After Two Lifetimes I Was Reborn Back Inside A Book CH 097 Take Him Back

After coming out of the research institute, Jiang Chen was also thinking about why his reaction was bigger than usual when Major General Wu mentioned Shi Fengyue. The phone rang, stopped and rang again, but he still couldn’t figure out the reason.

“Mr. Jiang.”

A man got out of the SUV and opened the door for Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen nodded at the man, got in, and connected the phone at the same time.

You c an fi nd t he la te st cha pte rs at ( th e bl mu se . c o m )

“In the research institute?”

“Just came out.” Jiang Chen put aside the questions in his mind, raised his wrist and looked at the time. It was now three o’clock in the afternoon, and Shi Fengyue’s conference was from two to five o’clock in the afternoon, so he should be in the middle of a meeting at this time: “How is the conference in Nan Province?”

“The same old debates.”

Hearing Shi Fengyue’s lazy voice, Jiang Chen could already imagine him leaning against the wall or slouching on the sofa hugging a pillow, loose and sleepy. He smiled and said, “You slipped out?”

“Something unexpected came up, so I didn’t go.”

Jiang Chen was curious: “What happened?”

“I met someone unexpected on the way.”

“An unexpected person?” Knowing that Shi Fengyue would not bring up things unrelated to him for no reason, Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows: “I know them?”

Shi Fengyue tilted his head, glanced at the young man who was staring at him, and said casually: “Do you want to come and take him back?”

“Who is it?”

Shi Fengyue handed the mobile phone to the boy beside him: “Talk to your brother.”

The boy had a dark expression on his face, and after giving him a hard look, but when he took the phone, his tone instantly became innocent: “Brother.”

Hearing He Qianmin’s voice, Jiang Chen paused before lowering the car window: “Are you in Nan Province?”

“I wanted to tell you before I left.” He Qianmin lowered his head, and that clear voice unique to teenagers was very docile and obedient indeed, “But I didn’t get through to you, and I know you are very busy at the institute, I didn’t want to worry you, so I came to Nan Province by myself.”

“What are you doing in Nan Province?”

Glancing at Shi Fengyue on the side, He Qianmin said vaguely: “I found something before, and I came to Nan Province to trace the clues.”

“Do your parents know?”

“I don’t know.” He Qianmin licked his lower lip nervously, and immediately added: “But I sent them a text message after getting off the plane.”

Jiang Chen said lightly, “Give the phone to Shi Fengyue.”



He Qianmin raised his eyes and met Shi Fengyue’s eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling. He pursed his lips and handed him the phone.

Shi Fengyue: “It’s me.”

“Please send him to the airport later.” Jiang Chen said, “Have him come back on the nearest flight.”

Shi Fengyue glanced at the sullen young man who was visibly nervous, raised one corner of his mouth wickedly, and said, “Do you want to see what your kid brother looks like now?”

“You dare!”

He Qianmin raised his head suddenly, revealing a few dirt marks on his milky white face, and the fierce light in his eyes as he reached out to grab the phone.

Shi Fengyue seized the opportunity, captured this moment, and sent it to Jiang Chen before He Qianmin could react.

Jiang Chen looked at He Qianmin who was showing his teeth and claws in the photo, and keenly noticed the mud on his body and the marks of being scratched by something.

“He got hurt?”

“Broke into the territory where a smuggling and trading deal was taking place.” Shi Fengyue laughed: “But he ran fairly fast, and he didn’t suffer any injuries except for a few falls.”

Jiang Chen: “Check to see if he’s injured. I’ll book the nearest flight to pick him up.”

Shi Fengyue’s slightly raised eyes held a smile: “I’ll send you the address of the hotel.”


After hanging up the phone, Jiang Chen said to the driver: “Brother Zhao, please take me to the airport.”

“The ticket has already been booked.” Qian Yi said in the co-passenger seat: “We are going to the airport now just in time to catch this flight.”

Jiang Chen nodded: “Thanks, Brother Qian.”


It took about three and a half hours from Yan City to Ming City, the capital of Nan Province, and it was already eight o’clock in the evening when Jiang Chen arrived at the hotel that Shi Fengyue had reserved.


Jiang Chen walked into the private room, and He Qianmin stood up instantly. After changing his clothes, one could no longer see a trace of the sorry appearance captured in the photo.

“I ordered your favorite dish.” He Qianmin sat down next to Jiang Chen, and poured him a glass of water: “Drink some water.”

Jiang Chen glanced at him, and then his eyes collided with Shi Fengyue’s. Shi Fengyue raised his eyebrows at him, and smiled knowingly.

Jiang Chen took a sip of the water, turned his head to Qian Yi and Zhao Lin behind him and said, “Brother Zhao and Brother Qian, have a seat and help yourselves.”

The two stood upright, standing at the door of the private room: “You eat first, we just ate something on the plane, so we’re not hungry.”

After the words fell, the waiter pushed open the door of the room and came in. He was startled when he saw the two people who looked like stern door gods, and the soup in the bowl almost spilled out.

While apologizing, the waiter finished serving the dishes and walked out with lingering fears. Jiang Chen smiled: “Let’s eat some together, otherwise the three of us won’t be able to finish the dishes, and it’s not good to waste them.”

Hearing what Jiang Chen said, the two of them sat down at the dining table without anymore mincing.

Shi Fengyue ladled up a bowl of soup and put it in front of Jiang Chen, “The mushroom soup here is pretty good, try it.”

The delicious mushroom aroma had blended into the soup, the taste was mellow and smooth, and it was enjoyable from the tip of the tongue to the stomach.

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but take a few more sips. Seeing this, He Qianmin put a piece of fried crab into Jiang Chen’s plate: “Brother, this crispy crab is really tasty, try it.”

“Eating mushrooms and crabs together is not good for your health.” After Shi Fengyue said lightly, he filled Jiang Chen’s empty soup bowl again, put a piece of ribs in his plate and said, “The ribs here are also good.”

Jiang Chen paused. He Qianmin took away the piece of crab from Jiang Chen’s plate, and put some root vegetables in Jiang Chen’s plate instead: “Eating too much meat is not good for your health, brother, you should eat some vegetables.”

“The fish is not bad.”

“Brother, your favorite cauliflower.”

“This tastes good too.”

“Brother, have some carrots.”

Jiang Chen stopped with his chopsticks, and at the same time blocked He Qianmin and Shi Fengyue who were putting food on his plate, “I can’t eat anymore, don’t pick up anymore for me.”

He Qianmin retracted his chopsticks and glanced at Shi Fengyue. Shi Fengyue tilted his head slightly, leaned closer to Jiang Chen who was beside him, and said in a low voice, “How many days will you stay here for.”

Jiang Chen was puzzled why Shi Fengyue came so close all of a sudden, and was about to speak when he caught a glimpse of He Qianmin’s nervous expression from the corner of his eye. He raised his brows lightly, and also lowered his voice and said to Shi Fengyue, “I’ll be leaving tomorrow.”

Shi Fengyue curved his lips upwards, “Won’t you stay for a few more days?”

“No time.” Jiang Chen recalled something, turned his head and said, “Today I…..”

Jiang Chen’s eyes widened slightly, Shi Fengyue’s lips were still curved upwards, but his eyes were filled with surprise and bewilderment. It seemed as if molecules were floating in the air, and emotions were transmitted and connected within a distance of less than five centimeters. Jiang Chen’s mind went blank, and he was so infected that only shock and bewilderment remained.

Everyone’s actions seemed to have gone still from a press of the pause button, and a needle could even be heard if it were to be dropped at this instant.


Someone’s chopsticks fell to the ground.

Jiang Chen suddenly came back to his senses, and leaned back a little. After the surprise faded away, he was about to apologize for the accident, but out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Shi Fengyue’s index finger touching his lower lip. Even though he clearly only thought it was just an accident when he leaned back, now he suddenly felt a burning sensation traveling up to the back of his ears, and he let out a cough: “I’m sorry.” It was an accident just now.

The next six words were swallowed before being uttered.

“It’s okay.” Shi Fengyue lightly rubbed his lower lip, put down his hand and said, “It was just an accident.”

The two people involved in the incident had opened their mouths, and the other three present also recovered from the shock. He Qianmin had a lot to say, but when his eyes caught on the special atmosphere flowing between the two of them even though they were clearly now sitting farther apart, he could only scoop up a large spoonful of rice and put it into his mouth, lower his head and focus on chewing hard.

The meal ended soon and as the restaurant was not far from the hotel, and Shi Fengyue didn’t drive, they could only walk back. Qian Yi and Zhao Lin quickly disappeared into the crowd without a trace just as before.

Jiang Chen and Shi Fengyue walked on both sides of He Qianmin, one on the left and one on the right, with He Qianmin in the middle, who suddenly regretted coming to Nan Province on impulse.

“Have you been to Nan Province before?”

“No.” After such a long period of buffering, Jiang Chen had already recovered, and when he heard Shi Fengyue speak first, he naturally followed his words: “Is there anything interesting in Ming City?”

“There is a street with folk artisanship nearby, and there are many handicrafts.” Shi Fengyue said, “Want to take a look?”

Jiang Chen was also planning to buy some gifts for his parents and the He family, so he said without hesitation, “Let’s go.”

Even though it was almost approaching the new year, Ming City was still warm, which was in stark contrast to the weather in Yan City now, which had dropped to minus ten degrees. Because of this, there was an endless stream of tourists visiting Ming City during the winter vacation, and the folk artisan street was especially lively.

The three who were walking originally side by side were quickly separated by the crowd.

Jiang Chen grabbed Shi Fengyue’s wrist and pulled him to his side, “You stand here first, Qian Min is gone, I’ll go back and look for him.”

“We’ll go together.”

“There are too many people.” Jiang Chen said: “We’ll only be separated again later by the crowds, you wait for me here, I’ll be right back.”

Shi Fengyue grabbed Jiang Chen’s hand, and said in a drawl, “This way we won’t be squeezed apart.”

It was the usual lazy drawl, as if it was only natural for the two to hold hands. Jiang Chen couldn’t help but wonder if he and Huo Bo, Shen Xu, and the others had too little physical contact before, and that was why he thought it was strange for two men to hold hands.

Before Jiang Chen had time to think, he was dragged by Shi Fengyue and squeezed into the crowd.

He Qianmin was not left far behind. Jiang Chen and Shi Fengyue were tall, and they were very eye-catching when standing in the crowd. Although he was squeezed away, he could still see them and kept walking in their direction. Seeing that they were heading back into the crowds, and knowing that they were looking for him, He Qianmin raised his hand.

Shi Fengyue’s gaze collided with his. After He Qianmin met his eyes for a moment, he saw Shi Fengyue suddenly bowing his head and saying something in Jiang Chen’s ear. Then, they went in the other direction.

He Qianmin stood there in a daze for a moment, only to realize that he had been made a fool of when he recalled the upward curve of corners of Shi Fengyue’s lips before he lowered his head just now.


He Qianmin jumped up and yelled.

Across the noisy crowd, Jiang Chen seemed to have sensed something, and was about to turn around, when he heard Shi Fengyue, “The person in front looks a bit like He Qianmin.”

Jiang Chen followed Shi Fengyue’s line of sight, and only saw a corner of a person’s clothes, which were indeed very similar to the coat He Qianmin was wearing today.

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“Qian Min!”

Jiang Chen yelled, and pulled Shi Fengyue to chase over.

Shi Fengyue turned his head, hooked up one corner of his mouth, and waved his hand lazily at He Qianmin.

“What a bastard!”

He Qianmin was so angry that he stomped his foot. He pushed aside the crowd and chased after the two.

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3 thoughts on “After Two Lifetimes I Was Reborn Back Inside A Book CH 097 Take Him Back”

  1. I want to see MC pull this ML’s ear once, for picking fights with a teenager 🤣 anywsy I’m still concerned about that boulder. Very concerned. The evil spirit is probably going to use it if MC goes to visit the rural home with the hot spring. Somehow.


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