After Two Lifetimes I Was Reborn Back Inside A Book CH 096 Shi Fengyue Is His Bottom Line?

After the final exam was over, Jiang Chen briefly reported to his parents, took his two computers and all peripherals, and went to the research institute under the guard of a few special forces concealed in his vicinity.

Last time, Jiang Chen and Major General Wu discussed the application of image processing in the military. Major General Wu used to work in the radar research room of stealth reconnaissance aircraft, and was later transferred to the 17th Research Institute of National Defense. He was mainly responsible for the research and development of security technology. After learning about Jiang Chen’s image processing system, he was very interested. After bringing Jiang Chen to the research institute, he even formed a temporary group to discuss the scope of application of the Changjiang Image Processing System.

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The seven-hour meeting that day not only discussed the application of the Changjiang Image Processing System in military affairs, but after seeing the power of the Changjiang Image Processing System with his own eyes, Major General Wu directly asked Jiang Chen if he had any intention of joining the national research institute.

After confirming Jiang Chen’s intentions, Major General Wu submitted the report as quickly as possible, explaining in detail the importance of the project in Jiang Chen’s hands to the country’s military development. The documents for the new research group had been approved in less than two days.

Unexpectedly, on the day the documents were approved, an accident almost happened to Jiang Chen.

The start time of the project had to be pushed back because of this, but it had been nearly a month since the incident in Chengyang Square, and the investigation of the case had reached a deadlock. Although Major General Wu hoped to put Jiang Chen’s safety and the confidentiality of his identity first, the documents had been approved for nearly a month, but even the researchers of the research team had not yet been confirmed, let alone started the research.

The case had no progress, but the start time of the research project could not be delayed again and again, so after handling all the matters at hand, Jiang Chen was directly taken to the research institute, and he stayed for ten days. Except for the fixed call time, the research institute cut off all contact with the outside world.

In the past ten days, after careful assessment, he initially selected an assistant researcher and three researchers, and including him, there were a total of five people. Except for the first few days of breaking in, the later progress was fairly stable. The only thing that troubled Jiang Chen was that except for Yu Yi, the first researcher he picked, it was difficult for the others to keep up with his train of thought.

It wasn’t until the day before he had to go to the He family’s old family house for dinner that Jiang Chen asked Major General Wu for leave, and mentioned this matter by the way.

Major General Wu was very straightforward: “Do you want a change of new people?”

“Not for the time being.” Jiang Chen shook his head: “The time is still short, after a while, everyone will get used to this rhythm and it may become better.”

“If you think they are not suitable, just tell me.” Major General Wu was worried that Jiang Chen was young and thin-skinned, and he was too embarrassed to kick the people he selected out of the research group, and reminded: “Your current project is one of the most important ones in the entire 17th Institute. Not only our research institute, but also the higher-ups attach great importance to this project. I have issued a military order that there will definitely be results in a year. I know that your general direction will not go wrong, but don’t forget that you must not stumble on the little details either.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Your current first step is military reconnaissance. The three-dimensional geographical maps and topographical maps of military simulations need to be checked by professionals. Do you have a suitable candidate in mind?”

“Not yet.”

“At that time, I will ask the personnel transfer office to give you the information of the researchers who have no projects to complete in the Navigation Department for the time being, and you can choose among them.”


“By the way, do you know Shi Fengyue?”

Jiang Chen paused, “Yes.”

“That kid, like you, entered the research institute when he was a teenager, but he entered the navigation department. Although he is no longer involved in the research, he still has an idle position as a technical consultant. If you can persuade him to come over to help, it will bring nothing but good to your project.”

“An idle position at the research institute?” Jiang Chen was a little surprised: “As far as I know, he hadn’t ever been in the research institute after returning to the country, nor participated in any research projects. How…..”

“That kid is an exception.” Major General Wu put on his hat, and said in a rather distasteful tone: “He is talented and has a bad temper, and he is used to being a brat. No one can control him.”

The secretary behind Major General Wu said with a smile: “But there’s no helping it, he is very capable, the group of people in the navigation department gave him an idle position so that they can have a reason to call him when something comes up in the future.”

“When something comes up?” Major General Wu snorted coldly: “He won’t even lift his eyelids even when the enemy comes knocking.”

Jiang Chen couldn’t hold back coming to Shi Fengyue’s defense: “If something really happens in the research institute, I believe Shi Fengyue will still come to help.”

Major General Wu didn’t speak, but the secretary tilted his head slightly, moved closer to Jiang Chen, and listed what Shi Fengyue had done:

“Feng Yue just returned to the country at the beginning of this year, and the navigation department called him three times, but he refused all times. In July, the navigation department called him once because of technical problems, and he refused on the grounds that he had to rest after a night of consecutive operations. Someone checked his location out of a quibbling mindset, and found that he drove to the drag racing area of the abandoned warehouse in Xing City that day. And also some time ago, he directly used the military satellite positioning system without reporting it. If not for Mr. Shi and old general He mediating, he might have to answer directly at a court-martial.”

Then the secretary’s tone changed: “However, apart from Mr. Shi and General He, the reason the higher-ups let go of this matter was because he was helping you investigate the case. Xiao Jiang, do you think you have a certain chance of convincing Shi Fengyue to come and help?”

“I’m not sure.” With a smile on his lips, Jiang Chen lightly shook his head and said, “It’s true that Shi Fengyue and I are good friends, but he has his own freedom, and I can’t persuade him to do what he doesn’t want to do, and his current work in the hospital is also quite tiring, so coupled with the work in the laboratory, it might be too exhausting.”

“Then have him quit his job in the hospital.” Major General Wu’s voice was cold and firm: “He’s a talent for scientific research. It’s just nonsense to become a doctor. Is the hospital lacking him as a doctor?”

Hearing Major General Wu’s words, for some reason, Jiang Chen felt a sense of stuffiness in his heart. He pursed his lips, and said, “Whether it’s scientific research or saving people’s lives, Shi Fengyue has done a good job, so I think he has the strength and the right to choose what he wants to do, and I don’t agree with you saying that the hospital does not lack him as a doctor.”

“You may not know this, but my father was in a car accident, and his lower body was basically paralyzed, without any feeling at all. My mother and I searched all the hospitals and experts in Yan City, and no one dared to accept my father’s operation. Only Shi Fengyue dared, not only did he dare, he succeeded, and now my father is recovering very well. Other than not being able to run for a long time or do strenuous exercise, he is no different from a normal person.”

“If there was no Shi Fengyue, my father might still be paralyzed in bed, and my mother would have to carry all the burdens of the family alone. I would not have extra time and thought to do scientific research, and I would not meet Mr. Xiang and you. So it can be said that without Shi Fengyue, our family would not be where we are today.”

Jiang Chen paused, and met Major General Wu’s eyes, saying in a neither humble nor overbearing tone: “Studying medicine is to cure diseases and save lives, and scientific research is also to better protect our country and people. There is no difference between the two. Both are for the development of mankind.”

Major General Wu also stopped, looked straight at Jiang Chen, and said in a deep voice: “Shi Fengyue being a doctor for a lifetime can save at most tens of thousands of families, but if he uses his skills in research, he would protect the more than one billion people in our country, which is more important, the country or the individual family?”

The smile on Jiang Chen’s face faded, and his tone was flat: “Even if it’s just to save a single family, Shi Fengyue is worthy of respect, and his choice is also worthy of respect…..”

Seeing Major General Wu’s expression getting worse and worse, worried that the two would quarrel in the corridor of the research building, the secretary immediately interrupted Jiang Chen, “Xiao Jiang, your cell phone is ringing.”

Jiang Chen paused, took out his cell phone from his pocket, and was slightly taken aback when he saw the caller ID. Major General Wu also saw the caller ID, he frowned and looked away, and said in a deep voice: “The car outside is waiting for you, go quickly, remember to come back on time the day after tomorrow.”

“Yes, sir.” Jiang Chen turned around and said goodbye to Major General Wu and his secretary: “I’m leaving first.”

When Jiang Chen walked away, the secretary smiled and said to Major General Wu: “This is the first time I’ve seen Xiao Jiang quibbling over something. If I hadn’t seen him arguing with you with my own eyes, I would have thought he had no temper.”

“That kid has a big temper.” Major General Wu had no expression on his face, but there was a hint of a smile in his tone.

“Well, we can’t help capable people having bad tempers, right?” The secretary said with a smile: “Xiao Jiang’s temper is actually the best among them. Usually, I hardly see children of his age who are so mature and sensible. Because of his young age, don’t know how much trouble Zhang Lei caused him before, both openly and secretly, but he didn’t say a word about Zhang Lei. Even when you asked him if he wanted to kick anyone out, he just said that he didn’t need to for the time being. Listening to his tone, I can really tell he is speaking the truth. I don’t know if the child really has no temper, or if he values Zhang Lei’s ability and is willing to tolerate him.”

Major General Wu glanced at him: “You don’t know?”

“I didn’t know before, but I know now.” The secretary smiled and said, “It’s quite uncommon for a child of this age to have such magnanimity and long-term thinking.”

Major General Wu snorted coldly: “Zhang Lei almost pissed on his head and he could smooth things over with a smile. I just said a few words about Shi Fengyue, but he got into a fight with me. You still call this a good temper? I think there are few who have a more stinky temper than him.”

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The secretary smiled and said, “Zhang Lei has true skills. Xiao Jiang is willing to tolerate him out of not only the sake of the project but also because he really does have a good temper. If you ask me, if you didn’t step on his bottom line just now, he wouldn’t be so angry.”

“Shi Fengyue is his bottom line?” Major General Wu snorted and said, “If this is the case, it won’t be long before he finds that this bottom line will be trampled by someone soon.”

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