King.

Just when everyone was waiting in fear for the King to fly into a rage, the King suddenly laughed.

“Did you all forget something?” The King leaned on the back of his chair, touched his fingertips together, and asked with a smile, “What do you think they call me?”

The ministers looked at each other, carefully suppressing the word “tyrant” that almost blurted out of their mouths.

“Enough, they’ll be quieter soon.”

The King clapped his hands, indicating that the matter was over.

The ministers were on tenterhooks, wondering how the King planned to “quiet” those discontent voices. At this time, even the ministers who hadn’t dealt with the Duke of Buckingham very much in the past began to miss the days when the Duke of Buckingham was around…..In the past, when the King acted recklessly, at least there was the Duke to dissuade him a little.

Now, who else dared to persuade their Majesty who was capricious and moody?

Soon they knew what good deed the King had done.

On a sunny morning.

Royal rose knights in armor poured into St. Wyth’s Cathedral. The priests in the church were shocked and wanted to step forward to stop it. But these knights had just returned from the battlefield in the Northland, and the scent of blood was still there. With just a glance from cold eyes, the priests in the church were too frightened to take another step forward.

At this moment, the Archbishop of St. Wyth had just taken off his heavy black robe, and was only wearing a white jacket. His beautiful young mistress smiled and came forward to undress him.

Just when he was about to have a union of soul and body with his beautiful mistress, the door of the quiet room was suddenly smashed open, a long sword was nailed to the bed board against his cheek, and then a group of ferocious knights in iron armor poured in and dragged him out with his mistress.

“What is this! You are committing a crime!”

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the Archbishop of St. Wyth shouted and screeched in a show of bluff and forced authority.

In the church, the eyes of some priests looking at him suddenly changed, becoming full of contempt while others went pale.

The royal cavalry had surrounded the entire St. Wyth Cathedral, the ruthless knights breaking in and searching the entire church. They found boxes of gold, and several prostitutes who also had no time to escape. When the knights loaded the gold into the open carriage, the Archbishop of St. Wyth finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

He ignored his embarrassment and shouted:

“That’s the annuity of the tribute to the Holy Court! What are you doing!”

“Annuity? So much annuity?” The knight commander opened the lid of the box heavily, sneering, “This is evidence of treason!”

“What treason?”

The Archbishop of St. Wyth was just about to explain that those were the monies from people buying indulgences, and they also belong to the annuity paid to the Holy Court, when he heard this accusation. He was about to say something, but a knight stepped forward and punched him in the face unceremoniously. With a “crack”, the Archbishop of St. Wyth only felt a sharp pain in his jaw, his vision going dark before he passed out.

The knight commander checked and was sure that the man’s jaw was just dislocated and he had not directly died, so he simply waved his hand and had others drag him out like a dead dog.

A few priests with pale faces and bad premonitions in their hearts were also taken away together.

When the Archbishop of St. Wyth woke up, he found himself tied to a carriage, surrounded by his mistresses curled up in a ball. They were currently being paraded through the streets.

A judge wearing a wig was impassionedly criticizing him for all the crimes he had committed to the gathered people: selling Legrand’s military information to the Northland rebels, which let the Northland rebellion carry out smoothly in the early stage——the evidence being the boxes of gold used to bribe him. Fornicating in St. Wyth’s Cathedral, defiling the hallowed place, blaspheming the Holy Spirit…..

Both witnesses and evidence were complete and undeniable.

People booed the Archbishop of St. Wyth whose fat body was visible after being stripped of his priestly garments. The glorious tradition of parades of shame——rotten leaves and rotten eggs flew down at his head and face.

“Banish him!”

From the crowd someone was the first to yell.

“This kind of guy is not worthy to be an archbishop!”

It had to be said that the people of Legrand have always been very talented in mocking and satire.

When the King was missing, many clever fellows made up a series of satiric songs to celebrate. And right now, this treatment also fell on the Archbishop of St. Wyth. On the box at the entrance of the market, the clown playing the accordion played a sharp tune and composed a fiddle on the spot to mock him.

After the carriage drove through the most important streets of Metzl City, it arrived at a guillotine erected high at the crossroads.

The Archbishop of St. Wyth, who had lowered his head and pretended to be unconscious during the whole humiliating affair, immediately struggled.

The executioner pressed his head heavily on the block of wood, lowered his voice, and said sarcastically: “Look who this is? The mighty and majestic Mr. Archbishop, why don’t you let your master the Pope cross the sea to rescue you now? Milord.”

The executioner looked too young, and the Archbishop of St. Wyth thought his voice was a little familiar. When he looked closely, he was almost out of his wits with fright.

A few years ago, when St. Wyth Cathedral expanded——it was said to be expansion, but in fact it was no different from encroachment——when the land was under his name, a young man once begged them, for the sake of the Lord, to let them live.

“It seems that the Holy Lord doesn’t intend to protect a big lord like you.”

The executioner who volunteered for this job waved the steel knife in his hand high and a cold light flashed.

The head rolled down onto the ground.

The venue was silent at first.

Prior to this, all clergy who violated the law had to be handed over to the Holy Court, and the royal court had no right to intervene. And when the ruling from the other side of the Abyss Strait came, who knows even how long time would pass, not to mention that the Holy Court was always prone to protecting their members. Because of this, some monastery priests, abbots, and bishops were very confident and secure in the knowledge of their backing.

Even nobles still needed to give in before the clergy, let alone ordinary people?

Although the Holy Court in Legrand did not occupy more than one-third of the land like in Bressi, the cases of monastery and churches encroaching on the fields and oppressing the citizens still existed.

But, today, for the first time, the people realized——

Even a servant of God needed to obey the laws of the world.

After the silence, the crowd broke out into cheers.

Some of the sharp-minded ones who witnessed this, realized…..that the real storm was already being heralded in a bloody fashion.


Inside the Rose Palace, the King’s study.

After the heads of the Archbishop of St. Wyth and several of his cronies fell to the ground, the Archbishop of Jollingshire fled back to Jollingshire County overnight, fearing that he would follow in the footsteps of the Archbishop of St. Wyth.

The petition movement, which was originally massive, came to an abrupt end.

——The instigators behind the petition this time were the Archbishops of St. Wyth and Jollingshire who were excluded from overseeing the funeral.

The name of the Archbishop of St. Wyth was ruined and he died of “popular indignation”. He had previously preached that “it was an unforgivable blasphemy that the King does not hold a Eucharist for the Duke”.

One must know, the people were not all fools.

——If a person who claimed to use “piety” and the name of the “Holy Lord” to violate the rules and regulations of the priesthood and commit treasonous and licentious crimes, then what credibility was there in his words? At the same time, Abbot Anil, under the King’s instruction, began preaching to the people the theological point of view that “purgatory does not exist” every day.

With these two shining examples, the people “calmed” as the King said.

Of course, in this “calm”, the King’s soldiers also contributed to the arrest of more than a dozen fanatical believers.

The people were already somewhat accustomed to this——how tolerant and benevolent could you expect a tyrant to be, right?

In the study.

“How is Abbot Anil?”

The King was flipping through the report brought to him by the Master of Households.

In this era, it was not an easy task to refute the authority of the Holy Court, to a large extent it was equal to risking one’s life. These days, when Abbot Anil was preaching, he was often stoned and spat on by extreme believers who were unwilling to accept his preachings, and some people even tried to burn him together with the places he was preaching in.

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Being ostracized and verbally abused was not the first time for Abbot Anil.

——In fact, the treatment he received in the Holy Court was worse than it was now.

The secret actions from the vassal states and the church were what was truly fatal to Abbot Anil. In just a few days, Abbot Anil had been under assassination several times.

AN: Tyrant Persuasion Mode: Guillotine, Executioner, Prison

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