After Two Lifetimes I Was Reborn Back Inside A Book CH 093 Suspecting He Qianjian

TN: bonus chapter💕

“Boss, we have checked all of Li De’s monitoring. We have also screened the people who are on the scientific research floor and the people in the lobby that day. No suspicious people were found.”

“Have the people in the monitoring room been investigated fully?”

“We interrogated the people who were on duty in the monitoring room that day, and there were no inconsistencies or signs of strangeness, and we also monitored their recent accounts, and no one has received any suspicious payments.”

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“Everything is normal…..” The bearded man wiped his face vigorously, and when he put his hand down, he slammed it on the table suddenly, shocking everyone in the conference room. He raised his voice while slamming the table: “If everything is normal, then did the suspect possess clairvoyance and can see through walls? Huh?!”

The meeting room was silent, and the several people looked at each other, not daring to set him off further.

“Huh?!” The bearded man slammed the table and said, “I am asking you a question? Does the suspect have clairvoyance or can he see through walls! Tell me!”


The bearded man turned his head quickly, and the policeman shrank his neck and closed his mouth.

“But what?” The bearded man walked up to him, put his hands on the back of his chair, and said, “Tell me, tell me what you are about to say.”

The policeman swallowed, lowered his head and remained silent.


“But there is really nothing abnormal!” The policeman raised his head and said, “Boss, we can’t arrest people randomly.”

The bearded man threw the documents in his hand and was about to get angry when a small voice said: “Actually, I think there is something suspicious, but I can’t find the connection between it and the victim being targeted…..”


“When we went to check the monitoring that day, in order to check more clearly whether someone had installed monitoring equipment in Li De in advance, we went ahead and checked for a few days, and found that there was a boy who was very suspicious…..”

“Boy?” The bearded man paused, “Explain.”

“The boy is about seventeen to twenty years old. He was well-dressed in clothes that looked very expensive! I saw that coat on him when I was shopping with my girlfriend before. Do you know how much it is? Six Digits! Six digits, tsk tsk…..”

The bearded man frowned and said, “Get to the point!”

“That boy looked like a child of a rich family. At first we thought he might be a child of a higher-up in Li De who came to the company to find them, so we didn’t pay much attention. Later, we found that he took the elevator to the 22nd floor. After going out for less than a minute, he went back to the elevator and went down.”


“I didn’t think much about it at the time. I thought it might be because the person he was looking for was not there, so he went back, but there happened to be a security guard on duty on the day we checked the surveillance. He said that he saw a very miraculous scene, which involved that boy.” The policeman who spoke recalled: “The security guard said that the boy came in with a bouquet of flowers, because he bought a bouquet of flowers that was exactly the same for his wife the day before, so he took a closer look, but who knew that when the boy came out on the 22nd floor, the flowers were gone!”

“What do you mean?” One person asked, “He gave away the flowers within a minute?”

“Are you stupid!” Another person said: “He is saying that the boy hadn’t even got out of the elevator when the flowers disappeared!”

“Yes!” The policeman who spoke first said, “The security guard also said that he saw the flowers disappear out of thin air with his own eyes. In order to prove that it was not a trick of the eye, he watched the surveillance many times and found that the flowers really did disappear out of thin air in such an inexplicable way.”

“Really?” Everyone concentrated their thoughts: “Did you watch the surveillance too?”

“I was curious too!” The policeman who spoke shook his head: “I asked the security guard to show me the monitoring of that day, and he said that after he went to work the next day, he found that the monitoring had changed. The boy was still in the elevator, but the flowers in his hand were gone, and the monitoring content is what we saw. The boy reached the 22nd floor, and then went down again less than a minute after going out, no flowers in sight from beginning to end.”

“What?” Someone snorted, “That security guard must be making it up.”

“I also thought he was lying to me at first, and warned him that if he talks nonsense while we are investigating the case, he would be legally responsible, but he insisted that he saw it right. I don’t think he was lying, so I played back the surveillance a few times with him. After watching the boy’s hand movements ten times, I found that he must have been holding something in his hand at that time, because normal people’s hands don’t relax like this, but when holding something, there will be a grasping movement.” The policeman who spoke while raising his hand and made a gesture of grabbing something: “His gesture at that time was a typical appearance of grabbing onto something, so I asked the people in the technical department to analyze the surveillance, and the people in the technical department told me that there are indeed traces of deletion in the monitoring, but the deletion was done very carefully, and would not be found out without careful analysis.”

Listening to his words, the people present were puzzled and said, “That boy just had a bouquet of flowers, why bother to go to the trouble of deleting the monitoring?”

The policeman who spoke first was also very confused: “I couldn’t find any relationship between him and the suspect, so I didn’t say anything at the beginning.”

“At a time like this, any suspiciousness must be investigated.” The bearded man asked, “Did you check the identity of that boy?”

“I’ve checked.” The policeman who spoke said, “We asked the front desk. The boy is He Qianjian, the son of the boss of Tu Nan Group. He went to Li De that day to find an intern on the 22nd floor. We also confirmed it. There is indeed a female intern who knew He Qianjian, but she said that He Qianjian left without seeing her that day.”

The bearded man knocked on the table and muttered, “The He family…..”

“The He family is one of the people who called to ask about the progress of the investigation.” One policeman said, “If that’s the case, then He Qianjian should know Jiang Chen. The two are about the same age. Could they be friends?”

The policeman who spoke first said: “I went to investigate in private, and found that He Qianjian and Jiang Chen don’t have much contact with each other. On the contrary, Jiang Chen has a very good relationship with his younger brother He Qianmin. Everyone knows, and it may be because of this reason that Jiang Chen has a good relationship with the He family, but his relationship with He Qianjian is just average.”

“I was wondering why the He family got involved? It turned out to be this kind of relationship.” A policeman said: “If you ask me, this Jiang Chen is quite well-connected, he is just an ordinary high school student, but something happened to him and there are quite a lot of people backing him, and each one is more of a bigwig than the other.”

“I actually think his identity is definitely not simple. The He family may have got involved because of his relationship with He Qianmin. The Li family because of his cooperation with Li De. But what about the Shi family?”

The bearded man knocked on the table: “Don’t talk about things that have nothing to do with the case, get back to the point!”

The young policeman suggested: “Boss, why don’t we go to the He family and ask, and we’ll know right away.”

“Are you stupid!” The policeman sitting next to him said: “You don’t have any evidence, and just go knocking at their door and say you’re here to investigate a case, and the subject you are even investigating is the eldest young master of the He family, are you not afraid of being…..”

“What is there to be afraid of!” The bearded man interrupted him: “You contact Jiang Chen, I will contact the He family, and we’ll go ask questions now.”

“Now?” The young policeman was surprised: “But it’s almost eight o’clock now.”

The bearded man zipped up his police uniform and said as he walked, “Jiang Chen and He Qianjian are both students. Only at this time can we find them. Stop talking nonsense and make the call.”

“Yes, sir.”

Yang Yun picked up two pieces of mutton, put them in Jiang Chen’s and He Qianjian’s bowls, and said with a smile, “Eating mutton in winter is the best way to keep your body warm. Now that it is the third year of high school, you have to pay special attention to your nutrition.”

Jiang Chen raised his chopsticks and was about to speak when a pair of chopsticks came across from the side, blocking his chopsticks. He Qianmin’s displeased voice sounded: “Mom, my brother is allergic to mutton and cannot eat mutton.”

Yang Yun was taken aback, and quickly took out the piece of mutton: “I’m sorry, Mom didn’t know you are allergic to mutton.”

Jiang Chen pursed his lips and smiled: “It’s okay.”

He Qianmin got up: “How is it okay, I’ll go and change a bowl of rice for you.”

Old Mrs. He smiled and said: “I didn’t expect that your father didn’t inherit this aspect from your grandfather, but you ended up inheriting it. He used to be the only one who could only watch and not eat mutton at the table, but now there is one more person to accompany him.”

“Besides the allergy to mutton, is there anything else you can’t eat, Xiao Chen?” Yang Yun said, “Tell Mom, and Mom will avoid these dishes in the future.”

“Only mutton.” Jiang Chen smiled: “I can eat everything else.”

“Then besides braised meatballs, what else do you particularly like?”

“I…..” Just as he started talking, Jiang Chen’s cell phone rang, and he got up slightly: “I’ll take this call first.”

Just as Jiang Chen left the dining table, He Yanfeng’s cell phone also rang. He glanced at the caller ID, and a trace of surprise flashed across his eyes. He got up and said, “I’ll answer the call too.”

After leaving the dining room, He Yanfeng connected the call. After hearing what was said on the other line, he frowned slightly. Before he could respond, he heard Jiang Chen’s voice not far away.

He Yanfeng raised his brows slightly: “Your people are also calling Jiang Chen?”

“I’m with him now, and I’ll send you the address later, so you can come here directly.”

Jiang Chen hung up the phone, turned around and saw He Yanfeng standing not far away. He also heard He Yanfeng’s words just now, so he asked, “You had Capt. Yu and the others come directly to the old family house?”

“He said he wanted to ask you and He Qianjian something.” He Yanfeng said, “When he finishes asking, I’ll take you back to the Jiangs.”

Jiang Chen nodded, saw the thoughtful look in He Yanfeng’s eyes, and asked, “What are you thinking about?”

He Yanfeng shook his head, put his hands on Jiang Chen’s shoulders, and said with a smile: “It’s nothing, let’s go in and eat.”

The doorbell rang just as dinner was over.

The bearded man was dressed in casual clothes, and walked in with the young policeman, following behind the He family’s helper auntie. Seeing the big family sitting on the sofas in the lobing room, and Jiang Chen who blended into them without seeming out of place at all, he paused briefly before saying, “CEO He, I’m Yu Fei who just called you, we’re here to inquire and investigate on a case.”

He Yanfeng stood up and shook hands with him: “Hello.”

“What inquiry?” Yang Yun said, “Investigate what?”

“Hello, Mrs. He.” The young policeman took out his ID and said, “We are the investigation team responsible for the deliberate attack in Chengyang Square, and we are here now to ask Jiang Chen and He Qianjian questions for the investigation.”

Yang Yun was puzzled: “Then why are you looking for Qian Jian?”

“We discovered that He Qianjian appeared in Li De Building the day before Jiang Chen’s incident. We found some abnormalities through the surveillance video, so we came here to investigate.”

Old Mr. He glanced at He Qianjian, then his gaze fell on the young policeman, and his tone was cryptic: “You mean you are suspecting that Qian Jian has something to do with the suspect behind the attack on Jiang Chen?”

“This…..” The young policeman was soaked in cold sweat under old Mr. He’s oppressive gaze, and he couldn’t speak for a moment.

The bearded man was neither humble nor overbearing: “Mr. He, we came here to make the case clear as soon as possible, and we have not confirmed the suspicion of He Qianjian. It is just a routine investigation now. I hope you can cooperate.”

The atmosphere froze for a moment, and just when Yu Fei thought old Mr. He would not agree, old Mr. He raised his eyes halfway and said, “Ask your questions, but ask them here.”

The young policeman glanced at the bearded man, hesitant.

“Okay.” The bearded man looked at Jiang Chen, sat down in front of him and said, “Student Jiang Chen, as far as I know, although you and He Qianjian are not in the same school, you two still have a competitive relationship. May I ask if there is any conflict between you two?”

Jiang Chen: “There is no direct conflict.”

“Then can I understand this as there being non-direct conflict.”

“Jiang Chen and I have barely met a few times, how can there be any conflict.” He Qianjian suppressed his beating heart, pretending to be calm and smiled: “Mr. Police, you are checking in the wrong direction.”

“I’m asking Jiang Chen now.” The bearded man said without expression, “Please wait until it is your turn.”

He Qianjian gritted his teeth, squeezed out a smile and said, “But…..”

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He Qianmin interrupted him coldly: “My brother hasn’t even spoken yet, why are you rushing to defend yourself already, are you feeling guilty?”

Old Mrs. He patted He Qianjian’s hand, comforting him and said, “Don’t be afraid of things you haven’t done, it’s okay, Grandma is here.”

The bearded man withdrew his gaze, looked at Jiang Chen again, and repeated the question he had just asked.

The smile on Jiang Chen’s face faded a little, and he said lightly, “Yes.”

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